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Paul (Members From Money Book 7)

Page 13

by Katie Dowe

  “Don’t start,” Leonie warned her.

  “I am just saying,” her friend said with a shrug. “So do we match him with Mary-Ann?”

  “It seems like a logical match.” She said with a nod. “I have this gentleman that I have been holding on to for quite some time not finding a suitable match and I think he would do for Mrs. Masaki.”

  She handed the file to Simoniel. The girl took it and studied it carefully. “It says here that he has been widowed for the past four years and he has a son who lives in Scotland with his wife and a son. He is into farming, he specializes in organic farming and he lives by himself in that big old house on the hill not very far from here. He has been with us since January and now it’s June.” She looked up at her friend in surprise. “Why has he not been placed?”

  “Because I was waiting for the right person and I think we found her,” Leonie told her with a little smile. What she did not tell her friend was that he had struck something inside her and the more she spoke with him the fonder she was of him. She wanted someone suitable for him and that someone happens to be Mrs. Masaki.

  “Are you going to make the call?” Simoniel asked her.


  “His name is Lucas Whittingham and he has a charming Old England accent and he is into farming. We are going out on our first date on Friday. He is picking me up here at the house in case you want to have him checked out.” Asami Masaki told her son as they sat around the formal dinner table where they were having dinner on Thursday evening. He had come home surprisingly early from the office and said that he felt like having dinner with his mother.

  “I will have checked him out before then,” he told her mildly, cutting into his beef stroganoff. He had been doing a lot of thinking about the owner of the matchmaking place and had taken up the phone to call her but had resisted the urge.

  “Of course.” Asami shook her head and her long black hair shimmered behind her. “You would not be John Masaki if you didn’t. I wished you would not be so suspicious darling, it’s very unsettling.”

  “In my line of work you have to look underneath every rock or else you get taken for a ride mother.” He told her dryly. “So where is he taking you?” he asked her taking a sip of his wine.

  “To a little Italian restaurant downtown.” She saw the look on his face. “I will be fine John, stop worrying.”

  “I am at my best when I am worrying,” he told her lightly.

  “And please do not send your driver to drive behind us. I can spot a tail a mile off.” She warned him.

  He laughed in genuine amusement. “Okay Mother, no tail.” He lifted his glass in a toast. “And I do wish you a very good time on Saturday.”

  “Thank you,” she told him with a charming smile.


  “I am glad I caught you before you left the office my dear,” Lucas Whittingham took a seat in one of the chairs she indicated. It was Friday afternoon and he had called and said he wanted to come in and see her. He was tall and stately and had brown weathered skin more than likely from his time spent outdoors, the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen on a man and his black hair was spotted liberally with gray.

  “So am I Lucas,” he had insisted that she called him that. “What’s bothering you?”

  “The classy lady you set me up with,” he began with a nervous laugh. “Are you sure you did not make a mistake?”

  “I am positive. She is into farming as well and I am sure you have a lot in common.” Leonie advised him easily. “Please don’t be intimidated by her name and the fact that she is a very wealthy woman,” she added with a smile.

  “That means nothing to me my dear but what am I going to talk to her about?” he was clearly anxious about his conversational skills.

  “You could start by telling her how beautiful she looks,” she told him with a smile. “Then you could lead off from that and talk about her family and yours and then venture into farming. As I said before, you two have a lot in common.”

  He settled back against the chair with a sigh. “It’s been a long time for me,” his gaze settled on a plant inside the corner of the room. “My wife was the first and only woman for me and when she died I vowed that was it for me but when my son and his family moved to Scotland, I found myself getting lonely and wanting someone to talk to. I never would have signed up with this place if it was not for that. No offense my dear.” He added quickly.

  “None taken,” she told him with a quick smile. “You are going to do just fine.”


  Leonie reviewed the files set before her carefully, her brow furrowed in thought. The receptionist Julia had brought her in two calls to be returned and she had two clients to interview in the next hour and she was familiarizing herself with their history. Today being a Friday meant that it was a reasonably light day and she was planning on treating herself to dinner at the fancy restaurant uptown.

  Simoniel had gone to pick up little Danny from day care and she had advised her to take the rest of the day off. She was also aware that tonight was the night when Lucas and Asami had their dates and she was waiting with bated breath to hear the end result. She might not believe in that sort of thing but she was a businesswoman and she knew that the better things turned out, the more positive reviews for her company. She had started thinking of it as hers soon after she had made it hers and she had come to love what she did even though she thought that love was for fools and people who wanted to get their hearts broken in two.

  Her phone rang just then and she looked at the caller id and realized that it was her mother. It was a little after twelve here so that meant it was almost six pm in Italy.

  “Mom, to what do I owe this honor?” she asked warmly, settling back against her chair to enjoy the call with her mother. They had grown closer since that afternoon when she had attacked her and accused her of being the cause of her father leaving.

  “What can’t a woman call her only child to see how that child is doing?” Leonora chided fondly.

