Book Read Free

Wild Fire

Page 23

by P. M. Briede

  Even though it was clear he was hurt, he agreed to let me go alone. In a show of support, he even plugged his headset into his phone, putting the ear buds in. I was made to promise, though, that if I needed him, I’d call. This was the first time he’d trusted me without question and my heart swelled with love for him. To help put him at ease, I kissed him deeply before departing through the front door to walk around the block to my old home.

  Stepping through the doors was like walking into a stranger’s home. The bookcase Olivier had slammed Shorty and me into had been replaced and all its contents were in boxes on the floor around it. The hallway had been completely overhauled. It was now thinner. I’d added built in shelving in an effort to disguise its old look. My new coffee table was in a box in the den waiting to be put together.

  As I traveled down the hall, I fought my mind as it kept trying to picture the way the hall had once looked. I opened the door to my office to inspect the chaise I’d had re-upholstered since I’d gotten blood stains on the old fabric. Wesley’s scent engulfed me and that took me aback. How could his scent still be lingering in a room he hadn’t been in for months?

  Just then music floated down the hallway. After jumping at the sound, I followed it upstairs. It was the Miles Davis album I’d played after my only fight with Wesley. Because whenever I looked into this house my mind put in place what it thought I should see, I wondered if I was just imagining the music. But when I followed it to the bedroom, my breath caught at the sight before me.

  His clean and masculine scent warmed my blood but it was not what made it boil. No, that was the sight of Wesley standing with his back to me staring out the window of what was once our bedroom. He wasn’t wearing a shirt but was in his customary slacks and socked feet. I could hear his phone vibrate periodically from the bathroom but he was obstinately ignoring it.

  Stunned by my vision of him just as I’d pictured him when I’d gaze through the window from Olivier’s house, my feet brought me to him of their own volition. When my palms met the plains of his muscular back, we both jolted from the shock. Him as he hadn’t perceived my intrusion on his solitude; me from the fact that he was skin and bones and not a specter.

  His raspy “Charlotte,” brought my eyes to him and the twenty foot thick, lead walls around my heart crumbled. He’d been weeping, evidenced by his puffy, red rimmed, bloodshot eyes and red nose and cheeks. Overcome with empathy, I cupped my hands around his cheeks and brushed the tears away with the pad of my thumbs.

  When Wesley embraced me, I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. This was the man I’d once planned on marrying. This was the man who knew me better than anyone else in this world. This was my best friend. He didn’t try anything, content to hold me in his arms. I shifted and since I was facing the window I caught a flash of blue fly over the fence. It wasn’t even a second later before I heard the door from the patio bang open. Wesley barely had time to say “What the…” before Olivier had forcefully pulled me from his arms.

  “Exactly what are you doing here, Breaux?!” Olivier’s voice filled the bedroom. His chest was to my back but I didn’t need to see his face to know he was raging; to know the flames churned in his eyes. His grip on my arms actually hurt.

  Wesley pulled himself to his full height but he was still a good eight inches shorter than Olivier. “I could ask the same of you, Cheval!” he countered. “I live here…”

  Olivier’s laugh was maniacal. “What the hell makes you think so? Haven’t seen you around the last five months.” The already painful grip on my arms tightened and I bit back the yelp.

  Wesley stepped up to us and gently tugged on my hands while his cold, hard eyes fixed on Olivier. “You’re hurting her, Cheval. I suggest you get control of your anger. She doesn’t belong to you.” Wesley’s eyes then shifted to me. “Charlotte, we need to talk.”

  Olivier yanked me behind him before bumping Wesley with his chest. Even though I was the one who’d been addressed, Olivier answered. “There is nothing you can say to her that’s going to make up for what you did. She doesn’t belong to me? Well, for once we agree. She’s not a possession. But who put in the work to support her and take care of her while you were crisscrossing the country with her replacement?” Olivier paused to take a breath. “Me! So has she given herself to me? You bet your ass she has!”

