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A Table for Three: New York, Book 1

Page 4

by Lainey Reese

  His fingers combed thru the soft, sex-dampened hair, over the swollen lips, and then delved deep into her hot, wet channel. A cry broke from her throat, and her back arched against Cade. Her hips started to sway and thrust of their own accord, and it became impossible to keep quiet or still, no matter that she was supposed to try. Cade growled behind her, hooked an arm under her knee and lifted her leg high to give Trevor even better access. Trevor took advantage of it. He changed his angle, added another finger and started rubbing her clit with his thumb.

  “Damn,” he said, speaking to Cade without taking his gaze from her thrashing and twisting body. “She’s so hot and tight. That’s it, sugar, that’s it. Fuck my hand. Come for us, Riley, let me see what you look like when you come.” He pumped faster into her, made sure that his thumb never left her clit and with a low guttural cry she came, her body bucking and twisting in Cade’s vise-like grip.

  Trevor could not believe how responsive she was, and her sweet little pussy was pulsing on his fingers as if it was trying to milk them. The sweet perfume of her orgasm was making him lightheaded. “Fuck yeah. Cade, we are going to have to get rid of this though,” he said and tugged on a lock of her pubic hair. He looked at Riley’s face and sent her a mischievous wink. “We don’t like anything interfering with our meals when we eat out.”

  “Don’t mind him, baby.” Cade’s voice was filled with warm affection as he spoke in her ear. “He’s a smart ass who thinks he’s clever.” He nuzzled her cheek and ear as he continued, “But he’s right about that hair. We want you as smooth and silky on the outside as you are on the inside.”

  “Cade, care to do the honors?” Trevor asked as he shifted to bring his face in line with her pussy.

  “My pleasure,” Cade replied and slid her leg back over his hips. Then his hand made a bold firm stroke over her mound and his fingers spread her lips wide, leaving her clit exposed. He shifted his body until his shaft was nestled between the luscious globes of her ass and held her in place while he started sliding between the supple cheeks. Trevor’s fingers returned to her tight channel as his mouth descended to the throbbing nub that Cade presented like an offering for him. Cade’s other arm was under Riley’s head, and he turned her face for a kiss that filled her mouth with a thrusting rhythm that matched the slide of his cock along the cleft of her ass.

  Riley couldn’t think. This was overwhelming and overpowering. There were two men making love to her. Two. This couldn’t be her. But as her body was swamped with sensations she couldn’t name and couldn’t contain, she stopped trying to think. She couldn’t hold still and had to do something, so she reached one hand to Trevor’s wavy brown hair and the other to Cade’s black then fisted on both and pulled as another orgasm started boiling up from the center of her body.

  Just when Trevor sensed she was close again, he curved his fingers up and gave a twist to thrust against her g-spot. She screamed and jerked causing his teeth to bite into her delicate flesh too hard before he could pull back. “Dammit,” He cursed at her yelp of pain. Cade and Trevor both reacted. Cade’s grip tightened painfully and his teeth clamped on her tongue holding her frozen. Trevor sat back and gave a sharp slap right on her clit. While Cade’s glare blazed into her shocked eyes, she heard Trevor speak with a rumbling growl in his voice and a stinging slap to her clit with each word. “You. Don’t. Move. Unless. You’re. Told.” Riley squeaked and shook within the tight grip Cade had on her and thought she just might go insane if they didn’t let her come soon.

  She had never hung on the edge of a climax before, the suspense was making her gasp and moan, and there was a distinct possibility she was going to start crying soon. Both men recognized that she’d reached her limit at the same time and acted on it. Cade released his bite to suck her tongue deep into his mouth and swirl it with his. Then Trevor swooped down to do some tongue swirling of his own. His fingers went back to the twisting curving flex on her g-spot and she came with a scream after only one swipe.

  That was when she discovered there was a difference between a g-spot orgasm and a clitoral one. The g-spot orgasm was completely overwhelming and devastating, and brought forth a flood of moisture from her body that she actually felt splash onto his hand. Her hips jerked again, but Trevor was ready for it and pulled back to keep his teeth from hurting her a second time. He gave a growl to let her know her disobedience hadn’t gone unnoticed.

