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A Merry Murder at St Bernard Cabins

Page 6

by Cindy Bell

  “We might have fifteen, maybe twenty minutes before they realize there are no cats.” Sonia smiled proudly. “I did good, didn’t I?”

  “Amazingly well!” Nikki nodded as she slid the keycard into the door.

  “I once considered a career in acting.” Sonia followed her into the cabin.

  “Wow!” Nikki gazed at the assortment of owl statues, stuffed owls, and owl clocks, that decorated the space. “Creepy.” Nikki drew back as the largest owl clock seemed to peer straight into her. His large eyes left her unsettled.

  “I guess she was an owl person.” Sonia chuckled. “Not my cup of tea for sure.”

  “But there’s so many of them.” Nikki shuddered. “And it feels like they’re all staring at me.”

  “Well, it won’t be long before someone is staring at us if we don’t get a move on.”

  Nikki picked up a small, spiral notebook and flipped open the front cover. She noticed a list of dates and times along with the letter ‘K’. Next to each date and time was a small note.

  Cut through the courtyard.

  It was the same note next to every date and time that was listed. “Wow, this is about Kyle.” She held up the notebook for Sonia to see. “This thing is filled with dates and times that Kyle cut through the courtyard. She must have been actively watching him multiple times a day.”

  “That’s downright obsessive.” Sonia shook her head. “I can’t believe that she spent so much of her time doing that.”

  “Me either.” Nikki set the notebook back down on the table where she found it. Then she picked it right back up again. She paged through it. The whole book seemed to be dedicated to Kyle. She flipped to the last page Ashley had written on. “This is from the day she was killed. She documented Kyle walking across the courtyard once, in the evening. There is a note scribbled underneath it. Fir Mt, ten PM.” She snapped a picture of the page in the notebook. “It’s a stretch, but it might explain why his boot print was found near the body. Maybe it was there from him crossing the courtyard earlier in the evening and the snow hadn’t covered it yet.” Nikki knew it was unlikely, but she thought there might be a slim chance that it was possible.

  “Maybe.” Sonia sorted through some papers stacked up on a small table beside the bed. “It sounds like she had a meeting with Kyle, too. We should ask him about that.”

  “Absolutely.” Nikki narrowed her eyes.

  “If she had any family, I’m not seeing any sign of it. No personal letters, no photographs. Not even a favorite CD.” Sonia set the papers back down. “It was as if she worked hard not to have an attachment to anything.”

  “Anything, but these owls.” Nikki passed her gaze across the collection once more. “How did she sleep in here with all of them staring at her?”

  “Maybe it gave her some comfort.” Sonia tipped her head from side to side. “If I didn’t have Princess, I could have become quite lonely. Friends don’t move in with you. The quiet can haunt you. Maybe she finds some comfort in the idea that she has an audience.”

  “Maybe.” Nikki shuddered. “I’m not sure that I could ever find comfort in this particular audience. They seem like dust collectors, too.” She scrunched up her nose as she looked them over. “Except for this one.” She picked up one owl statue and looked at it. “This one has hardly any dust on it. Oh, the bottom opens up.” She gasped as she peered inside. “Look at this.” Nikki pulled out a small, silver digital camera. “She had it tucked away inside of there. If she hid it that well, I’m sure she had a reason.”

  “Are there pictures on it?” Sonia peered over her shoulder.

  “Oh yes, I see a few.” Nikki looked up towards the front door of the cabin. “We’d better get out of here, I thought I heard voices.”

  “Let’s go.” Sonia nodded, she led the way to the door. Once she stepped out, she took a quick glance around. Then she waved Nikki through.

  Together they made their way back to their own cabin.

  Nikki held tightly to the camera. She wondered what might be on it, and why Ashley had hidden it away. She guessed that she used it to document something, likely her brother’s activities, but maybe along the way she caught a glimpse of her killer as well.

  As soon as Nikki opened the cabin door, both dogs ran up to greet her, and Sonia.

  “Hi babies.” Nikki smiled and reached down to pet both of them. Then she hurried over to the table. “Let’s see what pictures are on the camera.”

