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Wanting Mr. Cane

Page 25

by Shanora Williams

  “Fuck, baby,” he rasped when I let out a louder cry.

  He was being rough. So rough. It was startling at first, but I couldn’t deny this. This was what I’d been waiting for—this side of him that had been hidden, patiently waiting to rear its naughty, twisted head. This was what he liked: rough, hard sex. Sex that made me breathless and weak while his cock grew harder with every primal thrust.

  Something stung my ass next, and I realized it was his hand. It was hot in that area, and he spanked it one more time. “This beautiful, perfect ass,” he grunted. “I’ve wanted to fuck you like this for so long, Kandy. Shit.”

  He stopped working his hips to flip me over, but as soon as I was on my back, he was inside me again, burying himself so deep that my back arched, and I gasped for breath.

  “Oh, shit,” he rumbled. “You are so fucking wet for me, baby.” He grabbed my legs and lifted them, putting his hands on top of my kneecaps and working his hips forward and backward. He picked up his pace, fucking me faster. Faster.

  “Cane!” I screamed. I was so loud, but couldn’t control it, and he knew it. He knew it because his eyes flashed in the gold, flickering light, and his nostrils flared, like it made him even hotter to hear me desperate, calling his name. He kept rocking those hips, this time dropping his hands to wrap them around my throat. His grip was light, but slowly he applied pressure.

  In that moment, I thought maybe there was something wrong with me. Maybe I was a crazy masochist who loved pain. Maybe something in me was broken, for relishing the frisson of fear combined with overwhelming pleasure.

  When he did that, wrapped his large hands around my throat and took my life in his hands, I was struck dumb with lust. The loss of control drove my body wild. My moans were chaotic and my hips shifted up and down with every thrust he provided. His eyes were bolted with mine, and with one simple command, I witnessed fireworks.

  “Come,” he commanded, cock buried deep, his hands still around my neck. “Come for me, Kandy. Come all over my dick, baby.”

  His voice, his cock, his hands—it was all too much. My mind and body couldn’t handle it. I couldn’t hold on much longer. I was shooting up higher and higher, toward the stars and the moon—so high that I almost couldn’t breathe, couldn’t speak. Couldn’t think.

  Cane pulled his hands away, and with one powerful, full drive of his hips, I came. I came hard around him, clenching him to me like I was afraid he’d stop and not let me finish. My back arched and my pussy pulsing, soaking the entire length of him.

  “Oh, yes, baby. Just like that. That’s exactly what I wanted,” he rasped. But he didn’t stop. He kept going until his body tensed and veins appeared on his neck and forehead.

  Suddenly he jerked back and collapsed seconds later, his mouth crashing down on mine, and his teeth sinking into my bottom lip.

  “Oh fuck,” he groaned. “About to come.” He jerked his cock rapidly between our sticky bodies, his hot cum squirting all over my belly and pelvis. After his release, he finally set my lip free and dropped his head, burying his face in the crook of my neck. “I’m sorry if I hurt you,” he whispered.

  “You didn’t.”

  He picked his head up, finding my eyes. “You enjoyed it?”

  “Probably more than I should have,” I admitted with a silly smile.

  He grinned, lowering his mouth to mine again. He kissed me softly. Once. Twice. I clenched and sighed. “You’re a dream, Kandy Cane.”

  “I am?”

  “Yes.” He pressed his lips together. “If only I could stay in this dream forever. I’d make you mine in every way.”

  I sighed. “I don’t want us to wake up.”

  He blinked slowly and looked away. By the wrinkles that’d formed on his forehead and around his eyes, I could tell he was thinking about something he shouldn’t have been. He finally looked at me again, pushing up on one hand. “Let’s shower and watch a movie. Any movie you want.”

  I grinned, but didn’t ignore his sudden change of conversation. Now wasn’t the time, I knew that. So I nodded. “That sounds fun.”

