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The Duke's Deception

Page 9

by Fenella J Miller

  The young man nodded his expression grim then turned and ran back towards the waiting crowd. The race had not been completed after all. Stewards had run out onto the grass waving flags and even the most determined of the riders had been forced to rein back.

  News of the double tragedy was rapidly passing round the crowd and gradually it fell silent, hats were doffed and slowly the spectators began to trickle away. There would be no further races that Saturday.

  ‘Lady Grierson must not see this, my lord.’

  ‘Lady Grierson and my daughters will remain where they are for the moment.’

  Theo glanced over his shoulder and saw they stood obediently, faces pinched, no doubt praying Charles was not the rider who had been killed.

  Lord and Lady Hawksmith were marching a sobbing Arabella away to their carriage. She was protesting loudly, wanting to wait to see how Charles fared but they were having none of it.

  Theo tossed his reins to a local lad and joined the men trying to roll the carcass of the big bay from the remains of the young man. This was a hard, unpleasant task but it had to be done.

  ‘Who is the lad?’ Lord Grierson barked at a young man mopping his brow, his face sickly white.

  ‘It’s William Whittle from over Thorrington way, my lord. His parents will be that upset. He is the only son and the estate’s entailed.’

  ‘Are they here?’

  ‘No, my lord, they’ve taken the little girls and gone to visit relatives in Colchester. William would not have competed if they’d been present.’

  Lord Grierson glanced across at Theo. ‘Sir Theodore, will you go to Colchester and fetch

  back the Whittle family? Break the news of their son’s death? This young man will show you the way.’

  Theo hid his dismay. He could hardly refuse but he was desperate to find Marianne and make certain she was unharmed. He also wished to discover what had so overset her she had felt the need to run away.

  ‘I will go, Lord Grierson, with a sad heart. I am always happy to offer my assistance in a man’s hour of need. To lose a son is a dreadful thing in any circumstances but to lose an only son is so much worse, is it not?’ He stared over at Charles being attended to by the grave faced doctor.

  William Whittle was finally released and the sight of his mangled, bloody limbs was so shocking several men turned away. Lord Grierson was made of sterner stuff. He had the foresight to quickly remove his jacket and cover the body. It wouldn’t do for ladies to see it.

  Theo didn’t want to depart until he knew how Charles did. He had also intended to draw Lord Grierson’s attention to the fact Marianne was missing but thought better of it. Tom had returned accompanied by Billy, a pistol in his hand. He looked green and not up to the heartrending task he had been allotted. Theo hesitated for a second, knowing his action might reveal more that he wished about his character.

  ‘Here, Tom, give it to me. I’ll do it.’ He took the gun and holding it hidden behind him walked up to Bess who was staring, glassy eyed at the ground. Theo patted her neck, whispering soothing words in her ears and before she realized his intention, the barrel was between her eyes. The bullet killed her instantly. He knew what he was about. The mare’s legs buckled and she dropped like a stone. He handed the empty pistol back to Tom and spoke quietly to him. ‘Miss Devenish is missing, Tom. You are to go and find her. Billy must drive the carriage in your place.’

  He moved over to join Lord Grierson standing quietly behind the doctor. ‘Lord Grierson, take Charles back to Bentley Hall. It’s nearer and I’m sure the doctor won’t wish him to be jolted any more than is necessary.’

  ‘Thank you, my boy. Will you send word to alert your staff? They are bringing a trestle to carry Charles. This will be smoother than the carriage and it’s no more than a mile to your house.’

  Theo turned back to Tom and Billy. ‘Miss Devenish was heading in the direction of Bentley Hall, go there first Tom. Tell the staff; if she’s not there, organize a search. Is that clear?’ The young man nodded. ‘Billy, you wait and help them carry Mr Grierson. I will return as soon as I can. Colchester is less than six miles from here so I ought to be back long before dusk.’ It was fortuitous that in the drama of the moment no one noticed he appeared to have undergone a personality change.

  The young man who was to be his guide introduced himself. ‘Thomas Wright, at your service, sir.’

