Yurei Attack!: The Japanese Ghost Survival Guide
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Yurei Attack!
Yurei Attack!
The Japanese Ghost
Survival Guide
Hiroko Yoda and Matt Alt
Illustrations by Shinkichi
TUTTLE Publishing
Tokyo | Rutland, Vermont | Singapore
Yurei Attack!
Know Your Yurei
Chapter One: Sexy and Scary
Oiwa (Yotsuya Kaidan: The Horror of Yotsuya)
Okiku (Bancho Sara-yashiki: The Plate-Counting Ghost)
Otsuyu (Botan Doro: The Peony Lantern)
Lady Rokujo (Genji Monogatari: The Tale of Genji)
Isora (Kibitsu no Kama: The Kibitsu Cauldron)
Orui (Kasane-ga-fuchi: The Depths of Kasane)
Chapter Two: Furious Phantoms
Taira no Masakado
Sugawara no Michizane
Emperor Sutoku
Kohada Koheiji
Sakura Sogoro
Morinaga Shinoh
Chapter Three: Sad Spectres
Ukai Kansaku
Ame-kai Yurei: The Candy-Buying Ghost
The Okiku Doll
Furisode Kaji: The Kimono Conflagration
The Futon of Tottori
Chapter Four: Haunted Places
The Sea of Trees
Hachioji Castle
The Weeping Rock
Jomon Tunnel
Oiran Buchi: The Courtesans’ Abyss
Sunshine 60 Building
The Guiding Jizo
Matsue Ohashi Bridge
Chapter Five: Dangerous Games
Hyaku Monogatari (The Night of a Hundred Stories)
Ushinokoku-Mairi (Japanese Curses)
Kokkuri-San (Séances)
Hangonko (Soul Incense)
Shinrei Shashin (Spirit Photographs)
Houses With Histories
Chapter Six: Close Encounters
Hoichi the Earless
Yuten Shonin
Ono no Takamura
Chapter Seven: The Afterlife
Enma Daio
The Eight Hells
Toys of Terror
Bibliography and Recommended Reading
This book is dedicated to Tokyo’s scariest resident, Oiwa-san, who’s been putting the fear into Japan for close to two centuries and counting.
Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd.
Copyright © 2012 Hiroko Yoda and Matt Alt
Illustrations © 2012 Satoko Tanaka
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Yoda, Hiroko.
Yurei attack! : the Japanese ghost survival guide / Hiroko Yoda and Matt Alt ; illustrations by Shinkichi. -- 1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-1-4629-0892-9 (ebook)
1. Ghosts--Japan. I. Alt, Matt. II. Title.
BF1472.J3Y63 2012
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Do you believe in ghosts?
Generations upon generations of Japanese did. Many still do. This book is a collection of a nation’s “conventional wisdom” on the topic. We didn’t make up a single ghost or story that appears in the pages that follow. They’re all completely “real” — real in the sense that they inhabit the historical and literary record. We scoured these for tales of terror from beyond the grave, pulling together as much background and context as we could. The sole embellishments are the new illustrations that adorn each profile.
While this may be a survival guide, get any thoughts of playing junior exorcist out of your head right now. The best you can hope for in the event of an encounter is to make it out alive. And if generations of ghost stories are to be believed, there are plenty of opportunities for ghost encounters in the islands of Japan. They were, and some say still are, very much a part of daily life there.
The Japanese word for ghost is yurei. They are the souls of dead people, unable — or unwilling — to shuffle off this mortal coil for whatever reason. The general concept is similar to that of ghosts in the Western world: an ethereal essence of a formerly living being that remains after death. Just as in the West, some yurei haunt a specific person or place; others tend to roam freely.
But the similarities with foreign ghosts end there. In the West, spooks come out for Halloween. In Japan, spirits of all kinds are most active during the summer months, for that is the time of the Obon holiday — the festival of the dead, when the spirits of loved ones are welcomed home from the hereafter for their annual visit.
Abroad, ghosts come in all shapes and sizes. Some are terrifying, like the Headless Horseman in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Others are content merely to haunt, such as Banquo’s quietly accusatory phantom in Macbeth. There’s even Casper, the Friendly Ghost.
Japan’s yurei are many things, but “friendly” isn’t the first word that comes to mind. Not every yurei is dangerous, but they are all driven by emotions so uncontrollably powerful that they have taken on a life of their own: rage, sadness, devotion, a desire for revenge, or just a firm belief that they are still alive.
