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Steel (Devil's Fury MC 5)

Page 9

by Harley Wylde

  I stirred everything together and let it simmer on the stove. I checked the time and realized there would be plenty of time for me to shower and change clothes. If I was going to meet my first potential friend, I wanted to wear something slightly better than a T-shirt and leggings. Since I’d been cleaning and putting things away, I’d dressed for comfort. I turned the sauce down so it wouldn’t bubble over and checked on Coral. Satisfied that the house wouldn’t burn down and no one would need me for the next twenty minutes, I laid out a pair of jeans and one of my nicer shirts, then started the shower.

  Steam billowed out of the glassed-in stall. I removed my clothes and put them into the hamper before climbing under the spray. The hot water eased my tense muscles and I wished I could stay in the watery paradise for a while. I shampooed my hair, digging my fingers into my scalp, then rinsed it. The bubbles slid down my body and spiraled the drain. I squeezed a generous amount of conditioner onto my palm and worked it into my hair. While it set, I washed the rest of me and shaved. It wasn’t the leisurely shower I’d have loved to take, but I was already feeling more human.

  By the time I’d finished and dried off, I heard Coral and Victoria moving around in her bedroom. I knew my hair would take a while to dry and didn’t want to look like a drowned rat when Zoe arrived, so I quickly braided it and put on my clothes. I’d always hated wearing shoes if I didn’t have to and after a quick glance at the pairs Steel had insisted I needed, I didn’t see the harm in remaining barefoot. I checked on Coral and decided to leave her be. She spoke animatedly with Victoria while she flipped through a book.

  I checked on the sauce and started the tortellini. Once the pasta was boiling, I rummaged through the pantry and pulled out the loaf of Italian bread. After I sliced off four thick pieces, I put the remainder back and got the butter out of the refrigerator. Garlic toast was simple enough. Coral loved it so I hoped Luis would be a fan as well. I’d just put the finishing touches on everything when the doorbell rang.

  Coral raced past me to the front door and yanked it open before I could stop her. I didn’t think we were in any danger since there was a fence around the compound, but I’d prefer to use caution. A woman and little boy stood on the porch, both grinning broadly. Coral immediately grabbed the boy’s hand and pulled him into the house, chattering away.

  “Well, that was easy.” The blonde woman held out her hand. “I’m Zoe, and your little girl just took off with my son, Luis.”

  “I think she plans to show him the dog and go out back. Are you all right with that?” I asked. “Sorry. Manners. I’m Rachel, and it’s nice to meet you.”

  “If pets are involved, Luis will be in heaven. Something smells delicious. I hope you didn’t go to any trouble.”

  I waved off her concern. “I like to cook. Besides, we needed to eat anyway. I just made a little extra. I have no idea when Steel will be home. He was gone when I woke up and I haven’t heard from him all morning.”

  Zoe followed me to the kitchen and sat at the table. The kids ran through with the dog, going straight to the backyard. Since Zoe didn’t seem worried about her son eating right away, I decided to let them play for a bit. Coral hadn’t had a playmate in a while, not since school ended. I dished up some food for both of us, grabbed two glasses from the cabinet, and poured sweet tea into them. Sitting across from Zoe, I wondered if her men vanished like mine had. Was this a normal thing? Or was Steel doing something bad, something he might not come back from? I still didn’t know much about this place or the people here.

  “So you and Steel are a new thing,” Zoe said, “but I heard the two of you are married.”

  “I guess we’re married.” My brow furrowed. “Steel has a piece of paper that says we’re husband and wife, but neither of us actually spoke vows or anything.”

  “Outlaw,” Zoe muttered. “Did he force you into this? That man is such a menace. It worked out fine for me, but one day he’s going to marry off some woman who is going to be pissed as hell about it.”

  “Wait. He’s done this before?”

  “It’s kind of their thing from what I understand. The guys try to protect someone, or fall for a woman, and Outlaw swoops in, works a little magic on the computer, and marries them.”