  “Of course,” Leonie said with a smile. “What are you up to?”

  “I am here in the beautiful city of Tuscany enjoying a refreshing glass of Bellini and braised beef. Lorenzo has gone into the rest room to do his business so I can talk to you without being interrupted every few minutes. When are you coming by for a visit honey?”

  “Mom, we are not just talking about another state, we are actually talking about another country, in Europe no doubt.” Leonie reminded her with a laugh.

  “Exactly my dear and both Lorenzo and I would love to have you for a couple of weeks.” Leonora said.

  “Mom you are forgetting that you left a company in my care for me to run. I cannot just go off and leave it to fend for itself.”

  “Honey you and I both know that Simoniel is more than capable of taking charge for two weeks. Besides you might just find the right man to touch that hardened heart of yours. They are some gorgeous men around here, sweetie. I am about to give poor Lorenzo a heart attack every time I see one of those tall dark and gorgeous types walk by.” She laughed merrily and Leonie could just picture her large dark eyes lighting up with her laughter. She looked like her mother and their resemblance was so uncanny that at times they were mistaken for sisters.

  “I am not looking mom, thank you very much.” Leonie told her firmly.

  “I saw the interview you did honey and Lorenzo and I were saying that you are such a beautiful woman. It’s a pity that you are still single. When your father left, I thought I was going to be alone for the rest of my life but then I met Lorenzo. I have another chance at love. He is such a peach honey and he treats me like a queen. I just need you to let go of the past and open up to the possibility of love, you never know who will walk in.”

  “You sound like you should be the voice of ‘Love in Prime’,” Leonie said in amusement, determined to keep it light. “I should have taped you just then and play it as our public service announcement.”

  “You are not taki
ng what I am saying seriously are you?” Her mother asked her resignedly.

  “Of course not.” Leonie told her cheerfully. “I am happy for you mom and I am so glad that you found someone after all that but I am contented just the way I am for now.”

  “Okay honey, no more being the nosy concerned mother, I will let you get on with your work. I am so proud of what you have done with what I left you sweetie. I could not have done a better job.”

  “Thanks Mom and tell Lorenzo hello for me and I will see you one day. Don’t know when yet because I do happen to miss you.”

  “I miss you too baby girl.” Leonora said warmly. “I will call again soon. I love you.”

  “I love you too mom.”

  Leonie gazed off into the corner of the room; her expression thoughtful. Her mother had bounced back from the devastation of her husband leaving her and had gone on to find love, albeit half way across the world. That might just be the slogan for their next advertisement. She thought with a little smile. She just had to run it by Simoniel first.

  Chapter 3

  “I come bearing lunch as emphatic thanks for setting me up with such a peach of a man.” Asami Masaki breezed in with a large picnic basket, a smile on her beautiful face.

  It was Monday afternoon and Leonie had been so busy that she had forgotten to call her and find out how it went. Simoniel was behind her and her face was wreathed in a smile of triumph as she held the door open for the woman to come into the office.

  “So it went well?” Leonie stood up and came around the desk, taking the heavy basket from her and placing it on her desk.

  “More than well,” Asami sat in one of the chairs with Simoniel taking a seat beside her. “We are going out again tomorrow.” She crossed elegantly clad legs. She was wearing a chic lime green skirt suit and her long black hair was caught up with chopsticks, with not even a wisp out of place. Her make-up was minimal but flawless. “We could not stop talking about this and that and mostly about farming. He is coming by later to take a look at some bulbs that I have been struggling with ever since I bought them.”

  “Sounds like a match made in heaven.” Simoniel said with a pleased smile, ignoring the look Leonie sent her. She was a romantic at heart and wished everyone could find true love, especially her friend.

  “I would not exactly say that my dear but it’s close,” the woman said with a wicked grin. “Come on let’s dive into this wonderful cuisine. I happen to have the best chef in town.”


  “I have the latest status report.” Simoniel took a seat in front of the desk and spread out the folder she had in her hand before her friend. “Mary-Ann and ‘Dr. Love’ have hit it off and they went on their first date on Saturday as well. Looks like another success story.”

  “We don’t call it a success story until we see where it’s heading. And ‘Doctor Love’?” Leonie looked at her quizzically. “Why is he being referred to as that?”

  “Because he happens to be looking for love.” Simoniel said with a sheepish grin. “I will make sure to refer to him as Dr. Phillip Morgan when I am in front of him.”

  “Make sure you do,” Leonie said with mock sternness. “Now how about David and Angela?” she asked referring to the two people who had gone on several dates over the last couple of months.

  “They are still exploring each other and have decided to pace themselves.” Simoniel told her. “Angela was badly hurt in a relationship before and David came out of a messy divorce, so I believe they are taking it one step at a time.”

  “Smart move,” Leonie nodded. “Now let’s deal with these new ones.”


  He called her when she was getting ready to leave the office. “Is this Ms. Williams?” the deep voice asked.

  “This is she, who is this?”

  “John Masaki, I wonder if we could have a discussion.”