  Trevor pushed away from her with barely contained ferocity and began yanking his clothes off. Cade slid out from behind her on the other side of the bed, and Riley lay there, naked and quivering in the aftermath.

  Her gaze locked on Trevor as his body was revealed to her. Her brain was clouded and didn’t allow her full thoughts, but words like roped and chiseled came to mind. His chest was adorned with a soft looking mat of sandy hair unlike Cade’s crisp black, and rippled with glistening muscles. When his jeans hit the floor, Riley gulped. His shaft wasn’t quite as long as Cade’s, but it was thicker and rounder. So thick she wondered if she could fit her hand around it. Without thinking, without remembering she wasn’t supposed to move without permission she reached out to try to see if she could. Her cool fingers wrapped around him just under the head and sure enough, her thumb and middle finger only touched when she squeezed. It flexed and swelled in her grip, and she squeezed harder to see if she could get any other fingers to touch. His whole body tensed, and he thrust once into her grip before his fist closed around her wrist and pulled her away from his body.

  “That’s it, little one,” he all but growled at her. He tugged until she turned over and was flat on her stomach, her arm stretched above her head. He reached behind the headboard with his free hand and pulled out a black rope of some kind that was attached to the post and had what looked like a hair scrunchie on the end. He had her wrist secured before she had a chance to comprehend what was happening. Then Cade got her attention because he grabbed hold of her other wrist and put on an identical strap that was attached to the other post.

  She felt a real shiver of fear slide down the middle of her back and tested her restraints. She had some give. She could pull herself up to her elbows, but just barely and not all the way. She looked from one naked gorgeous man to the next wondering what she was supposed to do. Although it went against logic and she should probably be in fear for her life, she wasn’t. It was fear she felt, but it was a fear like being at the top of a rollercoaster or watching a scary movie. There was something coming, she just didn’t know what it was.

  Tonight everything that they’d done to her had been delicious and mind blowing. What was she going to do? Or more importantly, what were they going to do to her?

  Cade and Trevor watched as Riley’s head whipped back and forth between the two of them. Cade smiled when she finally gave up and rested her forehead on the mattress and closed her eyes. It was a sign, whether she knew it or not, that she saw them as equals and therefore didn’t know who to look to for direction. She could not have pleased him more. He’d had no idea how important it had been to him that she accept both Trevor and himself until this moment, and something tight in his chest loosened. He looked up from her to Trevor and when their gazes met, he saw that Trevor recognized the significance of her posture and was just as pleased with it. Too many of the women that they’d shared had been the girlfriend of one of them and only accepted the other, it was a rare woman indeed who considered herself equally theirs.

  Trevor motioned with his chin for Cade to continue. Cade sent him a dark smile and bent to put the blindfold he was holding over Riley’s head, when she jumped and tried to avoid it he murmured, “Sshh. Be still.” He gave a gentle kiss to her forehead and smoothed her hair before standing back up. “You’re safe, I promise. But you got hurt because you wouldn’t obey, and we won’t put up with that. Every time you don’t do what you’re told, you will be punished. Every time.”

  Riley took a deep breath and tried to force her muscles to relax. She didn’t completely succeed but hoped she’d get b

rownie points for trying. She would have given anything to know what was happening or what was going to happen, but didn’t have the guts to ask. She heard a cabinet open and close and then one of them threw something to the other and it was caught with small snapping sound.

  “Oh God,” she squeaked and heard two identical male chuckles.

  Trevor flexed the leather-covered paddle in his hands while Cade twirled his like a pro with a tennis racket. Both men then focused on the lush curves of her ass and moved into position.


  Riley screamed as her left butt cheek was engulfed in flames. Her whole body jumped with it.


  She screamed again when the right one went up. Smack, smack, smack, smack.

  One after another, stinging and burning, but underneath it all something in her was responding to it. It hurt like crazy, so much so that her head kept shaking back and forth, but with each slap she also felt a clench in the walls of her oversensitive sheath, and she could feel her thighs getting wet from the juices flowing out of her.

