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The Vampire Awakenings Bundle: Books 1-5

Page 62

by Davies, Brenda K.

  "Don't get carried away, Jill," Emma told her.

  "Maybe we should let you go alone." Jill tapped her finger thoughtfully against her chin as she studied Emma.

  "She can't go out on a boat by herself with three people we barely know," Mandy said.

  "I can take care of myself," Emma reminded them.

  "Of course you can," Jill assured her. "But Mandy's right, we don't know them."

  Emma's pride made her want to argue with them, but she wasn't stupid. Ethan and his family seemed pleasant enough, she didn't think they would harm her, but she didn't know them, and going somewhere alone with them wasn't the smartest idea. It was better to go with her friends than to argue with them over it because of her pride.

  "We have to get ready," Mandy said as she slid her arm through Emma's and led her toward the stairs.

  Chapter Seven

  "You invited the humans?" Stefan placed the paper he was reading on the table and fixed Ethan with a look that made him wonder if he'd sprouted horns.

  "Sure, why not?" Ethan replied casually.

  Stefan exchanged a glance with Isabelle, whose arms were resting on the edge of the pool as she treaded water. "Because they're human," Stefan said slowly.

  "You once dated humans," Ethan reminded him.

  Isabelle shot him a look that could freeze fire as she pulled herself from the pool. Ethan almost chuckled, but he thought she might kick his ass if he did. Stefan looked like he might also laugh. He wisely chose not to.

  "Since when do you want to hang out with a human?" Isabelle demanded. Water dripped onto the bluestone patio with soft drips as she walked across the patio to retrieve her towel from a chair.

  Ethan shrugged, but he knew his casual gesture didn't fool his sister. "Things change."

  "Or is it her?"

  Unreasonable anger filled Ethan as he folded his arms over his chest and leaned back on his heels. He didn't like being questioned about Emma, and he certainly didn't like her referenced in that way. "I don't think that's any of your business."

  "Ethan—" Isabelle started.

  "If you would like me to un-invite them, I will."

  "That's not what I'm saying at all," Isabelle gushed. "It's just unusual to see you continuously interacting with humans, much less the same human. That's all."

  "We all change with age."

  "That we do. Lord knows I did," Stefan agreed as he rose from the table.

  Stefan strolled over to Isabelle and placed his hand on her shoulder. He squeezed it reassuringly before moving her back a step. Isabelle turned to look at him, and from years of experience with watching his parents, Ethan knew they were having a silent conversation with each other. It frustrated him, he was certain they were discussing him, but he kept his temper under control.

  "I'm sure it will be fine," Isabelle said.

  "It will be," Ethan assured her. "I'm going to get them."

  Before his sister could argue with him further, he turned and walked away. His earlier run had helped burn off some of his excess energy, but he could feel it building within him again. He walked at an increasingly brisk pace down the road to the small house where Emma and her friends were staying.

  * * *

  Emma tried not to ogle Ethan as he took her hand and helped her board the boat. Between the home they were staying in and this boat, she didn't know what to make of Ethan or his family. She knew they were only renting the house, but she imagined the rent on this place was more than some people made in a year. She could tell Jill and Mandy were as impressed and overwhelmed as she was by their gaping mouths when they looked around the glistening white boat.

  She was so busy trying to take in all the details she didn't realize Ethan still held her hand until he pulled her toward the back of the boat. Or was it the stern? She wasn't sure, as she'd never been on anything bigger than a rowboat before. He settled her into a seat before turning to help Mandy and Jill get seated.

  "I'll be right back," he told her.

  Emma admired the fit of his swim trunks on his thighs and ass as she watched him walk away. She was so focused on him that she jumped when Jill leaned closer to her and spoke. "What does his family do for a living?"

  "I don't know," Emma whispered back.

  "Maybe they're in the mob."

  "Yeah, the mob is huge in Oregon," Emma retorted.