  “Replacement?” Wesley challenged. “Your jealousy has made you crazy! There’s no way that’s true.” I waited for Wesley to ask me to deny what Olivier had said but was flummoxed when he never did. Tired of being fought over, I quietly slipped out of the room. I could hear their voices but I paid no heed to their words. When I reached my office I picked up my purse and my keys.

  I ran to Olivier’s house and went upstairs to the bedroom. I quickly packed a bag. When I went to peer out the window to confirm they were still railing at each other I saw why Olivier had jumped the fence. The phone and ear buds were in the chair he kept in front of the window. The relief I felt at knowing he’d kept his promise and not eavesdropped on me almost changed my mind about leaving. Had he noticed my absence he might have been able to talk me into staying. But there’s a difference in being constantly fought over instead of fought for. Not that I really relished the idea of any type of fight, but I could no longer stomach being fought over. With one last glance out the window and seeing no change in the scenery, I grabbed my suitcase and left.

  It wasn’t until the next day when I returned either of their calls. I didn’t want to talk to them but I texted them to let them know I was fine. Both conversations were fairly similar. Where are you? I’m safe and sound. Where are you? I’m not telling you. Please call me. Not going to happen. Why’d you leave? Because I need space.

  I booked a room at the Le Pavillon Hotel in the Historic French Quarter. The National Convention was in a week and I kept vacillating over whether or not to go. Three days after I’d gone into hiding, Paige called. “So are you going to tell me where you are?” she asked in an accusatory tone.

  “No,” I answered. “And before you lecture me, I’m doing it so that you don’t have to lie to them. I’m assuming you’ve heard from them both.”

  “You know I have,” she admitted. “A head’s up that I was about to become the phone equivalent of Grand Central would have been nice. Tristan actually called the boys and gave them his number in case they need anything, making me turn my phone off. So why don’t you tell me your side of what happened? I’ve heard theirs.”

  “Yeah, I’d have gone into hiding too,” Paige conceded when I’d completed my sordid tale. “But, I’m sorry; you can’t walk away from this whole apocalypse freak show. I need you, remember?” I confirmed I did. “Good. Listen, how about you and I be each other’s date to the convention? Tristan’s going to be so busy; he’s not going to have time for me. Which means Wesley won’t be able to readily seek you out either. So we just need to worry about Olivier and he’s so tall he should be easy to spot.”

  Her reasoning made me laugh for the first time since Alexander’s birthday bash. I agreed, which is how I found myself sitting high at the very back of the rafters with Paige next to me. I’d expected a National Presidential Convention to be a little more exciting, but it was actually kind of boring. Maybe it was my mood. But the first couple of days were just rehashes of the electoral colleges announcing which nominee their constituents had voted for. Anyone watching the news at all already had that information. By this time, the race was no longer close. Alexander had won the nomination for his party but his speech wasn’t until Thursday.

  Thursday arrived and Paige and I had successfully avoided all members of the campaign and Olivier. I’d run into Regina and Alexander purely by accident on Tuesday and offered him my congratulations. Alexander insisted I attend the celebration ball that immediately followed his speech, not accepting no for an answer. Since I was basically homeless, I’d had to go shopping on Wednesday.

  Paige had a room with Tristan at the Wyndham River
front Hotel along with most of the other campaign staff. Since the week had been long, they’d been staying there. Graciously, they let me get ready for the celebration in their room after Alexander’s speech. I couldn’t help but be proud of Wesley as I’d listened to Alexander. I knew exactly which pieces Wesley had written or insisted on. I also knew exactly which ones didn’t sound like him at all. Compared to the others Alexander had won the nomination with, this speech was pretty tame and not nearly as divisive. Although, there were some disturbing hints of ideas for gun control, capital punishment, government spending, and unemployment.

