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Naked Vengeance

Page 25

by Sophia Rae

Tess walked to him, reached out and took his hand.

  His body was shaking, shaking badly. He didn’t turn away. At that moment, Tess wanted nothing more than to take him in her arms, to hold him, to comfort Johnny in any way she could.

  The feeling had nothing to do with her past love for him, but rather a need to ease his pain. Unfortunately, it wasn’t that simple. No matter what she said—or did—nothing would change the fact that he would have to bury his wife the next day.

  “Thanks for coming, Tess. It means a lot.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  She had always thought that particular phrase at a funeral was repetitious, but now she knew why people said it. What more could you possibly say to someone who’d had their whole world taken from them?

  “She would’ve been happy to know that you came.” Johnny looked from Tess down to Lindsey’s peaceful face. “She’s missed you all these years.”

  Suddenly, all that had happened back then seemed petty, and Tess began to feel guilty for not responding to Lindsey’s pleas for forgiveness after Tess had found them in bed together. Now it was too late.

  “I missed her, too.”

  Tess looked down at Johnny’s hands, which were still holding hers, feeling the tables turning. It was Tess who now felt as though she were betraying a friend by holding the hands of Lindsey’s husband while Lindsey rested in her coffin.

  Tess pulled away… And Johnny lost control of his emotions.

  She took him in her arms and held him close. She could feel Johnny’s heart beating against her chest, could feel his warm breath graze her cheek as the low sob escaped him.

  They didn’t speak, nor did anyone approach them. Johnny’s fellow officers, half of the Dawson Valley Police Force, lined the back wall of the funeral home, but showed no signs of intruding. Or maybe it was that they didn’t dare get too close to Johnny’s pain for fear of not knowing what to say, what to do.

  Johnny sobbed like Tess had never heard before. It was a heartwrenching sound, causing a feeling of helplessness to rush through her body. If only there was something—anything—she could do to take away the pain.

  There wasn’t. Nobody could do anything for him. It was certain he would have the support of his friends and family. However, Johnny would have to endure this long road of anguish on his own because it was too soon for anything or anyone to lessen his pain.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, pulling away, once again maintaining composure.

  “You can’t keep this inside. If there’s anything you need, I’m here for you.” Tess didn’t know how it would come across, but she wasn’t able to help the words from coming out, didn’t fully understood herself exactly what she meant by them.

  “No, Tess… I am sorry.”

  It was time to go. Something about his repeated statement told her his words had nothing to do with Lindsey, and his wife’s wake wasn’t the time or the place to be letting such thoughts enter their minds.

  Before she reached the comfort of the exit door, Johnny stopped her. He held her shoulders, only for a moment, holding her gaze through consoling eyes. After all the time apart, she still felt the tenderness in his touch, the way his fingers gently pressed into her skin, his heat radiating through the material of her silk blouse.

  It was too much to bear. She stepped back, forcing Johnny to release his hold, enabling her to walk away from him and out into the open sunlight.

  He followed.


  She stopped and turned to face him. No words left her lips, only tears of regret uncontrollably poured down her face. He remained silent, his hands safely tucked in the pockets of his dress pants.

  Tess continued to her car at the far end of the parking lot. It was safer this way. Sitting in her car, she glanced in the rearview mirror as Johnny stood there watching her.

  Now Tess wondered why she had come here. Why had she come to see Johnny Sawyer, his wife’s body lying in a coffin, his wife taken out of his life forever? Was it to see if she could do anything for him, to let him know she would be there if and when he needed her?

  Tess tried to convince herself those were the reasons why she sat staring at the funeral home but knew they weren’t true. An unnerving chill ran through her body, giving her the answers to her questions.

  Could I be that insensitive?

  No…not intentionally.

  Tess shook her head, then started the engine of her car, driving back down the tree-lined street, away from the man who had meant the world to her, the same man who had brought it crashing down.

  She couldn’t deal with the reemerging feelings, and they couldn’t have come at a more disrespectful time. No. She didn’t think she could ever confess to Johnny Sawyer how much she still loved him.

  Winning the lottery changes her life forever…in more ways than one.

  Fortune’s Deception

  © 2008 Karen Erickson

  One minute Brittney Jones is living paycheck to paycheck, and the next she and three friends win a record-breaking lottery jackpot. Sure, she’s spent some money on herself—after her rough childhood, she figures she deserves a few indulgences, big and small.

  To financial advisor Charlie Manning, his client Brittney is a shallow beauty out to spend all of her money. He thinks she should rein it in. She thinks he should loosen up, and resolves to help him do just that—in a very naughty way.

  The passion between them burns hot and fast, and Charlie comes to realize Brittney’s heart is as big as her newly fattened bank account. She’s not only smart, but beautiful and sexy. And he can’t resist her.

  Still, Charlie is aware that Brittney’s keeping secrets from him. If only she would trust him enough to tell the truth!

  Book 1 of the Fortune series.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Fortune’s Deception:

  Brittney was going to turn him away. She had to.

