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Mind Games - A Bad Boy Romance With A Twist

Page 56

by Gabi Moore

  “What are you going to do to me?” she asked.

  And sweet fuck did she look like the most beautiful thing I’d ever laid my eyes on. At that moment, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to completely annihilate her or wrap her in a little bundle and protect her forever.

  “Me? I’m not going to do anything to you, my dear,” I said, and smiled sweetly at her. Her little eyebrows quivered.

  “But I’m not so sure about everyone else here…” I said, and leaned in for another kiss. Her lips were tentative and quivering, and when I pulled back again they remained wet and parted, lingering where I’d left them.

  “Be a good whore for me and spread your legs. There are a lot of men here tonight…” I said, and then straightened, standing tall over her. I saw her swallow again. Saw the fear and excitement racing in her eyes. I had to breath deep to calm my own excitement.

  I stepped away from the frame and out towards the crowd, which had since grown a little larger. People had clumped themselves throughout this dungeon, but by far my little whore-wife Natasha and her flimsy panties were garnering the most attention.

  “Everyone, this is my wife Natasha. Her body is yours for the evening, and nothing, I repeat nothing is off limits. I hand her over to you. Do as you will with her.”

  And stepped away from the frame.

  Chapter 16 - Natasha

  I guess that sometimes, you only know what you want when it’s forced on you.

  A million things raced through my mind. Was I an idiot for agreeing to any of this? When was my real punishment going to occur? Or had this been the punishment all along, to sit and wait and dread the moment when I would finally get what I deserved? But what did I deserve? To have the humiliation of knowing that no matter how much he dominated me, I still wanted it all, and accepted it gladly?

  And I thought about where the exits were in this place, and tried to remember the series of doors and corridors I had gone through to get here, and kicked myself for having so much champagne and muddying my thoughts. And I thought about the twisted, red, awful looking women I had seen only in pixels, but which now lived in my mind more vividly than anything, something terrifying because it might happen to me, and scary because, maybe, it wasn’t so bad that maybe I wanted it to.

  And I looked at all the other beautiful women around me, and the good looking men and the way they stood arrogantly regarding everything in this wicked room, and I thought about how much this all must have cost, and how much the waiters were paid.

  But as I pulled against the restraints and wriggled my exposed crotch to try and minimize just how much was on display, I quickly realized something: none of my thoughts mattered. Not one bit. After all, what could I do now? There was no getting out of these restraints. And if what was going to happen was going to happen no matter what, what would be the use of fighting?

  I felt my own limbs go soft and loose inside the leather bands round my arms and legs, and as I did, my body opened up and made way for something else that had been waiting: pleasure. Sometimes, you only know what you want when it’s forced on you.

  The chaotic thoughts dribbled away out of consciousness and soon all I could focus on was the sensation of being bound. Helpless. At the mercy of others’ will. Without wondering what I wanted and how I should get it, my mind emptied and allowed the flooding in of a new, dark surrender. His will. His desire for me. Todd took care of everything, and all that was left for me was to float back into some dark place in my mind, and forget, and feel.

  And though nothing had touched me yet but the cool surface of the leather, my skin was already alive with the thrill of just feeling. As though each tiny little cell of my body was popping, each swelling in a little orgasm of its own, exploding, one microscopic suicide after another. I squeezed my eyes shut and zoomed in on the sensation of the air on my bare legs. Of the beauty of being vulnerable. I could dance on this knife edge for as long as I liked, and no matter how far I fell, Todd would be there, to catch me. To envelope me.

  His voice was dry and controlled and rough: “Everyone, this is my wife Natasha. Her body is yours for the evening, and nothing, I repeat nothing is off limits. I hand her over to you. Do as you will with her.”

  Big, loose shudders went through me. Nothing off limits? Nothing at all? A spark of fear was embraced and melted into excitement. Let them. Let them do exactly what they wanted with me.