  Tristan had gotten ready with another campaign buddy, leaving the room to Paige and me. When he came to collect us, his jaw dropped. “I am absolutely the luckiest man in the world tonight to be able to escort you two beautiful ladies.” The compliment was sweet but I was pleased that while Tristan had said it to both of us, he only meant it for her. Paige blushed at his words. But she was stunning. We’d slicked her hair back into a low bun. She was wearing a violet, one shouldered, gown with a scalloped overlaid skirt. I’d curled my hair and left it down. The gown I’d purchased was a white, v-neckline dress that dipped to the bottom of my breastbone with a matching cut in the back. It had a fitted waist with tucked peplums on each side, making me appear a little curvier than I was.

  The party was already in full swing when we got there. They hung out with me but after thirty minutes of being the third wheel I insisted they abandon me and go have a good time together. Tristan deserved to celebrate with the woman he loved. Paige and he had done what Wesley and I couldn’t, they’d made it work.

  Tired of sitting at the table alone, I got up and started wandering the room. I figured now would be the time Wesley and Olivier would attempt to find me, so it was surprising I’d still been able to dodge them. Tristan had already confirmed that Olivier was on the guest list per Alexander’s request. I was so caught in my own observations that I ran into a woman in a green dress. My wine sloshed over the rim of my glass and I spilled a little on her dress. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry,” I said in all sincerity.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she responded. “Things get spilled on dresses all the time at these things.” Her smile was warm but her green eyes weren’t. Her voice was also deeper than I expected for a woman. Her hair was brown like mine and we were about the same height. She had a long, pointy nose but it fit her long face. Her cheek bones were high, as were her brows. She was very thin with pale skin, like never saw the sun pale. Her bony hand cupped my face. “You have the most stunning eyes,” she observed.

  Put off by her familiarity, I tried to graciously accept her compliment while swatting her hand away. For the briefest of seconds our eyes met and there were flames in hers. Holy crap! It’s like the deadbolts to every vault in my mind snapped open. I knew her! And not just from the campaign. This was my dormmate in college who’d talked me into no longer seeing Henry, er Olivier. Son of a bitch! Was everyone from my present going to turn into someone from my past? Not wanting her to see the pieces fall into place, I peered over my shoulder at the masses. “Looks like everyone is having a really good time,” I observed. “If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go find my friends.”

  Her hand encircled my wrist and I could feel the strength in her grip as it burned my skin. Damn exiles and their fire and superhuman strength! I knew if she captured my gaze, every detail I’d just catalogued would disappear into the ether. She’d done it at every event with a word. I don’t know if I knew because I’d finally been able to place her from my past or because Olivier had told me how it worked when he did it to me. But it didn’t matter; I had to keep my eyes away from hers.

  “There you are, carissime,” Olivier’s voice rose above the noise. “I’ve been looking for you.” Glancing over my shoulder towards the sound of his voice, I saw his hand poised on her wrist the same way hers was poised on mine. I’d never been happier to see anyone in my life. “Madam, do you mind releasing my date?” he asked our exile.

  I watched curiously as she locked eyes with Olivier. They flared and his did so in response before they faded to a blank stare, like whatever knowledge had been behind them was wiped away. She must have expected him to release his hold on her and she pinched her plump lips uneasily when he didn’t. Shrugging, she whispered something in his ear and let go of my arm. The minute I was free, so was she.

  Olivier blinked, then shivered before turning the full force of his hungry gaze on me. We had not so much as spoken in a week and every apology, explanation, and plea was about to burst through his lips. There was no time for that now. I dragged him to the middle of the dance floor and folded myself into his arms. But I couldn’t relax into them. I scanned the room searching for Paige. I needed a sketch artist.

  Olivier’s lips found my ear. “Charlotte, what is this dance meant to cover up? What’s happened?”

  I reminded myself that our lives depended on everyone still believing I was one hundred percent enamored with Olivier and pressed my body against his as I whispered in his ear. “That was Banks. That was your exile mole and I know exactly what she looks like.”

