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A Merry Murder at St Bernard Cabins

Page 3

by Cindy Bell

  “I’ve got the rest of the bags, Nikki.” Kyle dropped them just inside the door.

  “You!” Ashley glowered in his direction. “I should have known you would have something to do with this.”

  “Ashley, so good to see you again.” Kyle flashed her a charming smile. “Why are you harassing innocent people today?”

  “Watch it!” Ashley snapped. “If you checked in late, then I wasn’t notified at all, Gloria should have texted me.” She slid a phone from the front pocket of her apron and glanced over it. Her lips pursed, then she tucked it back into her pocket. “Well, the cabin is as clean as it’s going to get.” She pushed past the three of them and headed out the door.

  “Apparently, she was notified after all.” Sonia rolled her eyes. “All of that bluster for nothing.”

  “That woman is nothing but bluster.” Kyle shook his head. “Can you believe she doesn’t like me?” His eyes widened. “Everyone likes me!”

  “Of course, they do.” Sonia gave him a few light pats on the cheek. “It’s those chubby cheeks of yours.”

  “Hey.” Kyle laughed as he ducked away from her touch.

  “She’s right.” Nikki grinned. “What’s her problem with you, Kyle?” She led the two dogs into the kitchen and set down bowls of water for both of them.

  “A couple of things. She asked me out when I first started working here. I turned her down. I was nice about it and everything, I just don’t want any commitments. Ever since then she’s had it in for me. Also I stay here, and I work at the ski lift up the hill. There’s a ski lift that we’re supposed to take to get up there. But it’s always backed up, and it’s so much quicker for me to just cut through the courtyard and walk up the hill. It drives her crazy apparently because I’m not supposed to do it.” Kyle threw his hands in the air. “It’s not like I go out of my way to walk in areas where people would be skiing. I make sure that I’m on an out-of-the-way path. But every single time I do it, she manages to spot me, and she starts throwing a fit.”

  “Well, if the rules are that you should take the ski lift, then maybe she has a point.” Nikki raised an eyebrow as she gazed at her brother.

  “No, she doesn’t have a point. All of the guys do it. She only picks on me.” Kyle slid his hands into his pockets. “Besides, don’t start with me on the rule thing, Nikki. I know what I’m doing.”

  “I’m not trying to start anything.” Nikki rubbed her hand across her forehead. “I’m honestly just tired. I really want to get the dogs settled and get to bed.”

  “I understand. If you need anything just text me. The snow is supposed to continue throughout the night, so we might end up snowed in by tomorrow. Can we meet for coffee in the morning?” Kyle lifted Sonia’s suitcase onto her bed for her.

  “Yes, sure we can do that. In the little café?” Nikki stretched her arms above her head and yawned.

  “Yes. Usually Max has some delicious coffee going by about six. If you need to sleep later that’s fine, though. I don’t have to be in until eleven tomorrow.” Kyle nodded to Sonia. “Good night, I hope you both get some good rest.”

  “Me too.” Sonia covered her mouth as she yawned.

  “Oh, I brought you some things. Be right back.” Kyle ducked back out into the snow, seconds later he returned with a large garbage bag.

  “What’s that?” Nikki eyed the bag.

  “Sorry, I didn’t want everything to get snowy.” Kyle opened up the bag and pulled out a heavy, thick coat. “I figured you probably wouldn’t have anything too warm. You’re going to need this. There are a few pairs of gloves, thick socks, a hat, and some scarves in there, too.”

  “Wow, thanks Kyle.” Nikki looked up at her brother with surprise. “That’s very thoughtful of you.”

  “Mom texted me.” Kyle grinned. “She sent me a list of things to pick up.”

  “Of course, she did.” Nikki laughed. “Are they in their cabin?”

  “Oh, you didn’t get their text?” He frowned. “This storm is causing the networks to glitch. Their flight got canceled. They’re hoping to be able to leave tomorrow, but won’t know until this storm settles down.”

  “Oh, that’s terrible.” Nikki sighed. “I hope they can get a flight out soon.”

  “Me too. Let me know if you guys need anything.” Kyle waved to Sonia, then stepped through the door.

  After Kyle left, Nikki began to unpack a few things she needed for herself, and for Coco.

