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Amazed (Tempted Book 3)

Page 13

by Heather Doltrice

  Shaking his head, he laughed. Some help he was.

  “Hey, Grace, I thought us pretty people had to stick together,” West said with a dead serious expression.

  “How did you ever get Maddie to agree to marry you?”

  Seeing a smug look take over his face, he started to point toward his stuff and I knew where the conversation was going.

  “You know what? Never mind, forget I asked,” I said, bringing my hands up to temples and rubbing them.

  West was like a walking headache. He was always the loudest person in the room and he had absolutely no filter.

  “Is that an engagement ring?” Roman said, staring at my ring finger.

  Judging by his face, I could see that he was tense. He didn’t want his brother to throw away his whole potential football career for a shotgun wedding. But what he didn’t know was I didn’t either.

  “It’s a promise ring,” he said, looking at me with love in his eyes, “But someday it’s going to be an engagement ring.”

  “Someday,” I echoed, smiling so much it hurt.

  “Well, in that case I’m happy for both of you,” Roman said and he actually looked happy for us.

  Mostly relieved but happy none the less.

  I couldn’t help but notice that he looked exhausted. He had so much on his plate and I felt bad for him.

  “You okay, Roman?” I asked.

  “Yeah, Kate was up all night. She’s cute but she’s not good,” he said, chuckling.

  “It’s always the pretty ones,” West said, winking, “I should know.”

  “Oh, Lord!” I said, looking at West smile.

  “But I can’t complain. I’m the luckiest man ever,” Roman said with a proud look on his face, “I would do anything for Kate and Emma.”

  Every time he talked about Kate and Emma his face lit up. He loved his girls.

  “Emma has you so whipped,” West said, taking a huge bite out of my sandwich.

  “Dude, you’re like an animal,” Ethan said, putting his sandwich on my plate.

  Always the gentleman.

  “Gracie, doesn’t care,” he said, swinging his arm around my shoulder.

  “Did you really call me whipped?” Roman said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Yep, Maddie couldn’t make me do half of the stuff that Emma makes you and you know it,” he said, scoffing, “I mean she even makes you do the dishes. I’m so not whipped.”

  “She doesn’t make me. I offer, there’s a difference,” Roman said, looking past West.

  “Who are you looking at?” West asked, looking terrified.

  “Your old ball and chain,” Roman said, enjoying it way too much.

  “Angel, I didn’t meant it I’m whipped. I’m so whipped I’m like whipped cream,” he said, trying to save his ass, “You can call me cool whip if you want.”

  “Shut up,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  “Looks like someone is in the doghouse,” I said, nudging him.

  Looking over at, I laughed at his expression. He looked like a little kid that had gotten caught eating a cookie before dinner.

  “Where’s Emma?” Roman asked, looking at the door of the restaurant.

  “She’s parking the car with Holland,” Maddie told him, slapping away West’s hand that was trying to grab hers.

  Sitting down, she scooted her chair away from West.

  Not a second later Emma and Holland walked in. Emma was carrying a sleeping Kate in. Holland took the chair next to Maddie and smiled at everyone.

  “Give me my girl,” Roman said, holding out his arms.

  Handing Kate over, Emma pulled over a chair next to Roman and kissed him sweetly.

  Watching them, I couldn’t help but imagine that being me and Ethan. I wanted to after having a baby still look at him that way. I wanted us to have our own little family.


  Chapter 26

  I don’t know which was hotter, the sun beating down or watching Ethan run around all sweaty at his football practice. Wait, I take that back Ethan dripping in sweat was definitely hotter.

  The cheerleaders were wearing barely there athletic clothing and dancing around trying to get any football players attention. Hell, they would even love to get the sixty year old coaches attention.

  “Go, Ethan!” Abby Daniels cheered, waving her pom-poms all around.

  Sending her death stares, I felt a hand rub my leg. Looking up, I saw my gorgeous boyfriend smiling at me.