  With a sigh, she threw her brush into the sink and pulled her hair into a high ponytail. No reason getting glammed up if she was going to spend the night alone. She’d realized the minute she walked out of his office she had to do this, sever all sexual ties with her financial planner. She should’ve never done it with him in the first place, and she’d made more than her share of mistakes in her life.

  Then he called her at six, his voice so sexy, a little gruff as he spoke. When he asked if he could come over, she didn’t even hesitate with her answer. Just hearing him talk made her sex weep with moisture, caused her nipples to stiffen into tight little aching buds.

  She’d hung up the phone and known immediately she’d made a mistake. No way could he come over to her house and essentially fuck her brains out. She didn’t want to lead him on, didn’t want him to think she could offer him something more. Relationships were not a part of her life, they never had been. She didn’t do consecutive dating, didn’t do any of that stuff. She had no idea how to do any of it.

  Of course, what she and Charlie had certainly couldn’t be called dating. That description was downright laughable. No, one illicit encounter in his office did not constitute dating, but she had a feeling he was a serious kind of guy.

  She didn’t care to stick around long enough to have someone hurt her, because that’s what always happened. Nothing could last forever. She’d suffered enough through her entire childhood, taking blow after emotional blow when she’d been young and had no defenses. All of it had been so painful, so heartbreaking. Never, ever again would she put herself through something like that willingly.

  Could she recall one serious boyfriend throughout her entire string of so-called relationships? Not really. She was the good-time girl, the one guys liked to hang out with, the one they liked to bang, especially because she was no-strings. No fuss, no muss, just fun.

  Mister Number Cruncher Charles Manning probably didn’t even know the meaning of no fuss, no muss. He was probably intent on finding a woman ready to settle down with, looking for a relationship. He reeked of commitment. His cologne was probably
named Commitment.

  That was so not her style.

  The doorbell rang and she ran her hands down the front of her cotton tank dress, her palms suddenly sweaty. She hated having to turn him away, didn’t want to see the disappointment in his eyes, on his face, but it had to be done. One minor encounter with the man and already she was in over her head. She couldn’t imagine how an actual sweaty mattress session with him would make her feel.

  Be strong. She lifted her chin, straightened her posture and walked with determined steps to the door.

  All thoughts of being strong and dumping his sexy ass flew right out the door with her first sight of him on her front porch. Her jaw dropped open in surprise, her mouth going dry. He looked deliciously sexy with his hands stuffed in the front pockets of worn jeans, a black T-shirt stretched tight across his broad chest. He smiled at her, dimples flashing, brown eyes filled with sexual heat behind the wire frames of his glasses. Her heart skipped a beat and her entire body roared to life, eager for his touch.

  Just one more time, what can it hurt? She could take it, she thought as she grabbed his hand and yanked him inside, kicking the door shut behind him. She pushed his big body against the door, flattened herself against him and pulled his head down.

  “Nice to see you, too,” he murmured just before her lips captured his.

  They kissed long and slow, wonderful lazy kisses. His tongue traced the outline of her lips and she opened her mouth to him, her tongue dancing with his. His hands slid up and down her sides, dragging her dress up with every pass until they slipped underneath, cupping her panty-clad ass.

  She moaned into his mouth and pressed against him, unable to help herself. He got the message, lifting her, and she wrapped her legs around him.

  “You’re strong,” she said, peppering tiny kisses all over his face, darting her tongue out to lick his skin.

  “You’re light.” His dark hair rubbed against her face as he moved down to kiss her neck, nibbling the sensitive flesh.

  A shiver consumed her when his teeth hit an extra touchy spot. “You’re sweet but I’m not that light.”

  After they’d won the lottery, she’d been on a non-stop eating binge at the finest restaurants she could find. She had to be packing at least an extra ten pounds since she’d started.

  “Mmm, you smell good. Taste good.” His lips were soft as they cruised up her neck, skimmed her jaw before finally settling on her mouth. He drank from her, his mouth languid, his tongue teasing and she clutched at him, sank her hands in his hair to keep him there, right where she wanted him.

  Oh, the man could kiss. She could do this all night. So slow, so soft, utterly decadent. His tongue searched her mouth, wet and warm and tasting faintly of mint. She tunneled her hands into his silky hair, the dark strands wrapping around her fingers and she undulated against him, wanting more. His erection brushed against her, huge and urgent and her nipples hardened to almost painful points.

  “Take me to my bedroom,” she whispered against his mouth, licking at his lips.

  He lifted his head, glanced around. “Hell, where is it? Your house is huge. How much did you pay for this monstrosity again?”

  Brittney tugged on his hair, making him yelp. “You should know and besides, there will be no talk of financial matters tonight, please. You need to focus on the task at hand.”

  “Which is?” He smiled, dimples flashing again and her tummy fluttered at the sight of them.

  She could look at those cute, sexy dimples over and over and never tire of it.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  It’s all about the story…









  Red Hots!


  Science Fiction


  Young Adult




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