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The Vampire Awakenings Bundle: Books 1-5

Page 20

by Davies, Brenda K.

  The thought should have terrified her, it didn’t.

  He tugged at the edge of her turtleneck and pulled it down. He gazed at the two marks marring the creamy perfection of her skin. His marks. His eyes dilated as his teeth instantly lengthened. He wanted to brand her again, to taste her again, and to fill her veins with his blood.

  He ground his teeth as he willed the demon inside him to subside. Gradually, he was able to regain some control of himself and meet her eyes again. "I thought you said the marks faded," she whispered as she watched him.

  "They do when we use our saliva to make them close faster."

  Her brow furrowed. "Why didn't you do that with me?"

  His eyes flashed red for a second. "Because I wanted you to bear my mark. I want everyone to know you’re mine. And you are mine, Sera. No one else is ever going to touch you."

  Normally, she would have been irritated by his high-handed, possessive tone. She would have been enraged at the thought of anyone thinking they owned her. Instead, she found herself thrilled by it.

  "I mean it," his eyes flashed again as the creature within neared the surface. "If anyone touches you..."

  She placed her finger over his mouth to silence him. A muscle in his jaw twitched as his eyes gleamed violently.

  "I am yours, Liam," she whispered. "Only yours."

  He closed his eyes as he fought against the vampire seeking to break free and finish what it had started. Finally, her words sank in and helped ease his need. "Good."

  "And you're only mine, right?"

  He opened his eyes. He smiled at the ferociousness in her gaze as he traced her swollen lower lip. "Yes."

  She grinned as she stood on her toes to kiss him. "We better go before they send a search party for us."

  She pulled her turtleneck back up. Liam's hands clenched as he fought the urge to rip it back down so everyone could see what was beneath it. He knew he couldn't risk Kathleen and Danielle realizing it wasn't a hickey she bore though.

  Chapter Fifteen

  By the time they made it downstairs, the electricity had gone out. Kathleen had already placed candles around the house, and they followed the light of them into the kitchen.

  "So, what do you guys want to do?" Mike asked when they entered.

  Sera glanced around. Mike, Doug, and Kathleen were sitting around the middle island and smiling knowingly at them. Jack and Danielle were sitting at the table arguing over the same crossword puzzle from earlier. "How about strip poker?" Doug suggested with a mischievous grin.

  "Sounds like a plan to me," Jack said eagerly.

  "Count me in," Mike said. "Girls?"

  "I'll get the cards," Kathleen volunteered.

  Liam's stance was rigid as he took a step closer to her. "I don't want to play," she said.

  "Of course you will!" Kathleen retorted as she held a candle above the kitchen drawer she pawed through. "It will be fun! Right, Danielle?"

  "Sounds good to me," she answered.

  "You're playing, right Liam?" Jack asked.

  "No," he replied.

  "Oh, come on man, lord knows when you'll get a chance to see another girl naked."

  Kathleen laughed as she continued to fumble through the drawer. "Who said I wanted to?" Liam retorted.

  "Ugh, you guys are sickening," Kathleen closed the drawer and held up a pack of cards. "For crying out loud Sera, you need to see more than one naked man in your lifetime."

  Sera shook her head. She could feel the anger radiating off Liam, and she knew this was not a good idea. "I don't want to strip," she said.

  "Don't worry," Kathleen said as she grabbed hold of her hand. "We're going to win this game."

  "No," Liam said.

  "Come on; it will be fun!" Kathleen urged.

  "Yeah," Mike enthused.

  "I know I wouldn't mind seeing some fine female flesh!" Jack cried eagerly.

  Liam was so fast she never saw him move until his arms were locked securely around her waist. "I said no," he said.

  Even Sera was astounded by his behavior as she turned to look at him. Kathleen gaped at him as Danielle froze in the middle of standing up. Doug, Jack, and Mike all turned to look at him.

  "Liam," she said soothingly.