  “You’re not a fan of Abby, huh?” he asked, pulling me into his arms.

  “Can’t stand the bitch,” I said bitterly, making a disgusted face.

  “Don’t let her get to you, babe.” He said, kissing the tip of my nose, “Because I don’t see her, I don’t see any of them. I only see you.”

  “If you wasn’t so damn handsome and romantic I would push you away right now because you reek,” I said, dramatically waving my hand in front of my nose.

  “Oh, is that so?” he asked, tickling me.

  Laughing, I nodded my head.

  “Hey, Superstar, let’s get back to practice. We have a championship game to win,” the coach yelled, waving Ethan back on the field, “You kiss that pretty girl of yours later.”

  “I love you,” he said, kissing my quickly and running back to the field.

  “See you tonight,” I called after him.

  Turning around and jogging backward, he looked at me and winked. Gathering my phone and bag up from the bleacher, I saw Abby giving me the same look I was giving her earlier.

  “Hi, Abby!” I called, waving and smiling.

  Rolling her eyes, she turned so her back was facing me. Smiling, I walked toward my car.

  Opening the door of my apartment, I dropped my purse on the floor. I saw Holland sitting on the chair and a dark haired man sitting on the couch. I couldn’t see his face but judging by the look on Holland’s he was an unwelcome guest.

  “He wouldn’t leave, Grace. I told him he couldn’t come in,” she said, looking right at the man’s face.

  Walking until I could see his face, I recognized him immediately.


  Something in his eyes looked foreign like it didn’t belong there. Jealously? Hatred? I couldn’t quite but my finger on it but I knew it wasn’t good.

  “Hey,” I said, sitting down on the arm of Holland’s chair even though there was an empty seat by Talon.

  “Really? Hey? Is that what you have to say to me?” he asked, shaking his head and laughing under his breath, “I think you own me more than that, don’t you?”

  Whoa, where did that come from? I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.

  “I’m not following…,” I said, feeling beyond confused.

  “Your boyfriend was the one that caused me to lose my job, Grace. I thought we had something and then right after our relationship ended you jump right into his arms. I didn’t know you were a whore. I thought you were different,” he said, giving me a look that made me uncomfortable.

  “What relationship, Talon? What are you talking about?” I asked, trying to figure out what was going on in that head of his.

  “You know what relationship, Grace. We were good, weren’t we?”

  Looking at Holland, I saw that she looked as scared as I felt. Talon was always so suave, cool, and collected but not that day. No, he had blood shot eyes and messy hair. The tail of his button up shirt was even untucked.

  Something wasn’t right.

  “Talon, I think you should leave,” I said, trying to seem like he wasn’t intimidating me.

  He looked like he was on the verge of a psychotic break and I had to say it didn’t suit him. Slowly getting up from his seat, he gave a look so cold it sent chills through my body. And let me tell you, it was not in a good way.

  “Make me,” he said with venom dripping from his voice.

  How on earth was I going to make him leave? I needed to call the police. Reaching for my purse, I didn’t see it and t
hen I remembered I dropped it by the door when I came in.


  I couldn’t ask Holland if she had her phone because then he would know what I was thinking. And to be honest I was too afraid of what he would do.

  I needed to get to the phone on the kitchen counter, it was the closest one.

  “Why don’t you sit down and I’ll get you something to drink,” I said, praying my voice didn’t give me away, “Let’s talk about this.”

  He thought about it before answering.

  “Alcohol,” he said, sitting back down.

  Nodding, I swallowed the lump that was sitting in my throat. Walking in the kitchen, I picked up the phone and started to dial 911 when I heard Talon call my name.

  “Grace, what’s taking you so long?” he yelled, the impatience clear in his voice.

  My hands were shaking so much I dropped the phone on the kitchen island.

  “C-coming,” I stuttered, rushing over to the alcohol cabinet and a glass.

