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Closer To The Core (25,000 Light-Years Book 1)

Page 22

by S. Hansen

  ‘Sorry. What ya doing?’

  ‘Trying to avoid the observers killing us.’

  ‘Oh you picked up on that too huh?’ Mazar turned to Stark and spoke in genuine surprise.

  ‘Honestly I didn’t think you would have.’ He smiled warmly and gently rubbed the wound in his side.

  ‘Not just a substandard agent me.’

  ‘Does Polly know?’

  ‘No, I thought it better not to tell her that bit.’

  ‘Well how was getting yourself killed going to help her then?’ Stark’s brow furrowed and he bit his healing lip gently while nodding.

  ‘That…. is an excellent point. But in my defence I was going to die either way.’ Mazar’s face screwed up in suspicion causing Stark to explain himself.

  ‘Well this whole trip has been a fun fair for me. I’ll name it Adam Stark; this is your death!’ He splayed his hands and tried to make a show of a depressing experience. ‘Every time I see my past or future all that’s there is either something so emotionally painful I want to die or my actual death. So I have had a real ball.’ Mazar nodded in agreement and avoided eye contact with Stark as she spoke.

  ‘Yeah, I understand that. I probably have you beat.’ Stark studied Mazar’s face, he saw the beautiful woman sat in the pub drinking tea, he saw the fierce fighter and now he thought he saw something more. He hoped there was more to her, it meant that there was hope for him. If she could be more then so could he. He caught a glimpse of the silver Star of David hung from her neck and smiled.

  ‘I have witnessed the breakdown of my marriage on multiple occasions.’

  ‘My father’s funeral.’

  ‘My mother’s death.’

  ‘The day they told me my fiancé had been killed in action.’

  ‘The day my wife told me my unborn child had died.’

  ‘That has to be counted as part of your marriage breakdown, you can’t break up those moments.’

  ‘That’s pretty cold but okay… I’ve seen my death by falling in the cavern.’

  ‘Death by drowning.’

  ‘Death by stabbing.’

  ‘Death by vicious monster.’

  ‘Wow! This has really thrown us through the wringer hasn’t it?’ He smiled to himself and appreciated that she was someone he could talk to about it without feeling as though he were letting her down. She nodded in agreement and returned to her work with the cube. The image had returned and she resumed her study of the outward appearance of the observer’s station. She stood stiffly with her arms folded while Stark who had slumped along multiple seats watched her from behind. His gaze landed on the gun holstered at her hip and he began to consider the possible outcomes of the near future.

  ‘You know even if we survive the observers and make it back to Earth you are going to kill me. So can I at least know why you were in England?’ Irritated by the interruption she responded coldly.

  ‘I think I have shared enough personal information for today.’ He slouched forward resting his elbows on his knees then gazed down at the top of his boots and considered the time spent away from Earth when Dantil entered the bridge with a somewhat confused appearance.

  ‘Polly said to say she was going to sleep now. And please could you be more quiet with your shuffling around the ship.’ Stark inhaled deeply, blinked the blurred vacant stare from his eyes and raised his head to Dantil.

  ‘Her words I assume.’ Dantil’s head tilted to one side as he approached Stark.

  ‘Yes? They were the words she said to tell you. Anyway I’ve been thinking about your question.’ Stark looked a little happier at this news.

  ‘So what’s the answer?’

  ‘I’m not sure. At first I was confused, surely my mind does not work so differently from yours. Then I realised that you seem to think with your feelings.’ Mazar made a clicking noise with her teeth and cheek before speaking dryly.

  ‘Substandard agent.’

  ‘So I tried to understand how I feel when I look at her.’ Dantil solemnly imitated Stark’s sitting position on the other side of the table so that the two of them were both watch Mazar’s back as she studied stoically.

  ‘So?’ Stark was a little impatient even though he had only recently become so invested in the topic.

