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The Vampire Awakenings Bundle: Books 1-5

Page 84

by Davies, Brenda K.

  He chuckled at her impatience and slid himself into her. He was whole now; it was the only thought he had as he buried himself within her. Her bliss slammed into him when she wrapped her legs around his waist and clung to him as she rode up and down.

  Ethan withdrew from her shoulder and licked away the last drops of blood on her flesh. Her fangs retracted from his neck; her eyes were smoky and dazed as they met his. Needing to see and feel all of her, he tugged the nightgown the rest of the way up her body and tossed it aside.

  A seductive smile curled her lips as she tugged his shirt over his head. Her fingers slid over his chest as she marveled over his chiseled masculine beauty. Bending her head, she nipped at his skin, drawing blood as she moved over his body. She relished in the sweet and salty taste of his skin mixed with the alluring taste of his blood.

  Ethan's hands curled into her hair. Her mouth continued its trail of pleasure and pain across his chest. His head fell back as her body continued to move smoothly up and down his throbbing dick. He kept his hands firmly in her back when she retracted her fangs and lifted her head to kiss him. The taste of his blood on her lips only pushed him to higher and higher levels as the bond between them swelled and solidified. The monster within him, the one struggling for years to break free, wasn’t completely caged, but it was tamed and subdued by the woman within his arms. He'd never thought such a thing could happen in his life, but she was the greatest gift he'd ever been given, and she was his.

  Ethan gave himself over to the pleasure engulfing him as she rode them both to completion.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  "I'm so sorry, Emma," Jill said for about the hundredth time over the past couple of weeks.

  "Jill, stop apologizing, it's not your fault. I'm sorry I got you into this whole mess."

  "But I nearly got both of my best friends killed."

  "And yourself in the process, don't forget that," Mandy said as she sat on the bed. "It wasn't your fault; let it go before I kill you. I think both of you have apologized enough."

  Emma laughed as she dropped her last pair of shorts into the suitcase and pulled the zipper shut.

  "Do you think you'll get married?" Jill inquired.

  "I'm sure it would make my parents happy if we did," Emma said. "But we're already more linked than any marriage license could make us."

  "It would be a fun party though."

  "Yeah it would," Emma agreed.

  "What are you going to tell your parents?" Mandy inquired.

  "For now, only that I met the man of my dreams while on vacation. I'm sure that will go over about as well as a lead balloon, and they'll probably think I'm crazy, but they have to meet Ethan. It will still be a few years before they become curious about anything. I'll have to decide then if I'm going to tell them the truth or if it would be best to change their memories. I don't think I could play with my parents’ minds in such a way, but I can't inadvertently place them in danger either. It's bad enough you two were almost killed because of this, and you still could be one day."

  "No, we won't. No one is ever going to know we have this knowledge," Mandy assured her. "I'd like to keep my head, and you know we would never do anything to put you at risk."

  "I know," Emma said, but she was still worried about them.

  "Don't worry about your parents now. You have a few years to decide."

  "You're right," she agreed. She wasn't ready to let the reality of those thoughts intrude on the happiness she'd just found right now anyway.

  "I can't believe our vacation is already over," Jill moaned.

  "Neither can I," Mandy said.

  Emma dropped her suitcase on the ground and sat on the bed beside Mandy. "It's going to be so strange not to be with you guys every day."

  "We'll see each other all the time," Jill said cheerfully.

  Emma hoped Jill was right, but she also knew how life could go. Though, now that she would be living in Oregon, they would at least all be on the same coast.

  "Are you nervous about meeting the rest of his family?" Mandy asked.

  "Terrified," she admitted. "It's going to take me forever to learn all their names. I just hope they like me."

  "Well it's usually normal to meet the family before forming an eternal bond with someone, but you were never much for normal," Jill said. "And they'll love you."

  Emma laughed as she leaned against Jill's side and savored in the warmth of her friend. She could hear the steady beat of Jill's heart, but it didn't spark her hunger. Over the last two weeks, she'd grown accustomed to the flow of human's blood and the enticing aroma they emitted. It didn't mean they didn't tempt her still, but Ethan kept her fed well enough she could keep it under control.

  She was anxious about being on a plane, enclosed with so many people around her, but Ethan assured her she would get through it. To prepare, they'd gone into crowded areas over the past week to help her adjust to the influx of people. Last night she was able to stay in a packed bar all night, and she'd been fine. Ethan made sure she fed well this morning, and she was still rather stuffed.

  "Are you ready?" Ethan asked.

  She was so lost in her thoughts, she hadn't heard him approach, something that hadn't happened since the change. She knew where he was all the time now, could sense him as easily as she sensed her fingertips. His mind brushed against hers constantly. The open stream of consciousness now connecting them was something she was getting used to, but it was so comforting and intense, she relished in the security and love enveloping her because of it.

  "We are." Emma rose and grabbed her suitcase from the floor. She didn't make it to the door before Ethan took it from her. He kissed her cheek and took a step away.