  “About?” Leonie asked with a frown. He was the son of her wealthiest client but that did not say anything.

  “I want to find out more about the man you set my mother up with.” He explained.

  Leonie bit off a sigh and taking a deep breath she replied. “Mr. Masaki your mother is an adult and she told me she is satisfied with the result. If you have any objections you should take it up with her.”

  “I am asking you to humor me please,” his tone booked no argument and Leonie had a feeling that he was not used to be told no and she almost did.


  “How about now?” he suggested. “I am just about to leave the office so I could pick you up and we could go for a cup of coffee nearby.”

  “I’ll drive and you follow me.” She told him barely controlling her impatience. “And it’s going to be very short Mr. Masaki, I have something to do.” She hung up before he could respond.


  At that time of evening the café was almost empty. The waitress came over to take their order. “A cup of black coffee for me thanks,” she told the woman with a small smile.

  “Black coffee for me as well with two cubes of sugar, no less.” His voice rang of authority and the woman scurried off to fill their order.

  Leonie could not help but notice how confident and relaxed he looked even in the nondescript little café. He was wearing an obviously expensive charcoal jacket suit with a gray silk shirt and red and gray tie. His black hair was brushed back from his square forehead.

  She caught his dark gaze and realized that she had been staring. He did not say anything and she was immensely grateful that he had not made mention of it. “In my line of business and the fact that we happened to be named Masaki means that we have to be very careful,” he stopped when the waitress came over with their order and he acknowledged her with a nod of his head. “My mother tends to be very trusting. This man has already been to the house and although he seems harmless enough, I am still very cautious.”

  “I am sure your mother is not naïve Mr. Masaki and Lucas Whittingham happens to be a very nice man as I am sure you will discover once you get to know him.” Leonie said coolly.

  “You seem very defensive about him,” he was eyeing her speculatively. “Is there a reason for that?”

  “I am defending him because he is not here to defend himself,” she said shortly and then taking a deep breath she continued. “Your mother likes him Mr. Masaki and he likes her so that should be enough.”

  He put aside his coffee cup and leaned forward to look at her. “I tried to put my finger on why you do not seem to believe what you were selling and I think I know why.”

  “Why don’t you enlighten me,” she told him, determined not to flinch from his gaze.

  “You talk a good talk Ms. Williams and you have made a success of an uncertain business but you don’t believe in love and marriage do you?” he asked her softly, his eyes holding hers.

  She felt the shock run through her. He did not know her yet he had managed to see right through her, but she was determined to bluff her way out of this kind of conversation. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” She picked up her coffee cup and managed to keep her hands steady and actually sipped the liquid without spilling any.

  “Of course you do,” his voice was amused and Leonie had a feeling that he was laughing at her and it made her seethe with fury.

  “Mr. Masaki we are here to discuss the man your mother is going out with and I would appreciate it if we could stick to that.” She told him stiffly.

  “You already told me that I have nothing to worry about where that is concerned so I have laid my fears to rest.” He murmured. “What happened to you to make you stop believing in love?”

  Leonie wanted to pour the now lukewarm coffee over his well groomed head and stomp out of the café but she held back her urge. “I am not going to answer that.” She told him tightly, putting her cup carefully on the table.

  He watched her movements closely and then lifted his eyes to meet hers. “You are suppressing the urge to tell me where to get off and I have a feeling
that you only just managed not to fling that liquid into my face. How am I doing so far?”

  He was getting under her skin and she had never in all her life allowed any man to do that. She had clenched her fists on the table and was not aware that she had done so until she saw his gaze on her hands. With a reflexive movement she opened her hands and spread them on the Formica tabletop.

  “I have to leave now, so if you will excuse me?” she did not wait for him to respond but pushed back her chair and stood up. To her consternation he stood up with her and for a moment she thought he was going reach for her arm but instead he came around and pulled out her chair for her. “Thank you,” she said her voice freezing polite.

  “You are welcome.” He murmured. “I hope I have not upset you too much,” there was a thread of amusement in his deep voice and she was glad when he stepped back to allow her to move past him.

  “Not at all,” she told him coldly and forced herself to walk gracefully towards the exit.


  John watched her leave, his expression quizzical. He had said those things to her deliberately to get a rise out of her, he had succeeded and he had wanted to see if she was as cold as she appeared to be. He had felt the tug of attraction from the first time he had gone into her office and he had seen her. She was beautiful and appeared to be untouchable and he wanted to see if she really was. He had pretended he had wanted to talk to her about Lucas when in fact he had met the man and had actually liked him. He had wanted to see her and he knew if he just called her and asked her out she would turn him down point blank.

  She was beautiful and there was fire inside that body she had cordoned off to the opposite sex and he was determined to be the one to unleash the fire inside her.


  Leonie realized that she was trembling. She inserted the key into the opening of her door and it fell to the floor. She tried again and this time she succeeded. Her apartment had never felt so welcome before and she placed the key on the ring just inside the doorway and went straight into the kitchen.


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