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Emerald Wars (The Dream Traveler Book 3)

Page 16

by Nicole Knight

  She wasn’t being arrogant, but we spent weeks thinking that the dragons would be the most pivotal weapon for us.

  “Let’s go somewhere quiet,” I told her.

  She led us to the large area below deck reserved for her and her guests. We sat down on the plush furniture.

  “So what is so big that it could possibly be more powerful than the dragons?” I asked.

  “Who do you think is more powerful, Victoria or the dragons?” I asked.

  “When Victoria was alive, it’s likely she was just as powerful as a few dragons,” she responded.

  “Like you?” I asked.

  “You flatter me,” she said. “But Victoria is gone. I’ve spoken with her in the dream world, she was with the Goddess.”

  “Where you were was actually the spirit world. Trinity and I should be able to bring her back from the spirit world for a short period of time, maybe long enough for the entire battle.”

  “How?” Violet cut Proctor off. She sat ramrod straight.

  “It’s a similar technique to how we bring back those recently deceased. However it takes a lot more magic and time. Usually it takes a whole coven to do something like that. I can sense you are one of us, and you are as powerful as an entire coven. With your help, we can bring her back from the spirit world,” Proctor said, sounding confident in what he was suggesting.

  “Even without a body?” Violet said.

  “Even without a body. She will still be just as strong in spirit form as she was in her body.”

  “And you’ve done this before?” she asked.

  “Yes, it's been a few years since I have had to. We don’t make it a common practice to mess with those who are truely dead and passed on, but when the circumstances call for it, we will.”

  This was certainly the circumstances for it. The fate of the whole continent rested on it. If we didn’t win, the Tate royal family would take over everything they could reach.

  “What exactly do you need from me? I’d love to see my Great Grandmother again, but I’m afraid of what disturbing her eternal slumber might do,” Violet said.

  “Well if you met her in the spirit world and she was pleasant with you then, she should be willing to help you now,” Proctor said.

  “But I wasn’t waking her from her eternal slumber,” she retorted.

  “Valid point, your majesty. However I don’t foresee her refusing to help you. She is your family, even after death, and she was a great queen who loved her kingdom.”

  Proctor was right.

  “So what’s required to bring her back?” Violet asked.

  “Nothing more than Trin, myself, and some of your power. I can sense the deep well of magic within you. You are certainly one of our kind, and the strongest I have ever met; even stronger than all the Crones put together,” Proctor praised.

  She nodded, not out of vanity, but there was no point in refuting a compliment that was likely true.

  “I would recommend bringing her back right before battle. We don’t want her window of time here to be so narrow that she can’t help us where we need it,” he advised.

  Violet nodded again and stood up.

  Proctor sprung to his feet.

  “Stay seated,” she said.

  Axel cleared his throat. I had forgotten he was in the back of the room listening. He could be awfully good at blending in when he wanted, if Violet wasn’t in danger. Right now she was probably the safest she had been in days.

  She looked at him then back to us.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to throw on a new pair of clothes behind the partition so that my armor can be washed before tomorrow,” she said.

  Proctor’s face turned pink and he turned his body away from the dressing area completely. It was funny to see him act like this, as he seemed to be the cool calm and collected type.

  “I recommend eating lots of bread and fruit tonight,” Proctor said to me.

  “Why?” I asked curiously.

  “You are going to need all the energy you can get. Bringing back Queen Victoria, even with Queen Violet’s magic will still take a lot from both of us. We should probably have some rations set to the side to replenish us between customers,” he said, referring to those we would resurrect.

  I reached out to scoop an apple off the coffee table near us and took a bite. He smiled at that.

  “Are you going to tell us of your travels?” I asked Axel, who was still sitting stoeichly.

  “Well let’s just say we are getting more help than just from the Femen and the Dragons.”

  “Oh really? Who else is there?” I asked.

  “The beasts of the Morthshadow forests,” Violet said.

  “Really? How did you get their help? They don’t meddle in the affairs of others, ever.”

  “I healed his wife and unborn baby. I owe him another favor to be repaid at another time, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there,” she said with a sad smile.

  I grimaced. “Speaking of favors you owe…”

  “What else do I owe and to whom, Trin?” she asked, with a sigh as she plopped down into her chair, wearing a nice relaxed cotton dress.

  “The Siren Queen wanted another favor. She liked the crown but felt it wasn’t enough.”

  “Of course not. Promising not to attack my ships and to call back the creatures of the sea is such a difficult task for her that she needs more,” she said, in a sarcastic huff.

  After a moment she straightened her back as if realizing Proctor isn’t really part of our inner circle, at least not yet.

  “I look at it this way. We stole one of her sirens, so we evened the score a little.”

  “You are right.”

  Axel spoke from the back. “So we have our armies, the femen, the beasts, the dragons, a representative from the Siren Queen and the Children of the Willow. Do we have any recon on what we are up against?” he asked.

  “Well we know that he has the aid of one dragon. Our dragons will focus on neutralizing him and the supplies and equipment of our enemies.” Violet shared.

