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'Tis the Season: A Collection of Mimi's Christmas Books

Page 15

by Mimi Barbour

  “I want to buy his future!” Leilani nodded. “If you have any kind of maternal feelings inside that greedy little soul of yours, you’ll sign the papers.”

  Kale had his pen ready and handed it over as a small prompt, but still the woman wavered, as if she might be able to bargain and hold out for more. Pi’s words seemed to settle her indecision.

  “You will sign those papers, Kaimi, or you will never have the kind of life you’ve always thought you wanted. You know that and so do I.”

  Kaimi looked at Pi and as if in a trance, she nodded and then looked at Kale. “When do I get the money?”

  “I have my checkbook with me,” he said.

  “Where do I sign?” She moved to the table and pulled out a chair.

  Before Kale could point out the places, Pete walked into the kitchen with a strange look on his face. “The door was unlocked and I knocked but no one answered. I got your message, Leilani and came right away.”

  Kale looked to Leilani but she shrugged. Then Pi spoke. “I called you, Pete. Glad you made it so soon. I think you’re in time to witness Kaimi’s signature, you and Kale.”

  In no time at all, the papers were signed, and a check written by Kale lay on the table next to him. He looked at Kaimi. “Take us to Mano and you’ll get the money.” Tormenting, he waved the slip of paper worth a half a million dollars in her face.

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Mano turned once again to the giant of a man who sat drinking beer and watching the fights on TV. Without any shirt, his hairy stomach hung over his shorts and looked really yucky.

  From the moment, the fat creep arrived, he’d growled at Mano to stay out of his way, and so Mano had hidden under the table. The floor was sticky on his bare legs and he had to go pee, but fear held him in place. What if he got the man angry enough to hit him? He could and there wasn’t anything Mano could do to protect himself.

  Mano decided then and there that when he grew up as big and strong as Kale, he’d learn to fight like the guys on the television, and then no one could scare him ever again.

  Growls came from his stomach and he wished he could go into his kitchen and get a bowl of cereal, or better yet, have Leilani make him pancakes so they could eat out on the terrace. Sniffles started before he could stop them, and he used his arm to wipe at his nose.

  He heard someone at the door, and figured the witch had returned. Fear struck and Mano couldn’t help it. Once it started, he couldn’t stop. He’d really had to pee bad! Sitting in the puddle, shaking with fear, he hoped the door would never open. Until he heard an angel’s voice call his name.

  Like a shot, he flew from his hiding spot right into Leilani’s waiting arms. They hugged him so hard he couldn’t catch his breath but he didn’t care. He hugged her back just as hard. “Leilani!” He sniffled. “Leilani you came to get me.” Then he wailed. “I peed my pants.”

  * * *

  A little while later, carrying the sleeping boy to his room for a nap, Leilani went to her bedroom to have some time on her own. With all the emotional ups and downs of this day, she needed a moment to herself to relax and count her blessings.

  A bath would be the perfect place to relieve some of the tension so that the hovering happiness could seep in to take the place of the painful memories.

  Humming to herself, she stepped out of her clothes and donned a short housecoat that tied around her slight waist. Before she could take advantage of the steamy water, her bedroom door opened, and there stood Mano.

  His bottomed lip quivered, tears filled his eyes, and then he broke. “Don’t go away, Leilani, stay here in Hawaii.” Sobs took over, and his small body heaved from the power of his fear. “Don’t go home to Canada, okay? I’m scared without you. I don’t want you to leave me.” Tears poured from under his tightly closed lids. He stood dejected, abandoned… so alone.

  She ran and swept him into her arms and sighed happily as his own wrapped around her neck almost choking. His legs circled her waist and his body glued itself to hers. Soon her neck became drenched from his open-mouthed wails.

  He destroyed her hair from the topknot she’d shaped earlier. Her curls became his soft pillow as they cascaded over, under, and around them both.

  Her arms and swaying body cuddled him, and her soft voice shushing him finally seemed to register. He leaned back and cradled her cheeks in his small hands. “Do you want me to be your boy?”