  The set of his chin and the twitching muscle in his cheek let her know he wouldn’t tolerate this. She recalled his words in the bathroom, and she knew, without a doubt, he would attempt to kill everyone here before she ever removed an article of clothing. She would not allow that to happen. Besides, she didn't want to play. The idea of seeing Liam stripping was more upsetting to her than having to remove her clothes. A spark of anger shot through her as she thought about Kathleen and Danielle looking on what was hers.

  "I don't want to play," she told them. "Why don't we play rummy, or something else?"

  Kathleen stared at her, and then back up at Liam. "Fine, can I talk to you for a minute, Sera?"

  She knew Kathleen almost as well as she knew herself, and she knew what Kathleen had to say was important. Her mind instantly shot to Mike. If there was any way she might be able to help her friend from being hurt, then she was going to do it.

  "Yeah, sure."

  "Good. Come on, Danielle."

  She squeezed Liam's hands reassuringly. They eased on her waist and finally released her. She cast him a small smile before following Kathleen out of the kitchen. She didn't head to the living room but veered sharply to the left. Sera lifted an eyebrow but followed her down the hall. Kathleen swung the door to Sera's room open and stepped inside. She waited for both of them to enter before closing it.

  "What's going on?" Kathleen demanded instantly.

  "What are you talking about?" Sera inquired.

  Kathleen planted her hands firmly on her hips. "I mean, what is going on?"


  "No!" she cut off abruptly. "Okay, you don't want to play strip poker, I understand that. I've known you for three years now, and I know it's not your kind of game, but what just happened in there?"

  Sera's mouth dropped further with every higher pitched word Kathleen shouted. "What are you talking about?" she asked.

  Kathleen's nostrils flared as she inhaled harshly. "What am I talking about?" she sputtered in disbelief. "What am I talking about?"

  "Kathleen, calm down."

  Kathleen took a deep breath and closed her eyes before opening them again. "Sera, he's so possessive of you! He's so… oh, I don't know. You didn't see the look in his eyes. For a second I thought they were red!"

  Sera's heart leapt into her throat, but she managed to keep her face completely impassive. "That's crazy, and I have no idea what you're talking about."

  Sera worried Kathleen was going to start screeching again. Danielle headed her off. "I thought I saw the same thing, but it was only the candlelight. However, I think I know what Kathleen is talking about."

  Sera cast her a glance. "And what would that be?" she asked.

  "Has he hit you?" Kathleen demanded.

  "What?" Sera was so aghast the word barely squeaked past her throat.

  "Has he hit you?" she almost screamed.

  "Kathleen, calm down, please," Sera said.

  "Don't tell me to calm down!"

  Danielle turned to her. "You need to calm down.”

  For a moment Sera was afraid Kathleen's head was actually going to explode off her shoulders. Then, she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and seemed to gain some control of herself. "I'm calm," she said. Her clear blue eyes landing upon Sera again. "Has he hit you?"

  "Of course not."

  "Sera, I am not kidding here. You're my best friend, and I love you. I don't want to see you hurt."


  "No!" she snapped. "He acted like he owned you! He acted like you didn't have a mind of your own. You two love each other, fine. But what happened in there was not normal, and you know it!"

  What happened wasn't normal, she knew that, but she also knew Liam would never hurt her. He would di
e before he ever harmed her. She knew that, as surely as she knew she needed air to live. She also knew she had felt the same way as Liam about the idea of anyone seeing him naked. Maybe it wasn't normal, maybe it wasn't right, but it was the way it was. He was different, their relationship was different, but there was no way Kathleen, or Danielle, could understand.

  "Kathleen, I think you're misunderstanding—"

  "No I'm not!" she yelled. "Has he abused you?"

  "Never!" Sera cried.

  "Because if he has, I'll kill him!" Kathleen continued as if Sera hadn't spoken.


  "Has he? Has he hit you?" Kathleen was close to screaming like a banshee again. Sera winced at the shrill tone.

  "No!" she yelled. "He would never hurt me. Now calm down!"

  Kathleen began to pace as she mumbled under her breath. "Sera," Danielle said serenely. "We're just worried about you."

  "There's no need to be."

