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Full Service (Eye Candy Handyman #3)

Page 4

by Falon Stone

  “Great. I don’t know how to answer any of them.”

  I laugh and sweep my finger across her cheek. “Just be honest, and if they get too nosy, come and find me. I promise they’re a great bunch of people. You have absolutely nothing to be worried about.”

  She chews on her bottom lip and studies my face. “What am I to you?”

  I’ve been asking myself the same question all week. Are we just roommates and friends? Are we more? I’ve never had a friend fuck me six ways from Sunday and then cook me breakfast. Hell, I’ve never even had a girlfriend who has done that. “I’m whatever you want me to be.”

  The answer’s cagey and vague, but I’m not going to force it and ruin whatever the hell this is between us.

  She pushes herself up and sits cross-legged next to me. “I’ve been thinking about it lately.”

  I sit up quickly, trying to keep my eyes locked with hers instead of letting them roam over her naked body. “And?”

  Her eyes dip to her hands, which are twisting in her lap. “I think we’ve moved past being friends, Cole.” She lifts her head, bringing her eyes back to mine.

  “I agree.”

  Is she really saying what I think she is? I mean, I hope she is saying what I think she is. We’ve fallen into a routine, not a boring, old married couple type of thing, but one that I can’t imagine being without even in just this short amount of time.

  “So. I was wondering…”

  “Will you be my girl, Bella?” I blurt it out before she has the chance to say it. It’s the gentlemanly thing to do. There’s something off when a woman asks a man.

  She throws herself against me, wrapping her arms tightly around my body. “Yes!” she shrieks loudly and bounces in my embrace. “I want to be yours.”

  “You are, baby. I’ve wanted you to be mine since the first time we made love,” I admit. It’s not an easy thing to say, but it’s the truth. I’d be lying if I said any different.

  “Oh, my God.” She grabs my face and starts to pepper me with kisses while I laugh. “You’ve made me the happiest girl in the world.”

  But it’s the opposite. I’m officially the luckiest son of a bitch to walk the planet. I saved the girl, fucked the girl, and she became mine.


  “She’s absolutely glowing,” Cybill says to Hunter as Bella walks toward the house, leaving us near the pool.

  “She’s beautiful,” Hunter tells Cybill, pulling her into his side. “But you’re just as stunning, love.”

  “You’re such a wonderful liar,” Cybill laughs.

  Hunter nudges me, almost knocking me over. “You okay, man?”

  “Yeah.” And I was. I was just standing there, watching Bella and wondering what I did to get so fucking lucky.

  “She livin’ with you permanently now?” Hunter asks.

  I shrug, because we didn’t get that far in our talk. I was so excited by the fact that she wanted to be my girl, I didn’t ask if she was staying or going to move out and get her own place. I hope she wants to stay. It seems kind of fruitless and a waste for her to get her own place. I’d especially miss the blow job every morning. All kidding aside, it takes far less time to get used to someone being with you all the time than it does to go back to being alone. “I don’t know.”

  “I’ll find out for you,” Cybill says before giving Hunter a quick kiss. “I’m going to go join the ladies in the kitchen and leave you boys to do whatever you do.”

  “Okay, sweetheart.” He releases her and she starts to walk away, but their hands are still touching as she moves.

  “Love you, Hunter.”

  “Love you too, Cybill.”

  They used to make me a little nauseous with their love nonsense, but now I get it. Not that I’d say I’m in love like they are, but it’s nice to have the reminder by saying the words.

  “You’ve got it bad, man.” Hunter punches my arm because I haven’t uttered more than ten words since I arrived. I’m still in shock at how my life has changed in such a short amount of time. I feel like I’m almost floating on cloud nine and wonder if I should pinch myself. I’m afraid to do it, though, because I may be imagining the whole damn thing. If that’s the case, I don’t ever want to wake up.

  “I do, Hunter. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”

  I’ve had a few serious girlfriends over the last couple of years, but no one has ever lived with me. That was too big of a step for me to take in the past, but it’s different with Bella. I gave her a place to live when she needed it, and it morphed into something more…into feelings and a relationship. We did things ass-backwards, and somehow, it made everything okay.

