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The Vampire Awakenings Bundle: Books 1-5

Page 104

by Davies, Brenda K.

  His breath was ragged in her ear, warm against her neck. She felt the pressure of his fangs against her flesh, but he didn’t bite. Then his lips were moving lower over her neck, building the frenzy within her to epic levels as his fangs scraped over her skin. His tongue traced the areas he moved over, licking where his fangs marked even though they didn’t break her skin. He could bite her now, drain her, and there was nothing she could do about it. Instead of being scared of the knowledge, she found herself more enthralled by it.

  “It’s ok,” she panted. “Do it. I can take the pain.”

  He froze over her, his fangs pressing against the hollow of her throat. Her words made him realize there was something he hungered for just as badly as her body. “Not if you’re not ready,” he managed to force himself to say.

  “I am, please Ian,” she pleaded.

  His control frayed, his mouth skimmed up to rest against the pulse beating powerfully within her neck. “It won’t hurt if you don’t fight it. I promise you.”

  He’d never lie to her, but still she stiffened against him and braced herself for what she knew was about to follow. She could still recall how badly it had hurt when her father had been feasting upon her, humiliating her. Her fingers dug into his back; his breath tickled her neck as his fangs pressed against her skin.

  Then, his fangs pierced her flesh. Her body jerked beneath his; her nails raked down his back as her thighs clamped against his sides. A piercing sting accompanied the breaking of her skin, but as the first pulls of her blood began to leave her body, the pain faded away to be replaced with a feeling of joy. His pleasure brushed against the edge of her mind, filling her and taking her over. He’d been right, there was nothing but happiness here as he drank from her.

  She clasped hold of his head, holding him closer as he drank deeper from her. She was doing this for him; she was making him this happy. Satisfying him in ways he’d never been satisfied before. There was no discomfort or degradation here. There was only a growing bond that caused her heart to swell with love. He began to move within her again, taking possession of her in every way, and she gladly gave herself over to him. She was his to do with as he pleased; she would never deny him.

  Ian drank in greedy pulls, her blood seeped into him and eased him in a way no one’s blood ever had. The delicious taste of her filled his mouth. She tasted of apples and an assortment of spices he couldn’t quite place. For the first time in almost a year, the monster within him was completely sated and at ease. He’d never let her go; there was no doubt in his mind of that now. Pulling away from her, he licked the punctures on her neck closed.

  Rising over her, he grabbed hold of her wrists and tugged them above her head. Holding them within one of his hands, he pinned them to the pillow. His eyes burned into hers as his hips continued to thrust and retreat. When he bent to kiss her again, she eagerly accepted it.

  She’d never experienced anything like him before. He could kill her, yet she instinctively knew he would never harm her. For the first time, something more began to grow within her as her heart swelled. He’d been right, there would be no going back, not after this.

  Sweat slicked their bodies; she could feel him holding back, trying not to hurt her, but his body still demanded more and more from her until she couldn’t stand the pressure growing within her. Her head tipped back as her body shattered and fractured apart. A loud cry escaped her, her legs shook as they clamped against his sides, and waves of pleasure crashed through her. Unreasonable tears burned her eyes when waves of bliss shook the core of her foundation.

  Ian groaned as her muscles contracted around his cock causing him to spill within her on the next thrust. His body shuddered and with a loud groan he found his release. His hands clenched on the bedding so forcefully he tore the sheets from the mattress and shredded them within his grasp. His breath heaved in and out of him as he fought to regain control of himself.

  Her eyes were glazed over with tears swimming in their brilliant depths when they met his. Her muscles continued to contract around his dick, as he remained buried deep inside of her. Releasing the sheets, he clasped her cheeks within his hands. With a tenderness he’d never experienced with anyone before, he kissed her leisurely. Her chest heaved below him as she fought to catch her breath, but her fingers slid into his hair and she pulled him closer.

  “I love you too,” she murmured against his mouth.