  “You weren’t kidding, Nikki, this place is amazing.” Sonia unzipped her suitcase. “I’m sure it will be absolutely stunning in the morning with all of the fresh snow.”

  “Yes, I bet it will be.” Nikki smiled at the thought.

  “I’m just going to unpack Princess’ things quickly. Is it okay if I use this closet?” Sonia pointed to one of the closets.

  “Sure.” Nikki smiled as Sonia began to unpack Princess’ stuff. “After a good night’s sleep, I’m sure everything will seem a lot brighter. I’m going to change into my pajamas and sprawl out.”

  Coco jumped up on the bed and did just that.

  “Oh nope, I don’t think so, buddy. I brought your bed.” Nikki grinned as she tossed down his large dog bed on the floor beside the bed.

  Coco lifted his head, sniffed the air, then launched off the edge and landed in his bed.

  “Good boy.” Nikki walked over to give him a quick pet, then grabbed her pajamas from her suitcase. As she walked towards the bathroom, a knock on the door of the cabin made her pause.

  “Kyle must have forgotten to tell me something.” Nikki walked back to the door and pulled it open. Instead of Kyle, she found a woman she didn’t know.

  “Hi, hi!” She smiled and shivered at the same time. “So cold out here. Mind if I come in?”

  “Uh sure.” Nikki took a step back so that the woman could get inside.

  “I’m Betsy.” She thrust her hand towards Nikki. It was hidden inside of a thick, florescent pink glove. “Oops sorry.” She laughed and tugged the glove off, then extended her hand again.

  “Nikki.” She shook her hand, still uncertain of the woman’s purpose for knocking on the door.

  “I’m your cabin neighbor.” Betsy gestured to the far wall of the cabin. “Just thought I’d pop over and introduce myself. I’m vacationing on my own, and I’m hoping to meet some new people.” She looked past Nikki and waved at Sonia. “Oh, and you have dogs. How wonderful!” She made a strange squeaking sound in her throat. “They’re tame, right?”

  “Yes.” Nikki smiled as she noticed that Coco hadn’t even budged from his bed.

  “Princess wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Sonia picked her up and walked towards Nikki and Betsy. “I’m Sonia Whitter. Did you really come out in a snowstorm to say hello?”

  “Yes, I did. I know, it’s a bit silly, but I’m just the friendly sort.” Betsy adjusted the colorful scarf around her neck. “But it’s just so cold out there.”

  “You should think about getting a thicker scarf.” Sonia eyed it dubiously. “It won’t do much for keeping you warm with all of those holes in it.”

  “It’s okay, I like it. I made it actually.” Betsy tugged on one end of the scarf. “It’s one of the many things I make. Betsy’s Crafts, that’s the name of my online shop.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out two business cards. “Here. Just in case you’re ever in the market for something unique and handmade.”

  “Thanks.” Nikki smiled as she took the card. “I’ll keep you in mind.”

  “Have a good night, you two. I’m sure we’ll see each other again.” She waved to both of them, then stepped back out through the door.

  Nikki closed it and looked over at Sonia.

  “Perky, isn’t she?” Sonia grinned.

  “I’m sure I’ll be more friendly in the morning.” Nikki laughed.

  After Nikki and Sonia changed, they both settled into bed. A few hours into a heavy slumber, the sound of a whimper woke Nikki up. Uncertain of what it could be, she felt uneasy for a few
seconds, until she remembered that she had two canine companions.

  “Oh seriously?” Nikki rolled over in her bed and looked at Princess who stood near the cabin door. She whined again.

  Nikki didn’t want her to wake Sonia. She sighed and pushed her blanket off. On her way to the door she grabbed the heavy coat Kyle had left her, and shoved her arms through it. She slid her feet into her boots and snapped Princess’ leash onto her collar.

  “Okay buddy, let’s take care of this.”

  Nikki opened the door and winced at the blast of icy air that struck her in the face. It was so cold that it stung. She ducked her head against the still falling snow, then stepped out into it. Princess began to sniff around the snow.

  Nikki’s teeth began to chatter. She thought about hot coffee, and hot cocoa, and hot apple pie. She thought about how warm and cozy her bed would be when she crawled back into it.

  “Let’s go, Princess, do your thing.” Nikki sighed as she waited for Princess.