The most famous yurei by far are the angry ghosts. A great many of these are (or were) women. You don’t have to be female to become a yurei, but it seems to help. There isn’t any hard and fast answer as to why this is, other than tradition, but it’s easy to make an educated guess. The most popular ghost stories are tales of betrayal and revenge. In times of old women occupied a lower rung of the soci
al ladder than men in society, making them convenient targets for all sorts of nasty behavior: trickery, betrayal, even murder. The more dutiful and loyal the woman, the more powerful her ghost and the sweeter the inevitable revenge against her tormentor. Payback, as they say, is a bitch.
Yurei are all about payback.
The Power of Onnen
Nobody ever lives a long, happy life, dies peacefully in bed surrounded by family, and comes back as a yurei. The most dangerous yurei have an axe to grind — preferably against the neck of whoever it was that cut their lives short in the first place. They are fueled by a potent mix of fury, sadness, and a desire for revenge. What takes many words to describe in English takes only one in Japanese: onnen.
An onnen is a mix of grudge and anger so powerful that it takes on a literal life of its own, transforming into a force capable of exerting a malevolent influence on the physical world. This is the fuel that feeds an angry ghost.
The insidious thing about an onnen is that you don’t have to have been the one who actually instigated the grudge to be affected. Like a virus, anyone who comes into contact is at risk. Even the totally innocent. That’s what makes the prospect of a yurei encounter so terrifying. They are the paranormal equivalent of landmines, invisible and still dangerous long after they were first sown.
According to Japanese tradition, shaped by centuries and millennia of native Shinto and imported Buddhist beliefs, it is believed that the soul is eternal, passing from the body of the deceased into the world of the dead. But to do so it must remain in a purgatory of sorts among the living for a certain period of time. It is during this period that fierce emotion, whether positive or negative, can bind a soul to this world. The deeper the emotion, the higher the chance of a soul manifesting itself among the living again.
In the vast majority of cases, a yurei will remain trapped in our world until its onnen is soothed or appeased in some way. But there are exceptions. Some are so powerful that they remain in our world permanently. These represent the most dangerous sorts of spirits in Japanese folklore. A perfect example of this can be seen in Taira no Masakado (page 40), the samurai warrior whose furious spirit is believed to reside in downtown Tokyo even today, a millennium after his death on the battlefield. The perceived power of onnen is precisely why his shrine has remained untouched for centuries, even though it sits atop what is now some of the most expensive real estate on the planet.
Yurei vs Yokai
In times of old the inhabitants of Japan believed that they shared their country with all sorts of other worldly inhabitants. These ranged from kami (gods), to oni (monstrously powerful ogres), to bakemono and yokai (shape-shifters and other supernatural creatures).
The yurei are often lumped together with the yokai, which we cover in great detail in the predecessor to this book, Yokai Attack! The Japanese Monster Survival Guide. In a nutshell, yokai are the things that go bump in Japan’s night: mythical creatures from fairy tales and folklore. But make no bones about it: yurei and yokai are very different sorts of things.
There’s actually a handy rule of thumb for differentiating the two. A yurei is a someone. A yokai is a something. Yurei is a specific term. Yokai is quite general.
A yurei can cause all sorts of phenomena, from audible and visible manifestations to outright attacks. On the other hand, yokai tend to be personifications of phenomena themselves, attempts to put names and faces to inexplicable happenings. Yurei are human spirits, whereas many yokai are considered lesser gods of the natural world.
Another critical difference: yokai often come across as mischievous, in some cases borderline cute. Rotund tanuki (raccoon-dog) statues and glowering tengu (mountin goblin) masks are common sorts of decorations in Japan. But you will almost never find a yurei painting gracing a home or establishment. They have an unparalleled ability to put the fear into even modern-day Japanese.
An 18th century painting by Okyo’s student Nagasawa Rosetsu, in a style inspired by that of his master.
Historical Portrayals Of Yurei
The undisputed originator of the distinctive appearance of a yurei, at least graphically, is the artist Maruyama Okyo. His painting Ghost of Oyuki featured many of the characteristics of a “stereotypical” yurei: long, unkempt hair, an ethereally pale pallor, a floating body that lacks clearly defined legs. Most importantly, it’s a woman. And like all great ghost tales, it’s even supposedly based on a true story: in this case, a vision of the artist’s mistress, who died young and returned to him for a last visit in a dream.
