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Paul (Members From Money Book 7)

Page 22

by Katie Dowe

  She pulled her hands away and used them to frame his face. “You won’t have to,” she whispered softly. “I want to be with you and if sometimes I get scared don’t think it has anything to do with you or that I have changed my mind, never that. I will always want to be with you, it’s you and no one else for me.”

  “I am glad to hear that.” He pulled her back into his arms and she rested her head on his shoulder.

  “I have not been able to sleep in the bed since you left.” She murmured, closing her eyes as he stroked her back. “I slept on the sofa with the T-shirts for comfort.”

  “I did the same thing.” He told her. “I have not slept in here since you left because I could not bear to be in here without you. I kept coming in here and taking out your clothes from the closet and smelling them.”

  “Oh John!” she cried softly, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I am so sorry for what I did to us.”

  “You can make it up to me by marrying me as quickly as possible,” he eased her away from him and looked at her.

  “I would love nothing better.” She told him with a tremulous smile. “But first I want something to eat and then I want to sleep in your arms and after that I want to make love with you for the rest of the night, is that okay with you?”

  “More than okay,” he told her huskily.


  He raided the main kitchen and they ate heated up sweet and sour pork and fried rice and then they slept in each other’s arms for two hours. It was Leonie who woke up first, her heart racing a little bit before she stirred and realized that John was right beside her. She gave a sigh of relief and lifted her head to look at him. She had not realized how long his lashes were and she watched as they made shadows on his strong jaw. He looked so peaceful and her heart skipped a beat as she realized that this strong handsome man was in love with her and wanted to marry her.

  “You are making me blush,” he said softly, opening his dark eyes and catching her gaze.

  “You were awake the whole time?” she asked him resignedly.

  “The minute you stirred.” He told her softly reaching up a hand to cup her cheek. “I kept wondering if I had dreamed you here and I would wake up and find you gone.”

  “Not a chance,” she told him huskily bending her head to capture his bottom lip between her teeth. “I am not going anywhere.”

  He kept her head against his by gripping the back of her head. His mouth sought hers hungrily, his tongue delving inside and he deepened the kiss. She had taken off her sweater and the rest of her clothes before they had fallen asleep and had pulled on one of his T-shirts. He switched positions and she was trapped beneath his body as he resumed kissing her, his mouth moving over hers hungrily. He stopped and eased off her to pull the shirt over her head, his eyes zeroing on her nipples which had already hardened considerably. He bent his head and took a nipple in his mouth sucking on it and grazing the flesh with his teeth. Leonie gasped and moved her body restlessly against his, her fingers buried in his dark hair.

  He moved to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment before going down to her flat stomach and further down to her pubic area where his tongue touched her mound, causing her to jump. He reached inside her and thrust into her, holding her hips and pulling her up towards his mouth as he used his tongue inside her quickly and skillfully.

  Leonie was sobbing, her hands clenched into fists on the sheets. “John,” she moaned. He answered her unspoken request and lifted his head, staring into her passion filled face before pulling the shirt over his head and the loose pants he had been wearing and entered her immediately. He stayed still inside her and framing her face he took her lips with his. The taste of her inside his mouth made her weak with need and with a broken cry she wrapped her legs around his waist and started moving against him hurriedly.

  “Easy baby,” he said hoarsely, dragging his lips from hers and with a groan he gripped her hips and met her movements with his. “I love you.” He told her with a catch in his throat. “I love you so much.” He bent her legs at the knees and his thrusts became more frantic as he tried to portray to her what was in his heart. He had tried to forget her and put her out of his thoughts but he had not succeeded and he knew that he was in this for as long as he lived. He loved her, the way her body felt against his and what she did to him and he was never going to stop feeling this way.

  Leonie felt the fire starting deep down and knew she was near to her release and even though she wanted to prolong it, she could not stop the maelstrom from taking over her entire system. With a sharp cry she let go, calling out his name and clinging to him with a desperation that was equaled to his as they fell into each other’s arms and gave in to the passion burning through them.

  They drifted back down to earth still clinging to each other and he captured her mouth with his, their bodies entwined and the slight perspiration molding them together. Leonie buried her fingers in his hair and returned the kiss, not surprised to know that she had tears on her cheeks.

  Her nipples rubbed against his solid chest and she felt the shudder of desire going through her body. It never ceased to amaze her that even after they had made love, no matter how many times, he still managed to arouse her. As if reading her thoughts he started moving inside her slowly again, his mouth still capturing hers, as they made quiet sweet love once again.


  They talked about her childhood and his. “I thought they were happy together,” Leonie admitted. She was lying on top of him and they had not bothered to get dressed. She had no idea what time it was and she did not even care, she was where she belonged. “I used to see them laughing and talking together and I really thought they were happy together.”

