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The Internal Enemy: Slavery and War in Virginia, 1772-1832

Page 50

by Taylor, Alan

  41 “Latest from Bermuda,” Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser, Apr. 28, 1813 (“treated”); Captain Goodall quoted in Lelia Tucker to Mary W. Cabell, May 16, 1814 (“every eating”), JCCFP (38-111-c), box 10, SSCL-UVA; Major Wybourn quoted in Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 188.

  42 Niles’ Weekly Register, vol. 4:164 (May 8, 1813: “It is justice”); Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:102; Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 178, 183, 185 (“a train of boarding school misses”).

  43 Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:165 (all quotations).

  44 Shomette, Flotilla, 10; Morriss, Cockburn, 93; Dudley, Naval War of 1812, 309; Sir John Borlase Warren to Lord Melville, Feb. 19 and June 1, 1813, MG 24, F 132, reel A-2076, LAC.

  45 Eshelman, Sheads, and Hickey, War of 1812 in the Chesapeake, 225–28; Morriss, Cockburn, 94–95; Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 190–93; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:142–43, 147–48; Charles Napier quoted in W. F. Butler, Sir Charles Napier, 58; George Cockburn to Sir Alexander Cochrane, Apr. 2, 1814, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 3:43.

  46 Eshelman, Sheads, and Hickey, War of 1812 in the Chesapeake, 236–38; Stapleton Crutchfield to James Barbour, June 25, 1813, and Robert G. Scott to Barbour, June 25, 1813, in Flournoy, CVSP, vol. 10:232, 234; Sir Sidney Beckwith to Sir John Borlase Warren, June 28, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:362.

  47 Eshelman, Sheads, and Hickey, War of 1812 in the Chesapeake, 237–38; Sir Sidney Beckwith to Sir John Borlase Warren, July 5, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:364; “To the Editor of the Enquirer,” Richmond Enquirer, July 16, 1813 (“women”); Capt. Cooper to Charles K. Mallory, July 10, 1813, in Richmond Enquirer, July 13, 1813.

  48 Council of State Journal for 1812–1813, p. 278 (June 30, 1813: “that many of the Females”), RG 75, reel 2990, LV; Stapleton Crutchfield to James Barbour, June 28, 1813, in Richmond Enquirer, July 2, 1813.

  49 “Anniversary of Independence,” “Enormities at Hampton,” and “To the Editor of the Enquirer,” Richmond Enquirer, July 6 (“That barbarity”), July 9 and July 16, 1813 (“Men of Virginia!”); Niles’ Weekly Register, vol. 4:291 (July 3, 1813); James Pleasants Jr. to William Bolling, July 3, 1813, Bolling Papers, box 1, SC-DUL; Barbour to Calvin Jones, July 15, 1813, in Flournoy, CVSP, vol. 10:260; G. A. Smith, Slaves’ Gamble, 94.

  50 Sir Sidney Beckwith to Sir John Borlase Warren, July 5, 1813 (“a desperate Banditti”), in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:364; Beckwith to Robert B. Taylor, June 30, 1813, in Richmond Enquirer, Oct. 1, 1813; Warren to Lord Melville, July 6, 1813, MG 24, F 132, reel A-2076, LAC; John C. Sherbrooke to Henry Bathurst, July 13, 1813, MG 11, CO 217 (Nova Scotia), vol. 91:143–47, reel B-1054, LAC. For Virginians’ welcome for the deserters, see John Campbell to David Campbell, July 14, 1813, CFP, box 2, SC-DUL.

  51 Bartlett, “Gentlemen versus Democrats,” 143; Boston Gazette quoted in Hoge, “British Are Coming,” 1271 (“that there breathes not”); Niles’ Weekly Register, vol 4:164 (May 8, 1813), 196 (May 22, 1813: “Cockburn stood”), 402 (Aug. 21, 1813: reward for head and ears), vol. 8:103 (Apr. 8, 1815: “He should be lashed naked”), 284 (June 24, 1815: chamber pots).

  52 George Cockburn to Robert Barrie, Dec. 22, 1813 (“The Book”), Robert Barrie Papers, box 1, WLCL-UM; George Cockburn to Sir Alexander Cochrane, May 10, 1814 (“My Ideas”), in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 3:65; Morriss, Cockburn, 293n42.