  I lifted my head to see two men approaching, men I hadn’t seen before. One was shirtless, muscled and well built, with a web of complicated tattoos on his shoulders and pecs. The other still had on his tailored white shirt, but the sleeves were rolled up to reveal toned, veined forearms and strong hands. I gulped and let my head fall back down again. Did it matter who exactly came for me? I would fuck every person in this room, if Todd wanted it.

  Two pairs of warm, manly hands stroked my inner thighs. I moaned. Eyes closed, they were all the same hand, all the hands of one multi-armed, blue-skinned God. All Todd’s hands. They stroked teasing circles around my tightening pussy, then the puffy folds were pried aside to allow their fingers to sink into me there, almost frictionless from how wet I already was.

  “Fuck, she’s so wet,” said a voice.

  “God yes. Look at that little pussy,” said another.

  They were the voice of everyone and no one. Men’s voices. And behind them all, Todd’s voice.

  “You like that?” cooed a third, dirty sounding voice. “You fucking like that, you little slut?”

  Maybe I moaned, maybe I didn’t.

  A finger entered me, and then another. My hungry body stretched and swallowed them, the electric ache inside me spreading deeper in. A tongue was at my clit. All along the length of both of my legs, I felt hands. More hands than I could count, all touching me, caressing me, pulling me open so I could take more. Hands were on my feet. At my waist. I was surrounded.

  Soon, I lost the ability to distinguish the sensations hitting my body. I only knew that I was hot, and that easy waves of full, delicious pleasure were beginning to peak and roll inside me. Instinctively, my hips rose and fell off the leather of the swing, and I pulsed and lifted my body in time with the waves that pulsed through me. The hands and fingers and tongues followed, stroking me to a slow, gorgeous frenzy.

  Hot breath close to my face made me open my eyes. The broad, strong face of a man was before me, smiling darkly, his lips parted as though he was about to eat me. Somewhere off to the distance, the sound of primal electronic music blurred the edges of moans and cries from others in here with me. But those women were a universe away from me now. All that I could feel now was my own aching clit and the almost painful throbs of pleasure beaming out from it.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous,” he said, eyeing me intently. “You like this?”

  I smiled at him and shut my eyes again, and felt his lips fall onto my collarbone and neck as he kissed me, groaning with approval.

  “All these men are going to fuck you,” he said. “Every single one of them. Do you think your dirty little cunt can take all of that?” he said, and I lifted my hips again, groaning against the weight of him against me.

  They would gang up on me and fuck me till …till what? Till I came? Till I passed out? Till I told them to? No, they would fuck me until they were done with me, and I would lay there and be their little slut until each and every one of them was satisfied.

  He kissed his way down my flanks and landed again at my clit, where the other two were still finger fucking me. In my restraints, I managed to lean down into it further, and they muttered and laughed at this together.

  “Good little whore,” said a voice.

  In went another finger, and maybe another – I was so hot and swollen it could have been anything, all I knew is that it felt good, and I wanted more. Shivering waves of pleasure jolted through me as their masculine fingers buried their way deep inside, right into the warm, liquid parts of me.

  “I’m going to come…” I mumbled, to nobody in particular

  Someone slapped my ass, hard. The sting made my eyes shoot open and I saw them all at once, standing frozen around me and smirking mischievously at my helpless body.

  “Don’t you dare come yet, bitch,” said one. They were mean. They were bad boys. They were the schoolyard bullies, the group of rough older brothers who wouldn’t play nice. I fucking loved it.

  My hips quivered as I focused hard to catch the tail end of my orgasm, then I breathed deeply and relaxed again, staring at them submissively.

  “There’s a good girl. Don’t you fucking go anywhere …we’re just getting started.”

  For a moment I saw myself suspended there, a lone female figure, naked and with the most vulnerable, pink folds of my body well-exposed. My well-worn pussy was as hungry as ever. A man in the group yanked a belt from his trouser loops and tossed it aside, then unzipped and dropped everything to the floor, revealing a short, fat cock that was angry-red and pointing right at me.

