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The Vampire Awakenings Bundle: Books 1-5

Page 98

by Davies, Brenda K.

  She was on the verge of that now as his hand became more incessant, and he pushed her toward the brink of something she welcomed and feared. “Ian!”

  “Fucking you, relentlessly, endlessly.” With each word his fingers drove deeper into her, his palm rubbed more insistently against her. A part of her tried to withdraw from the overwhelming sensations, but the unremitting press of his body against hers wouldn’t allow her to. “Can you imagine it, Paige? Can you feel it?”

  “Yes!” she cried.

  With that word he drove his fingers into her and rubbed her clit in such a way that she couldn’t hold back anymore. Her hips jerked forward; her knees gave out as spams of pleasure wracked her body. He grabbed hold of her waist, holding her up before she collapsed in a heap on the floor. She couldn’t think, her mind spun, it took everything she had not to sink to the floor, but he continued to stroke her refusing to allow her to relax. She released a guttural shout as he pushed her to higher heights before sending her spiraling out of control again.

  She was still trying to catch her breath and get her bearings, when he spun her around and flattened her against the wall. She didn’t think she would ever come back to earth again, when she cracked her eyes open to look at him. His eyes were the most beautifully bright blue she’d ever seen as they burned into hers. Holding her gaze, he lifted his fingers to his lips and licked them leisurely.

  “Delicious,” he murmured savoring in the sweet taste of her on his fingers. “But I knew you would be.”

  Paige’s heart thumped against her ribs. The man had just made her orgasm twice, and yet those words made her want to jump him all over again. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead; she felt liked she’d taken a handful of valium, but strain radiated from him. Some of her euphoria faded away when he bent to place a tender kiss on her forehead.

  “Wait,” she whispered when he started to turn away. “Where are you going?”

  A sardonic smile curved the edges of his mouth. “Unless you plan to jerk me off, to the bathroom.” The saliva in her mouth vanished. He took hold of her hand and placed it against his dick again. “Do you? Because I can assure you I’d much prefer to have your hand wrapped around me than my own.”

  L.J. had never been this forward, this brazen or sexual, and this man oozed sexuality from every one of his pores. She and L.J. had both been fumbling, bumbling virgins in the beginning. Neither had really known what they were doing. It had always been a pleasurable, comforting experience, but sex with L.J. had never been as erotically charged and satisfying as this one experience with Ian had been.

  Unable to resist, she stroked her hand over the rigid flesh pressing against his jeans. A low groan escaped him; his hands rested against the wall on both sides of her head. His body shuddered when her hand slid over him again. “Don’t tease me, Paige,” he grated through his teeth. “If you keep going, you’re going to finish what you start, otherwise let me walk away from here now. There’s only so much I can take, only so much restraint I have.”

  She couldn’t catch her breath, not when his unraveling restraint shone in his striking eyes, compressed lips, and the sweat trickling down his temple. She was doing this to this man, one of the most powerful beings she’d ever come across. He could break her neck before she ever saw him move; yet she held him in the palm of her hand, literally and figuratively. For the first time, she felt the more powerful of the two, and she reveled in that power. The realization aroused her almost as much as his fingers inside of her had.

  Her hand slid over him again and his hips arched against her. Another groan escaped him; the lids of his eyes lowered but he continued to watch her as she touched him. There would be no turning back. She knew that; she couldn’t play with him in such a way, not this man. She didn’t know where this would all lead, but for the first time in her life, she welcomed the unknown. Welcomed being able to touch and hold him in such a way.

  “Take it out,” he commanded gruffly.

  Hesitance flickered in her eyes when they met his. Ian didn’t breathe as he watched her and waited to see if she would step away from him, or continue on. Her eyes held his; she bit on her bottom lip. Her fingers shook when she unbuttoned his jeans and slid the zipper down. Fighting the urge to grab her, lift her up and sink himself into her, Ian curled his fingers into the wall. He hadn’t been satisfied with a hand job since he was thirteen years old. However, he found himself looking forward to her hand wrapping around him right now, more than any of the sexual experiences he’d had with any other woman.

