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The Last Straw (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 3)

Page 6

by Jeff Kinney

  Tonight at soccer practice, Mr. Litch told

  everyone the position they’d be playing in the

  first game on Sunday.

  Mr. Litch told me I’d be the “Shag,” and that

  sounded pretty cool to me. So when I got home,

  I bragged to Rodrick about it.

  I thought Rodrick would be impressed, but he just

  laughed. He told me that Shag wasn’t actually a

  real position on the field—it’s just a kid who chases

  the ball when it goes out of bounds. Then he

  showed me a rulebook with all the soccer positions,

  and sure enough, Shag wasn’t in it.

  I’m the




  Rodrick is always pulling my leg, so I guess I’ll

  just have to wait until this weekend to see if he’s

  telling the truth this time.

  Remind me to never go to a sleepover with

  Rowley again.

  Yesterday afternoon Mom dropped me and Rowley

  off at his friend’s house. The first hint that I

  was in for a long night was when we walked into

  the house and there wasn’t a kid there who was

  older than six.

  My second hint was that everyone was wearing

  their karate gear.



  The whole reason I even went to this sleepover

  was so we could all sneak out and crash Holly’s

  slumber party. But Rowley’s friends were more

  interested in “Sesame Street” than they were

  in girls.

  All those guys wanted to do was play a bunch of

  dopey party games, like Blind Man’s Bluff and

  that kind of thing. I could’ve been playing Spin

  the Bottle with Holly Hills, but instead I spent

  my night trying not to get groped by a bunch of


  Rowley’s friends played some other games, too, like

  Freeze Tag and Twister.


  I excused myself to go upstairs when someone

  suggested we could play “Who Licked Me?”

  I tried calling Mom to come pick me up, but she

  was out with Dad. So I knew I was stuck at

  this kid’s house for the night.

  At about 9:30 I decided to just go to sleep

  and get the night over with. But those guys

  came into the bedroom and got into a massive

  pillow fight. And let me tell you, it’s not easy

  falling asleep when a sweaty little kid falls on

  you every five seconds.

  Eventually the kid’s mom came upstairs and told

  everyone it was time to go to sleep.



  Even after the lights went out, Rowley and his

  friends stayed up, talking and giggling. They

  must have thought I fell asleep, because at one

  point a bunch of them snuck up on me to try

  and pull the hand-in-a-bowl-of-warm-water trick.

  Well, that was enough for me. I went downstairs

  to sleep in the basement, even though it was

  pitch-black down there and I couldn’t find the

  light. I’d left my sleeping bag upstairs, and

  that was a mistake, because it was freezing

  in the basement.

  I did not want to go back upstairs and get

  my stuff, though. I just curled up in a ball and

  tried to conserve as much body heat as possible to

  make it through to the morning.

  Hee hee




  I think it was probably the longest night of my life.

  When the sun came up this morning, I found out

  the reason it was so cold in the basement. I was

  sleeping right by the sliding glass door, and some

  fool had gone and left it open overnight.

  That really stunk, because if I knew there was a

  way to escape last night, I definitely

  would’ve taken it.

  When I got home this morning, I went back to

  bed until Dad woke me up and told me it was time

  to go to the soccer game.




  It turns out Rodrick was right about the Shag

  thing. I spent the whole game pulling balls out

  of the brambles, and let me tell you, it wasn’t a

  whole lot of fun.

  Our team won the game, and afterward we were

  supposed to go out to celebrate. Dad couldn’t

  stick around, so he asked Mr. Litch if he would

  drive me home afterward.

  Well, I really wish Dad had asked me what I

  thought about that idea first, because I would’ve

  just gone home with him.

  Hurry up!



  I was starving from all that digging around in

  the bushes, though, so I figured I’d just go

  with the team.

  We went to a fast-food place, and I ordered

  twenty chicken nuggets. I went to use the

  bathroom, and when I came back to the table,

  all my food was gone. But then Erick Bickford

  dumped my nuggets out of his big sweaty hands.

  If you ever wanted to know why I don’t like

  team sports, there it is in a nutshell.

  After lunch was over, me, Kenny Keith, and

  Erick got into Mr. Litch’s car. Kenny sat in

  the back with Erick, and I sat up front in

  the passenger seat.

