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Step Scandal - Part 2

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by St. James, Rossi



  Part 2




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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or, if an actual place, are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.


  This one’s for my readers! Love you ALL! ;)




  Biker Stepbrother 1

  Biker Stepbrother 2

  Biker Stepbrother 3

  CRAVED (By the Alpha Billionaire #1

  CLAIMED (By the Alpha Billionaire #2)

  CHERISHED (By the Alpha Billionaire #3)

  Step Scandal – Part 1

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  At the ripe, young age of just twenty-four, Harper Bliss is officially an aging pop star. Her label has just dropped her and she can’t book an acting gig to save her life. On top of it all, her mother and stepfather, who happen to be Hollywood royalty, are going through a bitter divorce battle and have little time to help her revive her career.

  Harper needs a scandal. A salacious, jaw-dropping, attention-grabbing scandal that will reignite her career faster than you can say publicity stunt.

  So that’s when she calls in a favor from her estranged stepbrother, Xavier Fox. Though they never really got along growing up, Xavier agrees to help. Guarded and temperamental, he has his reasons.

  The plan? A fake relationship. Three months. Kissing on camera only. No tongue. No sex. All for show. What could possibly go wrong?

  But when Xavier has a confession to make, about that hot summer night six years ago, everything changes.

  AUTHOR'S NOTE - Part 2 of 3 in a new mini serial. Contains a cliffhanger and adult content. Approximately 40+ pages.










  It was working. Elijah’s grand, master plan was in full effect. And I hadn’t spoken to Xavier in a week. Not since he took me home the morning after we went to the club. I’d traced my lips a thousand times that week, as if the impression of his mouth on mine had been burned into them.

  The kisses weren’t supposed to be real, yet he slipped me some tongue. He wasn’t supposed to care about me, yet he pulled me away from Hayden McDaniel the way a firefighter might rescue a baby from a burning building. He wasn’t supposed to give two shits about me, but for some reason, he did.

  I slipped the slinky black dress up my hips and tugged it over my breasts, zipping up the back before smoothing out any creases. My hair and makeup team had just left, and my blonde hair was teased high with huge waves that bounced with each step. My cat eye and red lip finished the rest of the look.

  “You look like you just stepped out of a James Bond movie,” Elijah mused. “But I like it.”

  “Thanks.” I stared into my reflection once more. The nervous excitement coursing through my veins had nothing to do with the event I was about to attend and everything to do with seeing Xavier for the first time in a week.

  The doorbell rang and Elijah flitted up and out of my room, returning a minute later and throwing himself onto my bed. “Limo’s here. And so is your date. And I use that term loosely…”

  Smacking my lips together to evenly distribute the red lipstick one last time, I turned to leave, only to be faced with a tall, dark, and ridiculously handsome Xavier standing in my bedroom doorway. It was the first time I’d ever seen him in a tuxedo before, and his black hair was freshly cut and styled.

  “I feel like I should have a fuckin’ corsage or some shit.” He slipped a hand in his pocket.

  “You look good.” At least he didn’t have a giant stick lodged up his ass that day. We might actually have a good time together.

  “Nah,” he said, stepping toward me. He slipped his fingers through a blonde wave that hung over my shoulder. “You look better.”

  We hopped into the back of the limo a few minutes later and headed to Beverly Hills, to some movie premier my publicist, Jenny Johanson, had arranged for us to attend. We needed red carpet photos and all the additional publicity we could get. Jenny wasn’t initially thrilled about what I’d done without consulting her, but she was willing to work with it. Besides, the damage had already been done, and in Hollywood, there was no such thing as bad publicity.


  “Harper! Harper!” they called my name as we stood on the red carpet, his arm slinked around my hips. We tilted our heads just perfectly to the side and angled our bodies. We were pros at this, especially me. It was like riding a bicycle. Just like old times. My body buzzed with contentment with each flash of a camera bulb that blinded me.

  “Hurry on, hurry on,” my publicist said, ushering us to the next set of photographers.

  “Harper! Is it true you’re dating your stepbrother?” one photographer yelled.

  Xavier and I turned toward each other and laughed, our noses practically eskimo-kissing in the process.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” I scoffed with a smile. “We’re not like that at all. We’re just very…close.”

  “But what does that mean? There are pictures of you two kissing!” the photographer yelled back.

  Xavier raised a finger to his temple and scratched as his brows met in the middle. “Those photos were doctored.”

  “But we have eye witnesses!” another cameraman yelled. “People saw you two kissing and grinding in the club!”

  Media outlets, celebrity bloggers, and gossip magazines had been dying to get a quote from us all week. My publicist suggested we remained tight-lipped if we wanted to generate even more buzz, so that’s what we did. Deny, ignore, and innocently provoke. That was our strategy.