  We took a hot shower, and in there, I dropped to my knees and sucked his beautiful cock until he came again. I couldn’t get enough of him, and I’m sure he couldn’t get enough of me either. I loved the way he tasted—the way he felt in my mouth. I loved when he stroked my hair and looked down at me with soft eyes, his mouth slightly parted, like he was weak for me—would always be weak for me, and had no control over that. I loved everything about this man. I wanted to please him in every way possible.

  We dressed in comfortable clothes and went downstairs to his living room to watch a movie. I picked an action movie and, I don’t know what exactly triggered the sensation, but I was instantly reminded of Dad. We’d watched this exact movie together before.

  The thought of my dad made me want to cry, and as if Cane sensed it, he tipped my chin and forced me to look at him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Don’t lie to me.” His face was stern, as well as his voice. “What are you thinking about?”

  I pressed my lips together, twisting my fingers around each other in my lap. “Dad.”

  He blinked down at me but I looked away before I could see the guilt sweep over him and cloud his eyes. My bottom lip trembled, and I couldn’t hold it anymore.

  I cried.

  I cried because this weekend was so perfect and real and amazing.

  I cried because, after tomorrow, it would be over and I wouldn’t have Cane to myself anymore.

  I cried because I loved Cane so very much, but I loved my dad too. I didn’t want to hurt my father, so I knew sacrifices had to be made, and as if Cane knew it too, he pulled me to his chest, stroked my hair, kissed the top of my head, and cooed to me. “It will be okay, Kandy Cane. I promise, you’ll be okay. You’ll get over me soon and everything will be fine.”

  But he didn’t know that. He had no damn clue. I would be broken without him. Something would be missing—a piece of myself would be forever lost unless we connected again.

  We wanted each other so badly, but our love for my dad outweighed those desires. Our love for him was the reason this weekend would only happen once in our lives. We couldn’t risk ruining our reality, and we also didn’t want to lose each other. In order for that to happen, a change had to be made. I could want him all I wanted, but I couldn’t have him. He was never going to be mine.

  That was my reality, no matter how much it hurt me to know.

  He knew it and I knew it…so no, I wouldn’t be okay.



  As hard as it was to do, we ate our last breakfast in paradise together then took our time packing up and putting our bags in the car.

  I wasn’t ready to go, but I knew I had to get her home. I’d called Derek, and he told me he would be back the next day and I was their ride from the airport. The sooner I had Kandy home and safe, the better.

  On the way back, our fingers were entwined, the wind running through my hair and stirring her brown strands up. I had the windows down, the sunroof peeled back, both of us wearing sunglasses while French Montana and Jeremih sang about the unforgettable to an island club beat. It was the best I’d ever felt, sitting in that car beside her, with her hand in mine.

  With every passing minute, my heart ached, knowing I’d have to let her go for good. Going back to reality was going to be hard, but this was life, and unfortunately, my life was never fucking easy.

  As bad as I felt, I was glad that it was me she was going through this with and not some other man. I had the small comfort that her first time had been safe and consensual, and I knew she’d gotten pleasure from it. A lot of women couldn’t say the same.

  I knew I wasn’t going to get over her, but at this point I had no choice but to try to let go. It was going to be a tough battle—internal warfare—but letting go of love was something I’d done before. I’d done it repeatedly with my m
other and sister.

  I could do it again.



  When he kissed me goodbye, the weight of our non-existent future was lifted temporarily. For a split second, I forgot about reality and only thought about his lips and how soft they were, how perfect they matched mine. How amazing he smelled. How he groaned when he tried to pull back, but came in for more, like he was parched and couldn’t satisfy his thirst.

  I don’t know how long we kissed, or who stopped first. I do remember holding his hand for a while, the rims of my eyes burning because I didn’t want to let go.

  “Don’t,” he murmured. “You’ll be fine, Kandy Cane. I promise. I’ll still be here.”

  That much was true, but it didn’t help. Still, I sucked it up like a big girl. I didn’t let my tears fall while I stood in front of him on the porch, but as soon as I made it up to my bedroom and tossed my bags in the corner, I curled up on my bed and shed the tears that’d been begging to be unleashed.