  Pouring the liquid, I held the full glass in one hand and used the other attempt once again to call 911. Just as I was about to press call, someone knocked the phone out of my hand causing it to hit the ground and crack.

  “Who were you calling?” he asked, gritting his teeth.

  I flinched at the anger in his voice and started to back away.

  “My mom,” I lied, backing into a wall.

  “I don’t believe you,” he said, placing his hands on wall on both sides of my head.

  He had me trapped and my mind went rampant of all of the ways that night was going to end.

  “I swear.”

  “I bet you were calling you boyfriend to come save the day,” he said, looking all around, “But I don’t see him anywhere.”

  His face was only inches from mine and the stench of the alcohol he had consumed hit me in the face. Pressing his face to my cheek, he slid his down against it. Clenching my eyes shut, I tried to keep the tears in. He didn’t deserve my tears and I wouldn’t give the satisfaction of thinking he affected me. I wouldn’t give him what he so desperately wanted.

  Feeling his hand slip up my shirt, I felt disgusted. I felt dirty. Grabbing my breast, he massaged them. I tried to slip away from him but he wasn’t having it.

  Hearing another male voice, I opened my eyes and was so relieved when I saw Ethan’s face I let out a huge sigh of relief.

  “Don’t you ever touch her again,” he said before punching him square in the face.

  Talon hit the floor and I peeled myself from the wall and ran into my boyfriend’s arms.

  “How did you know to come here? Shouldn’t you still be at practice?” I said, holding on to him and finally feeling safe.

  “Holland called me,” he said, checking me over to see if I was hurt anywhere, “Are you okay?”

  “I am now,” I said, feeling him pull me closer to him as Talon got up and bolted for the door.

  “Yeah, run you little bitch,” Ethan yelled after him, picking me up and carrying me to the couch.

  “I’m going to go to my room and let you two be alone,” Holland said, quickly leaving the room.

  Hearing her door shut, I hoped she was okay. I prayed that Talon didn’t trigger any memories of Trent.

  Sitting me down, he pulled his phone from his pocket. He sat down beside me and started dialing a number.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, laying my head on his shoulder.

  “Calling the police.”

  I knew I should have let him but I didn’t want to have to relive what happened. The police would have a million questions and all I wanted to do was spend time with my boyfriend.

  “Please don’t,” I said, putting my hand on his.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because I don’t want to deal with that. I want to kiss you and cuddle with you, not have to go sit in a cold police station and talk about that creep,” I told him, kissing him on the cheek.

  “Fine, but if that asshole shows up again his ass is going to jail,” he said, rubbing my face, “But I’m only doing this because I love you.”

  “I know, babe,” I told him, looking into his eyes, “I love you too.”

  Everyone needed a love like our but not everyone finds it.

  Lucky me, I did.

  He was my happy place, my safe haven.

  He was home and I was so thankful for him.

  So very thankful.

  Chapter 27

  My hands gripped the bleacher I was sitting on as I watched Ethan play in the championship. Looking over at his mom, I saw pride in her eyes as she watched her baby boy do what he loved. I saw Lucy look at him like he was the greatest thing in the world, like he was a hero. I knew that look because that’s how I looked at him.

  “He’s killing it today,” Roman said, looking at his brother in awe.

  “Yeah, he is,” West said, clapping.

  Hearing Kate let out a cry, I looked over and smiled at her little shirt that read “My Uncle is the best!”

  Ethan sprinted across the field holding the football in his hands like his life depended on it and in a way I guess to him it did. He was so fiercely passionate about football. I loved watching him play because you could feel his love for the game.

  Just as Ethan was about to score the winning touchdown he twisted his leg and hit the ground. Gasps could be heard all around the stadium. My heart dropped to my stomach at the sight of him lying on the ground with his coach, teammates, and the team doctor surrounding him.

  “Get up, Ethan. Please be okay,” I said quietly, clenching my eyes shut.

