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Page 13

by Michael Munsterman

  It doesn’t take nearly as long to strengthen that voice as it does to smother it. This isn’t a lifetime of work that you’ve got ahead of you. This is Ninety days of allowing the positive voice to be heard. Inside of Ninety days of making a conscious decision, making a list of the areas that you’re the weakest, making a list of the areas that you’re coming up short, making a list of the areas that you wanna see markable improvement, making a list of the things that you need to do every single day to live your best life, and then listening to that voice and make the decision to act. To follow that prompting. Ninety days is not forever. You can do this.

  I’ve talked to you in this book about getting your mind right. I have discussed the creative and mental paths that we make when we allow our mind to work one way or another. I explained to you that the more you travel over a path the more defined and visible it is for you. What I didn’t tell you is that there is a GPS inside of your mind that will take you wherever you set the destination.

  I talked to you about visualizing your goals, writing those goals out in very specific details, and breaking them back into actionable steps. The smartest influencer in your world is the one that has the absolute most data points about you, about your life, about your circumstances, about your opportunity, about your path. It’s you. It has been you all along. You just have to make the decision to say yes. You have to make a conscious decision to listen to the voice. To feed it, to follow it, and to execute your butt off.

  The biggest challenge you will have is in the first thirty days. You will be challenged, because that other voice is going to squeal. The negative voice inside of your own mind is going to fight you. You are mentally going to ... be sabotaged. You will have a physical manifestation of negative emotion, aches and pains that don’t make any sense. You will believe that you can’t continue. You will believe that you don’t have any more gas in the tank. You will believe that those key relationships that you are trying to save, can’t be saved.

  That voice is gonna pull out every single stop to derail you from smothering him and putting him back in the corner of your mind where it belongs. That negative voice, it never goes completely silent. Henceforth, the voice inside of you that will rule will be the voice that you feed, the voice that you follow, and the voice that you put the work in behind and support. Make the choice to follow the voice that will make your life flourish.

  Your best life is on the other side of the decision to do what you already know you should be doing. You are reading this book because that voice was in you your entire life. That voice is still in you right now, and it’s holding onto an image of wealth and prosperity that’s being flung in front of it online. It is saying to you, “This should be us. We want to be rich.” You just have to make the decision to execute your giftings, to do the work, and to listen to that voice. By doing so, your life will forever be changed. Ninety days from now it will be unrecognizable to those around you! Savvy?


  Ibelieve that every single person who has read this book is destined to impact the life of at least one other person. For many of you, your ability to create change and live the life that you’ve always wanted is only held back by your own belief systems and your daily practices. It is time to make the change.

  The voice inside of you that says “When I grow up, I want to be rich” is right. You can have absolutely everything that you want in this life. Subsequently, you can begin the process of having those things today. You are not bound to where you came from, and you’re not even bound to where you are today. Your future has not been decided yet. You get to pick up the pen and write the story of you. You get to ink all the characters. You get to define who you allow inside of your movie. You get to tell the greatest tale that you’ve ever been told, and you get to be the star.

  All you have to do is systematically put yourself in a position of power that allows you to accelerate quicker than those in your surroundings. You have to think it, speak it, and operate as though you couldn’t fail if you tried. It is not going to be easy. You are not going to wake up tomorrow and all of a sudden be rich. You are not going to get to plaster the internet with a Lamborghini in the next thirty days. Not responsibly, anyway.

  Nevertheless, you are going to have an opportunity to figure out where your gifting is. You are going to have an opportunity to realize your passions. You’re going to, like Grandpa said, walk with your eyes open recognizing the opportunities and gaps all around you. You are going to have the skill sets to make whatever life you want a reality.

  Yes, the steps are simple! You need to know why you do what you do every day. You need to recognize the people around you for who they are, and make a conscious decision to migrate towards the upper third. You need to surround yourself with the very best mentors that you can. This will be one of the hardest things that you do as an entrepreneur, because you will have to step outside of your comfort zone. You must be humble, and ask for help.

  You will have to be diligent enough to pick up a book and read. Reading allows you to give yourself access to the greatest mentors in the world. In addition, listen to an audiobook on your way back and forth to work. You will have to cut loose of the old stories that you’ve been telling yourself about your childhood. You will have to make a conscious decision to not allow the stories of your past to put you in a box that prevents you from growing into who you were designed to be.

  You will have to push yourself physically and mentally, expanding your own belief system and strengthening that voice inside of you that says “We were meant for more than this. We were meant to be rich.” Pushing yourself and strengthening that voice are essential elements of growth.

  You will have to develop habits that squash that negative voice. You must be compelled to remove those people that enforce the negative voice and its bullshit lies. You will have to figure out what your super powers are and what your weaknesses are. Additionally, you will leverage the things that you’re brilliant at while protecting yourself mindfully of the things that cause you to fall short.

  Before you can do any of those things, you’ve got to be willing to jump. You have to make a decision to make a change. And, please make it today. It has to be real. It has to come from a place inside of you that’s fueled by all of the things that I just listed. You can create the greatest movie ever told… Yours.


  Note from the Author

  Iam excited to share with you the practical steps that I have taken to go from being 300K in debt to altering the course of my family’s financial future.

  Remember, being rich isn't always about money. A close friend recently said something that hit me in the heart. He said, "Maybe the new 'billionaire' is the person who impacts the lives of a billion people."

  I want to see you reach your highest potential and crush your dreams! Most importantly I hope you grow into the fullest version of your God given talents and passions to positively impact this world. Go get it!


  Best Wishes,

  Michael Munsterman




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