  She turned back to her friends as they gathered their bags and walked over to join her. Though they'd taken most of their things over to the other house, they'd still had a few things in Mandy's grandparents’ house they'd gathered before leaving. All the damage to both homes was repaired over the past couple of weeks by some handymen who would never remember they'd even been to either house.

  She wasn't looking forward to separating from her friends, but at least they would all be flying into Atlanta together. From there their journey together would end. She and Ethan would continue to New York to spend a couple of weeks with her family before going to meet his.

  Mandy was returning home to Boston until it was time for her to leave for Stanford, and Jill would return to San Francisco. Ethan's family planned to go back to Oregon and Brian had left the day after Tristan was killed. Even though Brian left without saying goodbye, Emma had a feeling he would be popping into their lives again.

  Emma followed Ethan to the front door and paused to take in the home where she'd started this incredible journey. Her eyes lingered on the spot where she and Ethan first made love. There were some bad memories here, but most of them were good, and she wouldn't have changed one thing about this trip.

  What started as a simple, fun-filled vacation had brought so many changes to her life and given her the greatest gift ever in Ethan's love. She didn't like leaving the place where it all started, but she was looking forward to starting the next journey of their lives together.

  She didn't look back as Mandy closed and locked the door.


  Three months later,

  Emma laughed as Ethan spun her in a circle around the newly assembled dance floor. The flowing skirt of her wedding dress billowed around her before he pulled her back against his chest. A radiant smile lit his face and caused his eyes to twinkle in a way that warmed and melted her heart. She rested her hand against his chest and leaned closer to him as the music switched from upbeat to slow.

  She inhaled his enticing scent as he slid his arms around her waist. Emma turned her head to take in the small crowd gathered around them. It had taken her a good week to get the names of all of Ethan's siblings straight, but they had all welcomed her with open arms. Their exuberance was a little overwhelming at first, but they'd also
made her feel at home in a world that was still a bit strange to her.

  She glanced over as Sera and Liam danced into view. It was amazing how much Ethan looked like his father and just how young his parents appeared. Thanks to Stefan’s abilities, her parents saw Ethan’s like a middle-aged couple.

  Even still, her parents had thought she was marrying into some cult when they first saw all the homes on the property. After meeting everyone though, they decided Ethan's family weren't religious fanatics, doomsday preppers, or trying to kidnap her.

  "Can I step in?"

  Emma broke into a radiant smile as Ethan handed her over to her father and stepped away. She watched her husband as he weaved his way through the small crowd to where Ian and Mandy stood next to the dance floor. Mandy wore a pretty, yellow bridesmaid dress that emphasized her dark coloring and brought out her brown eyes. She sipped on a drink as she watched the dancing.

  It was the first time Mandy was able to visit them, but Emma spoke to her every day through Skype or texting. Plus, she'd made it down to visit Mandy a couple of times when she was too swamped with classes and studying to travel.

  Emma was also fortunate enough to have found a job at the historical society in town. The pay wasn't much, but she loved diving into the old documents, homes, and events they worked to preserve. Even if she didn't like lying to her family, and her job wouldn't last forever, she was the happiest she'd ever been in her life.

  Ethan sipped at his champagne and smiled as he watched Emma and her father dance around the floor he'd built with Ian and Aiden last week. "It is beautiful up here," Mandy said.

  "It is," Ethan agreed as he turned away to look over the lake.

  The setting sun shimmered across the surface of the water and reflected the oranges and reds of the changing leaves in the trees surrounding it. The gazebo he'd built was ten feet away from the shore, and they were married beneath it. This place was his home, and by the middle of next month, the house they were building for him and Emma would be completed. Stefan and Isabelle's new home was being built next to theirs; Aiden and Ian were thrilled to finally have the house they built last year to themselves, even if they weren't there for most of the year.

  "So are you planning to have the same kind of brood as your parents?" Jack asked as he stopped before them.

  "Not right away," Ethan told him. "And I think we'd both be okay with only two or three."

  "Thank God, I'm tired of building houses," Jack told him.

  Mandy laughed and turned back to her conversation with Ian. His family had been a little hesitant about the fact they'd allowed Mandy and Jill to keep their memories, but as the months slipped by, and nothing went wrong, they accepted the decision. They also liked Jill, a lot, especially The Stooges as she fit in well with their carefree and party going demeanor. She'd been to visit numerous times since they'd returned home.

  His focus returned to Emma. She looked stunning in her off the shoulder, white dress, with that smile on her face and a vibrant light shimmering in her eyes. Love warmed his heart, and he couldn't tear his gaze away from her as she moved elegantly around the floor with her father.

  Across the way, he spotted Jill in her bridesmaid dress with Mike and Doug. They were gathered around the bar set up on the patio, talking with each other as they waited for the bartender to refill their drinks. His younger siblings squealed as they darted in and out of the dancing people. David yelled at them to stop running, but they'd already disappeared around the side of the house toward the woods.

  "It was a beautiful ceremony." Ethan turned at the sound of his mother's voice and smiled at her. Tears shimmered in her eyes when she hugged him. "You're so grown."