  He repressed the urge to straighten up but his arm constricted around me protectively. “Are you sure?” he asked stunned. “How can you be sure?”

  “What can you tell me about the woman who was restraining me when you walked up?” I challenged him. I’d bet my life nothing.

  “That she wasn’t remarkable,” he answered, confirming my suspicions. “I only had eyes for you, no surprise there.” So exiles had to speak to us to take our memories but her eyes had just flamed to take Olivier’s.

  I shook my head. “You think it’s no surprise that you wouldn’t document every detail of anyone who laid a hand on me without my consent. My body language alone told you I was uneasy.” I took half a step away from him to show him my wrist. There was a light burn in the shape of her hand around it.

  His eyes grew wide at seeing the evidence in my skin before coming to meet mine. “I would!” he admitted. “Damn Charlotte, you have every detail? How?” I explained to him what happened and asked him to help me find Paige. When I was done, he took a moment to gather his thoughts. Hearing that Banks had interfered with the order she’d given Olivier when we were in college made him furious. I asked him why. “Because when you stopped calling, I had no idea why. She tried to have the exiles burn me then but no one thought it’d been my fault that a college girl had changed her mind. Since you dated some jerk instead of Breaux, my death sentence was pardoned. The bitch set me up and I bet she’s doing it again now!” The fire erupted in his eyes. “Look we need to get you out of here. I know you’ve left me, but the only place that’s safe for you right now is my room. Let me take you there and then I’ll come back and collect Paige.”

  Guilt washed over me because I hadn’t left him. I just didn’t know what to do at the moment and I needed time to think. But for some reason when I tried to tell him that the words wouldn’t come. Olivier maneuvered us out from among the swarm and escorted me back to the Wyndham Riverfront. As we rode the elevator to his floor we were leaning against opposing walls. “You look lovely, you know,” softly spilled from his lips. “I don’t think you’ve ever been more beautiful.”

  My heart thawed at his words but didn’t melt. His eyes held reined in desire. “Thank you, Olivier. Oh, and thank you for again rescuing me tonight.”

  Chuckling, he flexed his fingers before intertwining them to put behind his neck. “I will always been there when you need me, Charlotte,” he promised me, yet again. “Though I am impressed that not only did you hide from me for over a week, but you also survived it.”

  I laughed at his jest. I’d missed his company, all their company actually. But even though we were casually bantering back and forth, there was a tension in the air. When the doors opened on his floor, Olivier allowed me to exit first. Taking my hand, he led me to his room while fishing the key card out of his wallet.

  As he opened the d
oor, the Latin rolled of his tongue and I was suddenly nervous about whom he was keeping our conversation private from. “Nolite expavescere. Recte de manipulation mentis. Id possetne fieri. Feceruntque sibi. Ego indicavit ei omnia. Et juravi tibi non mendacii, non occulta. Hoc mihi visum est. Lorem quia elegit me ames, non quod decepit te. Te amo, carissime.” Don’t be alarmed. You were right about mind manipulation. It can be done. They did it to him. I told him everything. I swore to you no more lies, no more secrets. This is me seeing it through. I want your love because you chose me, not because I tricked you. I love you, my dear

  “Charlotte?” I turned towards his hesitant voice which emanated from deep within the room.


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  About The Author

  P.M. Briede is the author of the Charlotte Grace Series. She began her writing career as a self-published author after being a longtime fan of other authors she learned were self-published.

  P.M. Briede is originally from Little Rock, Arkansas but did attend college at Louisiana State University spending five years in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. She currently resides in Boise, Idaho with her husband and two sons, where she is at work on her next book.

  If you are interested in receiving emails when she releases new books, please sign up for her email distribution list by emailing her at: Also friend on Facebook at


  To old friends (Lesli, Tara, and Becca) and new (Hunter, Jeff, and Lisa) thank you so much for your insight, honesty, and support.


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