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The Vampire Awakenings Bundle: Books 1-5

Page 66

by Davies, Brenda K.

  "I could do that every day," she said honestly.

  "I'll have to remember that."

  She wasn't entirely sure how to take that, but she wasn't going to spend all day trying to puzzle it out. With him, she could simply be, and she intended to do that as they walked down the street together.

  "Can you tell me where we're going now?" she inquired.

  He pointed up the hill to a large house set in the center of an open green field, surrounded by a massive stone wall overlooking the ocean. Large cannons were positioned to face the sea on the hill around the house. It was an old military fort, she realized.

  "It's the Bermuda Maritime Museum," he explained. "I thought you'd like to look around it."

  Emma couldn't find her voice for a minute as tears suddenly burned her eyes. The urge to cry was silly, but he'd remembered her love of history. It was one of the sweetest and most thoughtful things anyone had ever done for her. She blinked back the tears as she focused on him once more.

  "I'd love to," she said honestly.

  He clasped her hand as he led her toward the large front gates and the ticket booth tucked within the rock walls. She took a map as he paid for the tickets, and they entered the museum. They explored the grounds and the small waterfall as they made their way toward the old keep at the top of the hill.

  The smell of must assailed her as they stepped into the cool and shadowed interior of the massive home. All the windows were open to allow the breeze to drift through the home. The dark wooden floor beneath her feet creaked as they moved through the rooms of the building. She examined all the pictures hanging on the walls and read the plaques beneath them. She ran her fingers over the large tables and chairs filling many of the rooms, examined the coin and book collections, and spent nearly two hours admiring everything within each room of the house.

  Ethan remained patiently by her side as she explored every inch of the seemingly endless home. If he'd been with anyone else he would probably be bored out of his mind by now, but he relished in her endless fascination of the things within the house and her enthusiasm as she excitedly told him about the things she was reading on the plaques. She did have a fervor for history, and he was glad he'd learned about this place after their talk on the boat.

  Stepping onto the balcony running around the entire upper floor with her, he stared across the glimmering aqua sea to the cruise ship parked at the wharf. People walked about the house below them, but he didn't pay them any attention as he stood behind Emma and slid his arms around her waist. Resting his chin on her head, he watched the boats and jet skis skimming across the water as he savored this moment and this woman.

  "This is amazing, thank you for bringing me here," she said.

  "Anytime, you actually make history enjoyable."

  She laughed as she turned to face him. He kissed her cheek and took her hand as he led her back into the building, downstairs, and outside again into the powerful rays of the sun. They walked a different pathway down to the pool where the dolphins and a sea turtle were kept.

  Emma's face filled with delight as she watched the mother and baby dolphins swimming through the water and the sea turtle being fed. After a half an hour they moved on to explore the rest of the fort.

  They walked through a couple of side tunnels before climbing up to stand beside the massive cannons. He'd brought his phone to take photos and snapped pictures as she posed and smiled. A passing tourist offered to take their picture together, and he gladly accepted, which was something he'd never done before. No matter what happened, he knew he would always want a picture of the two of them together. They went through another building which told of the wild animals on the island and the numerous shipwrecks around it before exiting the gate.

  He held her hand as they explored the shops and peeked in the windows of the stores in the area. There were so many beautiful and unique things she would like to take home with her, but the limited space in her suitcases, and the limited funds in her wallet, kept her from picking up most of it.

  Ethan was examining a chess set carved from stone when she stopped before a deep purple dress, swirled through with vivid blues and greens. The sleeves were short, and off the shoulder, the waist cinched and high. She ran the soft material through her fingers before grabbing the price tag. Her eyes widened at the cost, and she dropped it as if it burned her. She cast one last look at the dress before strolling over to join Ethan by the board.

  "Do you play?" she inquired.

  He shook his head as he straightened away from the board. "My father does though, and I think he'd really like this. I'll come back and buy it for him when we're ready to leave."

  "You're really close with your family," she said as they exited the store.

  "I am."

  It was strange to hear him be so open about it. Tristan had hated to talk about his family. The only time he mentioned them was if she asked a question, and then his answers were terse and uninformative. She'd never met his parents, and she wasn't sure if he had any siblings. He'd mentioned a sister once, but she'd gotten the impression she may have been dead as he'd spoken about her in the past tense.

  Emma slid her hand into Ethan's again as they made their way through a few more stores before stopping at a restaurant. "Ready to take a break and get something to eat?" he asked.

  "Am I ever," she told him. Her stomach rumbled, and though she was wearing comfortable flip-flops, her feet were tired. It would be nice to sit down and take a break for a little bit.

  The restaurant was crowded when they stepped inside. Ethan stopped at the desk to talk with the cute brunette hostess standing behind it. Emma couldn't hear what they said over the noise of the place, but she could see the lustful gleam in the woman's eyes as her gaze ran eagerly over him. Anger simmered through Emma, she wrapped her hand around Ethan's arm and took a step closer to him. The woman didn't even glance at her as she started to shake her head but then began to nod along for some reason.