  53 Morriss, Cockburn, 96.

  54 Robert B. Taylor to John Armstrong, June 29, 1813, RG 107, M221, reel 57, USNA-DC; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:152, 155; Capt. Cooper to Charles K. Mallory, July 10, 1813, in Richmond Enquirer, July 13, 1813; John Campbell to David Campbell, July 16, 1813, CFP, box 2, SC-DUL. For the reversion to petty raiding, see William Allen to James Barbour, July 1, 1813, William Tazewell to Barbour, July 2, 1813, and George French to Barbour, July 29, 1813, in Flournoy, CVSP, vol. 10:239, 240, 265–66; Shomette, Flotilla, 19–20; Sir John Borlase Warren to John Wilson Croker, July 16, 1813, MG 12, Admiralty 1, vol. 503:408, reel B-1449, LAC; Robert Barrie to Dolly Gardner Clayton, Sep. 4, 1813, Barrie to Warren, Nov. 14, 1813, and Barrie to Clayton, Feb. 4, 1814, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:385, 395, and vol. 3:15n, 17; Warren to Sir George Prevost, Sep. 21, 1813, RG 8, vol. 680:97, reel C-3173, LAC.

  55 Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:311; Robert Barrie to Sir John Borlase Warren, Sep. 22 (“we were extremely ignorant”) and Nov. 14, 1813, MG 12, Admiralty 1, vol. 505:66, 68, reel B-1449, LAC; Barrie to George Cockburn, Oct. 12, 1813 (“a sad annoyance” and “complain bitterly”), SGCP, reel 9, LC; Eshelman, Sheads, and Hickey, War of 1812 in the Chesapeake, 244; Cockburn to Barrie, Dec. 22, 1813 (“keeping my Yankee Friends”), Robert Barrie Papers box 1, WLCL-UM.

  56 Robert Barrie to Dolly Gardner Clayton, Sep. 4, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:386; Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 195; Rouse, “British Invasion,” 319.

  57 Shomette, Flotilla, 20; Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:311; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:187.

  58 Niles’ Weekly Register, vol. 4:159 (May 8, 1813), 406 (Aug. 21, 1813), 422 (Aug. 28, 1813), and vol. 5:13 (Sep. 4, 1813: “took”); “Retreat of the Enemy’s Fleet,” Richmond Enquirer, Aug. 31, 1813. For the Kent Island deserters, see Sir John Borlase Warren to John Wilson Croker, July 29 and Aug. 23, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:369, 382; Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser, Aug. 9, Aug. 16, and Aug. 20, 1813; Maj. Meredith to Gen. Smith, Aug. 23, 1813, in Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser, Aug. 24, 1813; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:160–61; Niles’ Weekly Register, vol. 4:391 (Aug. 14, 1813); “Kent Island,” Richmond Enquirer, Aug. 31, 1813; Warren to Lord Melville, Sep. 27, 1813, MG 24, F 132, reel A-2076, LAC. For a close study of desertion and punishment on twenty-seven ships of the North American Station, see Malcomson, “Creating Order and ‘Disorder.’” Malcomson finds that 601 men deserted from these ships during the years 1813–1814.

  59 Philip Barraud to St. George Tucker, Mar. 30 and Apr. 2, 1813, TCP, box 32, SCSL-CWM; “Retreat of the Enemy’s Fleet,” Richmond Enquirer, Aug. 31, 1813 (both quotes); Andrew Moore to Thomas Jefferson, Oct. 8, 1813, in Looney, PTJ-RS, vol. 6:545.

  60 St. George Tucker to Joseph C. Cabell, Mar. 31, 1813, BFP, box 2, SSCL-UVA; Sir John Borlase Warren to John Wilson Croker, Aug. 14, 1813, MG 12, Admiralty 1, vol. 504:47, reel B-1449, LAC; Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 181–82 (“the four villains”).

  61 Scott, Recollections, vol. 2:14; George Cockburn, orders, Mar. 7, 1813, SGCP, reel 10, LC.

  62 Admiralty to Sir John Borlase Warren, Mar. 8 and June 15, 1813, MG 12, Admiralty 2, vol. 932:239, 271, reel B-3434, LAC; Warren to John Wilson Croker, June 8, 1813, MG 12, Admiralty 1, vol. 504:78, reel B-1449, LAC; George Cockburn to Capt. Lawrence, June 12, 1813, and Cockburn, order, Nov. 12, 1813, SGCP, reel 10, LC; Henry Hotham to John Talbot, May 14 and 15, 1813, John Talbot, Order Book, reel A-1632, LAC. For raids designed to recover deserters, see Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 182–83; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:216–20. For the fate of Patrick Hallidan, see Warren to Cockburn, Aug. 28, 1813, SGCP, reel 9, LC.