  Her uncertainty glittered in her eyes as she watched him. Bent over like he was, her head was at his shoulders, her mouth inches away from his. He intended to watch her every second she discovered him. Her gaze drifted away from him and toward his dick. She’d pushed his jeans down on his hips, but his boxers were still up. His pulse beat in his temples as he waited for her to finally make a move, and then her hands slid over the flesh of his sides. She tugged his boxers lower.

  Her breath hissed into her as she gazed at his massive cock. It stood straight up, away from his body, a good eight inches long, if not more, and so thick she doubted her hand would wrap all the way around it. The man himself was one of the biggest she’d ever seen; she shouldn’t be surprised by how well-endowed he was. Even still, she couldn’t stop herself from gawking at it like an idiot. A single bead of clear liquid shimmered on the head of it, beckoning for her to touch him.

  Ian would have chuckled over her slack jawed and bug eyed reaction, if he hadn’t felt as if he were going to explode. The woman had barely touched him; yet he was more turned on than he’d been the night he’d had a foursome with three women. No one had ever managed to arouse him this much; he’d never realized it could be possible. He opened his mouth to tell her to put him out of his misery, but he bit the words back and waited to see what she would do.

  The seconds stretched into a full minute before she slid her fingers over the head of his dick. He jerked beneath her touch; his teeth clamped together. Ever so slowly, her hand wrapped around him. Bits of wood fell away beneath his fingertips when they dug into the wall.

  She’d been right; her hand didn’t come close to completely encompassing him. His hips surged forward within her grasp. Her thumb rubbed over his silken head, spreading the liquid from the bead over his soft skin before sliding her hand down his throbbing shaft. The feel of him intoxicated her, but even more intoxicating was the reaction he had to her touch. His eyes blazed with fire, his biceps flexed beside her head as he hungrily watched her. Instead of being frightening, she found the red of his eyes enthralling.

  She continued to explore him, her hand caressing him as his hips moved with her motion. She hadn’t believed it possible, but he swelled more within her grasp. The pulse of his blood flowed beneath her fingers. “Harder,” he groaned. “Yes,” he murmured when she grasped him more firmly. “You pictured me inside of you Paige, but all I see is the beauty of you, now, like this.”

  The quickening of her body was back; a wetness spread between her legs at his words. Her control over him, his words and his motions, aroused her further. She could feel his restraint unraveling as his hips thrust more forcefully toward her. His hand fell away from the wall to encircle her hand on his dick, he began to work hers faster up and down his shaft, showing her what he liked. Releasing her hands, he flattened his against the wall again and forced himself to let her take control once more. A low groan escaped him; his entire body jerked when she cupped his balls with her free hand and began to massage them. He’d planned to maintain his restraint, but when it came to this woman, he realized he had none.

  “Fuck!” he exploded before he pressed her hand firmly against his stomach.

  Beneath her palm, she felt his dick jerk in her grasp and the pulse of his cum as he finally found his release. Fascination kept her gaze locked on the corded muscles of his neck. His head had fallen back; his body trembled against her. Warm liquid trickled down over her index finger and onto his shirt. />
  His head fell down, his eyes were back to blue, but they still held the glint of a predator circling its prey. Releasing his dick, she didn’t know what possessed her, but before she could think too much about it, and chicken out, she bent down and swirled her tongue around the tip of his shaft. The salty taste of his cum was more pleasant than she’d been expecting; she licked the rest of it away before rising back up before him.

  “Delicious,” she whispered.

  A snapping filled the air as her eyes met his. She inhaled a harsh breath, when his eyes blazed a fiery red color again. She may only be a human, but she could feel the power radiating out of him in potent waves. There was only a moment for her to register this before he was on top of her. His solid body pressed her firmly against the wall as his mouth took savage possession of hers. Breathing failed her, but then she didn’t much care about breathing as his tongue thrust demandingly in and out of her mouth. She could feel the rigid length of his erection pressing against her stomach as he tasted her in greedy pulls that sent her mind spiraling and left her body quaking.