  His fangs instantly sprang free again; they pressed against her lips as his tongue swept into taste her, and she was swept away by him once more.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Paige’s muscles were still limp when she woke the next morning. A pleasant soreness lingered between her legs, one that brought a smile to her face as memories of last night drifted back to her. The arm around her waist constricted when she went to crawl out of bed. “Where do you think you’re going,” he murmured in her ear.

  She laughed and turned to face him. “Aren’t you tired?”

  The lazy smile tugging at the corners of his full mouth caused her heart to beat a little faster. “Nope.”

  She laughed and traced the corner of his lips with her finger. “Well, as a mere mortal I’d like to go to the bathroom and take a shower.”

  He tugged her back against him and kissed her before releasing her. “Don’t bother to get dressed after.”

  She shot him a look over her shoulder as she sat up on the bed. “You’re insatiable.”

  He propped his head on his hand as he ran his finger down her delicate spine. “Just for you.” His gaze didn’t waver from hers when his hand stilled on her back. “Don’t be gone long.”

  She swallowed as shivers of anticipation ran through her. She gave a brisk nod. Rising to her feet, she was surprised her legs actually supported her when she walked across the room. He was still watching her when she glanced back at him before disappearing into the bathroom. She closed the door, leaned against it, and took a deep breath. Last night had been the most amazing night of her life, but if this kept up he may kill her.

  It wouldn’t be a bad way to go, she decided as she stepped away from the door.

  Disappointment filled him when the door to the bathroom closed behind her. He couldn’t help but smile when he heard the shower turn on a couple of minutes later. The idea of water sliding over her slender body caused a twinge in his cock. He contemplated getting up to join her. With a resigned sigh, he realized he should probably call his family back instead.

  Rising to his feet, he tugged on his boxers and a t-shirt before grabbing his phone from the nightstand. He’d sent his family a text last night, letting them know they weren’t at the cabin anymore, but they were safe. He’d shut the phone off afterward, unwilling to deal with the barrage of questions and concerns sure to follow. He’d turned it back on when he’d first woken an hour ago but turned the ringer off.

  The idea of slipping into Paige and waking her had been a more pleasant idea at the time, but she’d gotten little sleep last night, and he’d been unwilling to disturb her. It was also the first time in months, he’d actually slept undisturbed and hadn’t woken with the driving urge to go and find a woman. He’d already found the only woman he would ever be with again.

  The bond still had to be completed, but it would come in time. For now he was happy to have her by his side. They couldn’t shut the real world out any more, and if he was going to keep her safe, there were things he had to deal with, now.

  He’d checked the family text message already and assured them they were still fine, but he hadn’t bothered to return any of the missed calls. He glanced at the bathroom door before hitting send on the last number to have called him, Isabelle.

  “Where the hell have you been?” she demanded.

  “Hello to you too, Issy,” he greeted cheerfully. “How is my future niece or nephew doing?”

  “Don’t you hello Issy me!” she retorted. “Why haven’t you been answering your phone? He or she is growing rapidly and kicking so much my insides ar
e beginning to feel like a soccer ball.”

  “I was sleeping,” he replied and pretended to yawn. “I’m sure you deserve the kicking.”

  “Oh, you were sleeping!” she scoffed. “It must have been the sleep of the dead, or you shut off your ringer. Of course I don’t deserve to be kicked, but it’s an amazing feeling.”

  Only Issy could sound so disapproving one second and then so loving and in awe of something the next. He couldn’t help but smile at her voice and the ease with which their conversations could flow. “Some already consider us dead,” he reminded her. “And of course I shut off my ringer, I need my beauty rest. I’ve known you my entire life, I’m pretty sure you’ve done something to piss off the fetus.”

  “You could sleep for a hundred years and still need beauty rest. And you’re an asshole.”

  “Right back at you, sis.”

  “Are you ok?” The scolding tone vanished instantly from her voice.

