Sweet Cry of Pleasure

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Sweet Cry of Pleasure Page 8

by Marie Medina

  “And what ended it?”

  “I found him with Aphrodite.”

  Ares pulled her close to his chest. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

  “Please say something.”

  “You went back to his arms, after what he did?”

  She felt fear pierce her heart like an icy dagger. How could he be angry with her for that? She looked up at him, tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry. I was a fool, I know.”

  Ares shook his head. “Alala, what’s wrong? I’m not blaming you. I’m blaming myself.”


  He looked at her tenderly. “We spent every single day together, yet you were that lonely?”

  She turned away. “I don’t want pity.”

  “Why do you think this is pity?”

  You haven’t told me you love me.

  “Alala, say something.”

  He touched her shoulders, and she leaned back into his arms. “Make love to me. Right this wrong. That will save you. You’re the one I wanted that night.”

  Ares put his arms around her waist. “I want to make love to you more than you know. That’s not what we’re here for though.”

  “How do you know?”

  He kissed her temple. “I don’t.”

  “I want you, Ares. I’ve always wanted you.”

  He ran his hands up over her breasts. “I was such a fool never to see you this way.”

  She sighed as he touched her. No matter what was in store for them, she wasn’t going to let him leave her now. No matter how he felt afterwards or when he woke up, she was finally going to make love to the only man she’d ever wanted.


  “Yes?” She held her breath, hoping he would finally say what she needed to hear.

  “Are you sure?”

  Those were not the three words she had wanted, but she still knew just how to respond without a thought. “Yes.”

  He turned her to face him. “I always saw your strength. I never saw your fire or passion. Forgive me?”

  She smiled. “I already have.” She pulled him close for a slow kiss, enjoying the feel of his lips and his musky, masculine scent.

  He pressed her body against his. She sighed again as his lips moved down her neck and his hands massaged her back. She ran her fingers through his dark, wavy hair. She could feel his heart beating stronger against her chest. Was she saving him? She had only told him that because she wanted to have sex with him now, while she felt bold. She didn’t know what would happen when he awoke and they were back in reality.

  “My sweet, sweet girl,” he whispered as he opened her blouse and kissed the hollow between her breasts.

  “I’m whatever you need. I always will be.” She felt wetness pooling between her legs as he gently kissed the rise of her breasts, then reached into her bra and teased one of her nipples.

  “And I do need you, oh so very much.” He captured her lips again, and this time the kiss wasn’t gentle. It was everything she’d ever dreamt his kiss would be, completely masculine, powerful and intoxicating. His embrace subdued her and stoked her fire. She wanted to melt into his embrace and be taken, but she also wanted to be bold and meet his passion head on. Until this moment, she’d never understood fully the mixed sexual feelings he inspired. With that kiss, she knew sex with him would never be simple or one-sided. It would always be rich and exciting and sensually complex.

  He led her to the pillows covering the floor in the corner of the arbor and pulled her on top of him so she straddled his waist. He gazed up at her heatedly as he took her blouse and bra off. He fondled her breasts slowly, and she could feel his hard cock beneath her. She closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation of finally being touched by him. She’d touched him so many times, but this was a hundred times better, feeling his hands caress her and knowing his cock was hard because of her.

  She leaned down to kiss him and looked into his eyes. She wanted to say she loved him, but she held back, not wanting to ruin the pleasure of the moment. She ran one finger over his lips, and he seized her hand and kissed each finger before biting the palm of her hand and pulling her down for another steamy kiss.

  He ran his hand over her thigh and she realized the rest of their clothes were gone. He ran one finger over her pussy and moaned deep in his throat.

  “I want to taste you,” he whispered against her neck. He moved down and lifted her, moving first one knee over his shoulder, then the other, making her straddle his face. He ran his hands up to cup her breasts as his lips closed around her clit.

  She gasped as pleasure jolted through her body. His tongue moved in and out of her slowly, and he sounded very pleased. She leaned forward so she could look at him, and their eyes met as he slowly teased her. Seeing his mouth on her made her even wetter, and she knew she’d come soon.


  “Come for me.”

  He moved his tongue around her clit even faster, and she cried out as her orgasm began, first as a spreading of heat in her core, then as an explosion of pleasure that moved over her body. He continued to lave her clit, and wave after wave of pleasure rolled over her. Apollo had made her come, but it had never been like this. Those orgasms had been good, but this one made her feel complete. She felt like something had changed inside of her, as if she was actually different.

  When he pulled her down into his arms, the look of pleasure on his face made her feel the same way again.

  “I’ve been thinking of doing that for weeks.” He kissed her. “You’re so beautiful when you let go like that.”

  She tangled her fingers in his hair. “I want to see you let go. I want to please you.”

  He pulled her to him and whispered against her lips, “You have no idea how much you please me.” He rolled them over and moved on top of her and positioned himself between her legs. His cock rubbed against her entrance, and she arched to meet him. He smiled and began to move inside of her. He closed his eyes as he entered her, pressing his forehead to hers and then opening his eyes again.

  She smiled at the look in his eyes. “Still pleasing you, am I?”