  I wasn’t sure what to make of it. How could someone do that? Was it even legal, or binding in any way? If I went to a lawyer and asked for a divorce, would he even find an official record of our marriage? It didn’t really matter. As far as Steel was concerned, we were married. He claimed Coral as his daughter, and was even going to sign papers to adopt her. Or however it worked since Outlaw seemed to work magic. Nothing else mattered. He was good to us, and I’d be stupid to walk away. Maybe he didn’t do things the legal way, but he hadn’t hurt us. It was more than I could say for Patrick and his family.

  “What’s that look?” Zoe asked.

  “If Outlaw married us over the computer, which I still don’t understand, is the marriage even legal?” I asked.

  “From what I understand, he hacks into the government websites. If anyone goes to look, it will show you are legally married to Steel. The question is whether or not that’s good enough for you, or do you want a real wedding?”

  I’d not thought about a wedding since Patrick turned his back on me. I hadn’t expected him to marry me back in high school, but I’d thought he’d at least be part of my life and Coral’s, and maybe one day things would head that direction. Then he’d shown his true colors. I hadn’t let anyone get close enough since then, until Steel. Although, I hadn’t let Steel do anything. He’d sort of bulldozed me, even though he did have good intentions. To some women, it might have been a deal breaker, or even pissed them off. To me, it was just nice to have someone care that much.

  “If it makes a difference, I’ve heard he hasn’t been with any of the women at the clubhouse,” Zoe said. “I asked Dagger when I heard Steel had brought someone home. The fact he wants you here speaks volumes. What little gossip I’ve heard is that Steel has always wanted a family and thought he’d never have one. So while he may be your knight in shining armor, or whatever, you’re the answer to his prayers.”

  “I’m wanted,” I said softly. “We both are.”

  Zoe nodded. “Yes, you are. Now let’s eat and have some girl talk. Better get used to it because the other ladies will be on your doorstep soon enough.”

  I spent the next hour talking to Zoe, and we fed the kids. Luis was several years younger than Coral, but it didn’t seem to matter. They played with Victoria and ran around the backyard. Their squeals and laughter made me smile, and I felt like I was truly home for the first time since those two pink lines had changed my life forever.

  Nearly two weeks ago, I’d been scared and alone. I hadn’t known where we’d sleep, if I could feed my child, or whether or not I’d find a job. Now I had a home, a husband, and a new friend. Things weren’t perfect, but they were certainly looking up. Coral and I were no longer alone. I wouldn’t go so far as to say Steel loved us, or at least me. Coral was pretty easy to love. I hoped that one day I’d fall head over heels for him and he would the feel the same about me. For now, I was content. Happier than I’d been in years.

  Whatever, or whoever, put Steel in my path, they’d given me the greatest gift ever.

  Chapter Eight


  I eyed the men around the table, thankful they hadn’t had an issue with me claiming Rachel. Outlaw may have married us, and Grizzly had known about it, but if the club hadn’t accepted her, we’d have had to move outside the compound. It wouldn’t have bothered me, much, but I liked the safety the gate provided for my family. It wasn’t perfect, as we’d learned numerous times already, but each incident brought us closer to making the compound stronger and safer.

  “There’s something else,” I said. “She came here because she’s on the run. I’m officially adopting Coral, courtesy of Outlaw, but that little girl’s biological dad is Patrick Mulligan. It seems his family has been causing some problems
for Rachel. The little punk signed away his rights to his daughter, but his parents seem to have found a use for her. I don’t know what or why they suddenly want her now.”

  “I’ll get with Wire and Shade to see what we can find,” Outlaw said. “No one will hurt your new family, Steel.”

  “We installed more cameras along the perimeter,” Grizzly said. “If the Mulligans show their faces around town, or send anyone after your girls, we’ll do whatever is necessary.”

  “And by that you mean…” I arched an eyebrow, hoping he wasn’t implying what I thought.

  “Guns for hire,” Grizzly said. “But not just anyone. I’ll call Torch and see if he can get Casper’s help selecting some men. We’ll have to figure out where the fuck to put them, but I’m hoping it won’t come to that. Maybe we can resolve this the easy way.”

  Yep, that’s what I’d feared. It would be too easy for the Mulligans to slip someone into the compound, a man we actually hired. I knew Griz trusted Torch and Casper, but unless we received a photo of every man they were sending our way, there was no guarantee. I wasn’t convinced even then. I had something precious and I’d be damned if I’d lose my family.