  A sick little thrill ran through me. He didn’t speak a word, didn’t look at me, just calmly pushed the others aside and positioned himself in front of me, dick poised and touching slightly on my bald little mound.

  “Well well well, Carl is going to break you in baby, sucks to be you,” laughed a guy to my left, and I had to admit I thought the same. Him? With that monstrous cock?

  Even though I was already spread to the max, he still roughly shoved my thighs out of the way and banged his hips into mine, stroking the thick shaft against my swollen clit. Dipping his head into the pool of wetness there, he pulled it out again, and a thread of moisture clung to the tip. He guided himself slowly inside and all at once my body stung and stretched around him. He pressed further in, every inch of him another exquisite inch opened inside me and sparked and twitched around his heft.

  By the time the full length of it had disappeared into me, and I could feel the bulb of the head pressing me open deep inside, small cheers came from the crowd. He pulled back and pumped into me again, hard, grunting as he did, and soon he was pounding into me like an animal.

  It was brutal, depraved fucking. The kind of fucking strangers do. He reached down and clutched my thighs, and the muscles there ached under his grasp, but I didn’t care. The smooth, thick, gooey sensations he was stroking into my belly were so perfect I didn’t dare care what else happened to me then.

  I had died and gone to hell, and a demon was ravishing me now, and I didn’t care for what happened to my mortal soul so as long as never stopped that heavy, glorious fucking. I was soon close to coming again, this time I was more excited than ever, and I could actually feel something twitch and quiver in me as I held on for dear life.

  “Did I say you could fucking come?” said the brute on top of me. I squealed out loud and they all laughed at my distress.

  “Wait…” he said, voice deep and nasty.

  “Just wait…” and he slid the full length in and pressed even deeper, deeper in than I thought possible, finding some hidden pocket inside me that expanded gratefully all around his brutal dick, and he leaned forward, grasped my shoulders and pulled my body down onto his even further, and he went in deeper still, so deep it fucking hurt, and then in that same gruff, mean voice he said, “Come now, bitch. I want to feel you come” and no sooner had the last syllable escaped his lips had I exploded all around him, my body jerking violently, pinned on the four corners and stabbed right in the middle by his great, merciless cock.

  I cried out and bucked out of the sling, nearly giving myself whiplash, and he held me down, with the weight of his cock alone, his meaty tool, and I had no choice but to convulse and ripple around it, my body already stretched to the limit.

  “Oh fuck…” I cried out from somewhere inside my throat, and a hand instantly went to my throat and clutched my chin tightly.

  “What’s that? That’s some fucking dirty language for such a nice young lady” said a voice off to my side.

  “I said oh fuck!” I whimpered through clenched teeth as the orgasm kept beating through me, relentless. The same hand slapped my face hard and I gasped and drew back. It hurt. But it didn’t. The stinging only merged in with the torrent of other sensations pumping through my overwhelmed body, and became one with it, and I opened up and accepted it all.

  When the fat cock wedged in me pulled out, it was as though a great suction was released and my body felt momentarily empty without it. I felt how much he had truly opened me, and how much more naked I felt now. Thin filaments of pain washed all through me, but they blended together to form a fabric of unspeakable pleasure, one that wrapped me from head to toe.

  “This little bitch fucking loves it, just look at her. Well, honey, that was just the warm up. I hope you’re ready for more,” said another voice off to the side. I smiled and shut my eyes, bracing internally for more.

  “Do your worst,” I muttered, and the groans from the group told me that my challenge was more than accepted. The large man between my legs moved aside and made way for another man. I was positioned purely for their pleasure, strung up at hip height like a piece of meat, open and free to use for whoever wanted me, and looking out into the sea of hard bodies and tense biceps and yes, cocks, I felt a flutter of delicious panic.

  I gathered myself and turned my head to find Todd. He had orchestrated all of this. He had known, long before I did, that this is what I wanted, and more than that, needed, and in a sense he was there all along, in every squeeze and pinch and lick. But I wanted to see his face. I wanted to look deep into it, while I was getting fucked, and to feel his look of approval all over my slutty, ruined body. Did he see me? Did he see what he had done to me?