  “Things are not always what they appear to be baby,” he was starting to get an erection again and he had to will away the urge to take her again, they needed to get things out in the open. “Mother and father were always polite to each other and I never saw them touching each other but I thought that was the norm for married couples until I was a teenager and went to a friend’s house. His mother and father sneaking kisses when they thought we weren’t looking and my friend would tell me in disgust that they did it all the time.” He smiled reminiscently. “I remember going back home an looking to see if mother and father did the same but they did not. I told myself I needed more than that, I wanted to be totally and irrevocably in love with the woman I marry.”

  “And are you?” she asked him softly.

  “Completely,” he answered promptly. “I want you to understand me Lee,” he said seriously, framing her face with his hands, his eyes intense. “I have never been in love before and I will not hide it, I have been with several women in the past. What I feel for you is so encompassing that I cannot exist outside of it. I love you completely and there is no if about it, you are my all and I would die or no longer want to exist if you leave me. I hope you can deal with that.”

  “Let’s see,” she pretended to consider and she caught his eyes and the teasing dissolved. He was looking at her and he was very serious. “I love you and I have never been in love before either. I stayed away from men because of what happened in the past but I cannot and do not want to stay away from you. Can I deal with the way you feel? I can because I feel the same way; I don’t want to go on without you.”

  He stared at her his eyes transfixed on hers and with a little groan he took her lips with his, the movement tender and seeking. She felt her body trembled and the tears starting, running down her cheeks and inside their mouths as the full meaning of their love for each other struck her.


  They called her mother and even though it was almost one a.m. in Italy she answered the phone immediately. “I hope we did not wake you Mom.” She said anxiously.

  “Of course not honey, Lorenzo and I were here waiting for your call.” She chided.

  “Someone wants to speak to you.” She handed the phone to John and snuggled into his arms as he spoke to her mother and

  Chapter 12

  Asami and Lucas got married in a quiet ceremony on a bleak December morning at ten o’clock. She had finally met his son and his family and they had embraced her as if they had known her long ago.

  John had eyed the man critically before reaching out to take his hand in a firm handshake. They had come over from Scotland and Asami had insisted that the entire family stay at her place. The son’s name was Gerald and he was the exact replica of his father only younger and his wife Regina was an attractive and genial brunette with a ready smile. Their son was ten years old and kept staring around the house with wide eyes.

  “It looks like a palace,” he had said almost reverently much to his parents’ embarrassment.

  The ceremony was short and the entire thing was finished in less than two hours and they had a special dinner at the house. Simoniel and her family had also been invited.

  Leonie’s hand was clasped firmly in John’s hand and he kept her close beside him all throughout the ceremony. She was wearing an engagement ring that sparkled and shone on her finger each time it caught the light. Their wedding was set for New Year’s Day and Leonie felt herself being less and less wary about the day as it approaches. Even though her apartment was still hers she had not spent one night there since the night she had come to him and told him she wanted to marry him. “I am not letting you out of my sight in case you decided you want to run.” He had told her firmly. So she was living with him and getting to know him better. He took her to dinner ever so often and surprised her with little gifts that she knew cost a fortune and she had stopped protesting because it made no difference whatsoever. The latest was a white gold necklace with a single emerald suspended from it.

  They never ran out of things to talk about and they would spend some nights talking until the early hours of the morning.

  Asami was going to be living with Lucas and had moved over her clothes already. “All married people need space to get to know each other without bumping into others,” she had told them with a smile, her eyes sparkling.

  “Please remember that this is your home as well mother,” John had told her gently hugging her as she was about to leave. She looked stunning in a rose pink dress that came to her knees and reeked of a designer label and a chic little hat with a veil that came over her forehead.

  “Aren’t you going to miss it?” Leonie had asked her the night before the wedding. They had been in her room while the others had been downstairs having after dinner drinks. She had been in her room several times and often admired the delicate and totally feminine furniture placed strategically in the room. Her bed was a large white four poster that stood on a dais and it matched the rest of the furniture inside the room.

  “I am going to be with the man I love my dear, what’s to miss?” she had asked in amusement. “I have my own money from my family and John has deposited a vast sum into my account against my will. I will be moving some of my things into the house I am going to live with Lucas to make it mine as well. I love him my dear and that’s all that matters.”

  She had gone straight over to John who was in conversation with Gerald and went straight into his arms, holding him tight.

  That night in bed she had turned to him. “I don’t care if we wake up in the morning and do not have a cent to our names. As long as we have each other, that will always be enough for me.” She had told him softly resting her head on his chest.

  He had been so moved by her little speech that he had felt his throat clogging with emotion and tears. “I feel the same way,” he had told her hoarsely.


  “One week to the big day! How do you feel Ms. Williams?” Simoniel held out a pencil close to Leonie’s mouth pretending that it was a microphone.

  “I can hardly wait,” she said with a smile.

  “No nervous shivers, no doubts or fear and panic setting in?” Simoniel persisted.