  Theo clapped him on the back. ‘Come, Mr Wright, we must not delay.’ He tossed the village boy a sixpence and vaulted into the saddle. ‘Wright, where will they take the body? Will it go to Thorrington Hall?’

  ‘There’s no undertaker’s here, sir, so there’s nowhere else apart from his own home.’

  The doctor straightened and addressed Lord Grierson. ‘Your son is gravely hurt, Lord Grierson. His leg is broken in two places but that I can set. He will have a limp but will not be lame. However the head wound is more serious. The longer he remains unconscious the more danger there is of permanent damage to the brain, or worse.’

  Lord Grierson nodded. ‘It is as I expected. At least he is not dead, Thank God, like that poor boy.’

  Dr Jones supervised the loading of the inert form, the injured leg expertly splinted until he could set the bones properly. The two groups of volunteers picked up the trestles, one with the body, the other with Charles and in sombre mood they trudged back to the start where Lady Grierson and her daughters still waited in anguished silence.

  Tom had had the sense to stop and explain to her ladyship what had happened so she knew

  it was not her son who was dead. She had refused the offer of a carriage to convey them to Bentley Hall. They were going to walk beside Charles.

  ‘Emily, where’s Marianne? I don’t think I have seen her since the accident.’

  Emily stared round. ‘I have no idea, Mama. Perhaps she went to Bentley Hall with Tom to help organize things. After all it is her home also, is it not?’ Lady Grierson nodded satisfied this had to be the explanation.

  The slow procession approached and she ran forward to take her son’s cold hand. ‘Charles, darling boy, speak to your Mama.’

  ‘It’s no use, my dear, he is unconscious. We must pray he stays that way until his leg is set.’ Lord Grierson said, gently pulling her aside.’

  Theo, confident everything was being done for the Grierson boy turned his mount and cantered away to carry out his unpleasant duty.


  Marianne lay on her bed with her head throbbing unable to decide how to deal with the situation. She wished she could move back here where Cousin Theo could take care of her and protect her from that man. She tossed her head back and forth. She had just closed her eyes when a loud bang on the door disturbed her. A parlour maid appeared, her face white.

  ‘Miss Devenish, it’s dreadful news, there’s been a terrible accident on The Green, one young man killed and Mr Grierson desperately injured. They’re bringing him here right now. Mrs Blake asks where she should put him.’

  Instantly alert, Marianne scrambled off the bed heedless of the crushed state of her gown. She ran ahead of the girl and down to the entrance hall. ‘Blake, put Mr Grierson in a downstairs room. It would be better if they don’t have to carry him upstairs.’

  ‘He can go where Sir Richard spent the last years of his life, God rest his soul. It can be readied in a trice.’

  The housekeeper sent a bevy of servants to prepare the rooms but turned back. ‘Will Lord and Lady Grierson wish to stay here with all the family, Miss Devenish, do you think?’

  Marianne shook her head. ‘Lady Grierson will stay but I think his lordship will take Miss Grierson and the little ones back to Frating Hall. I will remain, of course, to be of any assistance I can. I have had sick room experience and can help nurse Mr Grierson if I’m needed.’

  ‘Miss Devenish, Sir Theodore left instructions for a supper party, obviously this will not take place but it means we have more than enough food for any number of visitors.’

  ‘That is excellent
, Blake. Have trays made ready for I doubt that anyone will wish to sit down in the dining-room. I believe I can hear voices approaching. Will the rooms be ready?’

  ‘They will, miss. We had only to remove the holland covers and make up the bed. It will be done by now.’

  Marianne went to the open double-doors to welcome the sad group. Her own troubles were forgotten when she saw the corpse like body of her almost-brother carried up the steps.

  Chapter Ten

  Lord and Lady Grierson followed their son down the corridor leaving their three daughters desolate in the hall. Marianne took charge.

  ‘Emily, Beth, Eleanor, come with me, we can wait in the drawing-room.’ She ushered the three girls in. Upon the acres of polished boards were scattered handsome oriental carpets and the walls, unlike the passageways, were pale and finished with an interesting mottled effect.