  “That’s how it’s supposed to be when you find the right one.”

  “But how do I know she’s the one? We’ve only known each other for a week.”

  It’s not like there’s a manual for any of this. I could be making the biggest mistake of my life or entering into something so amazing that it alters my world forever. Hunter always seems so calm and sure of everything in his life. “You just gotta jump and hope shit works out for the best.”

  “Seriously?” I gawk at him, completely dumbfounded. I thought he was going to drop some profound advice in my lap, but instead, he’s telling me just to fucking pray shit works out.

  “Make sure to tell her how you feel and show her every day, and things will be fine. The fastest way for shit to go south is to treat a woman like crap and not show them the affection they deserve.”

  “I know that, dumbass.”

  “What are you guys talking about?” Darby, our office manager, asks, holding an umbrella drink in her hand and twirling the straw against her lips with her tongue.

  “Relationships,” I reply.

  She rolls her eyes. “I’m the worst person to talk to about that. I’ve failed at every relationship I’ve ever had.”

  “Welcome to the club,” I mutter, rubbing the back of my neck.

  “I see the way Bella looks at you and how you look at her. You’re both head over heels in love with each other, Cole.”

  “We are,” I say, suddenly feeling sure about that.

  “You two are the hottest couple here. You,” Darby says, squeezing my biceps, “with your big muscles, sexy good looks like a younger, hotter Brad Pitt, and her looking like Emma Stone but with the Victoria’s Secret factor.” She motions toward Bella, who is walking back across the yard toward me. “Really, you two make me sick with your beauty. It’s all too perfect.”

  “I take offense to that statement,” Garrett says, walking up to us with Barbie at his side. “If I do say so myself, Barbie and I could give everyone here a run for their money when it comes to looks.”

  “He’s so modest.” Barbie rubs Garrett’s stomach and laughs softly, staring up at him. “You’re perfect in my eyes, Garrett.”

  Hunter looks at me and rolls his eyes, but I shrug it off. “This is a nice spread, Barbie. Business must be doing well.”

  Garrett and Barbie don’t live in a simple house—it’s an enormous, almost gaudy mansion that they moved into a few months ago. The biggest house on the block, without a doubt. Their backyard overlooks the turquoise waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The outdoor patio has many levels, ending near their private beach. Barbie and Garrett don’t do anything small. It’s why they’re a perfect match.

  “I never expected the club to take off the way it did. I knew it would do great here, but I never expected it to make twice as much as my club in Los Angeles.”

  “Between the club and Eye Candy, life couldn’t be better,” Garrett says, puffing out his chest because he likes to brag about his success.

  I’m okay with it. It’s who he is, and there’s nothing anyone can do to change it. Sometimes you just have to roll with it and accept the person and all their faults.

  “I heard you met Bella at the club,” Barbie says, changing the subject. Unlike Garrett, she’s not into talking about herself too much.

  I smile down at Bella. “

  Everyone knows the story. Chaz was with me when I met Bella, and by the next time I walked into the office, he’d told everyone.

  “Well, you wouldn’t be the first person to find love at a strip club,” Barbie says with a kind smile.

  “He may be the only one who falls in love with someone that isn’t hanging from a pole, though,” Hunter adds, and I can’t help but laugh.

  I’ve heard dozens of stories about guys falling in love with a dancer and somehow making it work at least long enough to get married. Rarely did the relationships stick, because it’s hard loving a stripper. Who wants another dude eye-fucking your girl all the time? Not me. I’d rather chop off my left nut than have some guy gawking at my girl.

  “Look who finally decided to make an appearance,” Hunter says as Chip saunters through the backyard, making a beeline for us.

  “Who the hell are all these people?” he asks, rubbing the back of his neck and looking like he just rolled out of bed.

  “We did a group party.” Garrett puffs out his chest again, looking mighty pleased with himself. “We thought we’d have the strip club party and Eye Candy together to make life easier.”