  63 Henry Hotham, “Statement of the Number of Men Short of Complement,” Sep. 2, 1813, SGCP, reel 9, LC. The return provides numbers of men on duty per ship broken down into these categories: petty officers, able seamen, ordinary seamen, landsmen, boys, and marines. The reported shortfalls appear only in the categories of seamen (apparently both able and ordinary), boys, and marines. The shortfall in boys was negligible. The percentage of seamen missing is as a proportion of the reported numbers of able and ordinary seamen plus the shortfall. For the duties and treatment of marines, see Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 202–6.

  64 Bartlett and Smith, “‘Species of Milito-Nautico-Guerilla Warfare,’” 179; Shomette, Flotilla, 14; George Cockburn to Sir Alexander Cochrane, June 25, 1814 (“They are stronger men”), in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 3:116; Cockburn to Cochrane, Aug. 15, 1814, SGCP, reel 6, LC. For the use of black guides to track British deserters, see Scott, Reco
llections, vol. 3:216.

  65 Edward Codrington, journal, Oct. 27, 1814, MG 24, F 131 (Codrington letters), reel A-2076, LAC; Captain Forrest letter to unknown, July 27, 1813, Niles’ Weekly Register, vol. 4:356 (July 31, 1813).

  66 M. Mason, “Battle of Slaveholding Liberators,” 677; Sir David Milne to George Home, Apr. 26, 1814, in Hume, “Letters Written during the War of 1812,” 293. For Warren’s assurances, see Robert B. Taylor to James Barbour, July 1, 1813, in Flournoy, CVSP, vol. 10:239.

  67 Henry Bathurst to Sir Sidney Beckwith, Mar. 20, 1813, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:325–26; Bartlett and Smith, “‘Species of Milito-Nautico-Guerilla Warfare,’” 187; George Cockburn, orders, Mar. 7, 1813, SGCP, reel 10, LC; G. A. Smith, Slaves’ Gamble, 88.

  68 Sobel, World They Made Together, 51–52; Walsh, “Work and Resistance,” 100–104, 113.

  69 Edmund Baily, deposition, Nov. 8, 1824, RG 76, entry 190, box 10, case 1020 (Thomas Primrose), USNA-CP; William Camp to James Barbour, July 7, 1813, JBEP, reel 5514, LV. For the story of Anthony, see the depositions of Dixon Brown, May 12, 1814, John Hughes, May 12, 1814, and John Young (July 12, 1821), RG 76, entry 185, box 4, folder 15, USNA-CP. For Sam, see Walker Luken and Levin Scott, deposition, May 9, 1814 (“was fishing”), RG 3, depositions, 1814–1821, Northampton County folder, LV.

  70 William Jennings, testimony, Mar. 31, 1813, James City County trial of Anthony, Tassy, and Kit, JBEP, reel 5511, LV. For Charles’s escape, see Joseph Gatewood, Samuel Hoskins, William Taylor, and John Prewett, deposition, Mar. 1, 1823, RG 76, entry 190, box 8, case 760, USNA-CP.

  71 Depositions of Levin G. Winder, Feb. 13, 1815, and Peggy Collins, Dec. 27, 1827 (all quotations), RG 76, entry 190, box 6, case 542 (John H. Winder), USNA-CP. Collins dated both escapes as in 1814 and two weeks apart, which is implausible. In a deposition taken closer to the time of the escapes, Levin G. Winder dated them as July 10, 1813, and May 12, 1814.

  72 Kendall Addison to Sir John Borlase Warren, May 14, 1813, and Warren to Addison, May 16, 1813, CO 37 (Bermuda), vol. 71:93, 94.

  73 Sir John Borlase Warren to John Wilson, May 28, 1813, MG 12, Admiralty 1, vol. 503:279, reel B-1448, LAC; Admiralty to Warren, July 9, 1813, MG 12, Admiralty 2, vol. 933:4, reel B-3434, LAC. For the 18 runaways to Cockburn early in May, see Malcomson, “Freedom by Reaching the Wooden World,” 2, which relies on Cockburn’s journal, May 4, 1813, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, England.

  74 National Intelligencer, May 1 and 12, 1813; Kendall Addison to George Cockburn, June 7, 1813 (“avail”), SGCP, reel 9, LC; Addison to James Barbour, July 19, 1813 (“The Negroes”), JBEP, reel 5514, LV. For collaborative escapes from the Eastern Shore, see Lewis Roberts and Nathaniel Smith, deposition, Nov. 26, 1827, RG 76, entry 185, box 4, folder 14, USNA-CP.

  75 John Turberville to William Hening, Nov. 8, 1813, in Flournoy, CVSP, vol. 10:283; Walter Jones to James Madison, Nov. 8, 1813, James Madison Papers, American Memory Series, LC.