  Emily had her arms around the shoulders of her little sisters and remained standing in the centre of the room staring around in wonderment. ‘This is such a big room Marianne and so very smart. Are you sure it’s acceptable for us to sit here? Should we not go to an anteroom?’

  ‘It is rather daunting. I’ve never been in here before; I had no idea how formal it was. I think the library would be more pleasant and we can find the girls something to read to occupy them whilst we wait.’

  They were glad to leave the splendour of the cut velvets, silk and damask covered furniture and huge formal portraits and retreat to the more homely book lined library.

  Eleanor ran across to the desk. ‘May we draw on this paper, Marianne?’

  ‘Of course you can. There’s plenty more in the desk drawer and pencils too.’ Pleased the girls had found something to take their minds off their brother she turned her attention to Emily.

  ‘Emily, come and sit with me; tell me what happened.’

  ‘What happened? Did you not see?’ Emily’s voice was perplexed.

  Marianne shook her head. ‘No, I was unwell and decided to come back here.’

  ‘On your own? How could you, Marianne? Anything could have happened. Mama is always saying that on race days at Great Bentley there’s a surfeit of undesirables and it’s unsafe to walk about without a servant in attendance.’

  ‘I came to no harm; everyone was too occupied with the race to take notice of me. But I promise I’ll not do such a foolish thing again.’

  Emily managed a small smile. ‘Good and as Mama believes you returned with Tom let us leave her in ignorance of the truth. She has enough to worry her at the moment.’

  The afternoon dragged on and still there was no news from the sick room. The trays sent in were mostly left untouched. Around five o’clock they heard voices in the passage outside the library. Marianne was instantly on her feet and had the door open before the visitor could knock.

  ‘Edward, where have you been all this time? We have been anxious about your absence.’

  The young man, his face grey and his clothes muddy, appeared aged above his years. ‘I had to go back home to alert the staff and send people to remove Bess from The Green, supervise, you know…’ his voice trailed off and he swayed a little.

  Marianne took his arm. ‘Come and sit down, you look fagged to death. Emily, fetch Edward some food and drink, there’s plenty left on the trays.’

  Edward handed Emily his empty plate. ‘Here, Emily, thank you, I feel much better.’ He waited until she had moved away before speaking quietly to Marianne. ‘Is there any news? How’s Charles?’

  Marianne shook her head. ‘We’ve heard nothing. Indeed we thought you were someone coming with information.’ She stood up. ‘As you’re here, will you sit with the girls and then I can go and find out what’s happening?’

  Without waiting for his reply she left the room and hurried along the corridor to the rear of the property where she hoped to discover some encouraging news about Charles. She entered the small sitting room adjoining the bedchamber and found Lord Grierson alone. He turned from his position at the window at her entrance.

  ‘Ah! Marianne, I was about to send for you. How are my little girls? Are you taking care of them for me?’

  ‘Yes, Papa. They are with Edward; he has returned from his task and is remaining in the library with them until I return.’

  He nodded and rubbed his eyes. ‘It is a bad day, my dear, and no mistake. Such a waste! Such a tragedy!’

  Her heart shrivelled. Seeing her distress he moved forward. ‘No, no, my dear. Charles is not dead. His condition is grave but he’s holding on. His mother is with him and the doctor.’

  ‘Thank God! Has he regained his senses?’

  ‘He has not but at least Dr Jones was able to set his leg whilst he was unconscious. That was a blessing. I broke my arm as a lad and still remember the agony involved.’

  ‘Have you eaten or drunk anything since you arrived, Papa?’

  ‘Yes, Blake sent a tray. I am waiting for the doctor to come out and then I’ll take the girls home. You will stay and support your mother won’t you?’

  ‘I shall, of course. I think Edward should stay as well. I can send him with news when we have it.’

  ‘I’ll be glad when Sir Theodore returns from Colchester for I cannot be certain the Whittle family have received the news of their son’s untimely death until he does.’ He frowned. ‘He is a pleasant enough young man but more like my dear Emily than Edward or Charles. I should have sent Edward then I could be sure the matter would be handled correctly.’

  Marianne bit back her denial of Cousin Theo’s shortcomings. ‘He is a kind gentleman; I am certain he will have dealt with Mr and Mrs Whittle respectfully.’