  ‘I feel everything I have ever felt I think. Happy to be near her, overjoyed to see her smile, anxious that she might be disappointed with me, nervous that I might say the wrong thing, excited to learn more about her, and sad to know that she will leave my life soon.’ Stark stood up, patted Dantil on the back comfortingly and sauntered across the room to lean against the wall and stare at the hologram in view of Mazar. He shoved his hands in his pockets and enjoyed the silence and the chance to think clearly.

  ‘It’s no good, I can’t get to sleep.’ Polly yawned as she sat in the pilot chair facing toward the rest of the room and Stark took the opportunity to admire each of his companions perhaps for the last time. Each of them had saved his life in their own way and although he wasn’t ready to say that he was a happy man he could confidently say that each of them had been the closest thing to a friend he had had for a number of years.

  He smiled contentedly as his gaze passed from his endlessly optimistic and selfless neighbour to the dependable but naïve strongman before settling on the extremely focused and brutally honest Mazar. He could have enjoyed that moment for hours.

  ‘This is a weirdly long silence; I feel a little bit like I walked into a room of people that had been talking about me. Although now that I say that I think it sounds a little bit paranoid. Anyway…. What are we doing?’

  ‘Thinking about-‘

  ‘Planning!’ Suddenly realising Dantil’s seeming inability to lie Stark shouted over Dantil. The loudness of his response had been mildly startling and he felt all their eyes on him. He took his hands out of his pockets and rubbed them together while nervously laughing.

  ‘Planning. It’s very important to plan.’ Mazar’s eyes looked up at him with disapproval before they rolled and she returned to the image. Stark walked toward the white cube as he considered how to explain himself to Polly. He cleared his throat, a small squeak came out as he tried to speak and he closed his mouth to try to clear his throat again.

  ‘The observers will kill us when we return. Stark is scared to tell you. I am planning. Stark is gazing around the room like a contented puppy.’ Stark’s eyebrow raised.

  ‘A puppy huh? You must find me very adorable.’

  ‘More of a cat person actually.’

  ‘That makes a lot of sense, I can see you being a crazy cat lady.’

  ‘Would you two stop?! What do you mean the observers will kill us?’ Mazar looked confused by Polly’s lack of understanding and spoke in a mocking tone.

  ‘I mean exactly that. They will kill us. I don’t think I can make it simpler.’

  ‘Well why? How do you know?’ Polly’s questions seemed to irritate Mazar which caused Stark to cautiously edge toward Dantil and avoid the conversation.

  ‘Because I am trained to know.’

  ‘That’s not an answer! Why don’t you try explaining yourself a bit more seeing as how my life is concerned?’ Stark rummaged in his pocket and brought out a small silver packet containing tiny cubes of a sweet, brown substance. He grimaced as the packet made a loud tearing noise when he opened it but neither of the women paid any attention leaving him to snack away. He offered some to Dantil who politely declined while trying his hardest not to be sick again.

  ‘Fine. Those suspicious aliens that refuse to leave their station have enlisted us to fix the problem. The problem is fixed. Do you think they will just send us on our merry way knowing everything we know? Do you think they will just plop us back on Earth to tell everyone what we have seen and done even though they don’t want to affect the advancement of the galaxy in any way?’ Polly nervously laughed as she responded.

  ‘Well surely they will just wipe a bit of our memory like they did with George.’ Mid way through a mouth
ful of food Stark’s eyes widened and he motioned to Polly to stop talking by waving his fingertips across his neck enthusiastically. Mazar turned around toward Stark who tried to return to a normal stance before her eyes fell on him.

  ‘Who is George?’

  ‘Oh.’ He scratched his head nervously. ‘Uhhm-‘ his voice squeaked as he gave up on finding a good answer and he muttered his response quickly in the hope she wouldn’t hear.

  ‘JustacivilianImayhavegottenkidnappedwithme…’ Her eyes rolled, her head shook and she turned back to the cube before speaking again.

  ‘Substandard agent.’ Stark was disappointed in himself as he did not often compare his achievements and abilities against those of other agents. Out of the gloom a single brow raised in inspiration and he raised his face to look at Mazar’s back.

  ‘Why do we have to go back to them? Can’t we just head straight to Earth?’ Keeping her back to him she responded.

