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Paul (Members From Money Book 7)

Page 6

by Katie Dowe

  “I will take you home,” he whispered.

  “No,” she told him with quiet force that had him staring at her wordlessly.

  “You need to go home right now,” he gritted.

  Without saying anything, Gina lifted the sweater over her head and let it fall to the floor. Next, she unhooked the bra she had on and took it off her shoulders, leaving her small breasts with their hardened nipples bare for his eyes. “I am not leaving, at least not now.” She whispered. “I am not asking for a commitment from you Paul; all I am asking is that you make love to me.”

  He was rooted to the spot! She was beautiful and desirable and if he did not have her he was going to die! He moved towards her and reached out to touch her soft skin. With a groan, he lifted her and took her to his bedroom where he placed her onto the bed. He pulled off her boots and then her jeans throwing them onto the carpeted floor before getting undress. His hands wandered over her body exploring her, lingering on her breasts and then down to her flat stomach and hesitated over the panties covering her pubic area. He pulled off the flimsy material and touched her there causing her to squirm. His eyes wandered over to her face and their eyes met and held. He was breathing hard and he felt as if every inch of his body was on fire and tingling. He parted the lips of her vagina and touched her there causing her to arch her body in delight. His fingers entered her and went further and she put her hand on his. “I have never done this before,” she whispered.

  He groaned as he looked at her but he had no intention of stopping. “I will be careful,” he said his breath hitching. He did so with caution, slowly easing into her and thrusting in with care seeing her lips parted and the breath escaping. He ventured a little bit more and feathered his thumb over her mound increasing the pleasure. She cried out a little bit and he almost wept at that! This was what it was supposed to be like, he thought edgily. The fire and the passion that was heating up between them, and for the first time in his life he felt what it meant to be making passionate love to a woman!

  Chapter 6

  Paul removed his fingers and took off his underwear. He stood there at the foot at the bed and looked down at her, a fleeting feeling of guilt assailing him but only for a moment. She looked at him and as if she knew what he was thinking said softly. “We need this.”

  He climbed over her and his hands brushed back her hair which gotten loose from the twist she had created. He bent and took her lips with his softly, moving his mouth over hers slowly, savoring the taste of her and touching his tongue to hers. He left her mouth and wandered down to her neck and then her small breasts, his tongue touching a nipple before taking it between his teeth tentatively wondering if she was going to like it. She screamed and clutched at his hair tightly! Her reaction let loose the tight hold he had put on his sexuality! He pulled on her nipple urgently until she was begging him to take her! He reached between them and guided his thick erection into her wet opening. He pushed in slowly and then hesitated wondering if he was going to hurt her too much. But she lifted her hips and met him halfway. He plunged in too quickly tearing at her barrier causing her to cry out sharply. He stopped and lifted his head to look down at her. “Don’t stop please,” she moaned, her body a restless bundle of energy moving against his. That was what he wanted to hear. He lifted her hips and thrust into her watching her closely to see her reactions. She was like a bolt of lightning in his arms! He felt his penis burgeoning inside her and his thrust became more pronounced as he realized that they both felt the same thing.

  Gina felt like singing and shouting as the pleasure coursed through her body! She had suspected that it was going to be wonderful but had never dreamed that it could be so wonderful! She lifted her legs and clasped them around his trim waist. There was a heavy sensation in the pit of her stomach starting from the base of her pubic area. She tore her mouth from his, and lifting her head she bit down on his muscled shoulder, her body hot and ready to explode. He felt the answering explosion inside his own body and holding her close he cried out along with her as the powerful orgasm caught them in its grip and sent them spinning at a rate that left them breathless and shuddering against each other!

  He wanted to move out of her the minute the shuddering had stopped knowing that she probably wanted him to get off her. She stopped him by curving her hands around his neck and using her tongue to touch the sprinkling of hair on his chest. He groaned, and she lifted her head to look up at him. “They ought to bottle this and sell it.” She murmured huskily. “It would sell like hot bread.”

  He looked down at her in wonder. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come out?”

  “I want you to make love to me until I cannot move,” she lifted her body against his. He was still a little hard and to his shock he realized that he was getting harder.

  “Are you sure?” he asked her uncertainly.

  “I want you to make love to me again, Paul. I love the way you feel inside me and I never want you to stop. Okay, maybe to get something to eat but very soon after I want you to do it again.” She ran her hands over his chest and then reached up to clasp him around the neck. “I need more.” She told him softly.

  She spent the night because he could not bear for her to leave and she did not want to leave. He let her sleep at minutes to two, and even then he found himself looking at her as she slept in his arms. She had thrown him for a curve! He had never had this with Linda! This raw passion, this need to do it over and over again! The all-consuming hunger that had taken over as he pounded into her and the feeling that he had to crawl into her skin and devour her. The pure unadulterated animal magnetism that had poured through him and her, and her answering passion. He had wanted to come out of her to take a leak in the bathroom and she had protested, but when he had told her what he had to do she had let him go. He had come back and spent a long time pleasuring her with his mouth, licking up her come as she came inside his mouth and screamed out his name, her body shuddering on the bed. She had so much passion and was not afraid to show it. He was hard for her the entire time and even now he felt his dick rising against her bottom as she curled against him. He wondered if he could just ease back and slip it inside her. He tried it and eased into her gently. He heard her murmur and was just about to take it out when she started moving. “That feels so good,’ she murmured sleepily. He bent his head to lick the soft spot between her neck and shoulder and pushed up and into her with a force that took her breath away!