  More, she wanted so much more. Her hands entangled in his hair; she pulled him against her and thrust her hips against his. She gasped when heat blazed through her from the delicious sensations the contact aroused in her. The press of his fangs against her lips only excited her more, and before she could stop herself, she bit down on his bottom lip.

  Releasing his hold on her, he grabbed hold of her wrists with both hands and lifted them over her head. Pinning them against the wall with his left hand, his right hand traveled over her arms and entangled in her shirt. He had to feel her exposed flesh against his, had to know what she felt like. His hand bunched in her shirt, intending to tear it away from her…

  Sanity crashed back over him, piercing the haze of desire thundering through him. She was human, his mind screamed at him, and he’d been about to go at her like she was a vampire who could take it. He’d been about to tear her clothing from her and bury himself within her. To take her with the feral abandon of a wild animal, and that was exactly what he felt like around her. He could never treat her in such a way. This was Paige.

  In one sizzling instant he understood exactly what this woman was to him, and where this would end up if it continued. What was happening between them could go no further until she knew the truth, and he was in no mood to discuss mates with her right now, not while he was still trying to absorb the knowledge rocking him.

  Bending down, he kissed her forehead. “It’s time for bed, Paige.” She hesitated, her fingers curled around his biceps as she leaned into him. He told himself not to, but his arms wrapped around her and he pulled her closer. Her apple scent had intensified with her passion. The aroma of her arousal filled his nostrils, but he had to proceed cautiously from here with her. This was no longer about protection, or sex, it was about her and them. His life, their lives.

  “Paige, you have to go.” His voice sounded as if he’d swallowed sand, but he could feel his control unraveling with every steady beat of her heart. He pressed a tender kiss to her temple, buttoned her jeans and took a step away from her. “Before I do something I can’t take back, before I never let you walk away from me again.”


  “You’re my mate, Paige.” His brusque tone and the clipped words had the effect he’d been looking for. She took an abrupt step away from him and into the wall. “I didn’t recognize it before, but I do now. So unless you mean to seal your future permanently with mine, I’d suggest you go to bed.”

  Paige stared at him in confusion. One minute he’d been about to ease the clamoring need of her body, and the next he was telling her she would be joined to him for an eternity. She shook her head and grabbed for his arm again, but he buttoned his own jeans and moved further away. Her hand fell back to her side.

  “Why would you think it’s me?” she inquired.

  “I don’t think, I know. It’s not something I could ever explain to you, it’s simply a feeling. You’ve been special to me since I first met you; I didn’t understand why, but I do now. Don’t push me on this, not right now.”

  What had transpired between them had helped to ease the clawing sensation inside of him, but it wouldn’t last. If she continued to stand there, staring at him like that, he couldn’t promise he wouldn’t start kissing her again, wouldn’t try to seal the bond he now knew existed between them.

  Paige stared up at him helplessly. On one hand all she wanted was to hold him and ease the stress she saw building within him again, but his words were beginning to sink in. Her hand fell limply back to her side. He didn’t know what he was saying, she told herself. Tomorrow he would come to his senses and realize he was wrong. Looking into his eyes, she wasn’t so certain that was going to happen, but she couldn’t bring herself to believe him.

  She liked him, a lot. Ok, maybe even more than a lot, but to bind herself to a vampire was simply insane and went against everything she’d believed in. But then she’d just been about to screw a vampire, and two weeks ago she would have found that completely insane too. However, she couldn’t let it go on; not if it meant they might end up taking a path she may never be able to come back from.

  He grabbed hold of her hand when she went to turn away. “Paige…”

  “I didn’t mean for this,” she murmured and shoved aside strands of her hair.

  “I didn’t either, but you have to know I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.”