  Kathleen took a deep breath and spun to face her again. "He was acting like the men you hear about," she said. "The ones who think they own their wives or girlfriends. The ones who beat them. If he's doing anything wrong, please tell us."

  Tears bloomed in Kathleen's eyes as her lower lip began to tremble. Sera crossed to her and hugged her. "He's not," she vowed.

  Kathleen hugged her back as sobs rocked her body. "Would you tell me if he was?"

  "Yes Kathleen, I promise I would tell you if he was."

  "You didn't tell me before," she whispered so quietly Sera barely heard her.

  "This is different Kathleen."

  She took a step back. "He really hasn't?"

  "No. I wouldn't stay with someone like that. But Liam would never hurt me. He would chop off his own hands before he ever raised one against me. He really would, Kathleen."

  Kathleen's stare burrowed into her. "If you say so. But if I ever see one unexplained bruise on you, or if I ever see him mistreat you, I will beat the shit out of him, agreed?"

  The idea of Kathleen trying to beat Liam was even funnier than the idea of Liam hitting her. "Agreed," she vowed.

  * * *

  "What is the matter with you?" Mike demanded.

  Liam turned to him as Sera, Kathleen, and Danielle disappeared down the hall. "What do you mean?"

  "You didn't see yourself. Are you trying to get us all killed? Do you want to give us all away?"

  "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "Your eyes were red," Doug said. "For a second Liam, your eyes were red."

  Liam frowned as he folded his arms over his chest. "What is going on?" Mike asked.

  "I don't know," he admitted reluctantly.

  "What do you mean, you don't know?" Jack demanded.

  "I mean, I don't know."

  "But something is going on?" Mike prompted.

  Liam ran a hand through his hair. "She's mine."

  "We all know she’s your girlfriend, now what is your point?"

  "My point," he grated. "Is that no one else is going to see her."

  "It's only a game," Doug muttered.

  "Not to me!" he shouted.

  "Liam, I think you need to tell us what is going on because it's pretty clear to me you're close to losing it," Mike said.

  Liam's jaw clenched as he stared at them. "I don't know what's going on. All I know is I can't control myself when I'm around her."

  "What do you mean?" Jack asked.

  "Exactly what I just said."

  They exchanged bewildered looks before turning back to him. "I think you're going to have to be more specific," Mike insisted.

  "I don't know how to be. I've never felt like this. I've never acted like this. I've never lost control like this. You're trying to get me to explain something I can't. All I can tell you is I will kill anyone who tries to harm her. I will kill anyone who tries to take her from me. I will never let her go."

  "Yes, we understand that, but there's more going on here, Liam," Mike said. "That doesn't explain your lack of control."

  "Didn't you hear me?" he spat. "I can't control myself when I'm around her! At all!"

  "Are you afraid you'll hurt her?" Doug asked.

  Before his answer would have been a resounding no. Now, he wasn't so sure. "I might," he reluctantly admitted. "I don't want to, and she's sure I won't, but I can't stop myself."

  "Stop yourself from what?"

  "From tasting her! From having her!" he cried.

  "Maybe you should get away from her for a while, at least until we can figure out all of this," Doug suggested.

  "That is not an option."


  "No!" he cut Mike off forcefully. "That is not an option!" His teeth began to lengthen as his hands clenched at his sides.

  "Jesus," Jack muttered. "Okay, it's not an option, just calm down."

  Liam ground his teeth and took a deep breath. What was the matter with him? He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall as he rubbed at his temples. Maybe he should get away from her before he hurt her, or someone else. But even the idea of leaving her brought the beast forth again. Bloodlust and a wave of possessiveness burst through him, seizing his muscles and shaking his control.

  "Okay, we'll figure this out," Mike said. "But you need to control yourself, Liam. You're going to lose it, and you can't afford to do that in front of Kathleen and Danielle."

  "I know."

  "You will lose Sera if something happens to her friends."

  His eyes flew open, and they all took an involuntary step back. "Nothing is going to happen to them, and I will not lose her!"

  "Hey, guys! Come on!" Kathleen called. "Let's play cards!"