  It lasted for a while—about a good fifteen minutes—until my phone chimed and a message from him popped up.

  Cane: You better not be crying.

  At that, a laugh bubbled out of me and I sent him a quick response.

  Me: I’ll be okay.

  Cane: I know you will.

  I fell asleep a short while later, my eyes dryer and my smile faint.

  The next day, I called my best friend. She’d been waiting to hear the details ever since I got home.

  “Tell me every-fucking-thing,” she demanded. I heard noise in the background, a scraping noise like furniture was moving.

  “What’s going on there?”

  “Oh, my roommate is rearranging the furniture. Said she doesn’t like the layout. Whatever that means,” she muttered. “Anyway, go! Tell me everything! Was it as good as you hoped?”

  “Oh my gosh, Frank,” I let out a joyous sigh. “It was…ugh. I don’t know how to put it into words.” I paused for a moment, and I knew the wait was killing her because she groaned. “It was better than I imagined it would be. He was gentle, but also rough and dominant. He knew exactly what to do to make me come.” I blushed at that, looking at myself in my bathroom mirror. “I didn’t want those two days to end. Ever.”

  “If I were you, I would have stayed longer. Screw everything else. That man likes you just as much as you like him. Hell, he probably loves you now that you’ve given it up to him.”

  I laughed. “I don’t think so.”

  “Was he big?” she probed.

  I busted out laughing. “Huge, Frank. I was almost scared of it.”

  “Holy shit!”

  “Can you please not curse like that around me?” I heard someone shout in the background.

  “Dude, fuck off!” Frankie snapped, her voice distant. “Don’t like it, request another fucking roommate, Polly!”

  I giggled. Frankie could be such an asshole sometimes. “You’d better stop or Polly’s going to smother you with a pillow while you sleep,” I sniggered.

  “Not if I get to her first. Gah, she’s so uptight. Damn prude. ”

  I walked out of the bathroom when I heard a car door shut. Pushing my curtain back, I saw Cane’s car in the driveway. Mom and Dad were walking toward the house with suitcases, and Cane’s car was going in reverse. Was he not coming in?

  “Hey, Frank, I’ll text you, okay? My parents are here.”

  “Okay. Please do so immediately before I strangle my roommate.”

  I promised before ending the call and tossed my phone on the bed. I hurried down the stairs and as I rounded the corner, Mom and Dad were walking through the door.

  “Hey, baby!” Mom squealed.

  “Baby girl!” Dad bellowed.

  I smiled at both of them, rushing into their arms. They hugged me at the same time.

  “How was the anniversary?” I asked when they let me go.

  “So good,” Mom sighed, and beamed at my dad.

  Dad returned a smug smile, and that was enough for me to know they’d fallen in love all over again—not that they weren’t before. It was just stronger now. I was glad. They needed that time to reconnect and learn about each other again.

  “I see my house is in tip-top shape,” Dad said, walking past me and scanning the house.

  I rolled my eyes. “There were no parties thrown here, Officer Jennings. Take a chill pill.”

  They both chuckled. Dad came my way, planting a kiss on the top of my head before walking to the kitchen. Mom followed after him, letting out an elated sigh about her package on the counter, and when they were gone I walked to the living room to look out of the window. Cane’s car was nowhere in sight. I don’t know why that bothered me so much.

  I shouldn’t have been worried though.

  That same night, he sent a text to check on me.

  The next morning, he sent another, wishing me a good morning. He sent me cute messages that whole week, and they always made my day. He’d even sent emoticons, because I’d told him he was lame for not using them. This continued for a solid week and then it just…stopped.

  I always waited for him to text me first. I knew he was busy, and I didn’t want to bug him, despite how badly I wanted to hear from him.

  The first day of no messages, I thought nothing of it. I assumed he had his hands full with work and couldn’t get to his phone quickly enough.

  But then another day passed and nothing.