  Milton was having a hard time sleeping. He told himself that he should not be thinking about Gina the way he had been but it made no sense. Ironically, he could feel the desire in his body but there was nothing happening down there. He had not seen her for a couple of days and he was missing her sorely. He knew she was starting to suspect that something was not right where they were concerned. He had been trying to do damage control but he was not sure it was working. He needed her, even if it was just friendship she offered him. The good thing about it was that she had not met anyone she wanted to be with yet even though he knew it was only a matter of time.

  He lifted his useless legs and dropped them back onto the chair, feeling the despair coming over him. He wished he could be a man that she could fall in love with!


  Gina stirred late Saturday morning and for a moment felt confused as she felt the space on the big bed. She opened her eyes to the sun streaming in through the unfamiliar dark green brocade curtain at the windows. She moaned softly as she felt the soreness between her legs, and the unbelievably wonderful memories came flooding right in! She sat up and looked around the simple yet elegant bedroom to see if there was any sign of him but did not see him. She got off the bed and looked around for her clothes. There was a robe lying on the bed and she put it over her nakedness and padded in the direction of the kitchen. He was sitting at the counter with his head buried in his hands.

  “Hi,” she murmured softly. He looked up at her, his grey eyes hooded as he took in the robe that was too
big for her. The curly natural hair was tangled around her face and her eyes were still heavy with sleep. She looked as sexy as hell and he felt his penis responding to her.

  “I was just making some coffee. I put your clothes on one of the sofas so you can take a shower and I will take you home.” His voice was brisk as he got off the stool. He had dragged on a loose pants and a white T-shirt that seemed to strain against his chest.

  “Not yet,” she told him moving towards him. He was just about to tell her to stop when she took off the robe and let it pool around her feet. He drank in her lush naked curves, the small breasts with their dusky nipples, the flat stomach and the pubic hair with the few black stands of hair indicating that she shaved often.

  “I woke up this morning and thought that it was a dream and it came back to me.” She came closer and he could not move. Not even when she pulled the shirt over his head. He lifted his arms obediently and allowed her to do so. His heart was racing too much and his body felt weak with desire. This could not possibly be happening! He thought numbly. “I want you,” she reached into the band of his pants and felt for his penis pulling it out and stroking it, loving the thickness and hardness of it. “Put it inside me.” He lifted her and took her back to bed, forgetting that he had been planning to take her home and never see her again!


  Gina felt strangely exhilaratingly liberated! She had called her dad and told him that she would be home late afternoon and he had told her that he would not be at the house anyway as he was going to visit friends. They had not surfaced until sometime in the afternoon where he had made her something to eat and they had taken a shower together. She knew he had wanted to hurry her home because of the guilt he was feeling, but she did not allow him to dwell on it. She knew the minute he dropped her home he was going to surround himself with it and that was something she could not help, but from now on she was not going to sit back and let him go on mourning and losing out on life. They had something and it was something she had to hold out for. She had no intention of letting it go. He had watched as she climbed out of the vehicle and even when she had gone in out of the cold, she had seen him still there as if he was wondering what to do. He had left after a few minutes and had not called her but that was fine. She was going to give him some time. She turned her phone on and saw the several missed calls from Milton and with a sigh she called him back. “Milton ,where is the fire?”


  Paul stood at the foot of the bed looking down at the rumpled sheets, his expression brooding. He could smell her on them. He sat at the foot of the bed and took up the Egyptian cotton and brought it to his nose, sniffing her aroma with his eyes closed. She had been insatiable! He had been insatiable! He thought with a broken sigh. He had been unable to get enough of her, and he had found himself wanting more and more of her! “I am sorry,” he mumbled as if he could feel Linda’s disapproving gaze on him. He had made love to Gina more in one night and day than he had made love to his wife in two months! It had taken his breath away, this intense wild passion that had him by the balls squeezing the very life out of him! He had gone to the bathroom to pee, and while he was doing so he had felt her vagina wrapped around his dick. It was crazy! How could he feel so much for a woman he barely knew and he had spent years with Linda and- He broke it off abruptly and sprang off the bed as if it was going to devour him. He had taken a shower with her and it had started all over again. He had gone down onto his knees and eaten her as if he was having his favorite meal, getting off on the screams coming from her throat! He whimpered as he remembered how she had knelt before him and taken him inside her mouth telling him that it was her first time, and she needed to be guided but she had done such a good job that the top of his head had almost exploded! He had tried to introduce oral sex to Linda and she had shied away from it in horror saying that it was nasty! “No! No! No!” he whispered in an agonized tone. He missed her so much that he could not stay in the apartment. With an oath, he dragged on his coat and headed for the door. He was going to lose himself in a game of chess at the club and try to forget her!