  “I’m fine.” He stretched his back as he walked around the room.

  “What happened? Why did you leave the cabin?” He hurriedly filled her in on what had occurred yesterday. “Are you still at the motel?” she asked when he was done.

  “Yes, why?”

  “The others are going to come to you, tomorrow.”

  Disappointment filled him as he glanced across the room to the closed door of the bathroom. He wasn’t ready to have someone invading their solitude, but he knew it couldn’t be put off. “Who’s coming?”

  “They’re still fighting over that. Everyone wants to go.”

  “No one is fighting,” he heard Ethan say in the background. “We’re trying to figure things out.”

  “Yeah, they’re figuring things out.” Ian could almost hear her eyes rolling through the phone. “You know how it is.”

  “And if you weren’t hosting the newest addition to the family, you’d be right there with them,” he told her with a laugh.

  She chuckled. “I would be.”

  “Are mom and dad safe? Is everyone settled in?”

  “Hold on,” Issy said, and he heard the phone being passed off.

  “Ian!” his mother gushed into the phone. “We were so worried about you!”

  “I’m fine,” he assured her. “How is everyone there? Are they doing ok?”

  “Everyone is fine. This new location is beautiful. There are already three separate houses on the property, so there’s plenty of room for everyone. There’s even a barn and Willow, Cassidy and Kyle are already angling for horses.”

  “Of course they are,” he murmured. A twinge tugged at his heart at the mention of his siblings; he rubbed at the stubble lining his chin at the thought of the home they’d been forced to leave behind. “Where are you?”

  “We found a beautiful place in Maine.”

  “I think it would be safe if you returned to Oregon. Paige won’t tell anyone anything about us.” He didn’t tell her Paige would be coming to live with them; he should probably broach the topic with Paige first.

  “Paige is it?” his mom asked.

  “Yes. She’s been through a lot.”

  “You trust her?”

  “I do.”

  His mother became silent before she released a small sigh. “In all honesty we probably should have left Oregon years ago. We’d been putting ourselves at risk by staying, and you know this family, as long as we’re together we’re happy.”

  “Yeah,” he muttered. He was still going to miss the home he’d grown up in and the other homes they’d built for himself and his siblings.

  “Don’t feel bad. Now, are you sure you’re safe?”


  “Good. Your father would like to talk to you. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  The phone was handed off to his father and they talked for a few minutes. Isabelle reclaimed her phone just as Paige emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. Ian bent to press a kiss against the top of her head and tugged her up against him.

  “Did you just kiss the enemy?” Isabelle inquired in a low whisper. He didn’t have to see her to know she’d turned away from the others and cupped her hand around the phone as she spoke.

  “What?” Ethan demanded. “Let me talk to him.”

  “Wait Ethan,” Isabelle protested.

  “Let me talk to him, Issy.”

  Ian kept the phone away from Paige, so she couldn’t hear the exchange or their struggle over the phone. Bending low, he kissed her again before giving her butt a light swat. “Why don’t you get dressed so we can get you something to eat and maybe do some shopping? I don’t know about you, but I’d like some new clothes, and this place doesn’t strike me as the kind of motel with a washer and dryer.”

  Her eyes lit up; she gave an enthusiastic nod before rising on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. “I’d love some food and clothes,” she admitted before practically skipping away from him.

  “Ian. What are you doing?” Ethan demanded in a low hiss. Judging by the different sounds coming through the phone, he’d walked outside. Ian would bet a hundred dollars Isabelle was hovering at his side.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked innocently.

  “Look, I’ve never said one word about your parade of women, but that girl is dangerous.”

  “No, she’s not,” he said flatly.

  Paige glanced up at him as she tugged on the only pair of somewhat clean jeans she had left. There was no underwear to bother with anymore, it was number one on her shopping list when she got the chance. The set of Ian’s jaw and the tone of his voice made her realize whomever he was talking to wasn’t making him happy. He smiled at her, but it didn’t light his eyes.