  Ha ha



  We had to wait a long time because Mr. Litch

  was sitting on the hood of his car, blabbing

  away with Mr. Boone. After we’d been sitting

  there for a while, Kenny leaned forward from

  the back seat and laid on the horn for about

  three seconds.

  Then Kenny jumped back in his seat so when

  Mr. Litch turned around, it looked like I was

  the one who honked the horn.

  Mr. Litch gave me a dirty look, and then turned

  back around and talked to his assistant for

  another half hour.



  On the way home, Mr. Litch stopped to do about

  five errands. He wasn’t in any hurry to get them

  done, either.

  And get this: Kenny and Erick were mad at me

  for making them get home so late. So that should

  give you a feeling for the type of intelligence I’m

  dealing with here.

  Mr. Litch dropped me off last. On the way up the

  hill, I saw the Snellas out in their front yard,

  and it looked like they were trying to get some

  clips to send in to “America’s Funniest Families.”

  I guess they don’t feel like waiting around a few

  months until Seth’s half-birthday party.



  I wasn’t

  taping yet!


  Today was April 1st, and here’s how my day

  started —

  Every other day of the year, you couldn’t

  drag Rodrick out of bed before 8:00 A.M. But

  on April 1st, Rodrick always wakes up early so

  he can get his licks in.

  Someone seriously needs to explain the concept of a

  practical joke to Rodrick, because all his “jokes”

  involve me getting injured.

  Last year Rodrick bet me fifty cents
I couldn’t

  tie my shoes while I was standing up, and I

  totally fell for it.







  I went inside and told Dad that Rodrick shot

  me in the butt with a paintball gun. Dad didn’t

  feel like getting in the middle of a fight, so he

  just told Rodrick to pay me my fifty cents for

  winning the bet.

  Rodrick took two quarters out of his pocket

  and threw them on the ground. But obviously I

  didn’t learn my lesson, because I bent over to

  pick them up.

  You’re about

  to owe me







  At least I put some thinking into my practical

  jokes. Last year I pulled a pretty good trick on

  Rowley. We were in the bathroom at a movie theater,

  and I convinced him that some random guy

  standing at the urinal was a professional athlete.

  So Rowley asked the guy for his autograph.

  And today me and a couple of other guys pulled

  a good one on Chirag Gupta.

  We decided it would be pretty funny if we made

  him think he was losing his hearing, so we all

  made sure we talked real quiet every time he

  came around.


  Chirag figured out what was going on pretty

  quick, and he went straight to the teacher to

  shut it down before the joke could get out of

  hand. I guess he didn’t want a repeat of the

  Invisible Chirag joke from last year.

  We had our second soccer game tonight. Some

  adult volunteered to shag the balls, so I got to

  sit on the bench for the whole game.

  It was really cold out, and I asked Dad if

  I could go get my coat out of the car, but he

  said no.

  Did you catch

  the big soccer

  match last


  Yes… quite a

  game, quite

  a game.



  Dad said I needed to be prepared in case the

  coach decided to put me in the game, so I had

  to just tough it out.

  I wanted to tell Dad that the only time I’d

  be stepping foot on the field would be when Mr.

  Litch made me pick up all the other kids’ orange

  peels at halftime. But I just kept quiet and

  concentrated on not letting my shin guards

  freeze to my legs.

  Every time Mr. Litch called a huddle, Dad made

  me get off the bench and go join the rest of the

  team. Have you seen a game on tv and wondered

  what the benchwarmers were thinking when they

  stand in the huddle while the coach goes over the

  game plan?


  Well, now I can tell you firsthand.

  Once the sun went down, it got really

  cold. In fact, it got so cold Mackey Creavey

  and Manuel Gonzales went and got sleeping

  bags out of the Creaveys’ car.

  And Dad still wouldn’t even let me go get

  my coat.

  You guys



  During a timeout, we all joined the huddle. And

  when the coach got an eyeful of Mackey and

  Manuel, he told them they were excused and to go

  to the Creaveys’ car for the rest of the game.

  So Mackey and Manuel got to sit in a heated

  suv, while I had to sit on a cold metal bench in

  my shorts. And I know for a fact that the

  Creaveys have a tv in their car, so I’m sure

  those guys were totally living it up in there.