  Even Jill had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. "Maybe they've decided to expand."

  Emma chuckled as she shook her head, but Jill's question made her recall how Ethan avoided her question when she'd asked him about what he did. There was a lot of money here, but it was his brother-in-law’s, not Ethan's. She could understand if Ethan didn't have a plan for his future, she wasn't exactly planning or doing much in life right now. Maybe Ethan felt the same way and didn't like talking about it; she hadn't told him everything about herself either.

  The boat engine firing up drew her attention to Stefan standing behind the wheel with Isabelle at his side. Ethan said something to Stefan she couldn't hear over the engine, but Stefan glanced at them before nodding. Emma turned her attention to the water as the boat started to pull away from the dock.

  Excitement built within her as the powerful vessel hummed beneath her and the wind began to kick up. The boat picked up speed as Stefan steered it away from shore and into the open water. Her hair blew back from her face; the warm, salty ocean spray kicking up around her was cool as it landed on her cheeks and tickled her face. It was impossible not to smile as the boat skimmed over the ocean and plumes of water shot up around them. She turned her body and rested her arms on the back of her chair to watch the wake coming from the rear of the boat.

  Ethan’s arm brushed against hers when he returned. She watched him as he settled into the seat beside her. Something about him and this whole moment made her feel as if someone had opened the door on the cage she'd locked herself in since Tristan. She could almost feel her wings spreading as she flew free and unexpected tears of joy burned her eyes.

  "Are you okay?" Ethan inquired.

  "Just the wind," she said as she wiped at her eyes.

  She wasn't expecting it when his hand slid into hers. The tears burned their way up her throat, but she managed to keep these from spilling as she wrapped her hand around his large, strong one. He was so powerful and self-assured, she thought he could take on anything and anyone. He would protect her. She had no reason to believe such a thing, but she couldn't shake the certainty of it as she refocused her attention on the vast sea.

  Ethan studied her profile as she focused on the water again. The flowing black cover-up she wore brought out the blonde in her hair and made her eyes appear even darker. He felt like she weaved a spell over him; she entranced him.

  The boat decelerated as they approached a secluded cove. Emma took in the amazing lava rock formations around them as the boat came to a stop fifty feet from shore. "This seems like a good place!" Stefan announced. Emma rose to her feet as Stefan went down below and came back with four fishing poles and a tackle box. "We can fish from the front and swim off the back."

  Mandy and Jill stood, pulled off their cover-ups, and dropped them onto their chairs. "Are you going to swim, Emma?" Mandy asked.

  "I'd prefer to fish." There was something enticing about just sitting there and watching her pole while soaking in the sun. She'd made sure to douse herself in sunblock before leaving the house.

  "I'll join you," Ethan said as he rose to his feet and pulled off his shirt.

  Emma felt like a cartoon character with its eyes popping out as, once again, she was treated to the delightful image of his bare chest with its sprinkling of hair across the carved surface.

  He held his hand out and helped her to her feet when she took it. Her heart pounded with excitement and apprehension as she realized the others were all going swimming. She loved the idea of getting a chance to spend some time alone with him, but she was a conversational idiot around him. Even still, she was practically bouncing on her
feet as he grabbed two poles and the tackle box before helping her maneuver to the front of the boat.

  He handed her a pole and set the tackle box down. Emma popped the locks on it and began to pick through it in search of a lure. Ethan quirked an eyebrow as he watched her expertly attach the lure to the line. "I take it you've done this before."

  "Once or twice," she told him with a grin.

  He laughed as he dug into the tackle box and pulled out another lure. "I wouldn't have pegged you as a fisherwoman."

  "I'm a little difficult to peg," she teased.

  Was she flirting with him? Maybe she was only a complete moron when other people were around them. It was a pleasant thought, and it helped to ease her anxiety.

  Her whole body reacted when something hot and hungry flickered through his eyes. She sucked in a breath.