  The woman grabbed two menus and gestured for them to follow her. He had to use his power of persuasion for the woman to give them one of the reserved tables in the packed place. Keeping a grip on Emma's hand, he stayed protectively in front of her as he led her through the crowd to a deck at the rear of the building.

  A young man stumbled back and almost bumped into Emma, but Ethan managed to move her out of the way in time. The look Ethan shot the man made him blanch, and he hurried back toward his friends. Emma didn't notice though as she was looking at the photographs of fishermen and boats lining the wall on their left.

  She inhaled the fresh salt air as they stepped onto the large deck. The sea breeze drifted over them and blew the hair back from her face. The hostess sat them at a table in the corner, placed the menus down, and cast one last lingering glance at Ethan before she hurried away. Emma had no idea how he managed to get them such fantastic seats so quickly, but she loved it.

  "I could get used to this," Emma said. Ethan folded his arms over his chest as she placed her hands on the rail of the banister and leaned over to stare at the water. "There's a lot of fish down there!”

  Her eyes sparkled in the sunlight when she turned toward him. Something inside his chest constricted, his hands fisted as he fought the urge to grab her and kiss her. He knew one kiss wouldn't be enough, and he didn't think Emma, or anyone in this restaurant, would appreciate anything more than that. Instead, he enjoyed watching her as she rose and leaned over the banister to look at the water below.

  It amazed him how much joy she found in life. He hadn't realized how much he’d taken it all for granted. She danced in the rain and gushed over the fish because, to her, life was finite and every second of it should be savored. History fascinated her because one day she would be one of the human ghosts she read about, and others would walk in her footsteps. He was never careless about life, but since he was old enough to understand, he'd known mortality wasn't a concern for him. He'd never been as enchanted with life as she was.

  Until n

  What he found enchanting now was her. He admired her backside as she leaned further over the railing and pointed at something that caused the young boy who joined her to smile at her. Ethan understood why the child was drawn to her, she was impossible to resist as her laughter ensnared him, and her smile warmed even the coldest recesses of his soul.

  Brought forth by the overwhelming need to touch her, to share in her happiness, he rose from his chair and walked over to join her. He slid his arm around her waist and pressed his chest against her back as he leaned over her to look into the clear water below. Her honeysuckle scent drifted up to him as she turned her head to smile at him. He was unable to resist dropping a kiss on her silken cheek.

  It terrified him to think about what would happen if she learned the truth about him. He was a monster, he survived on blood, and the compulsion to kill was always with him. What would she do when she found out?

  His arm tightened around her at the thought; something sinister rippled beneath his surface. She might run screaming from him, and he wouldn't blame her if she did, but he didn't know what kind of reaction it would elicit from him.

  He couldn't think of that now; if he did, he wasn't sure he could stop himself from dragging her out of here and forcing the change on her. He would despise himself forever if he did. If there ever came a time when he told her the truth about himself, and she ran away screaming, he would let her go. He would set her free to enjoy the rest of her life. There was no way he would ever take from her the pure joy encompassing her, no matter what the consequences for him might be.

  He nuzzled her neck and leaned over to look as the boy pointed at a silver fish darting through the water. He held onto her waist as she climbed onto the bottom railing and leaned over the top rail to look beneath the deck. The boy wasn't much smaller than she was as he climbed up to join her.

  "Teddy, get down from there!" a woman scolded. She grabbed the boy's hand, shot the two of them a look, and hurried away from them with her child.

  Emma had to bite on her inner lip to keep from laughing as she turned toward Ethan. "Are you going to yell at me too?" she whispered.

  His hands slid over her waist and up to her belly. "I don't think it would do any good."

  She hopped off the railing and grinned at him as she turned in his arms. "It probably wouldn't," she admitted.

  He kept his arms locked around her waist as her back rested against the rail. Her legs were stretched out between his; her hands rested on his stomach. If she had the foggiest idea what she did to him, she would move those hands. Instead, they made small circles over him. Her hands clenched in his shirt as he leaned over her and pressed a kiss against her lips.

  Her mouth opened to the questing probe of his tongue. His hands clasped either side of her face. He held her tenderly as he tasted her. The tantalizing dance of his tongue caused her heart rate to skyrocket. He might find some satisfaction in knowing he affected her so much if she didn't do the same exact thing to him.

  Her eyes were filled with awe when he pulled away from her. "I think we should probably sit before we give the people here a show," he told her.

  Emma didn't particularly care what the people around them thought when he was standing so close to her. "I believe we may have already given them a show," she said with a laugh.

  He didn't disagree with her as he stepped away and returned to his seat. The waiter stared at them both before hurriedly taking their order and disappearing again. "Can I see the pictures on your phone of your woodworking?" she asked.

  "Oh, yeah," Ethan had forgotten it was on him as he pulled it from his pocket.

  He'd shut the data package down so no one could call in or out, but he could still access his pictures. He brought up the photos and flipped past the ones from today and of his siblings, before coming to the ones he'd taken of his work.