  Liam glared at them before turning and leaving the room. "What is going on?" Jack demanded.

  "I don't know," Mike said.

  "What are we going to do? He's snapping."

  "I don't know."

  "You're not helpful!"

  "I don't see you putting forth any ideas!" he retorted.

  "We're not going to figure it out now," Doug intervened. "And he will shred us to pieces if we even try to interfere."

  "Yes, he will," Mike agreed.

  "Maybe it just needs to work itself out," Jack muttered.

  "Well, it's going to have to, or he's going to lose it, and the consequences will be devastating. Come on, let's go."

  They followed Mike out of the kitchen and into the living room. Candles were set around the room. Their tiny flames cast shadows over the walls and added a cozy aura of warmth. Kathleen and Sera were pulling the cushions off the couches and plopping them around the coffee table.

  They settled in as Danielle began to shuffle and deal out the cards. "Five card draw," she announced. "Nothing wild."

  Sera poured herself a glass of Peachtree Schnapps and orange juice. Everyone gathered drinks and sat back to stare at their cards. Liam slipped his hand onto her leg and squeezed her thigh.

  Liam stared at his cards as everyone laughed and joked around him. His thoughts were tumultuous; he couldn't get a handle on himself. Sitting this close to Sera, he could smell her temptingly sweet blood; hear it pounding in her veins. He’d always been able to smell blood, and hear it, but not like this. Before, he could shut it out. Before, it never pulsed inside of him in an answering rhythm that enhanced his hunger. It had never called to him like this.

  It took every ounce of control he possessed not to take her and brand her again.

  Time seemed to drag at an excruciating pace. Every second was pure torture. His hands clenched upon his cards. Sera placed her hand on his thigh. He shifted as he instantly became erect. Seizing hold of her hand, he forced it to remain still. The smile she sent him was completely knowing, and utterly enticing.

  "Witch," he murmured.

  "Yep," she agreed happily.

  "Okay," Kathleen announced. "Let's see what we've got."

  He laid his cards on the table as a knock on the door resounded through the living room. "I'll get it," Sera volunteered as
she hopped to her feet. She had already lost most of her change, and she stood no chance of regaining it.

  "Who could that possibly be?" Kathleen pondered as she scooped her winnings up, again.

  Liam turned to watch as Sera disappeared into the foyer. The minute she stepped out of his sight, he wanted to go and make sure she was safe. "Hi," she greeted. "Sure, come on in, you must be freezing. Have you been out there all day?"

  "Yeah," a girl replied. "I got lost. I just found this place again."

  "That's awful," Sera said. "We were just playing a game. I'll introduce you to everyone."

  Liam frowned as he stood. There was something familiar about the girl's voice. Mike, Jack, and Doug rose as Sera entered the room, followed by a small girl. Liam's heart began to jackhammer rapidly; the breath froze in his lungs as he gaped in disbelief at the beautiful woman behind Sera. "Guys this is—"

  "Beth," Mike breathed, silencing Sera in mid-sentence.

  "Hello, everyone," Beth said, a sly smile on her face. "Am I interrupting something? Dinner perhaps?"

  Liam's breath gradually returned to him. Jack and Doug remained frozen, staring in awe. Kathleen's eyes were wide as she looked everyone over. Danielle stood beside her; her eyes narrowed as she watched Beth. Beth scanned the room as she idly trailed her hand across the back of the couch.

  "Lovely place," she commented as she moved closer to Liam. "How are you doing, Liam?"

  Liam glanced over at Sera. She was only ten feet away, but it suddenly seemed like a mile. She stared at him in confusion, her eyes startlingly violet in the candlelight. "You know each other?" Kathleen asked in disbelief.

  "Yeah," Mike said. "We do."

  "You could say that," Beth responded as she glanced around the room. "I see you four are back together, but where's David?"

  Sera's hand flew to her mouth. Liam's head turned toward her as panic burst through him. He took an instinctive step toward her as Beth focused on her with gleaming eyes. "Who's David?" Danielle asked.

  "Just an old lover," Beth replied nonchalantly. "Like everyone else in this room."


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