  ‘Because they watch Earth, they would find us pretty easily.’

  ‘Okay so protocol says go to the opposite of where they expect you to go.’

  ‘Which is where exactly?’

  ‘Literally anywhere else in space. We are completely unprepared for the rest of space so they wouldn’t expect us to go there.’ Mazar sighed and turned to Polly with a dumbfounded look.

  ‘Yes, he is serious. And no I don’t think that’s a good idea.’ Polly shared in Mazar’s dismay which aggravated Stark.

  ‘Well what do you suggest then?’ Stark had intended the question to be posed more to Mazar but Polly had felt that her opinion might be considered and so optimistically offered her plan.

  ‘I say we just go back as planned and talk it over with the aliens. I don’t think they are unreasonable.’ Stark looked at her questioningly. ‘Okay well maybe Trillan is unreasonable but the others weren’t.’

  ‘As a stealthy approach is basically out of the question I say we go in guns blazing.’

  ‘Well I still say we go on the run.’ They each considered the options quietly before slowly looking to Dantil for his vote. Dantil, suddenly becoming aware of their inquisitive faces, became quite uncomfortable.

  ‘I have always found peaceful talks to be the way forward on Drium. I think I should agree with Polly.’ Stark grumpily sighed.

  ‘Well you would, wouldn’t you?’ Stark stood up and gazed out of the window at the endlessly enticing pool of stars. ‘I guess my plan was pretty short sighted.’ Polly swivelled in the chair and began piloting toward The Asteria’s hangar on the observer station. As they travelled at speeds none of them noticed or could comprehend Mazar mulled over the upcoming meeting. She found comfort in resting her hand on the holstered weapon at her side.

  ‘Can I suggest that I lag behind this little crew you have. They may not have seen that I have boarded this ship. Which being the case I can provide back-up when this peace party inevitably fail.’ Stark’s face twitched in agreement and he despondently responded whilst watching the stars.

  ‘Probably not a bad idea.’ The crew glided smoothly through the speckled canvas of space in silence. The humans had been so focused on the fulfilment of their mission they had not considered their return until now. Whilst Dantil realised this journey likely led to his return to Drium, alone.

  Chapter Fifteen – The Best Laid Plans

  When The Asteria had almost completed her plotted course a great sense of urgency and excitement rushed over Stark’s face. He bounced around the room trying to work out how to explain himself. Polly tried to focus on flying the ship but his energy was contagious and it caused her to fidget more than usual. Dantil lay curled on the floor grasping at his abdomen in pain while Mazar sighed and spoke.

  ‘Use your words.’ A grin grew across his face as he became more proud of himself and he shook his head.

  ‘Nope, I can’t. They might hear. I need paper, we have to write it down and not let them see.’

  ‘Well Stark has officially lost it, how much longer until we get there?’ Mazar said. Polly laughed but undeterred by the lack of paper Stark grasped Mazar’s hand before he tried to lead her away. However she used his hand hold to twist his arm around and pin him in an arm hold. Polly was slightly alarmed by this and became increasingly so as Stark experienced more pain. Each time he tried to break free she was able to restrain him tighter and inflict more pain.

  ‘Flamingos!! Flamingos!!’ He tapped her arm with his free hand and she released him reluctantly.

  ‘Would you just follow me?’

  ‘I wouldn’t follow you anywhere.’ Stark smiled through the moderate frustration as the more he tried to share his information with subtlety the harder she seemed to make it.

  ‘You wanted a plan. I have one but it’s not much of a surprise plan if they can just hear it while I tell you, is it?’

  ‘Ugh! Fine, where are we going?’

  ‘The engine room should be noisy enough to muffle our voices. Or at least I hope it is.’ Polly stood up to follow them making Dantil feel as though he should remove himself from the floor. Stark turned back around shaking his hands at them.

  ‘Oh no no no. You stay here and keep flying us to the station. This works better if you don’t know what to expect.’ Polly became both frustrated and hurt but took solace in the fact that Dantil had been excluded with her.