  Nikki gave Princess a little slack on the leash so that she could explore and hopefully do her business. As she kicked up a bit of snow behind her, Nikki pictured a tropical beach. She was lost in the smell of the sea, when Princess started digging in the snow.

  “Okay, that’s enough.” Princess dug faster. “What are you getting into, Princess?” She frowned as she walked up behind her. Princess was usually a dainty dog, something must have got her attention. As Nikki watched, Princess dug a scarf free from the snow. It was colorful, and too thin to do much good in the cold weather. Nikki guessed that someone had dropped it on their way back to their cabin.

  “All right, let me have it, Princess.” Nikki reached for it. As she did, she took a step forward. She stepped on something soft. She looked down. “Oh no!” She gasped and stumbled back a few steps. Her right foot slid in the snow and she tumbled backwards. When she hit the ground, cushioned by several inches of snow, the impact jolted her back to her senses. “Help!” She cried out, suddenly very aware that she’d left her cell phone inside the cabin. “Help! Someone help!”

  “Nikki?” Sonia paused at the door of the cabin. “What is it? What’s wrong? Is Princess okay?”

  “Call 9-1-1, Sonia, someone is out here in the snow!” Nikki bit into her bottom lip as she stared at the body half-covered in snow. “It’s Ashley!”

  As Nikki spun back around towards the body in the snow, the scarf still clutched in her hand, she noticed a pile of broken, black plastic not far from a large boot print in the snow. The state of Ashley’s hair and clothes made her believe that she hadn’t died of natural causes. Her hair was in a mess around her face. Her right foot was missing a boot. Nikki swept her gaze across the snow, and saw it not far off. Had she been running? Had it slipped off when she tried to get away from someone? Nikki’s stomach churned at the thought. Cabin doors began to open, hushed voices spoke to one another, but no one approached Nikki or the body. Nikki shivered as a cold breeze swirled snow around her face. Despite knowing that Ashley was no longer alive, she couldn’t bring herself to leave her alone in the cold.

  Chapter 5

  Strange sirens brought Nikki back to reality as the dark evening lit up with flashing lights. She watched as two snowmobiles buzzed into the area. They stopped a good distance away, and the two riders began to approach. Nikki noticed one officer was a man, about six-foot tall, and the other was a woman about six inches shorter than him. As they walked towards Nikki, she could make out their uniforms. She felt some relief that the police had arrived. Certainly, they would know what to do next.

  “What happened here?” the woman asked as she looked over Ashley’s body.

  “I don’t know. I brought my dog out, well she’s not my dog, but I’m traveling with her owner, to use the bathroom, and we found her. Her name is Ashley.” Nikki held Princess tightly in her arms.

  “Was Ashley,” the man corrected.

  “Was Ashley,” Nikki repeated, a little stunned that he would make such a comment.

  “Perhaps she had a heart attack.” The woman pursed her lips as she looked over the body.

  “No, I don’t think so.” Nikki held out the scarf she’d picked up. “Princess found this first. I’m sorry that I touched it, but I think it might have something to do with what happened here. Also, I noticed that Ashley’s boot is back there some distance.” She pointed towards it. “I think she must have been running.”

  “Oh right, good point.” The woman nodded.

  “What do you think, Schwitz? Maybe she was out for a jog?” The man shrugged. “This cold weather can wreak havoc on the body.”

  “No, I doubt that. At night? I don’t think so. Maybe she was a little drunk? Conner get down there and take a sniff.” Schwitz pointed towards Ashley.

  “What? No.” Conner held up his hands and took a step back. “I’m not sniffing anything.”

  “Ugh. Straighten up, Conner. We are the police, remember? We have to figure out how this woman died?” Schwitz glowered at him.

  “Are there other officers coming?” Nikki stared between the two, shocked at their banter.

  “Just us, I’m afraid.” Schwitz smiled. “All the roads are snowed in, and we’re the only ones that patrol this area. Normally, we’d call some detectives in, but there’s no way for them to get here in this.” She gestured to the snow that still fell, though at a slower pace.

  “Oh.” Nikki’s stomach twisted. She took a breath to help herself calm down. “Listen, I think Ashley struggled with someone. I don’t think this is a death from accidental or natural causes. I think she’s been murdered.”

  “Murdered?” Conner gasped and took another step back. “No way!”

