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Mine on Christmas

Page 20

by Sarah J. Brooks

  If one of the kids brought up something cool that had happened at school, Niki would always write it down in a notebook that she said she shared in her prayers with Rose. How amazing was it that Niki and Rose had a connection like that? I loved that about her so much.

  The kids were thriving too. They hardly ever fought and were both in love with Niki. She had blended into our family seamlessly.

  It took our group nearly two hours to all get to the hotel and get checked in. I’d rented two full floors of the hotel and made sure everyone had a gift basket that was specially designed for our wedding party.

  This was going to be such an epic party that I was getting excited for it myself. Of course, the wedding was going to be exciting, but the party would be too. We were having the wedding at the top of the Eiffel tower and the reception in a tent just off to the side of the landmark.

  After having the idea to do our wedding there, I had to jump through a lot of hoops to get the approvals that were needed for our wedding and party. But anything that was truly worth having was worth working hard for and I wanted Niki to have the wedding of her dreams.

  I took a page out of Niki’s playbook and made sure she was involved in a lot of the decisions. A girl’s wedding day was such an important day that I didn’t want to make a decision or choose something that Niki wouldn’t like. I also didn’t want to make her do all the decisions though. So we compromised and found a happy medium.

  We made a list of all the things that Niki really wanted to have at the wedding. She told me the non-negotiable and then let me make some of the other decisions. We were a good team and that was just one more reason that I wanted to marry her and get started on our life together.

  “Dinner downstairs in an hour,” I told the kids as I got them settled into their room.

  “An hour is enough time for me,” Niki said as she grabbed me and pulled me into our bedroom.

  We actually had two rooms for the night because Niki said it was bad luck for us to stay in the same room. But before dinner, we were getting ready together in the same room. She pulled me into the room and forcefully threw me down on the bed.

  “Slow down there, young lady. I thought it was bad luck to have sex with your groom the night before the wedding.”

  “No, that’s not a thing,” she insisted. “I’m stressed out and I need an orgasm before we go down to dinner.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I teased as I quickly took my pants off and went to look for a condom in the luggage we had brought in.

  “Just come here,” she ordered and used her finger to motion for me to come back.

  “No condom?”

  “I need you inside me right now,” she groaned and threw off her shirt and then slid her pants off as well.

  There was no way I was saying no to my beautiful bride. I kissed her and slid inside her as I thrust hard. This wasn’t going to be a lovemaking session. This was one of those quickies that released stress and allowed the two of us to make it through a night with all of our family and friends in one room.

  It only took a few minutes of our bodies together before Niki was screaming out in pleasure. I kept a close eye on her and as she neared orgasm I let myself built up to explosion too. We released in delicious unison and then collapsed together on the bed.

  We were both tired from our flight and now our quickie, but it was time to get ready for dinner. After a shower and a quick shave, I was ready, but Niki was still fiddling around with her hair and makeup.

  It took her the whole hour to get ready but when she was finished she looked like a Parisian goddess. Her makeup was freshly done and she had on the cutest little dress that looked like something one of the local girls would wear.

  The dinner party was amazing and we all talked and drank until the wee hours of the morning. A couple of the moms took the younger kids up to their rooms and the rest of us turned up the party a few notches as I had them bring out some wine that I had chosen especially for this night of the event.

  Each of the wines meant something special, but this was especially important to Niki and I. This was the bottle of wine we first opened when we had dinner together and planned the Christmas party.

  What I didn’t tell the guests was it was also the wine we were drinking the first time we made love. Niki and I had joked back and forth that we should have put that little detail on the wine, but we decided not to.

  The night finished off and I walked Niki to her room. This time I wasn’t going inside with her. We were going to separate rooms because in the morning it would be our wedding day and Niki didn’t want us to see each other until she was walking down the aisle.

  “Good night, my beautiful princess,” I said as I held onto her and softly kissed her in the doorway to her room.

  “Good night, my prince,” she replied giving me butterfly kisses as well.

  “I can’t wait to make you my wife.”

  “Yeah, I know,” she joked and then pushed me away playfully. “Now go to your room. It’s almost midnight and I don’t want you to see me.”

  I did as she asked and went across the hallway to my room. I closed the door and looked through the peephole until she went inside and closed her door. I was about to marry the most beautiful girl in the world and I couldn’t wait.

  That night I didn’t sleep well at all. I closed my eyes and thought about all the details of the wedding and the reception that would follow. I imagined that this was the same sort of feeling Niki always got before she had a big event that she planned.

  When the sun came up I was up and ready to go. I put my suit on and made my way to the room downstairs where I and the rest of the guys would be hanging out and having our photos taken.

  There were still a few hours before the wedding and I found myself pacing and checking on every detail of the party. Somehow this was all going to go off without a hitch though and I knew it.

  I had Samantha and Ashley out at the reception tent and they were finalizing the details. Every now and again one of them would come in and give me an update or ask me a question. The time seemed to drag by until I heard the party planner stand in my doorway and tell us it was time.