  "Let's hope you're not impossible," he said.

  Yep, she was simply going to melt into a pile of goo or jump him; she wasn't sure which one right now. She wished she’d chosen to plunge herself into the water instead, but the ocean wouldn't be enough to cool her right now. It took all she had to break eye contact with him and cast her line out. She settled onto the edge of the boat and let her legs dangle over the side.

  "Where I'm from in New York, we either fish in the summer, ride our ATV's, or sit around a bonfire," she told him as he settled beside her.

  She was acutely aware of the heat of his body as the hair on his arm tickled her skin. "My siblings and I spent our time tormenting and daring each other to do some pretty crazy things," he said.

  "That sounds like a lot of fun."

  "It was."

  Her fishing pole made a clicking noise as she reeled her line back in. "If you don't mind me asking, what does Stefan do for a living?"

  He leaned a little more against her side. "Not much." Emma frowned at him before glancing questioningly around the large boat. "Family money," he said.

  "So, he's not in the mob then?"

  He laughed as he shook back his raven colored hair. "No, he's not in the mob."

  "Jill will be relieved to know that."

  The sound of his rumbling laughter caused her to smile in return. Emma couldn't remember the last time she'd been this happy as they continued talking. He told her more about his massive family and his home in Oregon. She told him more about her mother, who was a nurse, and her father who was a reporter at the local news station.

  They lived a simple life, in a small home. She was loved and had a lot of friends through high school. She saw most of them when she returned home for breaks, and they all shared stories. Most of them were returning to live there when they finished college.

  "Is that what you plan to do, return home and stay?" he asked as he cast his line out again.

  For some reason, the question made him tense. He didn't like to think of her returning home and being so far away from him. He didn't understand where the sudden feeling came from or why it lodged so firmly inside him. He enjoyed talking to her, and the feeling of peace she brought him, but he barely knew her, and he had no investment in her life.

  "I'm not sure. I love it there, I love my parents, but I also really enjoyed being away from home. Mandy and Jill asked me to go to California. Jill is from San Francisco, and Mandy is going to Stanford in the fall. They're hoping to get a place together and asked me to room with them too. I'm considering it; it would be fun, and I'd like to see California. I enjoyed experiencing new things while at school, and I don't think I'm ready for that to end. I'd also like to travel more."

  "Then don't let it end."

  She gave a small laugh. "It's just a matter of finding a job so I could stay there. I waitressed for a couple of years; maybe I could find work doing that again or a job in a museum. I had planned to teach history, but I think I'd prefer to work in a museum or something similar."

  "You like history?"

  Ethan couldn't help but smile as her face lit up.

  "I love it!” she gushed. “There's so much to learn from it, so many lives once lived, so many people who walked through these places, paved the roads, and built the world before us. They fascinate me, and I love to hear their stories, see the pictures, and touch things those people once touched. I'd love to see and explore as many historical places as I can before I die."

  "I never really thought about it that way," he admitted.

  "I also really enjoyed meeting different people while at school. Some of them weren't always so great." She refused to let thoughts of Tristan ruin this day. "But most of them were."

  He looked at her as if she'd just told him the ocean was purple and the clouds were full of pink giraffes. She glanced over herself but didn't see anything out of the ordinary, and she was pretty sure she didn't have anything hanging out of her nose. When she looked at him again, the strange gleam in his eyes, and the small smile on his face, warmed her heart.

  She was so different from him, he realized. She was eager to get out in the world and explore new things. She enjoyed being around other people, the one thing he couldn't stand unless he was with her. When he was with her, he could focus on something other than the blood pulsing through people's veins, and the driving urge to bury himself in the release he knew their deaths would finally give him.

  Unable to resist, he brushed back a stray tendril of her silken hair. She watched him with wide eyes as her lower lip trembled slightly. It was good to know he seemed to affect her as much as she affected him as she leaned closer to him. His gaze slid over the swell of her breasts thrust upward in her orange bikini top, and then over her rounded hips and flat belly.