  “We know nothing else,” I said for Proctor and I. He had almost zero knowledge of what was going on.

  “Crap, I wish my father would have sent another note before his capture. Maybe he tried and it didn’t make it to me because of my location,” she said.

  Oh no.

  “He was captured? How do you know?” I asked.

  “A vision,” she said.

  The look she sent Proctor’s way said the words she didn’t have to, keep that but of knowledge to yourself, or else.

  “I’m so sorry Violet,” I said.

  “Don’t be, we will get him back.”

  Her eyes popped up to Axel, and they shared a look that said a thousand words in a quick second. While I was an outsider to their conversation, I knew the gist of it. Finding Violet’s father would be Axel’s job. I knew he wouldn’t like leaving her in a battle like this. Even he had to know how powerful and capable she was. If anybody would come out of this standing it was her. The rest of us are just a quiet breeze compared to her century storm power. What he could do was save her Father for her, while she couldn’t. When we had time to plan a coronation, assuming we survived this, he would be made King and everyone would know his face. Until then, he may have some anonymity that Violet didn’t.

  Violet excused herself momentarily to make sure all our troops were accounted for. Once she gave the captain the order to set sail, she returned to the room. Shortly after, I could feel the boat floating freely in the waves and I did my best to ignore my mild sea sickness.

  I sensed a very long night ahead of us, explaining our travels to each other. I had a crew member escort Proctor to his room, and then Violet, Axel and I went through all of the details from our journeys and created our game plan. The second sun had almost risen before we parted ways and I headed to my cabin. I laid in bed unable to sleep a wink.

  Tomorrow was going to be the start or end of the rest of our lives. Only time wou
ld tell which one.

  Chapter Twenty Three


  After Trin left the room, silence hung heavy in the air between Violet and I. We had been so focused on the mission ahead that it was clear we had been neglecting each other. I wouldn’t lie, I felt like I was riding the saddle behind her when it came to this whole war thing. I knew it was her destiny, and I would never voice this to her, but I felt inferior to her in every way. The one thing I was able to do, which she seemed unable to do was take care of her. I was used to seeing the best in her, and right now she didn’t look like the woman I fell in love with. She looked like a shell of herself.

  Even after she had the opportunity to clean the rest of the mud from the swamp off her skin and out of her hair, she still seemed weighed down by something else. Her body language and far away gaze told me everything I needed to, even without our soulmate bond.

  “How are you feeling and how can I help?” I asked to start.

  “I feel like I’m going to be sick, jump out of my skin, and faint all at once,” she answered. She wouldn’t meet my eyes, she just stared across the room as she spoke.

  “That’s normal,” I assured her.

  “I didn’t feel this way when we were about to storm the castle and remove Eduard from his throne.”

  “You weren’t nervous then?” I asked her. I remembered things a little differently.

  “Of course I was, just not nearly as bad as this. Eduard and his little minion were nothing compared to the power that Kennan and his family have amassed. Mainly Kennan though. I saw his father once, all he seems good for is barking orders. Samantha is catty and I have no doubt she will fight dirty, but I don’t see her stealing the powers of others. She’s the kind to sharpen herself into the sharpest of blades given the tools she’s got. Kennan is the one who keeps going to the store to steal tool after tool. The fact that he’s limitless and vengeful is what scares me. It’s hard to anticipate the moves of my enemy when he gets unlimited turns,” she said as she sat down on the bed.

  She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. I leaned forward in my chair and placed a hand on her knee.

  “But you have your advantages too. You too grow in power every day, with new discovered abilities. Apparently, you are a witch, which explains your control over all the elements. Your visions have given you numerous advantages that Kennan and Samantha don’t. You’ve had several practice rounds given your visions and the trials. You know what to do now,” I said, hoping she could hear the optimism I poured into my words. I hoped she could feel it in that little place in her chest where she would always feel me; I could feel her anxiety in my chest.

  “You’re right. I’m just so scared to send everyone into battle. Do you know who else made their way onto this ship unannounced?” she asked me.

  “Who?” I would waste too much precious time guessing.

  “The rest of our family. None of them could follow orders, apparently they boarded the boat only moments before we left the dock. The captain told me they demanded to be let on the boat, and as my family they were granted access. I have half a mind to go down there and scold them, but half of me is glad they want to see this through to the end, like us.”

  My stomach dropped. “Mother and Jessica?”

  “Yup, on the ship.”

  “Damn it,” I mumbled.

  “I had a lot more to say than that as I headed back here. I suppose by now Trin has discovered where they are at. I have no doubt that Star and Luna won’t let her sleep at all tonight,” she said, with a sad smile.

  I nodded my head, unable to argue with that.

  Violet played around with her magic. She pointed her finger up in the air and a small flame appeared, it flickered in the lamp lit room.

  “Do you think we should try to get some sleep?” I asked her.

  “We probably should, but I have something I want to do first,” she said, raising her head off her knees to look at me.

  “What’s that?” I said, sensing a shift in her mood.