  This was it. It was time for us to make our way to the top of the Eiffel tower. I grabbed my suit jacket and my best man gave me a shoulder shake before we went up with the rest of the guys to the observation deck.

  It cost a lot of money to close down the Eiffel tower in the middle of the day, but I didn’t care about that at all. This was our wedding and the morning sun was perfect to capture this new start to our life.

  I made sure not to look toward the hotel as Niki and her group of women made their way to the wedding location. I really wanted to see her in her dress but kept myself turned around so that I didn’t jinx anything.

  When the wedding march music started I began tearing up before I even saw Niki walking. She had the bridesmaids walking in front of her but the music had me anticipating the beautiful sight that I was going to see.

  Finally when I saw her the tears fell. This woman had changed my life and the lives of my children. Her happy demeanor and willingness to accept our past had brought our whole family closer than I ever thought possible. My life was forever changed because Niki had come into it. This was the moment I’d waited for since our first date and I was crying because it was finally here.

  As I looked through the crowd and saw all the people we loved so much, I couldn’t help but think of how differently our lives would have been if I hadn’t insisted on throwing the Christmas party.

  How different things could have turned out if Matthew hadn’t pushed Niki to take the job. Or if Samantha hadn’t befriended her and made sure she came back to help out the day of the party.

  Every little decision had culminated into the perfect storm that brought Niki into our lives and I was so grateful for it all. As I watched her walk down the aisle and our eyes locked onto one another, I knew that she was mine forever. I knew that this girl and I were going to live
one heck of a life.

  “Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife,” the preacher said as part of our vows.

  “I do,” I said.

  Niki said her vows as well and we had a glorious kiss on top of the Eiffel tower. The wedding was perfect but it was the reception that I couldn’t wait for Niki to see. I’d worked diligently to find all the little details that I wanted. I was often emailing with our planner at the wee hours of the morning just to make sure she had all the things I required at the reception.

  When we walked into the reception tent the whole crowd exploded in applause. We felt like rock stars as they chanted and clapped all the way from the doorway to our table at the front of the room.

  every detail was there from the perfect white flower centerpieces to the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. This was the reception that Niki had dreamed of.

  I saw Niki looking around the table where we were to sit. I couldn’t help smiling as she picked up each of the items on the table and them put them back down. Many of them were the same items that we had at that first Christmas party, but I’d managed to get them in white and silver so they matched our wedding theme.

  “Thomas, you did an amazing job on this party. I can’t wait to walk around and look at every single detail.”

  “You’re going to love it. I learned so much about you as I was planning this. I talked to your friends and your family and picked each centerpiece item specifically. I also have a new found appreciation for just how hard your job really is. There were so many details, so many decisions, I hope I made you happy with the things I chose.”

  “I can tell you right now I will be happy with every single thing you chose,” she said and then kissed me.

  “You don’t have to exaggerate. It’s okay if I picked something wrong. You can tell me.”

  “No, you don’t get it, Thomas. Planning this party and putting all your time and energy into each of these details… that was a gift to me. It was a gift from your heart so it really doesn’t matter what items you picked. I feel like I am queen today and that is all because of the work you did. I love you.”

  We stood at the head table and looked around at all our happy friends and family. This was what life was about. This group of people coming together to celebrate the new life that we were heading out on. This event, this group wouldn’t have happened without that Christmas party and I was so grateful for each and every detail that had brought us together.

  “I’d like to make a toast,” I announced.

  Everyone was quiet as they grabbed their champagne glasses and got ready for the toast. This was where I was supposed to say something amazing that I’d planned out ahead of time but I really didn’t have anything planned at all. I was hoping to be struck by inspiration from the emotions of the day.

  “I love you,” Niki said and squeezed my hand tightly.

  “This woman changed my life. She brought happiness and love back into our household and I’m so happy I was able to marry her. Christmas is a time to remember the past and not be afraid of it. My first wife Rose would have really loved Nicole just as much as the kids and I love her. This family of ours is unique, and I am so happy to go on this journey with all of you. So let’s raise our glasses to Christmas past, present and future.”

  “Here, here,” everyone yelled as they raised their glasses and clanged them together with one another.

  “May your past be filled with memories that you hold on to forever,” I continued. “May your present be filled with joy and love. And may your future be filled with all the dreams you can imagine.”

  This was what I hoped for myself and my new family. I also hoped that every one of our friends and family could find the same level of joy that Niki and I had found. I was a lucky man to have found love twice in my life.


  Dear reader,

  First of all: Merry Christmas to you and your beloved ones! Are you up for another lonely billionaire?! ;-)

  First of all, thank you so much for reading my book! It’s passionate readers like you that allow me to live my dream and do the thing I love most on earth, which is writing books and entertaining people. As a way of saying thank-you, I’ve included a preview of one my favorite stories – be sure to check it out!