  Her chin rose and though her eyes glinted with ire, a vulnerable air surrounded her. “That’s saying a lot.”

  “Don’t do that.” Ice coated his voice, but he refused to be shut out by her because of his past. “Don’t use my past against me.”

  “I’ll be a part of your past shortly, just like all the others.”

  Those words caused a pang to his heart. He almost recoiled from her, almost released her, but he knew she was trying to push him away and protect herself from getting hurt by him. “You’re nothing like all the others. No matter what happens, you never will be. You never could be.”

  Paige’s head spun; she didn’t know what to say or how to respond to what he was telling her. It couldn’t be true, he had to be wrong. She hated the piece of her that longed to believe she was special to him. That maybe, just maybe, she could have this man. She’d never planned for something like this in her life, she should be trying to kill him; instead, she wanted to lose herself to him.

  I really am an idiot. “I can’t… This isn’t supposed to happen.”

  “How do you know what is supposed to happen?” he inquired.

  “This isn’t part of the plan!” she cried impatiently.

  “What is the plan, Paige?”

  “Not this!”

  His eyes narrowed on her face. “One of these days, you will open up to me. You will trust me.”

  She gave him a lingering look before walking past him. She paused in the beginning of the hallway to look back at him, but his gaze remained focused on the doorway. Turning away, she rushed down to her small bedroom and closed the door.

  Her legs trembled as she leaned against the frame and stared at the curtained window across the way. She had no idea what to do with herself. What had transpired between them was something she’d never expected to experience in her life, had never imagined possible. Sex with him might actually kill her, but she thought she’d be willing to find out, if it didn’t mean she’d be bound to a vampire and the world of the living dead for the rest of her existence.

  The idea turned her stomach, the thought of causing Ian any distress made tears burn in her eyes. A shower would help to clear her head, she decided. Before she could move, she heard the water turn on in the room next to hers. The image of him standing naked in the shower did nothing to ease the turmoil and lust still rolling through her. It didn’t matter if she became a vampire or not, that man was going to be the death of her, she decided.

  Ian walked down to the bathroom and paused before openin
g the door. He stared at the closed door of her bedroom. She was right there, so close and so far away. He hoped she didn’t decide to pull a Dillinger again tonight. This time he would grab her, throw her over his shoulder, and carry her back here kicking and screaming.

  He’d had all he could take for tonight. He was as wound up as a teen with his first Playboy; he’d gotten zero sleep while she’d been napping in the woods, and his pride had taken a swift kick in the nuts. Yes, he’d definitely have no problem with hauling her hot and cold ass back here and tying her to the bed if need be, he decided.

  Something he would thoroughly enjoy doing.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Paige stared at the ceiling as she tried to sort through the tumultuous mess of her mind. It had taken her hours to fall asleep last night. She’d tossed and turned, trying to ignore the needs in her body that his kisses and hands had awoken. She could still feel his body against hers as he pushed her over a precipice she hadn’t gone over in years. And she had a feeling what she’d experienced with L.J. would be nothing compared to what Ian could do to her, if she allowed him inside of her heart and legs.

  He’d had plenty of practice that was for sure.

  As the bitter thought flitted through her mind, she cursed herself. She kept using it as a defense against him because she was struggling to keep her hands to herself, and her legs closed around him. It made her sound like an insecure bitch, but she was insecure around him, or at least unsettled and unsure she would be able to satisfy him. Even when she’d been face to face with the worst monster she’d ever known, the monster that had turned her onto this path in life, she’d never been as frightened as she was by the way Ian made her feel.

  He rattled her in ways no one ever had, and she was certain a lot of the women he’d been with had had far more experience than her. He’d said she was different than any other woman, that he only wanted her, but had he only been saying that to try and sleep with her? No, she knew immediately he wouldn’t do that. He didn’t need to, he could have any woman he wanted. Besides, Ian was a lot of things but a liar definitely wasn’t one of them. In fact, he was the most brutally honest man she’d ever come across.


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