  “I hope they’re of something more interesting than owls.” Sonia rolled her eyes as she sat down beside her.

  “Not much more interesting I’m afraid.” Nikki sighed as she handed the camera over to Sonia. “Three photographs, each one as boring as the last. A box of blonde hair bleach left on top of a sink, a receipt from a toll booth, and a bottle of wine.”

  “Why take pictures of such odd things?” Sonia skimmed through the photographs.

  “I have no idea. And they are the only three pictures on the camera. I guess all we found of use was that scribbled note. Hopefully, Kyle can tell us what the meeting was about. What a waste.” Nikki sighed.

  “I’m not sure it was a waste.” Sonia put on her glasses and peered at the screen that Nikki pointed in her direction. “Obviously these pictures meant something to her.”

  “Or maybe she was just being nosy?” Nikki set the camera down. “It could mean nothing at all. Look at the way she documented every move that Kyle made. Of course, she didn’t need to do that. There was no reason to be suspicious of him, or even to be giving him such a hard time, but she still did it. Maybe these pictures are of a mess that a guest left behind.”

  “She had a good reason in Kyle’s case.” Sonia lifted her chin as she looked at Nikki. “She wanted to get rid of your brother. He made her angry by refusing her advances. I’m betting she hoped that turning in that notebook to his boss at the ski lift would convince him to fire Kyle.”

  “She really was not a very nice person.” Nikki sighed.

  “I certainly haven’t seen anything that proves otherwise.” Sonia shook her head.

  “I’m calling Kyle.” Nikki stood up from the table. “I’ll let the dogs out while I do.”

  “Nikki, don’t be too hard on him. I’m sure he had a reason not to tell us about the meeting.” Sonia frowned.

  “It better be a good one.” Nikki called the dogs to her, clipped their leashes on, then slid on her boots and coat. As she stepped outside, she dialed Kyle’s number. It rang several times before he finally picked up.

  “Hello?” His voice sounded a bit slurred.

  “Kyle? Are you okay?” Nikki watched as the dogs kicked up snow in her direction.

  “Fine, just sleepy. I was up late last night.” Kyle cleared his throat. “What’s up, Nikki?”

  “Why did you meet with Ashley on Fir Mountain?” Nikki tightened her grip on the leashes and focused her attention on his answer.

  “Huh? I didn’t. What are you talking about?” He cleared his throat again.

  “Kyle, don’t keep things from me. I can’t help you if you’re not going to tell me everything.” Frustration snapped through her as she felt the desire to force her brother to tell her the truth. He was generally an honest person, but there were times that he could stretch the truth or be evasive.

  “I’m not keeping anything from you. I have no idea what you’re talking about, Nikki.” He sighed. “What did you find?”

  “Kyle, you’re in a lot of trouble. You know that, right?” Nikki fought to keep annoyance out of her voice.

  “Of course I know that, Nikki. You’re not the one the police are after, are you? I couldn’t sleep last night, because I kept waiting for them to come through the door and arrest me. Look, if you’re just going to argue with me, I’m going to go. I need some more sleep.”

  “Kyle, I’m sorry about how stressed you are, but I’m just trying to help you. Are you sure you didn’t plan to meet Ashley at Fir Mountain?” Nikki tugged the dogs back away from a few guests th
at glided through the courtyard on skis.

  “Yes, I’m sure.” He hung up the phone.

  Nikki winced as she heard the phone cut off. She knew that he was upset with her, but she was worried about him. Was he telling the truth about not having a meeting with Ashley? If so, why did Ashley write that note? Frustrated, she guided the dogs back towards the cabin. Before she reached the door, her cell phone began to ring. Maybe it was Kyle, maybe he was ready to tell the truth about what happened between him and Ashley. When she checked the number, it was one she didn’t recognize.


  “Nikki, this is Gloria, I need to speak to Sonia right away, in fact, I’d like to speak to both of you. Please get to the lobby as soon as possible.” Gloria sounded frazzled as she spoke.

  “Gloria, is everything okay?” Nikki pushed open the door to the cabin.

  “Just get here please!” Gloria hung up the phone.