  “Oh yes,” he said as he pushed all the way into her.

  She gasped and then moaned, enjoying being filled by him.



  He stroked her face. “You’re special. You’re different from any other. I want you to know that.”

  She felt tears welling in her eyes. Maybe he wasn’t going to love her the way she loved him any time soon, but she knew his words were true. “You don’t have to tell me that. I know it.” She arched up and stroked his cock with her pussy, delighting in the way she made him moan. “I can feel it.”

  He pushed deeper into her, then began pumping into her. Within seconds, he hit the spot that always made her dizzy. He must have noticed her reaction because he focused his strokes on that spot as he pressed his face against her neck, kissing and biting her, stoking her fire even higher.

  “As good as your fantasies?” he asked.

  She moaned as she felt the trembling begin. “Even better. So, so much better.” She gasped as he thrust harder. “Come with me.”

  She came again, clinging to him as he thrust high and deep and then followed her over the edge. He pushed deep into her as he found his release, saying her name over and over again. She found his lips as they trembled together. He kissed her deeply, and she felt her heart soar.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  When she opened her eyes, she was in his bedroom, her head resting on his chest. She sat up, flustered. No one was with them. She could still feel the power of her orgasm as she turned to see him waking up.


  “Alala?” He opened his eyes, but he looked very confused. “The pain’s gone.”

  “It is?”

  “Yes. I had this dream.” He shook his head. “It was silly. Nothing really. The spell must’ve worn off.”

  He didn’t know it was real. He was
dismissing it. She felt the tears rush to her eyes.

  He reached for her. “I’m okay. The pain’s gone. What’s wrong?”

  She pulled away. “Nothing.”

  He refused to let her go. “Something is wrong.”

  She struggled for words, but she couldn’t think of any that would hurt him as much as he was hurting her. “I’m just being silly, I guess. Just like I was being silly in your dream.”

  He froze. “How do you know what I dreamed?”

  “Because I was there. Hypnos put me to sleep and sent me to you. We had no idea how to help you. Guess all you needed was a quick fuck.”

  “It was real? We just made love?”

  “Don’t worry. You don’t owe me anything.”

  He clasped his head. “Slow down. I didn’t know. I saw you sitting beside me and thought it was just a dream. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  “How could you not tell it was really me?”

  “Alala, please give me a moment to recover. Maybe I think about you so much you’re as real in my dreams as you are right now.”

  She couldn’t believe him. She was not going to let him talk his way out of this. “I doubt you’ve had that many dreams about me. Take all the time you need to recover.”

  She got up and moved to the door as fast as she could.

  “Alala! Stop acting like a spoiled child! I was trying to protect you. I was completely disoriented. One moment I was inside you and the next I was staring at the ceiling here. I think you can cut me some slack.”

  She flung the door open and stormed out. Based on the looks on everyone’s faces they had all heard what he just yelled. She didn’t care. “I’ve been cutting you some slack for thousands of years! Maybe now you’ll get a taste of how the centuries have felt!”

  She raced out of the house, tears stinging her face. She’d always told him not to act on his anger, not to speak from it, but she’d held it all in so long she’d needed to be cruel to him. Now though, she felt empty and alone. She felt Eris and Hera call to her, but she pushed them away. She’d lost her best friend. This spell had stolen everything from her. He wouldn’t forgive her for humiliating him this way. His pride surpassed his anger. Everything they had ever had was gone, and it was all Aphrodite’s fault.

  Chapter Five

  “Ares, please wait,” Hera pleaded.

  “I have to go after her!” he said. Why didn’t they understand? Alala wasn’t just angry. He’d hurt her terribly. Only now did he fully see what she must have thought when he woke up and dismissed what had happened between them. He’d panicked and tried to protect her, not considering how she might take it. She’d really given herself to him. She’d told him she loved him. Then she’d woken up to hear him call it all silly. He felt like a fool.

  And he wanted to wring Aphrodite’s neck.

  “Give her time.”

  Everyone else had left and gone to the dining room. Apollo, it seemed, had left the moment Ares awoke. His blood boiled at the thought of that conceited, vain weakling using Alala as he had. He planned to challenge him. Zeus looked serious and thoughtful enough that everyone had to know what had happened. His father wouldn’t deny his request. Even if he did say no, Ares had no doubt Artemis would find a fit punishment for her brother’s action. Even if Alala said it wasn’t rape, he knew Artemis would agree with him that it was just as wrong. In fact, it was worse. Apollo had obviously known about Alala’s feelings and used them to take advantage of her. What had that done to her, when she found out she had really been with someone else? He tried to push the thought away. It made him crave Apollo’s blood. Zeus was Apollo’s father too, but even if he weren’t he didn’t approve of petty and violent revenge.

  “Ares? Are you listening?”

  He turned to his mother. “No, I’m not. I’m too worried about Alala.”

  “She wanted to be alone. She’ll come back. Let her think. I felt her pain. She regrets the words she flung at you. She loves you, Ares.”

  “And everyone saw it but me.”

  “Eris and I saw it. Zeus figured it out recently. You’re not so blind as you think. She’s a very complex woman.”