  Her skin was in the early stages of a tan and the golden color brought out the dark gold in her hair and eyes. His fingers slid over her shoulder and toward her cheek, her skin was as soft as a flower petal against his, and he couldn't get enough of it. He had to forcefully pull his hand away before he forgot about everyone else and lost himself to her again.

  "I'm sure you could find work anywhere, and I think it sounds like a great plan," he told her.

  She gave him a half-hearted smile, but she missed the contact with him. "I'm not sure my parents would agree."

  "It's not their life, is it?"

  "No, it's not, but they expect a lot from me."

  "I'm sure they do, but I'm sure they're already proud of you."

  Beginning to feel a little self-conscious, she decided to steer the conversation away from her. "So, what about you, you never really said what you do."

  He cast his pole out again and began reeling it back in. "School's not my thing, never was, and I'm not much of a traveler. I like to work with my hands and mainly do odds and ends."

  "A jack of all trades?"

  "I guess you could say that. I helped to build a house last year; I enjoyed doing it. I discovered I also like to carve things out of wood around the same time."

  He didn't tell her this newfound love of his was a great way to keep himself distracted from his more disturbing impulses. He could often lose himself for hours amongst the smell and feel of the wood within his hands as he carved intricate designs into it. It was never something he'd ever thought to do, but once he started the hobby, he couldn't stop.

  "I built a gazebo for our lake at home, a porch swing, dining room table, and chairs. My favorite is a children's chest I plan to give to Isabelle and Stefan when they have a baby."

  "That's amazing."

  It also suited him, she realized as she studied his profile. She couldn't picture him wearing a suit and sitting behind a desk. It was too restricting for him, and though she barely knew him, she knew he would be miserable if he were confined. No, he belonged in a natural element of some kind, on a construction site, or on a fishing boat.

  "I'd love to see some of it," she said.

  The sun played over his handsome features and lit his eyes when he turned to smile at her. The warmth of the rays caused a thin sheen of sweat to break out on his body and made his skin gleam enticingly.

bsp; "Isabelle doesn't know about the chest, but I have some photos on my phone I'll show you. I turned it off and threw it in a drawer when I arrived in Bermuda though, so I don't have it on me."

  She laughed as she leaned against his side; she enjoyed how easy it was to be with him and how good he could make her feel. "I did the same. There's no way I'm paying that bill."

  "Me either," he agreed.

  She swung her legs back and forth over the edge of the boat. "How old are you?"

  "Twenty-six, you?"


  Emma cast her line back out as they fell into an amicable silence. Neither of them even had a bite, but she found she didn't mind as she listened to the water lapping against the boat and the splashing and laughter from the others as they swam. She was getting ready to reel her line back in when he leaned toward her and placed his finger under her chin. He turned her face toward his, and before she knew what he intended, he leaned forward and kissed her tenderly.

  A sigh escaped her, but just as she was about to lose herself to him, he pulled away. Her eyes searched his face. "You had a bite," he said.

  That grin did funny things to her insides and made her feel like a kid on Christmas morning all over again. "I had a what?"

  He gestured toward the pole in her hand. "A bite."

  "Oh, oh," she said again as she finally felt the tug on her pole. She had completely forgotten about it. She lifted it and began reeling it in again, but whatever was there didn't pursue the lure.

  The boat shifted; she looked back to see Stefan and Isabelle climbing on board. Isabelle frowned as she studied the two of them, but she turned away when Stefan put his hand on her elbow. She gave a brief nod before slipping into the lower cabin of the boat. Jill and Mandy climbed on next, Jill grabbed two towels off one of the seats and then handed Mandy her prosthetic leg.

  Isabelle reappeared and tossed another towel to Stefan. She toweled her hair off as she made her way toward them. "We're going to head back, Mandy and Jill are hungry."


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