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A Table for Three: New York, Book 1

Page 2

by Lainey Reese

  She slowly stopped sipping as his words went on, and he could see by the look in her eyes she was starting to get an idea of the direction this night was going to go. He didn’t see fear, only a serious contemplation of what she was hearing.

  “Riley, I want you to understand that will be the only control you have when you are with me.” She gulped loud enough for him to hear and squirmed in her seat again. No, she wasn’t afraid, she was curious and turned on.

  “Take another sip.” He hadn’t taken the glass from in front of her, but she had stopped drinking. He waited to say anything else until the drink was half gone. Then he heard her mumble with another wrinkle of her nose that she probably should have said alcohol instead. He set the drink down and took her delicate chin in his hand as if he needed to assure that she didn’t miss what he had to say next.

  “It starts now. Right here, right now. If you do not want to get bent over this table and fucked in this booth, I suggest you say spinach. I’ll let you go with the warning to never come back here again unless you’re ready for it.”

  Riley gulped. This could not be happening to her. She was Riley Ramirez. She was a bank manager whose butt was too big. She did not have sexy gorgeous men want to do her in a public place. This had to be a dream. A really good dream and she was going to wake up tomorrow and wish stuff like this did happen.

  In her wildest fantasies, she wouldn’t have thought something like this could happen to her. As she saw it, she had two options. She could say spinach, leave, and in two weeks start her new job. Then for the rest of her life wonder what it would have been like. On the other hand, she could keep quiet and see where this was going to go. Take a leap and do something wild, something daring, and something completely forbidden. Did she have the guts? Did she dare to do what every woman would do if she didn’t have to answer for it in the morning, if she only had the gumption? Did she?

  Riley took a deep breath.

  “Like I said,” she whispered, “I hate that stuff, so why would I say it now?”

  She expected him to kiss her, but he didn’t. Instead, he stood and moved behind her. She felt his hands on her shoulders and shivered as he squeezed them and moved those strong fingers up her neck and into her hair. He brushed her hair to the side, and she felt his warm breath a second before his hot mouth bit lightly into the sensitive skin where her shoulder and neck met.

  He swirled his tongue as he sucked hard enough to leave a mark, and Riley couldn’t hold back a moan or the shudders that were taking over her body. His hands slid the thin straps of her dress off her shoulders and delved into the front of her gown. Gently, he pulled the material of her dress and bra down until her breasts were exposed and the material was bunched under them, thrusting the mounds up. Riley gulped and thought of what he was seeing. The tips of her breasts were a dusky, rosy brown, and he would see they were already tightly beaded.

  Cade’s hands were running up and down her arms. She didn’t know what to do. She wanted to touch him, and she wanted him to touch her breasts so bad she was ready to beg, but she didn’t know how to ask for it. This was far beyond what she knew about sex and foreplay. She was starting to think the two guys she had been with didn’t even count. Because Cade hadn’t really done anything yet, and already it was the best sex she’d ever had.

  “Stand up,” Cade said. Riley stood. Cade gave a dark smile at her unquestioning compliance as he moved her chair out of the way. With one hand wrapped around her delicate throat he brought her back to his front and slid his other hand along the outside of her body, grazing breast, waist, hip, thigh. “Fucking perfect. Did you know you were perfect?” The top of her head fit under his chin and he leaned down to whisper in her ear.

  “No. I’m too chunky,” she croaked, turned on and just scared enough to flavor her arousal without ruining it. “My…m…my butt’s too big and my thighs too.”

  “Sshh.” Cade squeezed just a little on her throat and started inching her skirt up. “Never say anything like that again. You’re perfect. Women without curves aren’t women, they’re boys with long hair. You,” he growled as her skirt revealed her thighs and hips with a little scrap of red lace at her crotch, “are definitely a woman.” He slipped his fingers into the lace at her hip and gave a sharp tug, neatly tearing them from her body. He brought the lace up in front of her face and spoke with his lips on her cheek.

  “Nice. I think I’ll keep these as a souvenir,” He brought the lace closer to their faces, and Riley thought she just might come right then when he took a long sniff. She felt his erection get even bigger against her back.

  “Very nice,” he said and straightened. His hand around her neck shifted to grip a fistful of hair at the back of her head. He slowly pushed until she was bent over the waist-high table, and her bare ass was in the air. The combined sensation of the cold table on her nipples and the hot man at her back brought another moan from her. She thought if he didn’t touch something vital soon she’d start begging.

  Cade was about to lose control. That wasn’t like him. So far this was pretty tame by most standards, especially his, but her scent, her obedience, the way she quivered with her need was awakening something dark and primitive in him. He wanted to drag her off like a cave man.

  He took a good long look at the ass and thighs she claimed were too big and almost drooled. Her ass was lush and looked like a feast to him. Her thighs were curvy and full, just barely touching under her luscious little pussy. He didn’t need to touch that sweet flesh to see if she was ready—it was wet and glistening, begging for a good hard ride. He quickly unfastened his slacks and pulled his cock out. He briefly let go of her to fish a condom out of his pocket, open it, roll it on and then reclaim his fistful of hair. “Spread your feet,” he said. She did with a whimper. “Wider.” She did. He shifted forward and positioned the swollen head of his shaft against her, then grabbed a handful of her lovely hip and shoved inside her hot wet channel.