  “I have something to tell you,” Gina told Leesa with a smile on her face. Leesa had called her while she was at the rec center where they had had a Christmas luncheon for the season. It was going to be Christmas in two days and the center was going to be closed for the holidays. She had met Leesa at the little café near the center for some coffee.

  “Oh?” Leesa’s tapered eyebrows rose in question. She had become friends with the younger woman and found that they had a lot in common.

  “I had sex for the first time and it was unbelievable!” Gina had to tell someone and she could not very well tell Milton or her dad.

  “Anyone I know?” Leesa said with a big smile on her face.

  “Paul Brady,” she said leaning forward to whisper.

  Leesa looked at her in shock. “Unapproachable-still-mourning-for-his-wife Paul Brady?”

  “The same,” she said with a grin. “We did it over and over and over- Okay you get the picture. Leesa, I have never felt that way before and I never dreamt that something like that existed!”

  “Welcome to Paradise, darling!” Leesa said with a delighted laugh, causing some of the people sitting there to look over at the two beautiful women having cups of coffee. “So how did this happen? I had no idea you were seeing him?”

  “Technically, we are not seeing each other. He is fighting it, but I happen to be very determined and when he says no I ignore it.”

  “Sounds like me and Brad,” Leesa said with a grin. “Need any pointers?”

  “No,” Gina shook her head. “He has not called me since, but I don’t care. I know where he lives. I am planning to go there when I finish having dinner with Dad on Christmas Day and take him some food and spend the night.”

  “Darling, I see why we get along so much. You are me.”

  “But seriously, Leesa,” she said soberly. “I know he lost his wife to breast cancer and I kind of hate having to compete with a dead woman. How did you do it?”

  Leesa put away her empty cup. “Brad was engaged to a woman he grew up with so it was implied that they would eventually get together. He was always working and never really paid her much attention until she pressured him to let them get engaged and he went ahead with it. In the meantime, she was seeing someone on the side who got her pregnant. He discovered all that when they died in a car crash.”

  “That’s dreadful!” Gina murmured. “So he had trust issues?”

  “He did.” She paused and looked at the girl she considered to be her friend. “It’s different with Paul. I know it is not nice to speak ill of the dead, darling, but Linda was a doormat who only lived to make Paul happy.”

  “Oh Lord!” Gina shuddered. “So in effect he built a shrine for her.”

  “It seems that way. She was never sociable and he was always by himself at most functions. She was a nervous type who never talked to anyone.”

  Gina looked into her cup thoughtfully. “Was he in love with her?”

  “Maybe in some way.” Leesa leaned forward and took the younger woman’s hands. “Don’t allow that to get in the way. Show him what he is missing and have been missing for the past years.”


  “What are you doing for Christmas?” she asked Milton as she handed him a glass of homemade eggnog she had whipped up earlier.

  “A bunch of guys are coming over and bringing food. What about you?” he sipped the eggnog with pleasure. He had always told her that she could make a fortune with the eggnogs she made.

  “I told you I was staying with Dad. I have turkey to bake and chicken to fry. I will save some for you and bring the rest to the home. It is going to be too much for the both of us.” Her eyes wandered over his face. He looked tired and sad, she thought with a tug of her heart. “So you have finished that huge project and have done all your shopping online. What’s next?”

  “I bought something for you.�
� He put his glass aside and wheeled his chair into the living room.

  “I asked you not to buy me anything, Milton,” she had followed him in.

  “You are my best friend and I wanted to show my appreciation for all you do for me.”

  The stipend you give me is not enough?”

  He handed her the brightly wrapped package. She hesitated a little and then opened it and stared at the thin silver chain with the tiny cross on it. “I love it,” she said looking over at him.

  “I knew you would.” He said with a smile on his face.

  “I did not buy you anything because we had said no presents.”

  “I saw it online and it had your name on it.” He said casually.

  “Thank you.” She moved over and hugged him. She never noticed how he closed his eyes as he inhaled her scent or how much he wanted to feel her lips on his!

  She walked over to a tall mirror and put on the chain looking at it around her throat before turning back to him. “I really love it.” She said sincerely. “Now I am going to have to find something sensational to give you.”


  Paul stared at the phone as he left the manor and got into the car. His mother had wanted him to spend the night, but he wanted to be by himself. He had a lot of thinking to do. He had not called her and she had not called him either. It was five days since he had been with her and he was feeling as if he was going crazy with wanting her!

  “Gina,” he forced his voice to remain calm.

  “Where are you?”

  “I am on my way home.”

  “Good, I will be there shortly.” Before he could tell her no, she hung up. He gripped the steering wheel and stared off into space. He should call her back and tell her no and let her know that he was not ready for a relationship; he was not ready for this gut-wrenching passion that was tearing him apart. He should tell her that he was mourning his wife and it was not appropriate for him to be feeling this way about her! He should tell her to back the hell off and stop destroying his peace of mind! But he could not! He did not want to and he almost killed himself getting back to his apartment!


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