  “I want to lie with my husband one last time before shit hits the fan,” she said with no hesitation. She wanted to do more than just lie with me, and I wanted that too. We’ve been on the run since we went through our bonding ceremony.

  “Then let me join you,” I said, as I stood up and walked over to the bed and sat down behind her. I wrapped my arms around her, and kissed her shoulder blade and then the back of her neck.

  “Can you do me a favor?” I asked. “Actually two.”

  “What might those be?” She asked.

  “One, don’t sacrifice yourself like you did in the trials. Trin and Proctor will have a lot on their plate, and who knows what the limits are on resurrections.”

  “What’s the other thing?” she asked, never making the promise not to.

  “Can you get the lights?” I mumbled against her shoulder.

  She shivered, and raised her hand. I felt a quick breeze whirl around the room before all the lights were snuffed out.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  Today’s the day, everything comes down to this, win or lose. The thought of losing scared me. Someone more confident than I might look around at the people and creatures at my disposal and not be so concerned. Those people wouldn’t be as critical of a thinker as I. I used to like challenges, back before I discovered I was a magic-worker, Dragon-Kissed, a witch, and a Queen. Now all my challenges seemed to lead to life and death. Those suck, so now I was back to wishing for a simple life.

  Axel and I said our private goodbyes last night and this morning. He left me in my room to get ready. He already had his leather armor on, and looked ready to slay some evil. The leather had been polished, and his sword had been sharpened overnight. He would be a force to be reckoned with. I was glad that he had his own side quest to complete that would keep him out of the general fray of battle. Unlike me, he’d need to be sly and quick to break into the castle and bust my father out. Once my father was safely on our ships, then Axel could join the battle if it was still raging on.

  I ran my hand over the smooth leather armor that lay flat on my bed. It too had been washed and polished. The symbol of my family rested right between the breasts. I didn’t bother asking Trin to come assist me with getting ready. I would never be so selfish, especially on a day as big as today.

  The second sun had only risen five hours ago, and we would be sailing up to the coastline of Tate within the hour. Everyone would be working on their final tasks to prepare for battle. I braided back my hair into one large French braid. Little wisps of hair fell out and framed my face. I opted not to wear my crown during the fight, the idea was to not draw attention to myself during the fight. If I could do as much damage as I could without being noticed, then that would be ideal.

  I dressed in my dark leather black pants that matched my armor. I slipped into a blank tank top and pulled the leather armor over top. I had metal braces tied to my forearms. I could use them to block a sword if needed. I tucked my feet into my combat boots, and tied them tight. My knife was tucked into my boot, still in its sheath. I had a new sword and it was now strapped to my side.

  I spared a glance in the mirror and shivered at my reflection. I looked like a Queen ready for battle. My face was stoic and straight, ready to take on my enemies. I had some dark circles under my eyes due to lack of sleep, but I’d manage. After this was over, I’d go home to my apartment and hibernate for days.

  My armor looked snug against my body, and would keep me as protected and mobile as possible. I didn’t look like the Violet I knew myself as, and that gave me a small boost of confidence. If I looked this badass, then I could act the part. I could endure whatever came my way, to protect my people and the others on the continent.

  I stepped out of my room, and from the moment I did, I could feel eyes on me. I walked up the stairs to the deck, and the hustle and bustle of war prep stopped. Everyone stood still, and watched me as I ascended
the stairs and stopped to take in the scene. One by one I watched as the boat’s crew, some of my knights, and my family all dropped to their knees. I looked around and on the ships surrounding us, the crews and occupants were noticing me. They too knelt down to me, even the femen and the beasts.

  Closest to me was Axel, and he was on his knee, staring up at me proudly. I could feel his pride right in my chest, in that special little place that only his presence could fill. If something happened to either of us in battle, the other would know instantly, and that brought me a little bit of solace.

  When I saw everyone surrounding me on their knees, I told them to rise. They did so slowly, never removing their eyes from me. Aunt Beetie looked tickled pink at the sight. I knew I was going to have to give a speech to pump them up, and give instructions. In truth, it’s part of the reason I lost sleep. I only wanted to make the best impression.

  Here goes nothing.

  “The day has finally come. Today is the day we show our enemies in Tate what happens to bullies. Prince Kennan has stolen the powers and lives of many magic-workers for his own selfish gains. He wishes to control my kingdoms, and all of you. He will not stop until he has you on your knees, bowing to him. We will not stop until we have him on his knees begging for death. Looking around, I know not all of us will survive this, and I want you to know that your Queen, or your ally, thanks you for your help in this fight, and you will not be forgotten. I will make Prince Kennan regret the day he stole his first ounce of magic and decided to prey on our lands and our people!” I shouted to the crowd around me.

  The crowd roared in response to my promise to them.

  “Now for the instructions. Axel will take a small team of the femen and will infiltrate the castle. The femen with their great sense of smell, and excellent vision will make for the perfect extraction team.”

  The femen nodded in response and flicked their tails. They began to quietly talk amongst themselves. Likely deciding who would follow Axel and who would step onto the battlefield.


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