  “None whatsoever.” Leonie said with confidence. She had done her dress fitting on Monday where several dresses had been sent over to the house for her to try on. She had chosen a shimmering satin dress that was form fitting and hugged her curves as if it had been made especially for her. She was not wearing a veil but would have a sparkling diamond tiara placed on top of her head. Simoniel was going to be her only attendant and John’s best man was going to be his friend and colleague at work.

  “Good,” Simoniel said with satisfaction.

  Her mother and Lorenzo were flying in on Thursday and John was sending a driver to pick them up at the airport.

  That night after they had made love and was lying there n each other’s arms he asked her a very strange question.

  “What would you say to your father if you saw him right now?” she had been blowing on his chest and tormenting him with her warm breath.

  “What?” she looked up at him startled.

  “If you saw your father now would you ask him why he left?” he repeated.

  She looked at him for a moment and then she nodded seriously. “I know why he left but I would like to hear it from him.”

  “Have you forgiven him?” John asked her softly looking at her closely.

  “I think I have.” She said honestly. “I have not thought about him much since that night we made up but when I do it is not with bitterness and hate anymore.” She looked at him curiously. “Are you afraid that I am going to let my thinking of what he did ruin everything we have?”

  “A little bit,” he admitted trailing a finger over her full bottom lip.

  “That’s a non issue right now darling. I am totally yours.” She whispered softly.

  “You called me darling,” he said huskily.

  “Shouldn’t I have?” she looked at him with arched brows.

  “I want you to say it again.”

  “My darling, my love.” She said softly. He took her lips with his and that signaled the end of the conversation for the night.


  It was two days before the wedding that she got a surprise visit. She had wrapped up what she had to do at the office and was handing everything over to Simoniel because she was planning to be out for a week when there was a knock on the door of the office.

  Her friend came in looking very strange. “You look like you have seen a ghost,” Leonie said to her.

  “I think I have.” Her friend said slowly. “I think your father is here.”

  “What?” Leonie started to get up but she sat back down. “Don’t be silly Simoniel.”

  “I am afraid I am not the one being silly girlfriend. I recognize him and he distinctly said he was Benjamin Williams, your father. Should I ask him to come in?”

  “No,” Leonie said shaking her head. “I will be there in a little bit.”

  Simoniel nodded and left the room.

  There was no way her father was here! He had not been in touch with her; had not even called so how could he be here? Simoniel must be mistaken. There was only one way to find out. With a decisive movement she left the office and went to see for herself.

  He was sitting hesitantly on one of the cheerfully patterned chairs in the reception area and apart from looking older than when she had last seen him he was definitely her father!

  He turned just then and his eyes lit up as soon as he saw her and he stood up with a wide smile. Leonie stood there rooted to the floor. “My daughter!” he exclaimed coming over to her and reaching for her as if they had seen each other just yesterday.

  She backed away from him, her look freezing him in his tracks. “I guess I should have called first.” He said quietly.

  “I guess you should have,” She told him coldly. She searched his chocolate brown face for any signs indicating regret and saw none there. “What are you doing here?”

  “Your fiancé called me.” He said his eyes downcast.

  “John called you?” she looked at him incredulously and for one wild moment she wanted to reach for the phone and lash out at him but she remembered the conversation they
had had just a few nights ago. He wanted her to have closure and she loved him for that.

  “Can we talk somewhere private?” he asked her pleadingly and she looked around and realized that not only was there Julia and Simoniel looking on curiously but that they also had several clients sitting there.

  “Of course,” she forced a smile on her lips and led him to her office, closing the door behind them.

  “This is very nice,” he said looking around the office.

  She did not answer but sat behind her desk waiting for him to get to the point.

  “I suppose you have a lot of questions.” He looked at her and when she did not respond he continued. “I was a coward,” he admitted with a rueful laugh looking down at his hands.

  “That much I gather,” she said coolly.

  He nodded as if he had expected her to say just that. “Your mother and I had been having problems for a very long time and I was very unhappy at my job and the entire surroundings. It was as if my life had hit a dead end.”

  “So you decided that the best way out is to leave your wife and daughter to fend for themselves.” Leonie supplied.

  “I know it sounds bad and I am not trying to make excuses but I want you to know that I never stopped thinking about you.” He told her earnestly.

  “You had a pretty funny way of showing it,” she said scathingly. To her surprise all the anger she had been harboring before for this man sitting in front of her had evaporated and all that was left was an emptiness and pity for a man who had not respected commitment and family enough to stay and fight.

  “I wanted to call you so many times honey but I was afraid that you would hang up on me.” He was pleading with her.

  “Where were you?” she forced herself to ask, not really caring much.

  “I have been living in the Bahamas since I left here and I have started writing articles for the newspaper there.” He told her.

  “Are you happy?”

  “I am at peace.” He told her. “I live alone in a small apartment but I am at peace.”

  “I suppose we all need to be.” She said softly. “Where are you staying?”


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