  “Oh, Mano. Of course, I want you to be my boy. In fact, you will always be my boy, my son, and nothing will ever stop me from staying with you and being your mother. Do you know what adoption means?”

  He shook his head, looking at her with keen interested. His abundant eyelashes were glued together with tears.

  She wiped at his wet cheeks with her hand. “It’s a law that says we’ll belong together forever.”

  “You want to ‘dopt me? Be my mom?” Stars shone in his amazing brown eyes.

  “Would that be okay?” She waited without taking a breath or blinking.

  “Does that mean Kale will be my Dad?”

  “Only if we want him.”

  She saw the wheels turning. “If you’re my mom, we’d be together. But then Kale would be sad.”

  “So you’d like him to join us?” God, please let him say yes.

  Like tiny mirrors into his sharp mind, she watched his eyes as he calculated everything they’d said. “Do you want Kale, Leilani?”

  “Very much.”

  “Me, too!”

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Leilani smiled happily as two young members of Kales’ staff met her and Mano with Christmas greetings at the lavish hotel entrance.

  “Mele Kalikimak, Merry Christmas Leilani and Mano.”

  “Mahalo Nui Loa! Many thanks Mele Kalikimak! “

  She chattered to both the young man and the woman, complimenting them on their traditional outfits and particularly the customary flower leis embellishing the girl’s head and the fellow’s neck. “The hotel is incredible tonight. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many Christmas lights in one place.”

  Proudly, the female spoke up. “The lobby was designed by professionals and they tend to go all out.”

  Leilani could see that. From the fake snow piled around the base of the largest tree to the intricate golden birds perched on the sparkly ribbon twisting through the branches, it made one think they’d entered a fairyland and that was only one tree. There were so many, she couldn’t begin to count them all. She watched Mano’s expression of awe and knew exactly how he felt. Just because she was an adult didn’t mean the affect hadn’t stunned.

  “Hello, Darling. I see you’re enjoying the impact.” Kale nodded his thanks and moved to place his arm around both his honored guests. “What do you think, Mano? Is it cheery enough for you?”

  “I like it, Kale. It’s cool!” Mano lifted his arms and Kale immediately picked him up and rested him on his hip. “Is Pi coming soon? I want him to see it.”

  Leilani turned to send Kale a questioning look also. She’d wanted to wait for Pi at the house so they could come together, but Kale had called to say he’d be sending a limousine from the hotel. She watched as he hesitated. Distressed and unable to hide it, she sensed he had something to say that she wouldn’t like. Her heart instantly dropped.

  “Don’t look like that Leilani. He’s fine. It’s just that he had to go home for the holidays, and he didn’t have the heart to tell you and spoil your evening. He sends his love for you both.”

  Still feeling a little sad, Leilani had to accept the disturbing news for Mano’s sake. “You know, he never talked about himself and I suppose I thought he was alone. That we were his family. How silly! Of course, he’d want to be with his loved ones. I imagine we’ll see him once the holidays are over and he returns from wherever he had to go. Right Mano?” She smiled encouragingly wanting to ease the hurt she saw building in Mano’s expression.

  “I wanted to show him the Christmas trees. And he didn’t see me in my n
ew clothes.”

  “Yes he did, you tried them on for him and I’m sure he’s been to the hotel before, and saw the decorations.” She looked for help from Kale, and being sensitive to her needs, he didn’t let her down.

  Jiggling the boy to get a smile, he added. “He sent a special message for you, Mano. He said to remind you that you needed to thank Santa Claus tonight. Not sure what that means… do you know?”

  Mano nodded, and his face brightened. “When Pi brought me to the other hotel party, I asked Santa to bring me a special present… and he did.” The boy clapped his hands, quite happy again.

  Leilani loved seeing him cheer up, and so she played along, knowing that the multitude of gifts that Pi had shoved under the tree would probably cover any toy the boy had requested. “What did you ask him for?” She teased him just a little by poking him in the stomach.