  “Wrap it up, wrap it up,” Jenny said, ushering us inside the building.

  Xavier slid his hand down my arm until he found my hand, where he quickly interlaced his fingers into mine and gave it a squeeze. We found our assigned seating and enjoyed the movie. On any other planet, we were just having a nice night out. But that night, it felt like a real date. It looked like a real date. For all intents and purposes it was a real date.

  Our secret, our dirty little secret, had a kind of genuineness I couldn’t ignore.

  “Harper, didn’t expect to see you here.” I turned around in my seat to see Hayden McDaniel. Up until lately, I hadn’t seen him in years, and now all of a sudden it was twice in one week.

  “Hayden.” I pursed my lips, and I could see Xavier fidgeting out of the corner of my eyes. He hated Hayden.

  “Mind if I steal you away for a second?” Hayden asked, eying a very agitated Xavier.

  I turned to Xavier. “It’ll just be a second.”

  “Yeah, actually I do mind. She’s here with me tonight,” Xavier leered. He squeezed my hand tighter. “Get lost, man.”

en threw me a look, and it took everything I had not to laugh at the complete absurdity of the situation.

  “I just want to apologize.” Hayden said, clearing his throat and looking around the room as if he were embarrassed to admit he owed me an apology.

  My eyes pleaded with Xavier to let me go, but he stood firm in his stance and gave me a tight head shake ‘no’.

  “You guys are fucked up. I don’t know what the fuck’s going on, but it’s some fucked up shit,” Hayden scoffed before stomping off. I watched from my seat as Hayden took off in his $1,500 suit and immediately found a pretty girl to saddle up to as his face morphed into that of a handsome actor. He could turn his charm off and on like a faucet.

  “You’re better off.” Xavier released my hand. “You’ll thank me someday.”

  “I don’t know why you care.” I crossed my arms, keeping an eye on Hayden from afar. I’d never tell Xavier, but I really wanted to know what Hayden had to say and if he were genuinely sorry for what he’d done to hurt me. I’d needed that closure for years. I needed to hear him apologize. And now I never would.

  “It doesn’t matter why I care,” he said. “Just know that I fucking care.”

  I stood up.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I need to use the ladies’ room,” I lied. Waiting until he turned back around, I left and made a bee line for Hayden, whispering in his ear to follow me to the restroom area.

  We found a private hallway just past the restrooms. It was dark and dimly lit, but we could be alone. We could talk in peace.

  “What did you want to say?” I asked, peering up at him through dark lashes. I bit my lip and stifled a smile as he looked at me the way he did once upon a time – back when we were young, dumb, and in love. I’d give anything to feel those butterflies one more time, just not with him.

  “I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry,” Hayden said, slicking a hand over the side of his head. “And that I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately.”

  His words were magic. They had healing properties, of that I was certain. It was almost as if his apology melted a layer of the ice that had formed around my heart over the last two years.

  “Thanks,” I said. I had no intention of getting back with him, but it was good to hear those words. “I’ve been waiting a long time to hear you say you were sorry. You really did a number on me.”

  He stepped in closer to me, pressing his hand against the wall behind me. Our lips were just inches apart. This was going entirely in the wrong direction. All I wanted was my damn apology. This wasn’t an invitation to get back together.

  “What the fuck is going on with you and your stepbrother,” Hayden asked. “I’m seeing these articles and pictures all over.”

  I laughed. “It’s nothing. I swear. You know how the tabloids are. It’s all lies.”

  His eyes flashed with an amused curiosity. “But you guys were kissing, right? That night at the club? That was real.”

  “None of it’s real,” I said, crossing my hand across my heart. I opened my mouth to explain what was going on, only before that could happen, Hayden was ripped away from me by a higher power.

  “God damn, man! What the fuck!” Hayden practically screeched. Standing behind him was a seething, snarling Xavier. His shoulders tense and tight and his nostrils flaring, he stepped in and stood between us.

  “Xavier,” I said, shooting him a look that begged him to cool it. “It’s not what it looks like.”

  “So you two are together?” Hayden snickered. “I fucking knew it.”

  “What we are is none of your business,” Xavier rushed up to Hayden, towering over him. Hayden was one of those actors who were on the short side but looked taller on camera thanks to lifts and other special effects. I almost felt sorry for him, the way he was trying to subdue his shaking and shivering. Xavier was an unfair match for him. It was like a mouse going up against a lion.

  I spotted Xavier’s hand knotting up into a ball and inching back slowly, as if he were three seconds from clocking Hayden. I lunged forward and grabbed his elbow, stopping it before he had a chance to go flying toward the work of art that was Hayden McDaniel’s face.

  “This is ridiculous,” I scolded them. “Both of you. I don’t belong to either of you, and if I want to have a word with either of you, it’s my choice. I’m not a child. You can’t control what I do or what I feel or who I want to talk to.”