  Riley screamed. It was a scream of passion, of lust and need. It was amazing.

  The sound tightened his balls and tested his control even farther. He pulled out and thrust again and again. Each time he thrust, she yelled. Her voice was guttural and raw, not the practiced sounds of a woman who was trying to inflame her lover, but the real sounds of a woman about to lose her fucking mind in an orgasm. His hand tightened in her hair, and he pulled her head back toward him as he leaned over her and shifted so that his cock nestled even further inside her pussy and bumped against her cervix with each thrust.

  “Like that do you, Ry?” he whispered, and his tongue came out to delve into her ear. When she did no more than quiver and moan, the hand holding her hip slapped her hard on the ass, and he gave a good tug on her hair. “Answer me. Always.”

  “Y-Yes,” she stammered. “Yes, I like it.” He thrust again, and she moaned long and loud. “I like it a lot.”

  “Riley, I want you to come for me,” Cade said as he started pumping into her faster and harder, using all his control to keep from coming himself as her tight little pussy clenched around his plunging shaft. Riley’s hands started scrabbling on the table, and he heard her say, “Oh God” as her body started to tighten and buck against him.

  “Fuck,” he muttered as he struggled to hang on and keep her in place. It was like watching a volcano just before it erupted as she drew closer to her peak. “That’s it, baby, come, come for me…ugh, don’t move…fuck.” Her body heaved, and her pussy clenched his dick as hard as a fist. There was no chance of him not coming with her. Her orgasm flooded over him like lava and brought a shout to his own throat as it swamped him. His body started bucking and thrusting into her while hot jets of come shot out of him. She continued to moan and thrash within the small bit of room he allowed her until the worst of the storm had passed.

  With his vision a little fuzzy at the edges and his cock already stirring up for another round, Cade pulled out of her and righted his clothes. He’d wait until later to remove the condom since there was
nowhere to dispose of it here. He smiled at the way she stayed spread across the table exactly as he left her, her eyes closed and a smile trembled on her lips.

  He smoothed her skirt down over her ass and gave it an affectionate squeeze before he retrieved his chair and sat close to her side with his legs bracketing hers. She was still keeping her eyes closed and had one dainty hand curled up under her chin, showcasing the lovely curl of her back and shoulder. Her hair was a cascading waterfall of chocolate over her and the table.

  Cade was content to let her linger for the moment. He picked up his drink and took a few swallows. His hand went back to her ass—he didn’t think he’d be able to keep his hands off it for very long. With a sigh, he pulled her closer, into the vee of his legs. He used the icy bottom of his glass to slide some hair away from her cheek and was charmed when she shivered and goose bumps spread across her shoulder.

  “Open your eyes, Riley.”

  “Okay,” she said as she did, “but I don’t think I can see yet.”

  He chuckled. Her pupils were dilated and unfocused, the dark brown irises looking like melted chocolate. She blinked at him slow and sweet, and his heart tripped with a pleasant dose of affection to go along with the lust he felt for her.

  “I’ve never done anything like this before,” she whispered as if she was afraid someone would hear that but not the ear-piercing screams she’d been making.

  “I know.” He chuckled as he took another drink. “I’m glad you liked it. It’s only the beginning.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  “Good. Fix your dress, I’m going to open the shield and take you to my penthouse where we can do this properly.”

  She stretched like a kitten after a nap with her hands sweeping up through her hair and then out as far as she could reach in front of her while she arched her back. It bowed her body in a curve over the table, and her full breasts swayed with the movement. She slowly straightened and used her hands to push herself into an upright position.

  If she had been trying to tempt him she would have stretched after she stood so she could shake her amazing breasts at him, but the way that she’d done it was all the more alluring for its lack of artifice. She moved like a woman who’d been deliciously fucked and couldn’t be happier about it. With a few tugs, a wiggle and a dainty bounce she had her dress back in order. He’d kept her snug against his crotch the whole time so she couldn’t miss the fact that he was hard again and wanting more of her. He reached out and gave a tug on the dress to bring it down enough to show a hint of the lacy red bra she wore before he pressed the button that opened the shield.

  He stood, took her hand and walked toward the bar on the other side of the club. Riley looked around for someone pointing or laughing or something, but no one seemed to care what they had been doing. Riley released the breath she didn’t know she had been holding. She saw they were heading away from the front door.

  “Um, Cade.” She had to shout to be heard above the music and crowd. She knew he heard, but he didn’t stop. She shouted louder. He finally stopped and turned to face her with an eyebrow quirked in question.

  “I thought we were going to your place,” she said and pointed to the door. Cade gave her a look and tugged back on her hand and continued the way he’d been going. Oh well, Riley thought, maybe they were getting a drink first. Then her mouth dropped open when he led her around the bar to a shiny black elevator that opened with the same card he’d used to activate the privacy shield.