  He giggled and covered up the secret spot she’d found while they’d been wrestling earlier in the day. “I told him I wanted a Mommy.” With his arms extended and his laughing eyes twinkling, he leaned a bit toward Leilani.

  Such beautiful words, Leilani reached for the youngster and whispered in his ears. “I’m going to thank Santa tonight myself for giving me such a precious boy.” When she kissed his cheek, he wriggled to be put down and a frown replaced the smiles. He leaned toward her, yanked on her hand and waited for her to put her ear close to his mouth. “You can only kiss me at home… when no one is around… okay?”

  “Okay! Sorry sweetie.” She saw his frown deepen and quickly added, “…and no more sweetie words in public… got it!”

  As the evening progressed, Mano began to pine for his old friend more and more. He worried that Pi was unhappy, or that he needed his friend Mano. As he checked out the different Christmas designs, one tree continually caught his attention. He stopped to look at all the glittery angels smiling at him from so many of the branches.

  Without knowing why, he looked around once again to see where Leilani and Kale were. Arms wrapped around each other, they were happily talking to some old people who seemed to know Leilani already. As the man moved to shake hands with Kale, he looped the silver handle of a cool looking cane over his wrist. Mano watched as the woman hugged Leilani and thought how much he liked to see his new mom in tutu’s dress. She was the prettiest lady in the room; he knew it, and he figured Kale did too.

  Mano sighed and felt his lip tremble. He couldn’t cry in public but the sad feeling wouldn’t stop.

  Why so unhappy, Munchkin, aren’t you enjoying the party?

  Pi! That was his voice. Mano looked behind him, and sure enough, there was Pi standing next to a really pretty lady. She looked kinda familiar, and she wore a dress the same as Leilani’s. Pi, you came. I really missed you. He’d always run to get picked up by Pi but for some reason he couldn’t understand, he knew it wouldn’t work this time.

  Yes, that’s why I’m here but I can only stay for a few seconds, so don’t disturb Kale or Leilani.

  Why are we talking in our heads? Mano knew he hadn’t spoken out loud and neither had Pi. The lady just stood and looked toward Leilani as if she wanted to cry.

  I’m hiding from everyone else, Mano. Only you can see us. So we have to talk this way. Is it okay, you’re not scared?

  Mano knew he shouldn’t lie to a friend. Nope. I’m a big boy, Pi. I don’t get scared… mostly.

  Pi patted Mano’s curls, winked and grinned. I’ll be going away now Mano, to the place where I belong.

  Does your lady belong there too? Mano liked it when the lady touched his cheek. It felt nice and gentle, and she made him feel better.

  Yes. Lani and I have waited a very long time to be together.

  I’ll miss you. The words burst out. Mano felt like he wanted to cry. His lips were wiggling, and if they didn’t stop, he’d have to hide his face.

  But Mano, I’m only a prayer away. Remember that any time you’re scared or lonely. Then Mano felt the old man hug him, and all the sadness and fear were gone leaving him feeling lighter than he’d felt since… forever.

  Okay, Pi. He whispered. I’ll remember.

  Once Pi moved away, Mano waved his fingers secretly at the lady, who returned his gesture. Then the lady blew a kiss to Leilani, and as they faded, Mano heard her tell Pi something he didn’t understand.

  You kept your promise Piʻilani. Our daughter is finally happy.



  Thank you so much for reading “Loveable Christmas Angel”.

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  Maybe it was the eagerness in her voice, or maybe just her words, but whatever she said made him laugh. Up till then, he’d seemed like a stranger looking back at her. Then his smile changed everything. Unfortunately, it didn’t last too long. But she’d seen enough to decide then and there that he had a dear face. Not what one would call handsome. More like interesting. She’d bet the full head of messy hair, cut short and worn close to his head, didn’t normally look so scruffy. That wouldn’t be his style at all.

  His piercing green eyes didn’t have the same sparkle as his mother’s. They were ruthless and compelling, slightly haughty and intense—the shrewdest stare she’d ever come across. She felt as if he were trying to find her inside him by staring intensely into his own eyes.