  Then it stopped. Riley lay there with her ass throbbing so hard she was sure it must look like a cartoon thumb that had just been hit with a hammer. Her breath panted in and out of her lungs like a bellows, and then she heard them. They were both breathing just as hard as she was, and she could swear that she could actually feel the weight of their hunger. She moaned and flexed until her ass arched up in the air. There was a powerful rush that swept from her head to her toes when both men groaned at her action.

  Trevor was so turned on he was afraid he was going to blow before he even got started. The way she had screamed during the spanking was identical to the way she had when she came. It was hot, throaty and had a purr to it that made his stomach clench with need. She smelled so fucking good and her scent had gotten stronger with each swat, communicating this was a girl who liked getting her ass paddled.

  He could tell it was a new experience for her—there was nothing practiced or artificial about the way she moved or sounded. She had opened herself to it, to them and let herself embrace what they could bring her. It was like an aphrodisiac to him, making him feel drunk, powerful and privileged. He grabbed a condom from the bedside cabinet and thought about the talk that they were going to have about health conditions and contraception, hoping like hell this was the only one he would ever have to wear with her.

  He kneed his way between her thighs and felt another surge of pleasure when they parted without resistance for him. Cade briefly snagged his attention when he climbed to the head of the bed and positioned himself against the headboard with Riley’s face between his thighs. Trevor looked down at the lovely, juicy peach of her ass, curled his fingers into claws and lightly raked his fingernails over the glowing pink cheeks.

  Shivers raced up her spine and though she moaned, she managed to keep still. “Good girl.” He praised her for remembering not to move. While Cade took her face between his hands and brought her mouth to his shaft, Trevor gripped her hips and shoved into her to the hilt so that they filled her at the same time.

  “Ah shit! She’s fucking tight. Oh God, sugar, you feel so good.” Trevor pulled out and slammed back home with a grunt of pleasure and warned, “Man, Cade, I’m not going to last. It’s been too long, and she’s too fucking much.” He managed to peel his gaze away from the sight of his cock sliding in and out of her to meet Cade’s look over the back of the woman they shared.

  “Don’t wait for me.” Cade’s voice shook along with his whole body as he fucked her mouth. He had one hand holding her head still by the hair while the other braced against the mattress and his hips flexed up and down in an increasing rhythm.

  Riley was beyond the ability to think. She was lost to the joy and rush of having her body completely taken over. The shaft slamming in and out of her mouth was full and hard, and it was hot the way he throbbed and pulsed against her lips and tongue. The one filling her to bursting between her legs was also throbbing and the way Trevor kept changing his angle and scraping the head against a different spot with each thrust was quickly making it impossible to hold still. Her muffled cries were getting wilder and louder and just when she thought she was going to earn herself another spanking for moving, her body shot into overload and froze. Every muscle in her body locked while it felt like a bomb went off inside her.

  “Holy fuck,” Trevor yelled as she clamped, then spasmed around his dick, pulsing stronger than he’d ever felt from anyone. The sensation was the last he could stand, his back arched and his whole body flexed as his own orgasm was pulled from deep inside him in pulsating waves of heat.

  When it hit Riley, her teeth had scraped and then clamped down close to the base of Cade’s shaft. He’d already been fighting to hold back and wait for them, and the pleasure and pain of her bite had him shouting at the ceiling while he filled her mouth with his come.

  “Whoa.” Trevor shook his head to try to clear it. “What the fuck was that?” he asked as he pulled out of Riley and flopped backwards on the bed. Cade was slumped over sideways himself, “That. Was. Riley.” Cade smiled drunkenly at her blindfolded face resting on his thigh. “Told you you’d love her.” His hand smoothed her hair and then gently slipped the blindfold away from her eyes. She was limp as a rag doll and with the exception of her heavy breathing she hadn’t moved a muscle.

  Riley took in the scene at a glance. The three of them lay like puppets whose strings had been cut…and speaking of strings, “Can someone untie me?” She had a drunken smile of her own as the two men were jolted out of their slouches and rushed to untie her with murmurs of “poor baby” and “we’re sorry, sugar” while they kissed and massaged her sore arms.