  Dingo snorted. “Yeah, Pres, because anything having to do with our women is oh so easy. We had to take down nearly everyone at town hall to keep Meiling safe. What’s a few Irish mobsters?”

  “No one said anything about the mob.” At least, I didn’t think Outlaw had disclosed that part yet.

  Dingo gave me an are you stupid look. He had a point. I wouldn’t have brought up a particular family if they didn’t have ties to some bad criminal types. With the name Mulligan, the Irish mob wasn’t too far of a leap. Well, for ordinary people it might be, but not for us. I knew the Bratva had paid a visit to the Dixie Reapers when Sarge claimed one of their women. Why not the Irish mob?

  “I tried to dig up something on my own,” Outlaw said. “But my damn hands wouldn’t cooperate. I didn’t want to get caught, so I backed out. I know Wire will be up for the challenge, so I’m sure he’ll help.”

  I tapped the table. “He might be, but make sure he knows these people aren’t too far from the Reapers territory. They could cause problems for the Dixie Reapers a lot easier than coming all the way here to Blackwood Falls. It’s not without risk.”

  Outlaw nodded.

  “Any word on the little Mexican ladies?” Colorado asked. “Not that I mind them being around, but are they just staying indefinitely or what? I thought this was just a layover.”

  He wasn’t wrong about them being here longer than anticipated, but I’d noticed the way Wolf looked at one of those ladies. There was no fucking way Grizzly was going to send them out on their own unless it was deemed necessary. Demon had seemed sweet on one of them, but lately he’d kept his distance. I didn’t know if they’d argued or he’d just lost interest. Not my problem.

  “You want me to toss them into the gutter?” Grizzly asked.

  “No,” Colorado said. “But they can’t just live here forever. Are they even working on a way to improve their lives, or just living off us? Because we pay for where they live, their utilities, and even the food they eat. I’m all about helping those who need it, but this is just dragging on, Pres. What Ramirez gave us only went so far. It’s been months.”

  “Franny is doing her part,” Wolf pointed out. “She has a job, even if it’s only part-time. She’s saving her money and making plans. Yeah, the shit we offer is helping her get there faster, but she’s not trying to drain our finances. So just shut up with that shit.”

  “Rosa has a job,” Demon said, but the way his jaw tightened told me he wasn’t happy about it. Was that why he’d stopped spending time with her? Just where the fuck was she working?

  “Fine. So two of them have jobs. What about the others?” Colorado asked. “Isn’t it possible some may be taking advantage?”

  “We’ll discuss it at another time,” Grizzly said. “I’ll give the women a nudge who don’t seem to be moving forward. The girls at my house are fine where they are. I’m hoping to enroll them in school this fall. It’s time they had a chance at a childhood and not shoulder so much responsibility.”

  Couldn’t argue. He was right. Those girls did deserve a chance at a somewhat normal life. And if Grizzly could give it to them, then he had my support one hundred percent. If he decided they were his kids, then heaven help anyone who got in his way. The big guy loved taking in strays. I often wondered if it was a way to remember his wife. They’d adopted Adalia, and after May passed from cancer and Adalia moved in with Badger, he didn’t hesitate to take in Lilian and Shella. Speaking of…

  “Hey, Pres, you have my support whatever you decide, but what about the girl you took in? I know you sent Shella to the Devil’s Boneyard to visit with her baby half-sister, but I haven’t seen her since. She not coming back?” I asked.

  Grizzly rubbed the back of his neck. “Shella is being… difficult. In fact, she’s not at the Devil’s Boneyard anymore. She stopped there for a few weeks, then packed up her car and took off. Outlaw has a tracker on her vehicle and assures me she’s safe. I tried to raise her right, but I guess I gave in too much when she wanted shit. It’s time for her to figure out how to stand on her own two feet.”

  “She hasn’t talked to Lilian,” Dragon said. “We tried to call her about the babies, but she wouldn’t answer the phone and hasn’t called back. Lil feels pretty fucking bad about it.”

  “Shella’s a damn brat,” Dagger said. “No offense, Pres, but you should have spoiled her less and spanked her more.”