  On the third day, I began to worry, so I sent him a text to ask if he was okay. The bouncing dots popped up to show he was about to respond and I waited…and waited…




  He’s busy. He’s a CEO. His hands are full. That’s what I told myself, though deep down, I was finding it hard to stick to. Fortunately, Mom came to my room with good news, just two days before I was about to head off to college.

  Cane was coming over for dinner.

  As soon as I got the news, I hopped off the bed and rushed to my closet to find something nice to wear. I went with a soft pink dress that made my boobs look bigger and my waist narrow.

  I hadn’t heard from him in five days. I didn’t know if he’d had a trip out of state or what, but since he was coming over, things were going to be okay. I would see him. Even though I was curious why he hadn’t checked in, that was all that mattered.

  I straightened my hair and did my makeup, taking my time on the wing of my eyeliner. While adding my mascara, the doorbell rang, and Dad called my name, which meant my time for getting ready was up. It was time to greet our guest as a family, like we always did.

  “Don’t give too much away,” I told my reflection. “He’s just a friend. A friend. Nothing happened.”

  I drew in a breath and nodded at myself before going past the stacked boxes and bins in my room to get to the door. I made my way down the stairs and stepped around the corner just as the door swung open.

  He was the first thing I saw. His hair was freshly trimmed and appeared like it was lightly fingered with gel. He had a bottle of red wine in his hand and held it up when Dad greeted him. Dad accepted it, and they did their brotherly handshake and hug.

  I stood a few steps away, breath dwindling, my legs locked, as he stepped through the threshold and smiled at Mom before giving her a hug.

  When he was done with her, all that was left was me.

  His eyes met mine first…but they weren’t soft, per usual. They were hard and distant. Cloudier than they were the week before. I frowned instantly. These weren’t the same eyes that I’d last seen. These weren’t the soft, mostly green, sincere eyes that looked at me with nothing but love and adoration. They were gray and unreadable. I blinked rapidly as he looked away to peer over his shoulder.

  And then I saw her.

  She came through the door with a short red dress on, her makeup flawless, and her hair half-up, half down. She gave my parents a hug around the shoulders with a smile and chimed, “So good to see you guys!”
r />   When I saw her, my heart fucking failed me.

  I wanted to swallow, but couldn’t. I wanted to run, but knew I wasn’t allowed to overreact. I wanted to slap the shit out of Cane right where he stood, but knew it would have started a shitstorm that he apparently wasn’t worth. I hated that I couldn’t do anything but stare and look helpless. My eyes became hot and prickly, and I dropped my head when Cane met up to Kelly’s side.

  “Wanna help me get the dinner set up, sweetie?” Mom asked. I looked up at her and nodded, and I swear I wanted to cry on the spot. My heart hurt so much. My stomach was in knots. What was going on? Why was he doing this to me? Why was she with him? He wasn’t hers; he was mine!

  How could he…

  “Yeah,” I said to Mom, and followed her to the kitchen, doing my best to ignore the conversation Dad was having with Kelly and Cane about his new line of wine coolers.

  While I helped get the food on the table, I tried wrapping my head around what was going on. I had no answers or solutions. I knew we were only supposed to be friends, but why did he go back to her so quickly? Was it that easy for him to get over me?

  Kelly and Dad came into the dining room, and Kelly complimented how great dinner looked, as always. I rolled my eyes and didn’t even give a fuck if she saw.

  “I’ll go check on the chicken,” Mom called.

  “Oh, I’ll come with you,” Kelly said. She and Mom went to the deck to check the grill and Dad headed out with them, winking at me on the way. I forced a smile at him, and as soon as they were out of sight, I hurried out of the dining room and rushed out the front door.

  Cane was standing beside his car with a cigarette pinched between his lips. He’d just gotten off the phone, lowering it and staring down at it with a grimace.

  “What the fuck, Cane?” I hissed before the door could even shut behind me. He looked over his shoulder with a continued grimace, but when he caught sight of me, his eyes softened for the first time that night. “Why is she here?” I demanded. “Why would you bring her back around after what we did? And so fast—you couldn’t wait two more days until I was gone?”


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