  Cade left to get a washcloth for her while Trevor grabbed the covers and tucked her in before sliding in next to her after he’d thrown his condom away. Cade came back and started gently wiping the sweat and other fluids from her face and chin. She smiled at his tender handling of her. Trevor slid a hand under the covers and was stroking her body from hip to breast to belly and back again in a soothing calming motion while she lay on him because he’d pulled her so close. Cade dropped the damp cloth on the floor and climbed in on her other side to sandwich her between them. He tangled his legs with theirs, and his still semi-hard shaft was snuggled into the curve of her waist. Trevor’s was nestled under her opposite hip and then with just a few twists and adjustments they all sighed in comfort.

  Cade picked up her hand in one of his and toyed with her fingers.

  “Unlike me,” he began, “Trev’s a do-gooder and spends his time in third world countries trying to get malaria.” Cade felt her smile and soft chuckle against his chest.

  “Unlike you?” Trevor interrupted. “Don’t listen to him, little one. He will do his best to convince you he’s some kind of jaded satyr when the truth is he gives just as much to charity as I do. And, by the way, he’s the one who got malaria, not me.” He smirked at his friend while Riley watched the exchange between them wide-eyed and fascinated. Trevor smiled at her and went on. “It was in Uganda, and he was there building a clinic.” Riley looked properly impressed and gazed at Cade with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Cade told her with a shake of his head as he brought her hand up to his mouth to kiss each fingertip. “I was only there because he was and there was nothing to do that summer anyway. We were out of high school and unlike some of those in our acquaintance, we didn’t care to spend another summer sightseeing.”

  “Like I said,” Trevor cut in again, “don’t buy into that crap. He’s one of the good guys.” Trevor’s smile faded to a serious contemplation of her face, and he added, “But I guess you knew that or you wouldn’t have trusted him enough to let him bring you up here.” Trevor’s hand settled under one of her breasts and gently cupped the full mound in his palm so he could trace lazy circles around the crest of it with his thumb.

  Riley nuzzled her cheek where it lay on Trevor’s shoulder and gazed at
him with trusting honest eyes when she answered. “Yeah, I guess I did. I guess I trusted you both.” Then she yawned with enough gusto to show him her molars, and Trevor decided that as well as loving her body he could easily grow to love the rest of her along with it. “Let’s get some sleep. I feel like I could sleep for a year, and you look like you need to.” He gave a soft pinch to her nipple and smiled when she arched into the caress even as her eyes started to droop.

  Chapter Four

  Riley had always been a morning person. She never used an alarm clock because she was awake before it went off anyway. She woke alert and bright-eyed and ready to take on the day. When she woke up a mere two hours after they had gone to sleep, she’d gamely closed her eyes and tried to will herself back into oblivion.

  It didn’t work. The lazy lassitude was draining away from her limbs, and her natural energy was quickly taking its place. She thought the best thing to do would be to slip out quietly so they could get some more sleep. But how? Trevor was spread-eagle, face down on the bed with one arm draped over her waist. Riley’s cheek was pillowed on his shoulder, and she had one leg draped across his butt. Cade was curled along her back with one of his legs tucked under hers over Trevor’s thighs and one of his hands was scooping her breast. Just how, she thought, was she supposed to move without waking them? Before she could even try Cade’s voice graveled out from somewhere above her. “Go back to sleep. It’s early.” He shifted his leg higher under hers and gave a gentle squeeze on her boob. Trevor grunted.

  Riley tried for all of about two seconds before she admitted, “I can’t.”

  “Yes. You can.” Cade again, another squeeze, this one firmer. Trevor grunted louder.

  “But I can’t. Honest.” Her voice was a soft whisper of apology. “I can never sleep in. It makes me nuts. Besides, I have to pee,” she added with a small squirm. “I’ll slip out so you guys can sleep, and I’ll have breakfast waiting when you get up, okay?” Cade gave up with a groan and a stretch that shook the whole bed. Trevor lay as if he were paralyzed.


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