  “Wait,” I say, holding out my hand as I peer around the backyard. “The other people are strippers?”

  “Well, yeah,” Garrett says. “Both companies split the cost of the party. Tons of hot people, lots of booze, and amazing food. What could be better?”

  I don’t know why it annoys me. It shouldn’t, but it bugs the fuck out of me. I pull Bella closer against my side, making sure there’s no denying that she belongs to me.

  My unease must be showing because Hunter bumps my shoulder. “It’s fine, man. Calm your shit.”

  I shrug it off because I don’t want to be one of those guys. We all know the type. The overprotective asshole who thinks everything with a dick is after my girl. But I have a cock, and I know how it is when you’re single. You’ll chase any skirt, especially one on a girl as beautiful as Bella.

  Chip’s eyes widen as he glances around the backyard, homing in on the patio bar. “This is like the best buffet I’ve ever been to.”

  “Yeah, the food’s amazing,” Cybill says, twirling her blond hair in between her fingers.

  “I’m talking about the people.” Chip rubs his hands together and blows out a breath before a smile spreads across his face. “I’m going to be a busy man today. If you don’t hear from me in a few days, send out the search party.”

  Chip is a conundrum to me. The man is a lady-killer, but he also has men falling at his feet. He said he’s into free love and doesn’t allow himself to become constrained by the body parts. All I know is that the man is always sticking his dick in something.

  “You go have fun, honey,” Barbie says with the biggest smile. “I’m sure the girls and guys are dying to meet you.”

  “Don’t wait up for me, kids.” Chip walks away, stalking toward the bar where there’s a group of people doing shots.

  “He has the happiest customers.” Hunter rubs his chin, watching Chip across the patio. “You think he’s…” His voice trails off.

  “I don’t care what he does as long as people are happy and come back for more,” Garrett tells him.

  “Cole, I’m thirsty. Will you come with me to get a drink?” Bella asks, running her hand down to my ass before giving it a firm squeeze.

  I glance down, smirking at her because I know what she’s thinking. That’s the best part about new love, still getting to know each other’s body. I’ve touched, kissed, and licked every inch of Bella.

  “He’s already pussy-whipped.” Garrett smirks when I brush a strand of hair away from Bella’s face.

  “Don’t push it,” I tell him, pointing my finger at him. Even though he’s right, the douche can’t try to make me look bad when he’s just as “whipped” as I am. He follows Barbie around, nipping at her heels for attention like a love-sick puppy.

  Barbie slaps Garrett on the chest and shushes him. “What a great idea. Let’s celebrate. Flip cup, anyone?”

  Suddenly I feel like I’m back in high school instead of at a work function. Bella can play while I watch, but in no way will I lose control in front of everyone I work with. That’s a recipe for disaster.


  I hadn’t even driven five miles yet, and Bella already has my cock in her mouth. “Damn, baby. You don’t waste any time, do you?” I push her hair away, placing it over her shoulder because I love to watch.

  She looks up at me with her beautiful green eyes, pulling my cock from her mouth. “I can’t help it. You treat me so well, and I love your cock.”

  “It’s not hard to treat you well, Bella,” I say, brushing my fingers against her cheek. “But I love when you have those beautiful lips around my dick because I can’t get enough of you.”

  She smiles and I feel it. Something I never felt before for any other woman. I love her. The realization hits me like a ton of bricks. I knew I liked her, hell, I knew I was infatuated with her and that our time together had made everything seem so easy. But never did I expect to fall so deeply in love with her so quickly.

  I’m almost lost in the thought when she sucks my dick back into her mouth until there’s nothing more for her to take. Driving while getting a blow job isn’t easy, but somehow, I manage to get us back without crashing.

  I pull my cock from her mouth as soon as I park the car in the driveway. “Come on, babe. We’re home. I want to taste that sweet pussy of yours.” I tuck my cock back in my pants and get out to help her out of the car.