  Cade pulled her in behind him, and as soon as the doors slid closed, it started its ascent. He leaned back against the wall and pulled on her hand to bring her against his chest. He gently cupped her face in his palm and leaned down until his forehead rested against hers and their breaths mingled nicely. Riley sighed and let her body drift and loosen ’til she was draped against him from the ankles up. She looped her loose arm around his neck with a smile and a sigh. “This is nice,” she whispered against his lips. “Now can I ask a question?”

  He smiled back. “Yes, you may.”

  “Are you ever going to kiss me?”

  “I am going to kiss every inch of you, including that luscious mouth of yours, but not yet. You have to wait.”

  “Wait for what?”

  “This,” he said, and the elevator doors slid open.

  Chapter Two

  She was in a high-rise penthouse—it wasn’t a dream, it was heaven. Maybe her plane had crashed and this was how she was going spend eternity. Riley stumbled forward to the middle of the room and turned in a slow circle as she tried to take in everything. Cade’s whispered, “Look around while I clean myself up,” barely registered.

  It was impossible. It was glass and chrome and big windows with a postcard view. It was decorated mostly in black with bold splashes of jewel tones to pop in all the right places. There was an amazing piece of glass artwork in swirling shades of reds and golds on the mantel. There were matching black leather couches in front of the fireplace with throw pillows in emerald, sapphire and blood red ruby. She could see a dining area with an ebony table that shone like glass on an area rug, which looked like it must have cost a fortune. There was tasteful artwork on the walls giving the place the feeling of a high-class art gallery.

  She could not believe this was actually happening. She moved like a sleepwalker to stand in front of the floor to ceiling windows and almost wept at the sparkling view of the city laid out before her.

  “Breathtaking,” she whispered in awe just before Cade’s arms came around her and she found out what having her breath taken away was really like. He scooped one big hand against the back of her head and his other arm banded like steel around her back, then at last, he kissed her. His kiss was as devastating as his lovemaking had been. He kissed with his whole mouth—tongue, teeth, lips and the effect was making her head spin. His tongue filled her mouth, and his hand shifted the angle of her head so he could get in even further. His tongue thrust in and out. Riley started to quake, she could not call this kissing, he was making love to her mouth with his and she had never felt anything more glorious.

  Cade’s arms grew tighter and tighter as the kiss went on, and his moans rose to match hers. Within minutes, their hips were mimicking the motions of their mouths.

  Cade shoved her against the window. He brought both his hands to the sides of her face then slid them down, over her neck and shoulders and finally to her heaving breasts. Both hands squeezed the full mounds, Riley groaned in ecstasy around his kiss and her hands started clutching his shirt trying to get under the silk to his skin. Cade grabbed material on either side of her chest and gave a sharp yank, breaking the dainty straps and baring her luscious breasts to him. With a growl, he tore his mouth from hers and latched onto her nipple with hungry lips while her other one was engulfed in the heat of his palm and fingers. He fed at her breasts, alternating from one to the other, sucking, biting, lapping and squeezing while Riley moaned and thrashed against the window.

  It wasn’t enough. He needed more. He let go of her breasts to reach behind her to the zipper in the back of her dress and roughly yanked the offending material away along with the strapless bra she wore. He thanked God for her bare legs as he smoothed his hands up her thighs to the wet heat between them. His teeth nipped hard on a nipple at the exact moment he shoved two fingers deep inside her wet sheath and something dark and primitive glowed inside him when she screamed and came right then.

  Her cunt pulsed around his fingers as he continued to pump into her and then dropped to his knees and used his tongue on her. Her scent and taste was a smoky, musky tang with a heady mix of the fruity perfume she’d used—an intoxicating brew that made it hard for him to resist biting too deep and hurting her. His mouth licked and sucked and tugged at her swollen sensitive clit while he added a twist to the fingers he was fucking her with. He felt another orgasm boiling in her. “That’s it,” he growled against her sweet flesh. “That’s it. Give it to me. One more. Ahhh, yeah.” Her knees
buckled, and her hips pistoned against him as she flew apart again, and he thought he was going to lose his fucking mind.

  He stood and kissed her full and hard, filling her senses with the taste of her own juices. He ripped his pants open, then his hands went to Riley’s shoulders and he pushed her to her knees. She looked up at him with big wide eyes as if she didn’t know what to do.

  There was a red fog of lust clouding his vision, and he had to take a deep breath to fight it back long enough to ask, “Haven’t you done this before?”

  Riley’s eyes were solemn as she shook her head no. She was afraid it would disappoint him, but instead it brought a grim smile of satisfaction to his mouth and his hand to the back of her head.

  “Open your mouth.” As soon as she did, the swollen, bulbous head of his cock slid in. It was salty and smooth, and there was a dark flavor to him that made everything inside her clench in response. It tasted earthy and primal and it uncaged something inside Riley that she hadn’t known was in her. She closed her lips around the head and licked at it the way he had licked at her. His hand tightened and jerked in her hair, and his shaft became bigger in her mouth.

  “Mmm. That’s it,” he said as he started a slow slide in and out between her lips. “Just like that. Ahh yeah, more tongue. Mmm, suck harder.” His dark words thrilled her as much as having him in her mouth did. She’d had friends talk about giving head, but she’d never been inclined to do this with the guys she’d been with.


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