  I have definitely got to start keeping on

  top of my laundry. I’ve been out of clean underwear

  for about three days, so I’ve been wearing my

  bathing suit as a substitute.

  Today we had Phys Ed, and when we changed into

  our gym clothes, I totally forgot I was wearing

  my Speedo underneath.

  It could have been a lot worse, though. I

  have a pair of Wonder Woman Underoos that

  I’ve never taken out of their wrapper, and this

  morning I was pretty tempted to wear them

  just because they were clean.


  Ha Ha!


  Ha Ha!


  Believe me, I didn’t ask for the Wonder Woman

  Underoos, either. This past summer a few of my

  relatives asked Mom what I wanted for my

  birthday, and she told them I was really into

  comics and super heroes.

  So the Underoos were a gift from Uncle Charlie.

  We had another soccer game after school, but it’s

  been getting a lot warmer lately, and I wasn’t

  worried about the cold.

  At school, me, Mackey, and Manuel agreed we’d all

  bring some video games tonight, and for the first

  time we actually enjoyed ourselves at soccer.


  It didn’t last long, though. Twenty minutes into

  the game, Mr. Litch called all three of us off the

  bench and told us to get on the field.

  Apparently, some parent complained that their

  kid wasn’t getting any playing time, so the Rec

  League made a rule that now every kid has to

  get in the game.





  Well, none of us had been paying any attention

  to the game, so when we got on the field, we

  didn’t know what to do or where to stand.

  A couple of kids on our team told us the other

  team had a “free kick,” and that we were supposed

  to stand shoulder to shoulder to make a shield to

  block it.

  I thought the guys on my team were joking, but

  it turns out they weren’t. Me, Manuel, and Mackey

  had to line up in front of our goal. Then the referee

  blew the whistle, and a kid from the other team ran

  at the ball and kicked it right at us.



  Well, we didn’t do a really good job of protecting

  the goal, and the other team scored.

  Mr. Litch pulled the three of us out of the game

  the second he got the chance, and he yelled at

  us for not standing still and blocking the ball.

  But I’ll tell you what: If I have to choose

  between getting yelled at or getting hit in the

  face with a soccer ball, it’s no contest.


  After the game last week, I asked Mr. Litch if

  I could be the backup goalie for the team, and

  he said I could.

  It was a genius move on my part, for a couple

  of reasons. First of all, goalies don’t have to

  run laps and all that stuff during practice.

  They just do individual goalie drills with the

  assistant coach.

  Second, goalies wear different uniforms than

  the rest of the team, and that means Mr.

  Litch can’t put me in the game when it’s time to

  block free kicks.





  Our regular goalie, Tucker Fox, is the star of

  the team, so I knew there was no way I was

  gonna see any playing time, anyway. These last

  few games have actually been kind of fun. But

  tonight, something bad happened. Tucker hurt

  his hand diving after a ball, and he had to come

  out. So that meant the coach had to put me in.

  Well, Dad was really excited I was finally

  getting some real playing time, and he came down

  to my end of the field to coach me from the

  sideline. It’s not like I really needed it, though.

  Our team kept the ball on the other side of the

  field for the whole rest of the game, and I didn’t

  even touch it once.

  Make sure you

  bend your

  knees, Greg!


  I think I know what Dad was up to, though.

  When I used to play tee-ball, I had a really hard

  time concentrating on the game. Tonight Dad just

  wanted to make sure I didn’t get distracted the

  way I used to get when I played right field.

  I have to admit, it was probably a good thing

  that Dad stayed on my case tonight.

  There were about a million dandelions down at

  my end of the field, and in the second half I was

  starting to get a little twitchy.

  Quit playing

  in the tulips!





  Well, yesterday we had another soccer game,

  and luckily Dad wasn’t there to see it. We lost

  our first game of the season, 1-0. Somehow the

  other team got the ball past me in the last few

  seconds, and they won the game. So that ruined

  our perfect record.

  After the game, everyone on my team was in a

  sour mood, so I tried to cheer them up.

  My teammates thanked me for being positive by

  pelting me with orange peels.

  Back at home, I was nervous to tell Dad about

  the game.

  Well, it’s just

  a stupid game,

  right, fellas?


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