  Turning the phone, he handed it to her, and she took it from him. He found himself riveted and barely able to breathe as he waited to see her reaction. The smile slid from her face as she flipped through the pictures, and when she looked up at him, the look of astonishment on her features captivated him.

  "They're beautiful," she said honestly. "You have an amazing gift."

  In fact, they were some of the most breathtaking pieces of furniture she'd ever seen in her life. The intricate flowers and vines carved into the gazebo must have taking hours of endless patience. The rocking horse and blocks on the front of the trunk meant for Isabelle were done with such tender care, she could feel the love he already felt for his future niece or nephew.

  There were so many times over the years he'd felt as if he were cursed, to hear her say he had a gift seemed so strange, yet she believed her words. But then she didn't know he was a monster. "Thank you."

  She smiled at him as she handed the phone back. "Do you plan to try and sell some of them one day?"

  "Maybe one day," he said as he slipped his phone into his pocket, though he had no intention of doing so. They were for him and his family only; he didn't want to deal with the interaction with others he would have to endure to sell his pieces. "I'm glad you like them."

  "I love them."

  For the first time in his life, he felt a little shy. Thankfully, he was saved from saying anything more as she rose to her feet.

  "I have to go to the bathroom; I'll be right back," she said.

  Ethan fought the urge to go with her as she wound her way through the crowd to the restrooms next to the bar. He didn't like the idea of her going alone into the bar, but he could see the bathroom from here, and he couldn't be that overprotective of her. She would fight against any restrictions he might try to place on her. She'd already had a bad experience with an overbearing, frightening man; she wouldn't put up with it from him.

  With her gone, he became steadily aware of the solid thumps of the hearts surrounding him and the metallic scent of the blood pulsing through the veins so close to him. He hadn't realized just how much she drowned out the human odors and sounds when she was near. Even when he was under control, there was never a time when he was unaware of the walking temptations surrounding him. When she was with him, it was as if the rest of the world ceased to exist. He knew the walking, talking, bodies of warm blood were still around him, but he didn't care about their existence.

  But now he could feel the darkness creeping steadily through his system, teasing him with its promised words of release and satisfaction. If he would give in just once, it would all go away, but even as he thought it, he knew he was wrong. It would never go away; it would only claw at his insides until he was out hunting and killing every night to satisfy his insatiable thirst.

  It would go on until he became one of the monsters confined to the shadows as every death made the sun more unbearable, crossing water became increasingly difficult, and he reeked of the garbage scent he and his siblings detected on the vampires who tried to kill them.

  He could never hide his dirty secret from his family then; they would know what he was, what he had become, and they would never accept him. They would love him for eternity, but they would never condone his actions. He would be on his own, a monster adrift in the world until someone, or something, finally put him out of his misery.

  Ethan's hands fisted, he inhaled a deep breath and focused on the ocean as he tried to regain control of himself. Emma shut out the world when she was with him, but it was now louder than before he'd known her. It would be so easy to stand up, talk to the first person he saw, slip away somewhere quiet, and just give in to the bloodlust within him. He may even be able to do it before Emma returned.

  Sweat beaded across his brow as his fingernails dug into the flesh of his palms. He could feel the blood welling up from the gouges he created, but even as he pulled the tissue back, it knitted itself closed again. Right there was a man who was so close Ethan could have him out of here in seconds. His fangs tingled; his mouth watered as a ringing sounded in his ears. All he could think about was finally giving in to the
impulses he’d denied for so long.

  He was getting ready to put his feet down and go to the man when a small hand settled on his forearm. In an instant, the world went still again, the pounding beat of his heart eased, and his fangs retracted into his gums. He found himself able to breathe again as calm settled over him and he turned to face Emma.

  She smiled at him as she sat on the chair across from him again. She went to remove her hand, but he seized it. After what had happened, he couldn't lose the contact with her so soon. A small trail of his blood smeared the back of her knuckles; he wiped it hastily away with his thumb before she saw it. The fact he left the trail, that he’d sullied her in this small way, made him feel dirty and unworthy, but he still couldn't bring himself to release her. He was terrified of what he would become if he did.

  Chapter Eleven

  Emma waited outside the store for Ethan to purchase the chess set for his father. Calypso music drifted from somewhere down the street. She couldn't help but hum and tap her foot as she examined some lovely, hand-painted bottles set up in the window of the store. She lifted her head and spotted Ethan at the cash register; she waved to him when he looked up and caught her staring.

  He smiled at her before turning his attention back to the cashier. His gaze kept going surreptitiously to Emma as he waited impatiently for the woman to ring up his items. Knowing Emma was right there helped him keep his cool, but the world was closing in on him again. He wiped away the sweat beading across his forehead and wrapped his hands around the counter.

  "Is there anything else you would like?" the woman inquired and touched his arm flirtatiously.

  Ethan jerked away from her and glanced at Emma again when she wandered away from the store. Stay in sight, he pleaded silently.

  "No," he grated at the saleswoman, hoping the tone of his voice would dissuade anymore of her interest and spur her into action. The woman eyed him uncertainly; Ethan took a deep breath as she finally completed his purchase.


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