  "We'll still be here, mom. Your birds keep returning to the nest," he told her.

  She laughed and stepped away from him. "That's just fine by me, but you're all starting to find your way, and it's wonderful."

  He smiled at her and turned away as his father approached. "Congratulations, son," he said as he shook Ethan's hand. "She's a great addition to the family."

  "She is," Ethan agreed as he turned back to where Emma and her father were stepping away from each other. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to reclaim my bride."

  "Ugh, I give them three more months before they're adding onto this already extremely extended family," Jack muttered.

  Ethan laughed, but he wasn't about to disagree with Jack as he walked away to reclaim his bride. She grinned up at him and returned eagerly to his arms. Tilting her chin up, he kissed her tenderly as the comfort she always gave to him stole through his soul. Her love had helped tame the savage monster residing within him his whole life and brought him a peace he'd never dreamed of experiencing. She’d given him a gift he'd never expected to receive, and because of that, he would spend an eternity showing her how loved and cherished she was.

  The End.

  Turn the page to continue reading book 4, Enraptured.


  The Vampire Awakenings, Book 4

  To my mom and dad for just being them.

  To all the fans, you are all amazing and without you, I couldn't do any of this. To my husband for understanding me so well and not holding that against me. To Leslie for her continued hard work. To Christina and Linda for their insight and attention to detail.

  Chapter One

  Ian opened his eyes and blinked against the sun filtering through the blinds. He glanced at the woman lying next to him in the bed; her blond hair splayed out across the pillow tickled his arm. He frowned as he searched his mind for her name, but his memory failed him. That wasn’t unusual, he couldn’t recall most of the women before her. It didn’t matter anyway, she’d known what she was in for when she left the bar with him last night. He never made promises he couldn’t keep.

  Throwing the blankets aside, he swung his feet to the floor and ran a hand through his disheveled hair before glancing back at her again. Even though he couldn’t recall her name, he wasn’t so callous he would wake her up and kick her out of his room, no matter how much he wanted to do just that. She’d given him what he needed most; now she’d become an insignificant detail taking up space in his bedroom.

  Over the years, the women he’d slept with had all blurred together to become an endless one-night stand he couldn’t escape. At the reminder of the unnatural appetite plaguing him since reaching maturity, Ian shoved himself to his feet. He’d always enjoyed women, had made no secret about that, but since reaching the point where he no longer aged, that enjoyment had turned into something more, something almost uncontrollable.

  His need for a woman, and sometimes more than one woman at a time in his bed, had increased. He could barely go more than two days without sex, and when he did he felt like tearing his skin off. It was a bonus to be able to feed off of the women he had sex with, but the blood alone wasn’t what drove him to seek out a new companion every night. He didn’t know what it was inside of him now, what drove him from woman to woman, but it was relentless and the only thing that satisfied his inner beast was sex. It was a good thing he couldn’t get STD’s, though he still used condoms to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. The last thing he needed was to explain to a woman he barely knew that her child would be part vampire.

  Gathering his clothes, he glanced at the woman again before exiting his room and walking down the hall to the bathroom. Laughter drifted up from below; he smiled when the thudding sound of a football hitting open palms drifted to him from outside. Showering quickly, he toweled off before tugging on his clothes, brushing his teeth, and returning to his room.

  The woman was finally awake, laying in wait on his bed. Her arm stretched over her head. A lazy, satisfied smile curved her lips when he entered the room. Her eyes slid over him, before she patted the empty space he’d vacated. “I’d thought we could go for round two,” she purred.

  “Told you, one night.”

  “We can pretend it’s a really long night.” She let the blanket fall back to expose her ample breasts
and rounded hips. What had been so appealing last night made his upper lip curl in disgust now.

  “I don’t pretend.” He tossed his towel into the hamper in the corner. He didn’t like being short with her, but he made it clear to every woman who came to his bed there would only be one night. He didn’t intend to lead anyone on, or get anyone’s hopes up by pretending there could be more. It irritated him when they tried to break clearly established boundaries or believed they could somehow change him.

  No one would change him, not unless he somehow stumbled across his mate, and he wasn’t sure that would even be enough to change his ways. He’d seen the intensity of the bond between his parents and his siblings with their mates, but his internal insatiable hunger tore fiercely at him when it kicked in. He’d never been able to maintain a monogamous relationship before. He’d given up trying in high school when he’d broken his first heart and realized he would break many more if he continued to try to be a one woman man, especially since none of those women had been the one he was meant to spend eternity with. He’d never expected to walk this path in life, never thought he’d bounce from one woman to another this way, but then the future was a complete unknown, even to immortals like himself.

  Her fingers slid over her hip and up toward her breast. “I’m sure this once…”

  “No. I’m sorry, but it’s time for you to go.” Bending, he gathered her discarded clothes and handed them to her. “I’ve got things to do.”

  Her smile slipped away, her thin lips pressed into a pout that set his teeth on edge. “Didn’t you have fun?”

  “I did, but it’s over.” Turning on his heel, he walked over to the door and looked back at her. “You don’t have to bother to lock the door on your way out.”


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