  Nikki frowned, a little put off by the woman’s attitude, and still frustrated from her conversation with her brother.

  “What did Kyle have to say?” Sonia set down her cup of coffee as Nikki stepped in with the dogs.

  “Nothing unfortunately. He claims he has no idea about any meeting with Ashley. But that was Gloria, she wants us to come to the lobby as soon as possible. She seems upset about something.” Nikki brushed the snow off the dogs, then they raced straight for the fireplace to warm up. She checked on their food and drink supply, then turned to face Sonia. “I don’t know what she wants, but it didn’t sound pleasant.”

  “Do you think she knows?” Sonia’s face grew pale.

  “I’m not sure.” Nikki’s stomach twisted. “What if there are cameras around the front desk? I hadn’t even considered that.”

  “Let’s try not to think about it.” Sonia winced. “Maybe they just want to talk to us about the investigation.”

  “Maybe.” Nikki waited for Sonia to get into her coat and boots. “I just hope that Kyle is telling me everything relevant. What if he is hiding something from us?”

  “You know your brother, Nikki, do you really think he could be involved in Ashley’s murder?” Sonia gave Princess a quick cuddle then stepped through the door that Nikki held open.

  “No, absolutely not. But he does have a talent for getting himself into messes.” She pushed the door closed behind them. “Nothing like this, though.”

  “Just have faith in him, Nikki. If he isn’t telling you everything, I am sure he has a good reason.” Sonia fell into step beside her.

  “Maybe.” Nikki took a deep breath and tried to focus on what Gloria might want with them. If she did know that she and Sonia had been inside Ashley’s cabin, what would happen next?

  Chapter 9

  The sight of the police snowmobiles parked outside the lobby sent an icy shiver through Nikki. She fought the desire to turn around and run the other way. With her mind still on her conversation with Kyle, she hadn’t really considered what it might be like if she was arrested. What defense could she offer? She and Sonia exchanged an anxious glance as Nikki pushed the door open and held it open for her. Conner and Schwitz stood on either side of Gloria, who appeared to be irate.

  “I’m telling you right now, there are kittens out there somewhere. Sonia, finally!” Gloria placed her hands on her hips as she stared at the officers before her. “Tell these incompetent officers that you heard kittens crying.”

  “I did.” Sonia frowned. “At least, I thought I did. But I think it may have actually just been the pipes in the cabin. They make funny sounds.”

  “Pipes?” Gloria spun around to face her. “Are you telling me we spent all morning searching through the snow, because of some pipes?”

  “I’m sorry for the confusion. If you had heard what I heard, you would have thought they were kittens too, I swear.” Sonia offered a sheepish shrug. “I’m just relieved that there weren’t really kittens trapped out there in the snow.”

  “Yes, you’re right, that is a relief.” Gloria turned back to the officers. “I suppose you can go now.”

  “Actually, we’re here for a reason, and it’s not the kittens. We’re here to speak to you.” Conner crossed his arms as he stared at her. “We’d like to know where you were at the time of Ashley’s death.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Gloria huffed as she stared at the two officers. “You want to speak to me as if I’m some kind of suspect?”

  “We have been told that you had quite a few issues with the victim. We wouldn’t be doing our jobs if we didn’t speak to you about it.” Conner pulled out his notepad. “So, can you tell me where you were at the time of Ashley’s death?”

  “I most certainly won’t!” Gloria looked over her shoulder at her husband. “Max, do you hear this? They’re questioning me like a criminal! Get the lawyer on the phone!”

  “Yes Gloria.” He sighed and picked up the phone at the desk. “What would you like me to tell him?”

  “Didn’t you just hear what I said?” Gloria rolled her eyes. “They can’t make me answer their questions.”

  “Gloria, you’re absolutely right.” Schwitz placed her hand lightly on the woman’s arm. “We can’t force you to answer our questions. If you don’t want to, we can go. But I thought you would be interested in solving this crime, so that the resort can get back to business as usual.”

  “I am interested in solving it. But you wasting your time, questioning me, or my husband, is not going to solve it.” She swung her hand through the air. “Your incompetence is boundless!”