  ‘Can you at least help me get Dantil onto the bench? He looks so unwell. I wish there I knew what to do.’ Stark hurriedly helped Polly slide Dantil onto the bench where he groaned softly in pain. ‘Can I also borrow your coat?’

  ‘What for?’

  ‘To use as a blanket, he’s freezing.’

  ‘But what if it pukes again?’

  ‘Then I guess I’ll have to clean it for you.’ Stark grumpily handed his coat to Polly.

  ‘Hopefully Dantan puke doesn’t stain.’


  In the engine room Stark spoke softly and could barely be heard by Mazar above the noise of the ships engines. He gesticulated proudly as he told her everything he knew and every detail of his plan. Stark had expected some resistance to him taking the lead but she listened carefully, confirmed her understanding of the timing and left the room confidently to put the plan into action. Stark returned to the bridge without Mazar and made no explanation of her absence. Instead they returned to their silent flight towards the end of their journey.

  When the station came into view it seemed as though the whole crew held their breath momentarily and the ship itself felt as though it paused in anxious anticipation. Mazar had returned to the bridge wearing one of the ships exo-suits, she cradled the helmet under her arm with the gloves tucked inside and nodded at Stark as she walked past him toward the window. Polly caught sight of Mazar in her peripheral vision and swung her head around to confirm the sighting. She examined Mazar’s armoured figure with admiration and fear.

  ‘Is that part of your plan?’ Mazar nodded without moving her gaze from the station as they approached the hangar door. When the door began to slide open she left the bridge and kept out of sight meanwhile Polly stood up and left the docking procedures on board to complete the landing inside the hangar. She had become increasingly nervous and her fingers began to work over each other as she realised she intended to have a conversation with people she had been told wanted to kill her. Stark firmly planted his hand on her shoulder and reassuringly squeezed. He smiled at her and opened his mouth to speak and at first the words wouldn’t budge but he took a deep breath before allowing the words to flow out smoothly.

  ‘If things go badly I want you to know that it has been a pleasure having you as a neighbour. I know I was rude and surly. And I know I turned out not to be the man you thought I was but I can’t think of a better neighbour to have gone on this trip with.’ Her eyes welled slightly but she laughed when she spoke.

  ‘Well that’s because it’s Mrs McNair on the other side. I really don’t think you and Mrs McNair would have gotten on so well.’ Stark laughed too and his hand fell from her sh
oulder to his side.

  ‘Oh gosh that old woman really does hate me.’ He straightened up, marched over to Dantil and proudly offered his hand to the confused Dantan.

  ‘Dantil, you are a good man. The best sidekick a hero could ask for and just the right amount uglier than me to be a good wingman.’ He winked at Dantil and helped pull him to his feet. Dantil still looked very unwell but Stark tried his best to be encouraging by patting him on the back. Dantil was unsure of how to respond so he simply copied Stark and patted Stark on the back with such force that it knocked him forward slightly.

  ‘Yes, good idea Dantil, let’s go.’ He led Polly and Dantil out of the ship and as he took the lead Polly saw that he had Mazar’s gun tucked into his trousers behind him. The sight of the gun made her nervous and began a churning in her stomach that worsened when he picked up the Renyan rail gun on his way.

  Once outside the ship Stark began to look around more frequently. At the top of the ramp he looked toward the hangar door and seemed to pay close attention to the smaller air tight door embedded in the hangar door. They approached the door leading to the main corridor of the station which opened automatically for them leaving Stark to examine the long corridor; it was just as he remembered which was reassuring. At the far end he could see an identical door, on the right there were three doors and on the left only one. He took a deep breath as he hoped his assumptions had been correct in the planning process and he stepped through the door to head towards the single door on the left. Polly and Dantil followed closely behind him and once they had left the hanger the door closed rapidly behind them. Mazar cautiously exited The Asteria. She secured her helmet and headed straight for the air lock on the hangar door. She was able to manually open the small door without any difficulty and on the other side the dark expanse of space awaited her. She closed her eyes and muttered a short prayer to herself before launching herself through the door and out into space.


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