  She’s a little tipsy from the party, and I have to steady her as we walk toward the front door. As soon as we’re inside, she removes her shirt and unfastens her bra before throwing them both to the ground. I unbutton her jeans and yank them down her slender legs, waiting for her to step out of them.

  I gaze up at her, loving that she’s only standing there in her cute little gray cotton panties, which show her excitement.

  “You’re always so wet for me, Bel.” I wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

  “I can’t help it. Lick my pussy, Cole.”

  There’s something about her talking dirty that turns me on beyond belief. She seems so sweet and innocent that it’s instantly boner-worthy. I pull down her panties, growling as I bury my face between her legs, giving her pussy a few licks. But it’s not enough. It’s not what I want…what I need.

  I stand, lifting her in my arms and stalking toward the bedroom. “I need to taste every inch of you.” I toss her on the bed, watching with hungry eyes as her tits bounce when she lands on the mattress.

  She laughs, staring up at me until the bed stops moving below her, and spreads her legs.

  I shake my head and smirk. “Face down, ass up.”

  She buries her face in the comforter, slowly raising her ass in the air and peering down her body at me.

  I yank off my jeans and shirt, climbing onto the bed behind her. I squeeze her ass cheeks with my hands, exposing her beautiful asshole.

  “Oh my God, Cole.”

  “Spread your legs farther, Bella. I want complete access to you.”

  She gnaws on her bottom lip, balancing as she spreads her legs wider.

  I sense her hesitation and worry being fully exposed in this position, but there’s no visual more stunning than this. “You’re so beautiful,” I tell her, trying to relax her. I bend forward, kissing each cheek before biting the right one gently. “I promise I’ll make you feel things you’ve never felt before.”

  She nods and releases her lip. “I trust you,” she whispers and closes her eyes before burying her face in the comforter so I can’t see her reaction anymore.

  Flattening my hand on the small of her back, I force her stomach down more, pushing her ass even higher in the air. Perfection. I grab her cheeks, pulling them apart to expose her soaked pussy and plant my face between her legs.

  My tongue sweeps forward, collecting her need as I press my tongue into h
er. She pushes back, crushing her pussy into my face as she moans. I can barely breathe, but who fucking cares? If I have to choose a way to go out, suffocating in the cunt of beautiful woman is the way to go.

  I let her grind against me, tongue-fucking her pussy while my chin rubs against her clit. Sweeping my tongue forward, I pull her needy clit in between my lips.

  “Oh, Cole,” she whimpers.

  I roll her sensitive nub around the tip of my tongue, loving the noises she makes as I do it. She drives me forward, making me want to give her more.

  “Yes,” she pants, curling the comforter in her fists.

  I move away and she whimpers, missing the feel as much as I miss her taste. Sliding down, I lie flat on my back and pull her pussy toward me, but only enough so I can wrap my lips around her. “Reach back and spread yourself,” I tell her. When she hesitates, I run my fingers against her wetness, teasing her with the promise of a finger-bang.

  She quickly does what I asked, cupping her ass cheeks, and spreads herself wide. As a reward, I sink two fingers inside, flicking her clit with my tongue. Her pussy contracts around my fingers, trying to pull them deeper every time I pull out. The sweetness of her in my mouth combines with the soft purrs of her lips, and I’m in heaven.

  Bella isn’t like any other woman. She’s in a league of her own, and whether she knows it or not, she owns me, but it’s time I claim every inch of her body as my own.

  My fingers are drenched in her arousal as I pull out, perfect for what I crave most of all. I rub my fingertips lightly against her asshole, and it quickly tightens as soon as I apply the slightest pressure. I suck her clit a little harder, rubbing the tip of my tongue around it, waiting for her to relax, but I never stop stroking my fingertips against her ass.

  Once she relaxes a little and her breathing turns uneven and ragged, I press gently against her asshole with a single finger. At first, she freezes, sucking in a breath, but I take it slow. I keep my mouth on her, driving her closer to orgasm as I work the tip of my finger in and out of her until her muscles go fully liquid. The tip slips inside, stopping at the second knuckle.


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