  “Gloria!” Max’s harsh tone cut through his wife’s high-pitched anger. “That’s enough!”

  “Maybe there’s somewhere more private we could speak?” Schwitz suggested as a few more guests entered the lobby. “Mr. Merner, do you have an office?”

  “Sure, it’s in the back. Gloria, just go with them. We have nothing to hide.” Max looked into Schwitz’s eyes. “We had nothing to do with Ashley’s death, but whatever we can do to help with the investigation, we are happy to.”

  “You seriously have zero backbone.” Gloria rolled her eyes, but as the officers led her towards the office, she followed after them. Max hurried to the front desk to help the guests.

  Nikki breathed a sigh of relief as she realized that she and Sonia hadn’t been caught. As her mind spun with what might have happened if they had been, she wondered if she had made the right choice by going into Ashley’s cabin. Maybe her brother wasn’t the only one with a talent for getting into messes. As she started to turn back towards the front door of the lobby, she caught sight of a familiar face in the café.

  “Isn’t that Betsy?” Nikki took a step in her direction.

  “Yes, I think it is.” Sonia squinted. “Looks like she’s enjoying coffee and a muffin.”

  “Maybe she’d like some company?” Nikki raised an eyebrow and glanced over at Sonia.

  “Maybe she would.” Sonia nodded, then walked towards Betsy.

  Nikki followed a few steps behind her. As they neared the table, Betsy looked up at them.

  “Hi neighbors.” She smiled. “Would you like to join me?”

  “Sure, thanks.” Nikki sat down in one of the empty chairs, while Sonia took the third.

  “Crazy day, isn’t it?” Betsy tilted her head in the direction of the front desk. “Gloria caused such a scene.”

  “Yes, she did.” Nikki studied the woman across from her. “How are you holding up with all of this?”

  “With all of what?” Betsy lowered her voice and leaned across the table towards both of them. “Do you mean the murder?”

  “Yes,” Nikki whispered in return, though no one else was close enough to hear their conversation.

  “I just don’t know what to think. Ashley was such a sweetheart. Who would want to hurt someone like that?” Betsy pursed her lips.

  “A sweetheart?” Nikki repeated as she stared at her.

  “Oh sure, she told me all about the farm she used to live on. She was a horse person you know
. She loved riding horses. But she had to give all of that up when she lost her farm.” Betsy sighed. “She was heartbroken.”

  “She told you all this?” Sonia’s eyes widened.

  “Yes, of course. We talked quite a bit. She would share a cup of coffee with me when she did her daily tidying. I think she was a little lonely. Especially considering how awful Gloria and Max treated her.” Betsy shot a brief glare in Max’s direction, then took another bite of her muffin.

  “How did they treat her awful?” Nikki smiled as a waitress brought both her and Sonia a muffin and a cup of coffee. “Thank you.”

  “Oh, they bullied her so much. She had certain ways she liked to do things, and they would just argue with her every step of the way. It must have been so frustrating for her.” Betsy shook her head. “She said they didn’t want her here and no matter what she did they were always unhappy. They even threatened her more than once.” She picked up her coffee and took a big swallow, then coughed a bit before continuing. “I told her she shouldn’t let them treat her like that. She was too good of a person.” She looked up as a man entered the café. “Brent, over here.” Betsy waved. Nikki looked at the man walking towards them. She recognized him instantly. He was the man from the gas station. “This is Brent, he is also staying in one of the cabins. This is Sonia and Nikki.” Betsy gestured to them.

  “Nice to meet you, ladies.” Brent smiled.

  Nikki looked into his green eyes and was surprised that he didn’t seem to recognize her. Neither of them acknowledged seeing each other at the gas station.

  “Are you ready, Betsy.” Brent gestured for the door.

  “I am.” Betsy finished the last bite of her muffin. “I’m off, we have a ski lesson to attend. It is so much cheaper as a pair. Enjoy your muffins, ladies, they are delicious.”

  Nikki watched them go, a bit too stunned to even say goodbye.

  “I ran into Brent at the gas station on the way here.” She looked at Sonia. “The one that we stopped at just before getting here.”


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