But don’t get the mistaken impression that Okyo was the first person to see a ghost in Japan.
A haunting 18th century painting by a pair of brothers, Goshun (who did the ghost) and Keibun (who did the willows on the mounting.)
Not by a long shot. His painting merely represented a longtime interest in the phenomenon that was clawing its way into the mainstream of popular culture. The “golden age” of the Japanese ghost story, when the conventions of the genre were clearly laid out, came in the early half of the 19th century.
Japan’s booming middle class formed the perfect market for all sorts of mass entertainment. Elaborate kabuki stage productions complete with special effects rivaled modern-day Hollywood blockbusters for their ability to put people in seats. But feudal Japan wasn’t a democracy, and strict regulations forbid playwrights from portraying anything that might be seen as critical of the Shogun or his government. Ghost tales came to the rescue. Stories of servants mistreated by their masters, loyal wives betrayed by their husbands, or innocent villagers killed for sport by aristocrats were framed not as social commentary but rather as “ghost-exploitation” stories, allowing artists free reign to wryly comment on contemporary issues without incurring the wrath of the authorities. (This wasn’t idle paranoia; criticizing the status quo, even indirectly, landed many a writer in jail — or worse.)
Another popular way of letting off some steam, particularly during the sultry summer months, was a parlor game called Hyaku Monogatari — the “Night of a Hundred Tales.” The idea was simple: gathering a group of friends and freaking each other out with ghost stories until the sun came up. Discussing weird happenings in the dead of night undoubtedly amplified the thrills and chills, as did rumors that a real ghost or creature would appear in the room after a successful session. It was interactive entertainment centuries before the advent of televisions, control pads, and keyboards.
Yurei culture
Some of the yurei tales portrayed in this book are based on the lives — and deaths — of people who actually existed. Others are obvious flights of fancy. More than a few are a little of both. But they form the bedrock of what could be called “yurei culture” in Japan.
Ghost stories represent some of Japan’s greatest works of literature and entertainment. Nearly every Japanese has heard of Oiwa-san from the Horror at Yotsuya or Okiku, the Plate-Counting Ghost, for example. From the nearly thousand-year-old Tale of Genji to the 18th century chiller Tales of Moonlight and Rain, from Akira Kurosawa’s Rashomon to “J-Horror” movies like Ring and The Grudge, it seems ghosts still have the power to terrify Japanese and non-Japanese alike.
Knowing what frightens someone is a wonderful window into their personality — which makes knowing what frightens an entire nation of people a powerful tool for understanding what makes them tick.
Using This Book
There are a lot of yurei and haunted spots out there, so we’ve organized things for easy understanding — the better to help you make it through any close encounters.
Chapter 1 focuses on the most famous female ghosts. Chapter 2 collects stories of angry ghosts. Chapter 3 focuses on spirits driven by sadness or despair rather than fury. Chapter 4 covers Japan’s scariest haunted spots, including information about how to get to them. Chapter 5 details dangerous games that can bring people into contact with the spirit world. Chapter 6 showcases some of Japan’s most famous encounters with the supernatural. And Chapter 7? Well, let’s just say
it’s a vision of what lays in store for all of us. It explains what happens when things go “right” and your eternal soul passes into the afterlife without turning yurei.
So let us ask you again: do you believe in ghosts? Trust us, the yurei don’t care. They’re here, and they aren’t letting you off the hook that easily. Fortunately for you, everything you need to know about them is contained right between the covers of this book. So what are you waiting for? You’d better get started. And if you have to sleep with the lights on for a while, just look on the bright side: you aren’t alone.
—Hiroko Yoda & Matt Alt
Tokyo, Japan
Yurei come in many shapes and forms. Yet there are traits and accoutrements common to many of them. Very few if any yurei possess all of these features, but each is strongly indicative of things from beyond the grave. We created this composite illustration to help familiarize you with the basics. Think of it as a “generic Japanese ghost.” The numbers refer to the illustration on the following page.
1. Triangular headdress.
This archaic Buddhist funerary headdress hasn’t been used in actual funerals for generations, but it is a standard prop for yurei.
2. Long, stringy, unkempt hair.
Hair, particularly hair that grows out of control, is a common feature of Japanese ghost stories.
3. Crazed/aggrieved expression.
What, were you expecting a warm smile?