  “Conner, pull yourself together.” Schwitz jabbed him in the side. “It just may be a murder. I’ll be needing that.” Schwitz snatched the scarf out of Nikki’s hands. “And get this dog out of here before she contaminates the crime scene.”

  Nikki pulled Princess close. She stared at the two for a moment longer, then carried the dog back towards the cabin.

  “Nikki, are you okay?” Sonia opened the door, Coco was behind her. Sonia reached for Princess and held her in her arms. “Poor baby, I thought you both might freeze out there.”

  As Nikki filled her in on what she found, Sonia’s concern turned to horror.

  “You’re sure it’s Ashley, that awful woman from earlier?”

  “Yes, it was her.” Nikki bit into her bottom lip. “And Sonia, I’m pretty sure she was killed.”

  “Oh no! How?” Sonia’s eyes widened as she patted Princess.

  “My guess is she was strangled, but I don’t know for sure. Maybe with the scarf that Princess found.” Nikki shuddered. “It was so colorful, and crocheted. I don’t know if it really would have been strong enough.”

  “I remember that awful scarf.” Sonia scrunched up her nose. “The neighbor that stopped by earlier was wearing it. It clashed so badly with that pea green coat she had on.”

  “Oh yes, I remember it now. But I didn’t look at it that closely. Maybe it’s not the same one.” Nikki looked up at her.

  “It certainly sounds like the same one.” Sonia stroked Princess’ fur. “Do you think she had some kind of problem with Ashley?”

  “I’m not sure what to think, yet.” Nikki ran her hand across her forehead and closed her eyes. “I still can’t believe what I saw.”

  “Nikki, you need to sit down.” Sonia guided her to the table, and sat down across from her with Princess still held tightly in her arms.

  “Nikki!” Kyle’s voice called out from beyond the cabin door.

  “In here, Kyle.” Nikki stood up from the table and turned to face him as he stepped inside. A wave of dizziness threatened to knock her right back down. She took a breath, then forced a small smile. “Don’t worry we’re all okay.”

  “I was worried.” Kyle walked up to her. “Why didn’t you call me? Or text me? The sirens woke me up. When I saw the flashing lights over here, I thought the worst.”
/>   “I’m sorry, Kyle, I just thought it would be best to let you sleep. There’s nothing you can do.” Nikki sank back down into her chair. “Ashley’s already gone.”

  “Nikki.” Kyle rested his hand on her shoulder and looked down into her eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “It was quite a shock.” Sonia reached across the table and took Nikki’s hand.

  “How did you even find her?” Kyle glanced between the two of them.

  “Princess needed a potty break. I took her outside, and she started digging. She found a scarf.” Nikki paused and took a breath. “When I tried to get it from her, I stepped on something.” She winced. “Then I looked down and saw it was Ashley.” She wiped at her eyes as tears threatened to fall. “That poor woman. Who would do this to her?”

  “Honestly, she wasn’t well liked.” Kyle winced. “I know that sounds cold of me to say, but it’s the truth. Even Gloria and Max couldn’t stand her. She was one of the few employees they kept on after they bought the place. And me specifically, she seemed to target. Like I said, I declined the offer to go out with her, but I’m not sure if that was the reason why.”

  “She wasn’t too pleasant to us earlier today.” Sonia blinked as she glanced at the clock on the wall. “Well, I guess that would have actually been yesterday. It’s two in the morning.”

  “It is?” Nikki felt a rush of dizziness again. She had no idea what time it was when she took Princess out. “We should all get some sleep.”

  “Nikki, I’m sorry about all of this.” Kyle hugged her. “Do you want me to stay here with you tonight?”

  “No, you don’t have to, but you can if you want. I’ll sleep on the couch.” Nikki wiped a hand across her face in an attempt to focus her mind on the moment at hand. Yet her thoughts shifted right back to the moment she found Ashley.

  “No, it’s fine. I’ll take the couch.” Kyle met her eyes. “Get some rest, Nikki. Hopefully all of this will be sorted out by the morning.”

  Nikki nodded as she crawled into her bed. Moments later the lights were out, and everything was quiet, but for Coco’s snoring. She closed her eyes as her stomach twisted into knots. Somehow, she doubted that the sun coming up would fix anything.


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