  “I’m here, Natty,” he said, instantly. His voice was a lighthouse beam in a sea of chaos. All around it, everything thrummed and pulsed, but his voice was clean, bright and solid. It calmed me instantly. He was positioned behind me, kneeling probably, and now rose up a little to caress my neck and whisper into my ear, a secret between us both. He snaked soothing arms up and down mine, but I still couldn’t see his handsome face. Just hear him.

  “Todd are you there?” I asked. I was penetrated again. I could hear the smile on his voice as he said, “Yes. I’m here. Always.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut and felt a new dick shove its way into me, my still twitching pussy melting warm around it with no resistance. Almost immediately, I felt myself stir up to the edge of another orgasm. It was incredible.

  “Oh god, I’m going to come again,” I mumbled, and the group chuckled at my surprise. The man now between my legs had only managed a few spirited thrusts and when he felt my body pucker up and clench into a new orgasm, he smiled and fucked harder, in a race to catch me before I crumbled into a hot heap all over again.

  I came while he was still pumping away viciously, and with each stab he stroked long and deep and pulled the edges of my orgasm, lengthening it into one slow, sticky mess.

  “Do you like that?” I heard Todd’s voice say. I could barely speak.

  “Tell me. Tell me what you feel” he said, his voice urgent and secret in my ear.

  “I feel …Oh God Todd it’s too much. It’s so deep…” I managed to blurt out, just at the moment I realized a third man was now preparing to fuck me, positioning his rod in front of my exhausted pussy and gearing up to take his turn.

  “It’s deep? It’s really deep in you?” came his voice.

  “Mmmm,” was all I could say.

  “You like it that deep?”

  “Oh god yes!”

  “Good. That’s good. Tell me everything you feel…”

  “It feels so good Todd…” I whimpered, “it’s so, so good…”

  He kissed me tenderly on the neck. Dainty, fairy-light kisses on my electrified skin.

  I was getting fucked again. Hard. I was warm and loose and completely opened, and the men had no more finesse in their movements. What was left was only pure, raw, animal fucking, and they took full advantage of the fact that I wasn�
�t going anywhere. Every cock that punctured my little body opened me further, hollowing out my thankful body and leaving me a wet, sweaty, pleasure addled mess. I felt myself sticking to the leather seat. I didn’t care. Another man took his turn. Then another.

  Some of them came inside me, and I felt the hot, gooey strings of their cum dribble out of me, over the swell of my ass cheeks and straight to the floor. All my bodily resistance melted away and the more they fucked, the more I melted and became their plaything. And then another would take a turn with me. And another. I moaned and thrashed my head from side to side.

  “I fucking love seeing you like this,” Todd said. He voice was my home. A blanket to cover me, even though I was almost entirely naked, and realized for the first time that my dress had been ripped off me somehow, and my g-string was nothing more than a twisted, stretched out piece of string torn in half and hanging on by a thread round my middle. When did that happen?

  The rest of the night melted away into a hot, wet blur. I can’t say the point at which I lost myself completely, but it was sometime around my sixth or seventh orgasm that my grip on reality began to loosen and I started to slip and fall, and where I landed was a vast, glorious place where I was in permanent, pulsing orgasm, from the top of my head to the tips of my sweat drenched toes.

  There were two points to anchor against: my burning clit and the sound of Todd’s beautiful, strong voice through the clamor of my own pleasure. I hooked myself against his calm words, shut my eyes and gave into it all, letting the intensity wash through and over me.

  They fucked my ass, too, and opened me up swiftly and thoroughly there, and then I was penetrated over and over again, by a never-ending string of men who never seemed to tire. No sooner had I come, did my body stir up again and start with another orgasm, every one wracking me more deeply than the one before, shaking me loose on deeper and deeper levels, till it felt like my spine itself was climaxing, sending pulses from my clit right to the top of my skull.


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