  76 William H. Nicholson to Levin Winder, Sep. 1, 1813, MSP, ser. A, box S1004-129, doc. 4, MdSA; Sir John Borlase Warren to Lord Melville, Sep. 6, 1813, MG 24, F 132, reel A-2076, LAC.

  77 Robert Barrie to Sir John Borlase Warren, Nov. 14, 1813 (“The Slaves”), in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 2:396; Barrie quoted in Joseph C. Cabell to St. George Tucker, Nov. 24, 1813 (“the poor devils”), TCP, box 33, SCSL-CWM. For an estimate of 600 blacks sent on to Bermuda in 1813, see Shomette, Flotilla, 21.

  78 G. A. Smith, British Eyewitness, 43, 117; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:61–62; Gleig, Narrative of the Campaigns, 38–41; Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 163–64; Edward Codrington to his wife, July 14 and 17, 1814, MG 24, F 13 (Codrington Letters), reel A-2076, LAC; [Anonymous], “Recollections of the Expedition,” 448; Jarvis, “Maritime Masters and Seafaring Slaves,” 586–87, 594; David Milne to George Home, Apr. 26, 1814, in Hume, “Letters Written during the War of 1812,” 291; Robert Rowley to Owsley Rowley, June 18, 1814, in Rowley, “Captain Robert Rowley,” 242–43; P. Hamilton, Making and Unmaking, 10; George Cockburn to Robert Barrie, Oct. 21, 1814, Robert Barrie Papers, box 1, WLCL-UM; Sir Pulteney Malcolm to unknown, Aug 3, 1814, SPMP, box 1, WLCL.

  79 Jarvis, “Maritime Masters and Seafaring Slaves,” 590, 591n7; William Smith and John Noble Harvey to George Horsford, Aug. 14, 1813 (all quotations), SACP, file 2326, reel 1, LC; Sir Alexander Cochrane to Sir John Borlase Warren, Mar. 8, 1814, SACP, file 2326, reel 1, LC.

  80 Sir John Borlase Warren to Lord Melville, Mar. 13, 1813, MG 24, F 132, reel A-2076, LAC; George Cockburn, order; Sep. 25, 1813, SGCP, reel 10, LC; Andrew Fitzherbert Evans to Cockburn, Oct. 1, 1813, SGCP, reel 9, LC. For the numbers of dockyard workers, see Evans to the Lords of the Admiralty, Oct. 12, 1813, Admiralty 359:34A, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, England. My thanks to Thomas Malcomson for providing a copy of this document.

  81 Lovell, Personal Narrative, 152 (“they considered”); George Cockburn to Andrew Fitzherbert Evans, Oct. 2, 1813, SGCP, reel 6, LC; Weiss, Merikens, 5.

  82 Andrew Fitzherbert Evans to George Cockburn, Oct. 1, 1813 (“I am sorry”), SGCP, reel 9, LC; Cockburn to Evans, Oct. 2, 1813 (“riotous”), SGCP, reel 6, LC; Sir Alexander Cochrane to Cockburn, Apr. 28, 1814, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 3:51–52; Evans to the Admiralty, Oct. 12, 1813, Admiralty 359:34A, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, England. For the compromise, see Sir Alexander Cochrane to Francis Forbes, May 8, 1814, SACP, file 2349, reel 8, LC.

  83 W. N. Bruce, Life of General Sir Charles Napier, 60; Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:77; Surry County gentleman’s letter, July 2, 1813, in Richmond Enquirer, July 6, 1813; “Invaders Retired,” Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser, Sep. 1, 1813; “The Enemy in York River!” National Intelligencer, Nov. 29, 1813; Petrides and Downs, Sea Soldier, 185.

  84 Scott, Recollections, vol. 3:120–21.

  85 Sir John Borlase Warren to Lord Melville, June 23, 1813, MG 24, F 132, reel A-2076, LAC; “The Enemy in the York River,” Richmond Enquirer, Nov. 26, 1813; Thomas Brown to George Cockburn, June 23, 1814, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 3:122; William Boush, deposition, Feb. 12, 1824, RG 76, entry 190, box 4, case 282 (William Boush), USNA-CP; Thomas Bridges and James Wrightson, deposition, May 19, 1821, RG 76, entry 190, box 8, case 785 (Francis Wrightson), USNA-CP; J.P. Ferguson to William Bolling, Sep. 24, 1813, Bolling Papers, box 1, SC-DUL; Capt. A.R. Kerr to George Cockburn, June 22, 1814, SGCP, reel 9, LC; E.F. Chambers, deposition, July 3, 1828 (“into an intricate position”), RG 76, entry 190, box 9, case 862 (Richard Frisby), USNA-CP; Shomette, Flotilla, 141. For the slave who misled the militiamen, see Marine, British Invasion of Maryland, 150 (“for some gentleman”).