  My hand gripped my pearl encrusted clutch as I headed toward valet and waited for my driver to come get me.

  “Harper.” I turned around to see Xavier had run after me.

  “Go away,” I mumbled, though I was certain he couldn’t hear me above the ruckus of other celebrities waiting for their rides. It was social hour at the pick up lane.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  I stood on my toes, peering over the throngs of finely dressed men and woman and spotting our limo. I practically ran to it, paying no mind to the dark haired man chasing after me.


  “Harper, I’m sorry,” I apologized again. “I thought I was protecting you.”

  The limo driver held the door open and she crawled in, grabbing bunches and handfuls of her black dress as she climbed over the threshold. She still wouldn’t speak to me.

  “All I wanted was to hear Hayden apologize,” she broke her silence. “It wasn’t like I was running back into his arms.”

  “But you snuck off to do it. You have to understand that looks bad.”

  “I snuck off because I had to. You’re this, like, possessive animal.” She glanced out the window, refusing to look at me. “I don’t know what’s come over you, but suddenly it’s like you think you need to control everything I do.”

  “You’re mine,” I said unapologetically. “For the next three months, you’re mine. That means I give a shit about you and what you do. And it means I get to call the shots. If you want this to work, if you want this to look real, if you want to get your little career back on track, you have to trust me. I know what I’m doing.”

  She spun around to face me, her hair flying and falling as her full, cherry lips parted to speak, but I silenced them with a kiss. Claiming her mouth in the backseat of the limo as we headed out of Beverly Hills, I pulled her on top of me.

  “What are you doing?” She peeled herself off my mouth to protest, but my hands grabbed a handful of her silky blonde hair and pulled her lips back to mine. The way she kissed me back told me she had no objections to what was about to go down. Her words may have been asking questions, but her body was not.

  I pulled the hem of her dress up until it was up around her waist, exposing a tiny black lace thong. I pulled the fabric aside and slipped a finger into her pussy. Wet and tight, just like the first time.

  “Xavier,” she moaned, her words barely an audible whisper on her full lips as she let her head fall backwards. I slipped a second finger inside her as my dick grew several sizes, constrained against my pants.

  “This is mine,” I said as she reached up and grabbed the handle on the roof of the limo to steady herself. Her hips wriggled and bucked against my fingers. After several miles, I could tell she was getting close, so I pulled my fingers from the tight grip of her pussy and pushed her off my lap.

  “What are you doing?!”

  Without saying a word, I hiked her dress up again and climbed on the floor between her legs. My hands spreading her thighs, I stuck my tongue between her swollen lips and tasted her arousal. Sweet and musky. Exotic. Delicious. I sucked on her clit as she gripped a handful of my hair between her fingers and sighed with each flick and circle of my tongue against her nub.

  I craved her. I’d craved her since that night six years ago, and I craved her even more now. Something about Harper made my urges primal and instinctual. No other woman had done that to me before. I had to protect her. I had to own her body. She was all woman, and she was the only woman I needed.

  “I want you inside me,” she whispered. “F
uck me, Xavier.”

  My dick throbbed with the mention of request, fully engorged in my pants. I pulled a condom from my wallet and unzipped my pants, sheathing my cock as the car bounced across bumps in the road.

  “Hurry, please. I need it,” she pleaded.

  I placed the tip of my cock at her wet and waiting entrance and pressed myself into her slowly. I was fucking my fucking stepsister. I should’ve been disgusted with myself, but she was begging for it, and I wanted it. That was the only thing that mattered in that moment.

  We already had our secrets. What was one more?

  A soft sigh left her pretty mouth as her hands tugged my hair some more. “Oh, god, that feels good…”

  She circled her hips as I thrusted inside her. Though the rough carpet of the limo floor burned my knees, I pushed through it.

  “Do you know how good you fucking feel right now?” I groaned.

  “This is so wrong,” she said as her hands flew to her face, yet her hips kept circling and meeting me thrust for thrust. “But it feels so right.”

  I wished we were anywhere but the limo. I wanted her naked. I wanted to touch her bouncing tits and suck on her pink nipples until they turned raw. I wanted her soft skin rubbing against every inch of mine. I wanted to sink my fingers into her tight little ass.

  Instead I had to settle with fucking her tight pussy in the back of a bumpy limo. Beggars couldn’t be choosers, I supposed.

  Thrust after thrust, I filled her up with my indestructible hard on. The limo driver probably heard all noise we were making, but I didn’t give a fuck. This was L.A. he’d probably seen and heard it all.

  “You’re so goddamn tight,” I heaved. “I could stay in this all day long.”

  “Keep fucking me,” she begged. “Don’t stop. Keep going.”

  My thrusts grew harder and faster and more intense as I dominated her tight pussy.


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