  I said a silent prayer that when I opened my eyes that he would be standing but that wasn’t the case. He was still on the ground and yelping in pain. Squeezing past everyone, I ran down the steps onto the field.

  “Excuse me, you can’t be down here,” the assistant coach said, trying to block me from getting to Ethan.

  Somehow moving past him, I ran to Ethan and fell onto my knees beside him.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, rubbing his face.

  “I’m in a lot of pain,” he answered, biting down on his lip when the team doctor touched his knee.

  “Okay, we need to move him,” the doctor said, pulling out his phone, “Yeah, we need the stretcher.”

  At that moment I was too nervous to even try to remember his name. Doctor something would have to suffice.

  “A stretcher? Why?” I asked frantically, grabbing his hand.

  “I need to get him to the hospital to see what exactly happened.”

  Two men rolled out a stretcher and helped the doctor get Ethan on it.

  “Can I ride to the hospital with him?” I asked, getting up from the ground.

  “Only one person can ride and I think that needs to be me,” the doctor said, helping the two paramedics roll Ethan away from me.

  Running back to wear everyone was sitting, I saw Lucy and Ava sobbing and Roman trying to comfort them.

  “Their taking him to the hospital. We need to go now,” I said, grabbing my purse and running toward my car.

  Looking over my shoulder, I saw everyone following me. Opening the door, I started to get in until I felt some put their hand on my arm stopping me.

  “What?” I snapped, turning around and seeing Holland.

  “I’ll drive. You have too much on your mind,” she said, letting me know with one look she wasn’t going to leave my side.

  Shit. After that I felt bad.

  “Okay,” I told her, walking around and getting in the car.

  Holland got in and started the car. Pulling out of the parking lot, Holland reached over and grabbed my hand. Feeling her squeeze it, I looked over and smiled.

  “I’m sorry for being rude,” I told her, looking out the window.

  “You weren’t rude, Gracie. You’re worried and that’s completely understandable,” she said, proving that she was literally an angel on earth.

  After what felt like an eternity we finally made it to the hospi
tal. Opening the door before the car even came to a complete stop, I jumped out and bolted for the door. I had to see Ethan. I had to know if he was okay.

  Walking through the automatic door, I walked to the desk and asked if Ethan had arrived.

  “Ethan Charles?” the old lady asked.

  “Yes, that’s him,” I said, trying my best to stay calm.

  “He has arrived but he can’t have any visitors right now. Why don’t you take a seat and I’ll let you know when you can go back.”

  I didn’t want to accept that answer but I knew I had to because if I caused a scene they would escort me out. And I couldn’t have that.

  “Okay, thank you,” I said, walking into the waiting room and sitting down on one of the super uncomfortable chairs.

  Holland walked in the room with everyone. Ava was still crying and Roman was carrying Lucy asleep.

  “Poor thing. Did she cry herself to sleep?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” he whispered, sitting down with his sister in his lap.

  “I’ll go get her a blanket,” West said, disappearing from the waiting room.

  Rubbing my hands against my knees, I tried to stay strong in front of Ava. She didn’t need me making her worse. She was bad enough already.

  The minutes ticked by like hours. It felt like they were never going to call me back to see him. An old doctor with grey hair walked into the waiting room holding a tablet and I hoped that he was Ethan’s doctor. And judging from the way Ava jumped up I knew she was just as anxious to see him as I was.

  “Family of Ethan Charles?” he asked, looking at us.

  “Yes,” Ava answered, “That’s us. How is he?”

  “He tore his ACL,” he said, looking down at the paper on the tablet.

  A torn ACL was potentially a career ender for a football player. More tears threatened to escape my eyes. Football was Ethan’s passion and he was so good at it. It was why he was able to attend college and without he would lose his scholarship.

  “When can we see him?” Ava asked, itching to see her baby boy.

  “Right now.”

  Everyone gathered their stuff and exited the waiting room.

  “Excuse me but only one visitor is allowed at a time,” the doctor said, calling to us from across the room.


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