  “Can you see me?” she teased.

  “I do believe I can. I went slightly cross-eyed for a moment, and I have no doubt that was you sneaking a peek.” When he grinned, dimples appeared on both sides of his mouth and created a whole different impression. This man devastated her with his looks, his charisma.

  Unequivocally Abbie knew, at that moment, not only had her spirit joined with his, but also her heart now faced a challenge.

  She’d never believed in love at first sight, more fool her. She shut down her corridor to him and curled up into a small ball lodged inside his body. This needed a great deal of thought. She had to talk herself out of this nonsense, and quickly.

  ~Together for Christmas finaled in the 2012 Gayle Wilson contest~

  “Witty, Charming, Entertaining—A Must Holiday Read”

  ~ Fan of Books

  “Really, Really enjoyed this Book. Fantastic Romance”

  ~ Marie E Price

  “Two Hearts Beating as One - I will be reading the rest of the books in the series”

  ~ Tina R

  “A Story to Warm Your Heart”

  ~ Jo-Anne Carson

  I’d like to dedicate this book to

  my lovely niece Marnie,

  who brings her wonderful family to visit us every Christmas

  and makes our holidays so very special.

  Chapter One

  Bury, England, 1969

  “Sweet Jesus!”

  Marcus Chapman shot to his feet. He’d thought himself alone when he sat on the bench in front of the old vicarage to analyse his disastrous day. Must have dozed off, he decided. The unexpected voice from behind the seat had not only woke him but also scared the hell out of him.

  He leaned over the wooden back of the bench and stared down into shaggy bangs skimming over the widest and bluest eyes he’d ever seen. The girl kneeling there winced and tried a grin, which slowly faded when he refused to respond. She bowed her head, her grin changing to a grimace. Gathered on one side in a hair clip, masses of dark hair framed her pink cheeks and sparkled with some of the crystal flakes now steadily falling from the sky.

  It was snowing. He looked around, astonished and disbelieving. This wasn’t supposed to be happening today. The radio’s morning report had promised colder temperatures, sure, but no one mentioned snow. Goes to show why you should hardly ever pay attention t
o those misinforming blighters.

  His eyes felt heavy. I must have fallen asleep. When he’d first sat down, the sky had been overcast, and there had been a definite chill in the air. Now, however, fluffy flakes of white clung to branches like bits of tattered lace and had already covered most surfaces, including himself. Shivers attacked, and he lowered his body back onto the bench and wrapped his arms around his wet clothes. Heavy as his leather jacket was, when damp it didn’t come close to warming him in the icy weather.

  The girl’s slight figure rose from behind the bench and stood, leaning toward him. “Sorry, mate. I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

  “What are you doing skulking behind this bench on your hands and knees? Are you hiding from someone?” With his teeth clacking, he sounded a bit comical.

  She giggled, obviously thinking he was joking with her. He noticed she stopped when he didn’t join in her merriment. At least she ended the annoying racket, but the devilment in her eyes spoke for itself. What a strange creature!

  “I don’t wish to intrude, but I’m trying to cover these rose bushes. I’m worried I didn’t cut them short enough last fall when I trimmed them. I couldn’t bear it if the weight of all this snow damaged their branches.”

  “It wasn’t supposed to snow.” His remark sounded petulant, but, dammit, snow hadn’t been on the weather report. If he remembered correctly, they’d promised rain. In fact, he was sure of it, because he’d suffered a small twinge of remorse for his mother, who now lived with him—only until the repairs on her place were done, and not a minute longer. She’d been blathering on about a white Christmas for days.

  He looked upward. “How long has it been falling?” The flakes were coming down so thickly it was difficult to see even as far as the vicarage, close by.

  “Blimey. It’s been snowing steady for almost an hour, and it’s gotten thicker as the time’s passed. I’ve been going bonkers wondering whether to wake you or not. I knew you weren’t dead, from the noise you were making. But when I saw the roses being overloaded I realized I had to wrap them or take the chance on them dying from the cold.”


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