  “All this time and she never spoke up. Just because I was having sex with Aphrodite or some mortal girl?”

  Hera smiled. “Do you blame her? Would you confess your love to someone when you knew they were having sex with someone else?”

  “Never had to think about it before,” he said dryly. He knew his mother wanted to help, but he was only growing more frustrated.

  “She hasn’t slept with Arion. They aren’t together.”

  “I know that. Guess I got lucky with him. It would take him ten years to make a move.”

  Hera sighed. “I think you need to be alone too.” She rose to go. “And Ares?”


  “Just think of her. Apollo will be dealt with. Your father will talk to you later.”

  He stood up and kissed his mother. “Thank you.”

  As she left the room though, he couldn’t help feeling that thinking of Apollo would be so much simpler. He knew exactly how to handle that situation.

  * * * *

  Alala leaned against the tree and looked down at her feet dangling. A bird had made its nest just above her, and she could hear the baby birds crying for their mother.

  She suddenly wished she had a mother. She didn’t necessarily want her own mother, but she wanted someone who would just hold her and tell her what to do, to reassure her and show her how simple it would be to solve everything.

  Instead, she got Aphrodite.


  She looked down at the goddess, wishing she had something to throw. “What do you want?”

  “I came to talk to you. If I go near Ares or Eris, I might not live very long. Hera and Zeus refuse to see me. You have to tell me what happened.”

  Not likely. “Why?”

  “Because this is not what I intended. Ares was supposed to finally understand how you feel about him.”

  Alala shook her head and laughed bitterly. “Yeah, well, it wasn’t enough.”

  “What do you mean?” She rubbed her neck. “Can you come down from there?”


  Aphrodite sighed. “Okay. I don’t blame you, but I also don’t understand what went wrong.”

  Alala knew she’d just have to play Aphrodite’s game and be a bitch to get her to go away. “What went wrong? Fucking me meant about as much to him as fucking you did. You got that?”

  Aphrodite’s face turned red, but she held her tongue for a moment. After taking a breath, she said, “I deserved that, but I can’t believe that’s true. You mean you had sex after he woke up and it still ended badly?”

  Alala shook her head. “Hypnos put me to sleep, and I went to him in a dream.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell him you loved him?”

  Alala froze. She’d said those words just before they woke up. She jumped down out of the tree. “That’s all I had to do? Tell him I love him?”

  Aphrodite backed away. “Yes. Simple is best. You were what he needed. You only had to tell him that he’d always had you.”

  She turned away. “Get out of here.”

  Aphrodite touched her arm.

  “I said get out of here!” With a thought she pushed Aphrodite from her. She turned when she heard her scream in pain.

  She’d shoved Aphrodite into a broken limb, which now protruded from her stomach. Aphrodite stared down at her bloody hands.

  Alala ran to her, unsure what to do, but Hypnos was there first. He touched Aphrodite’s forehead and cradled her against him.

  “How did you know?” Alala asked.

  He looked up at her. “I followed you. I wanted to make sure you were safe.”

  “I didn’t mean to!”

  “Of course you didn’t. You might want to leave anyway. I’ll have to call Apollo.”

  Apollo was the healer among the gods, the one who had taught manki
nd about the medical arts so long ago.

  She nodded, but stood firm. “Call him. I’m not leaving though.”

  Within seconds, Apollo appeared. He looked nervous when he saw Alala, but he paled when he saw Aphrodite.

  “It was an accident!” Alala said.

  He looked at her sadly. “Alala, I know that. You would never hurt anyone.” He touched Aphrodite’s face and kissed her forehead. She gasped, but she didn’t wake up. He reached down and broke the limb.

  Alala watched. She’d seen worse on the battlefield, but it had been a long time since she’d seen a war. She’d been an unseen defender, holding the enemy off and protecting the injured. Even the bravest men knew to run away when their own swords clashed against an invisible one. They’d probably thought they were fleeing from Ares, not a petite girl.

  Apollo glowed with golden light. She’d seen him heal others before. Maybe that was why she couldn’t hate him. She still disapproved of most of his actions most of the time, but she also felt that, during their time together, she’d seen a few things most of the other gods never had.

  Apollo lowered Aphrodite to the ground, his hand on her stomach. She began coughing, but she soon opened her eyes. She rubbed her head and moaned.

  “Aphrodite, I’m so sorry! I swear I didn’t mean to.”

  Aphrodite looked up at her. “I know.” She glanced at Apollo. “Perhaps you should have left me to the Fates.”

  Apollo shook his head. “Don’t say that.”

  She stood up shakily. Hypnos tried to steady her, but she pulled away. “Just let me go.”

  “You need to rest,” he said.

  “I will. Just let me go,” she said softly. She disappeared.

  Alala stared at the place where she had been standing, then turned to Apollo. He was touching the tree. The spot where the limb had broken off was covered in new bark. She looked at Hypnos.

  Did he just heal the tree?

  Yes, Hypnos replied. Don’t you know why?


  Apollo turned to them before Hypnos could explain. “I guess I better go back into hiding now.”


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