  ‘You are right, my dear. I’m over anxious about Charles and this is making me needlessly apprehensive.’ The chamber door opened and they froze waiting for the doctor to emerge.

  ‘Lord Grierson, it is neither good nor bad news I bring you. Your son is still in a coma but his vital signs are strong which is on the positive side and his leg is set. I believe it will heal well, the fracture was not as severe as I had first thought.’

  Marianne felt the icy fear begin to dissipate. Charles wasn’t dead; he was fighting for his life. ‘However,’ Dr Jones continued, ‘I shan’t be sanguine until he recovers consciousness. There’s nothing more I can do. I shall return tomorrow first thing, but don’t hesitate to call me out if there is any change in his condition.’

  ‘Good man. It’s no worse than I expected. Charles is a strong boy; he won’t give in without a fight.’

  Dr Jones glanced at Marianne. ‘Are you going to help Lady Grierson with the nursing, Miss Devenish? Mr Grierson requires constant supervision; he must not be left alone for a second.’

  ‘I am, Dr Jones. I nursed my mother through her last illness and am aware of the duties involved.’

  ‘Excellent. I can leave confident all is as it should be. I bid you good day, Lord Grierson, Miss Devenish. Until tomorrow morning.’ The door closed quietly behind him and Lord Grierson sighed noisily and blew his nose.

  ‘Are you sure you can do this, my dear? It’s a hard and unpleasant task for a young girl. I would not ask Emily to do what you are offering.’

  She touched his arm lightly. ‘I would not have volunteered if I wasn’t capable. When you return to Frating Hall could you arrange for Jane to organize the packing of the necessities I shall need for my stay here? Mama will need her belongings packed as well.’

  ‘Of course – I hadn’t thought of that. Promise me you will send word if there’s any change in his condition?’

  ‘I will. Perhaps Edward should go with you now and then he can escort Jane and Mary back. It could well be dark before they’re ready to return.’

  ‘You’re a good girl. It’s a godsend you so fortuitously become part of our family. My Emily is a dear child but not up to such heavy tasks as this.’

  The footman appeared to escort Lord Grierson to his family leaving her alone to compose herself before entering the sickroom. The curtains were drawn allowing o
nly a dim light to intrude into the room. Lady Grierson sat quietly by the still form in the large mahogany bed. She raised her head and summoned a smile.

  ‘Have you come to sit with us?’

  ‘I have, but may I suggest you take a short respite from your duties whilst Charles is quiet? I am accustomed to nursing and can take care of him in your absence.’

  ‘Thank you, child. I shan’t be long. And you have Blake on hand if you need anything.’

  Marianne nodded a greeting to the housekeeper sitting unobtrusively by the servants’ exit a pile of mending beside her. She prepared to settle down beside the bed, checking first that Charles’s forehead was not fevered and his toes weren’t turning blue beneath the bandages. Satisfied her patient was comfortable she sat on the chair still warm from Lady Grierson’s long vigil.


  The next three days passed in much the same way. Theo offered what support he could – which wasn’t much. He was concerned his ward had persuaded Lady Grierson to take the day shift while she sat up at night. Marianne’s maid shared this watch giving her mistress a break every few hours. Blake was doing the same for Lady Grierson.

  Marianne was therefore unavailable most of the time. On Wednesday he decided to stroll in the rose garden. He found her sleeping on a rustic bench.

  He was shocked by her pallor and the dark circles under her eyes. She was too young to have such heavy responsibility. What were the Griersons thinking of? Forgetting he was supposed to be a feckless creature of the ton he scooped her up and holding her tenderly strode back into the house.

  Taking the stairs two at a time he arrived at her bedchamber. He shouldered his way in having no hands free to use the knob. Jane, dozing in a chair by the window, jerked awake startled by his sudden entrance.

  ‘Miss Devenish is not to sit up with Mr Grierson anymore. In future my man and I will do the nights. It’s better that a male is in attendance.’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ Jane stammered.

  ‘You look as fatigued as your mistress. It’s time you both took a break from nursing. It would not do to have further invalids in the house.’


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