  Grizzly grunted, but I could tell he was in agreement. He’d overcompensated for her shitty life before she’d come here, and it had backfired in a horrible way. I didn’t understand it. He’d done the same with Adalia and Lilian and both had turned out fine.

  “Steel, the cut for Rachel will be ready in a few days. You want anything special for Coral? Maybe a T-shirt or something so she doesn’t feel left out?” Demon asked.

  “Little Coral would love that. I’d appreciate it.” I smiled, remembering how much her face lit up every time she called me Daddy, and she found plenty of reasons to use her new name for me. I rather liked it too.

  He nodded, then focused on Griz again. The Pres looked like he’d aged ten years just in the last few months. I knew Shella leaving had weighed on him, and he’d had so much on his plate since then. It seemed we couldn’t catch a break. If one of us ever claimed a woman who wasn’t in trouble, it would be a fucking miracle. Adalia might not have had issues when Badger claimed her, but he’d rescued her as a teen from a rapist. So yeah, we all had a type.

  “When Outlaw finds out more about the Mulligans and why they want Coral, we’ll reconvene. Until then, everyone keep an eye out. Anyone suspicious starts hanging around, you tell me or Demon,” Grizzly said. “Steel, you need to introduce your woman to more people. She needs to know she has an entire community here, a family, who will support her. We’ll keep the clubhouse cleared out tomorrow for a family gathering. No club whores permitted inside the gates. Anyone living inside the compound will be welcome.”

  “I sent Zoe and Luis over for lunch,” Guardian said. “It’s why I was late. Thought the kids might be close enough in age to be able to have a playdate.”

  “Appreciate it,” I said. Even if that did mean I might have extra people in my house when I got home. I’d enjoyed my time alone with Rachel and Coral, but it couldn’t last forever. Grizzly was right. They needed to know they weren’t alone.

  “Everyone get the fuck out. Except you, Steel,” Grizzly said.

  I hung back, waiting for the room to clear. I had a feeling I knew what he wanted to discuss. When Dagger and Guardian had claimed Zoe, a lunatic wearing a Devil’s Fury cut had slipped into the compound. Except it belonged to a man long dead, and none of us had a fucking clue we’d had a psycho in our midst. He’d only shown himself to Zoe, and she hadn’t known the man claiming to be King wasn’t really a member of this club. />
  “What did you find out?” he asked once the doors closed behind everyone.

  “Traced King’s widow to Missouri. Only problem is her current residence is a cemetery. I found her last known address and spoke to a few neighbors, but none of them knew much about her. Said someone showed up a few days after her death and cleared out her place. It was on the market a day later.”

  He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Fucking great. So we aren’t any closer to figuring this shit out. I doubt Demon thought to take a picture of the nut job wearing King’s cut before he let Dagger redecorate the man’s face.”

  “If he did, I didn’t have a copy. I just had a general description, but none of the neighbors remembered what the man looked like. It was a male, though, so it’s possible it was the same guy Dagger and Demon tortured and killed.”

  “I don’t like it. King isn’t the only member who’s passed on. What if more cuts are out there? We need to make sure every single person inside the gates knows everyone else. If another imposter sets foot in this place, I don’t want there to be any doubts,” Grizzly said. “We have enough issues to deal with as it is.”

  So fucking true. I wouldn’t be opposed to a few quiet months without drama or any bullshit going on. I doubted anyone else in the club would either. I knew Grizzly had hoped for a different outcome from my little trip, and so had I. Sadly, it seemed King’s widow had died alone with no friends and no family. I didn’t know why she’d moved away from Blackwood Falls, but I wished she’d stayed. The club may have been different back then, but we’d have still watched over her. By being King’s wife and old lady, she was family.

  “I know you’re anxious to get back to your woman and kid,” Grizzly said. “But there’s one thing I need you to do first.”

  “What’s that, Pres?” I asked.

  “Doolittle. I know you saw him the night you found Victoria, but I’m worried about the kid. I’ve tried my best to keep him away from the club and all the shit going down around here, but like it or not, he’s one of us. Saw him around town not too long ago and he didn’t look quite right. I know the two of you are close. Go check on the kid and make sure everything is okay. If he’s in trouble, you bring him here. We’ll find a spot for him.”


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