  86 Sir John Borlase Warren to Lord Melville, Feb. 25 (“The Black force”) and Apr. 19, 1813 (“penetrate”), and [Thomas Barclay], “Intercepted Letter from Baltimore, dated Good Friday [1813],” MG 24, F 132, reel A-2076, LAC.

  87 Sir Charles Napier quoted in W. N. Bruce, Life of General Sir Charles Napier, 62–63; P. Napier, Henry at Sea, 175.

  88 John Barrow to Henry Goulburn, Sep. 30, 1813, with undated memorandum affixed apparently by Goulburn (“into”), Colonial Office 37 (Bermuda), vol. 71:89, NAUK; Sir John Borlase Warren to Lord Melville, Feb. 14, 1814, MG 24, F 132, reel A-2076, LAC; Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser, July 10, 1813; Edward Codrington, journal, July 16, 1814, MG 24, F 131 (Codrington Letters), reel A-2076, LAC; Sir Alexander Cochrane, “Thoughts on American War,” Apr. 27, 1812, Henry Dundas, Viscount Melville, Papers, HL; Morris, Cockburn, 98; Lambert, Challenge, 268.

  89 Bartlett and Smith. “‘Species of Milito-Nautico-Guerilla Warfare’” 176–77; Morriss, Cockburn, 96–47; Sir Alexander Cochrane quoted in Shomette, Flotilla, 71 (“I have it”); Bartlett, “Gentlemen versus Democrats,” 152–53; Cochrane to the Admiralty, Mar. 25, 1814 (“They are a whining”), SACP, file 2345, reel 7, LC. For the escalation, see also Sir David Milne to George Home, Jan. 2 and 30, 1814, in Hume, “Letters Written during the War of 1812,” 290, 291; Lambert, Challenge, 305

  90 Sir Alexander Cochrane to the Admiralty, Mar. 10 (“A little money”) and Mar. 25, 1814, SACP, file 2345, reel 7, LC; George Cockburn to Sir Alexander Cochrane, Apr. 2, 1814 (“I do not think”), and Cochrane to Cockburn, Apr. 28, 1814, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 3:43, 52; Sir Pulteney Malcolm to unknown, Oct. 3, 1814 (“Cochrane”), and Jan. 29, 1815, SPMP, box 1, WLCL-UM. For the shortfall in troops, see Bartlett, “Gentlemen versus Democrats,” 152–54.

  91 Sir Alexander Cochrane, proclamation, Apr. 2, 1814, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 3:60; Cochrane to Lord Melville, Mar. 25, 1814 (“and bring the consequences”), SACP, file 2345, reel 7, LC.

  92 Sir Alexander Cochrane to George Cockburn, Apr. 8, 1814, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, 61; Cassel, “Slaves of the Chesapeake,” 150; “Cochrane’s Proclamation,” National Intelligencer, May 19, 1814; Shomette, Flotilla, 72; G. A. Smith, Slaves’ Gamble, 101–2.

  93 Sir Alexander Cochrane, proclamation, Apr. 2, 1814, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 3:60; Cochrane to Lord Melville, Mar. 25, 1814 (“in it I keep”), SACP, file 2345, reel 7, LC; Henry Goulburn to John Wilson Croker, Jan. 19, 1814, quoted in Weiss, “Cochrane and His Proclamation,” 2–3.

  94 Sir Alexander Cochrane to Lords of the Admiralty, Mar. 25, 1814, and Cochrane to John W. Croker, Feb. 26, 1815, SACP, file 2345, reel 7, and file 2348, reel 8, LC; Henry Bathurst to Edward Barnes, May 20, 1814, and Cochrane to Bathurst, July 14, 1814 (“I entirely Agree”), in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 3:73, 132; Weiss, “Corps of Colonial Marines,” 89n5.

  95 Henry Goulburn to John W. Croker, Jan. 19, 1814 (“receive on board”), quoted in Weiss, “Corps of Colonial Marines,” 89n5; Joseph Nourse to George Cockburn, July 23, 1814, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 3:159; Henry Bathurst to Robert Ross, Aug. 10, 1814, and Bathurst to Sir Alexander Cochrane, Oct. 26, 1814, SACP, file 2326, reel 1, LC.

  96 Sir Alexander Cochrane to George Cockburn, May 27 and July 1, 1814 (“Let the Landings”), in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, vol. 3:130; Cockburn to Lt. Boyd, May 5, 1814, and to Joseph Nourse, July 15, 1814 (“You are to encourage”), SGCP, reel 10, LC.


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