  Preview of “Accidentally His”

  Chapter 1


  To be honest, I already knew that Rob and I were not a good fit. The chemistry wasn’t there. The passion for each other wasn’t there, but he was a safe bet. Not a fulfilling relationship at all, but I felt safe around Rob, and that was what I was looking for at that moment in my life.

  “How’s that feel?” Rob asked as he thrust on top of me.


  “Yeah, you’re so damn beautiful. Cum for me, baby,” he groaned.

  “Oh, you feel so good inside me,” I said in my best impression of an excited woman.

  I’d been faking it with Rob since the first time we slept together. It was a little surprising to me that he thought a woman acted like this when she was truly excited, but then again, I bet his past girlfriends had similar issues.

  Rob really was a decent guy. He opened the car door for me and paid for dinners. He was a little self-absorbed and talked about himself more than asking about me, but most guys were like that. I’d concluded that I just wasn’t able to be attracted to guys like I used to. My ex had totally ruined relationships for me.

  “Cum, Jordan. I want to hear you scream,” Rob said passionately as he moved on top of me.

  There was no way around it. If I didn’t fake an orgasm, he was going to continue thrusting on top of me for the next twenty minutes. He’d continue doing the same boring thing over and over and expect that I would somehow get excited and cum for him. It wasn’t worth the stress, and I was already exhausted from my day. I did what I had to do.

  My fingers clenched around his back and dug into him as I wrapped my legs tightly around his thrusting bottom. I thrust harder against him to show my enthusiasm and started to breathe heavier to make the whole thing a little more believable.

  After a respectable amount of time, I let the fake moans fly. “Yes, oh just like that,” I grunted and moved against him. “Oh, I’m going to cum,” I said in what I thought was a very unconvincing voice.

  “Yes, cum,” Rob growled back at me.

  In Rob’s defense, he did want me to have an orgasm. I genuinely believed he would have kept thrusting and thinking about baseball as long as necessary so I could have an orgasm. The problem was, I couldn’t have an orgasm with Rob. He didn’t do any moves except thrusting on top of me. He could hardly even look at me as we made love, and when I did try to offer suggestions for other positions or things to try, he always turned them down.

  He wanted to be the good guy and let me cum first, but Rob didn’t want to put in the work to make sure I was actually happy. It didn’t really matter, though; the happy part wasn’t going to come anytime soon.

  “I … am … cumming!” I yelled out and dug my fingernails into his back one last time.

  Rob took it as his green light to finally release his thrusting power. He pressed my legs down and began thrusting hard until he released his pleasure.

  “Wow, babe, that was incredible,” he said, out of breath as he fell into the bed next to me.

  “Yeah, it was good.”

  “Love you,” he said as if it was something we said to each other often.

  We hadn’t said that to each other at all, though. Did he love me? I couldn’t imagine that this was what it felt like to truly be loved by a man, but at 22 years old, I really didn’t know love at all. Rob was only my second boyfriend and the first that I wasn’t afraid of.

  Rob leaned over and pulled me close to him. He looked me in the eyes and smiled like a pride-filled little boy waiting for approval. Rob wanted me to tell him that I loved him too. I saw the look in his eyes, I knew he wanted that from me.

  “I’m so glad you c
ame over tonight,” I said and leaned in to kiss him.

  “Jordan, did you hear me? I said I love you.”

  “Yes, that was so sweet of you.”

  “Sweet of me? Babe, that was a big step for me. I was really expecting you to be excited.”

  “Of course, you are so sweet. Thank you, Rob,” I said in my best effort to please him without saying something that I didn’t mean.

  “You’re really not going to say it back?” he said as anger flashed in his eyes.

  It wasn’t the same kind of anger I’d dealt with in my past relationship. Rob never got angry like that with me. There were more things on my mind than just our sexual chemistry, though.

  “Have you been following me?” I finally blurted out. “When I left the gym the other day, I could have sworn I saw you standing behind the convenience store across the street.”

  “What? No. I told you I trust you. I’m not following you around. If you say you’re going to the gym, I believe it.”

  “You said that before but then showed up at the gym to make sure I was there,” I countered.

  “That was because I saw you talking to that tall blond guy when I showed up, and you denied even knowing him. But he was clearly flirting with you, and I don’t know why you lied to me about it. We talked about that and worked it out, though.”

  “So you aren’t following me?” I asked to clarify.

  “No. I wasn’t following ever. I showed up at the gym that one time. That was it. Is that why you don’t want to say you love me? Because you think I don’t trust you?”

  “Someone is following me. I feel it.”

  “It’s not me,” Rob said and stood up to put his clothes on. “It really hurts that you think I’d lie to your face like that or follow you like some creepy dude.”

  He was right. Rob was much too absorbed in himself to ever take time out to follow me. He was jealous of guys flirting with me, and I should have told him the truth about that guy at the gym, but I didn’t think Rob was following me.


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