  They were talking about her, she realized with a sinking sensation. Her hands clamped down on the sweatshirt in her hands.

  “There are millions of other women in this world, why would you crawl into bed with that one? What were you thinking?” Ethan demanded.

  Ian grinned at Paige, but he could feel his teeth grinding together, and she continued to stare anxiously at him. Ethan was only trying to watch out for him, but this was none of his brother’s business. There was no way he could tell him that without alarming Paige more. “I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said instead.

  “Ian, when she goes back…”

  “That’s not going to happen.” He kept his tone light, but Paige’s heartbeat picked up a little.

  Ethan inhaled a ragged breath; realization sank in with Ian’s words. If anyone understood what he was going through it was Ethan and Isabelle. “What is it?” Isabelle demanded anxiously.

  “I see,” Ethan said quietly. “I’ll be there tomorrow. Keep yourself safe.”

  “We’ll see you then.” Ian hung up the phone and set it on the scratched bureau.

  “Is everything ok?” Paige inquired.

  He walked over and rested his hands on her hips. “They’re fine,” he assured her. “My family worries, a lot.”

  She gave him a wan smile, but her gaze darted nervously toward his phone. “That’s really sweet.”

  He pulled her against his chest and rested her head there. Her wet hair cooled the skin of his chest. “You’ll never be alone again.” He brushed the hair back from her face, cupped her chin, and lifted her face so he could kiss her. The sweatshirt she’d been holding fell down before her, she melted into his embrace as he pulled her more firmly against him. “I’m never going to let you go.”

  A shiver ran down her spine. He’d said it before, but a part of her had still believed that once he finally managed to screw her, he’d be moving onto his next piece of ass. It would have broken her heart, but it had been broken many times before and she’d survived. To hear him say it again, after everything that had transpired between them last night, eased a weight from her shoulders she hadn’t realized was there.

  He lifted her up and put her on the bed. She forgot all about everything else when his body came down on top of hers.

; * * *

  Paige placed her bag of clothes on the seat of the booth and slid in. The waitress who had been flirting with Ian the other night arrived at her side. “What can I get ya to drink, hon?” she inquired.

  “A glass of water,” Paige replied.

  Paige glanced out the window and grabbed the menu. Ian still stood there, leaning inside the hood of the pickup as he pulled the oil stick from the engine. She admired his physique as he moved and the power of his body. The rumble of her stomach drew her attention back to the menu in her hand. She’d grabbed a bagel when they’d stopped in earlier, but she’d been more eager to find some new clothes than to really think about food.

  The waitress reappeared with her water and placed it on the table. “Ready to order?”

  “Yes. I’ll take a cheeseburger, French fries, an order of chicken tenders and a side salad with ranch dressing.”

  The woman jotted down her order before walking away. Paige turned back around to see Ian still fiddling with something on the engine. She couldn’t help but admire the firm curve of his ass in his new, form-fitting blue jeans. She licked her lips before he turned and enthusiastically waved at her. Everything about him radiated happiness, he enjoyed life; he made her enjoy life in a way she hadn’t before. He made her love in a way she never had, and loving made her vulnerable. Love had never brought her anything but sorrow and loss.

  Her heart swelled with her love for him at the same time her insides shriveled with terror. There was still so much between them, her mortality and his lack thereof. Her father was still out there, somewhere. Her hatred of vampires had been absolute before meeting Ian, but she wasn’t above admitting she’d been wrong. She hadn’t been wrong about her father. He was a monster who had to be put down.

  Ian slammed the hood on the truck closed, wiped his hands on the rag he’d been using and tossed it into the bed of the truck. He jogged up the steps of the diner and entered the cool, dimly lit building. The sight of Paige in the booth with her head bowed brought a smile to his face. She looked up at him as he approached; her face lit up, her eyes sparkled. The joy on her face tugged at his heart and brought an answering smile to his mouth.


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