Sweet Cry of Pleasure

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Sweet Cry of Pleasure Page 9

by Marie Medina

  “Apollo?” Alala said.

  He looked into her eyes. “Yes?”

  “Thank you.”

  He nodded. “Of course.” He started to go.

  “Wait, just a moment.” She didn’t know what she wanted to say. “Ares isn’t acting for me. If I’d wanted anything from you, I wouldn’t have simply walked away.”

  “I know that. I need to go though. If he sees me near you, he won’t wait for our father’s sanction to fight me.”

  “I don’t want him to challenge you.”

  Apollo looked down at the ground. He wanted to look into a woman’s eyes as he fucked her, but he could hardly maintain eye contact if she tried to express her feelings to him. “I can take care of myself.”

  “No, you can’t. It’s very strange that the god of light and truth and healing is such an asshole. One day, someone will find out why.”

  She noticed Hypnos looking at the ground too. He knew something. She looked back to the tree. What the hell could trees have to do with it?

  “Wasting your time.”

  Alala shrugged. “Maybe so. We’ll see.”

  “I waste very little time.” Ares appeared behind Apollo and grabbed him by both arms.

  “Ares, no!”

  His gaze softened a little when he looked at her. “We’re going to see Zeus. Just talking. I swear.”

  Alala sighed. “Fine. I can’t stop you.”

  His expression softened. “Please go home and wait for me. We have to talk.”

  She nodded. “I’ll be fine. Hypnos will take me home.”

  Ares moved slightly, as if he wanted to touch her, but he held fast to Apollo and they disappeared.

  She sighed again. He seemed sorry, but he didn’t need to be. She’d overreacted. He’d been in so much pain it would have confused anyone. She’d taken his mistake so personally. She felt like a fool. Eris and Hera were right. She was just as proud and stubborn as he was. She’d let her darker emotions rule her thoughts.

  When she saw him again, she planned on running into his arms. He wouldn’t have to explain anything. She had far more interesting plans for his mouth.

  * * * *

  Ares smiled as Apollo’s face turned ashen. Artemis stood beside Zeus, her arms crossed as she glared at her twin brother.


  She exhaled and turned away from him. His face fell even more. Ares imagined how he would feel if Eris turned from him like that, but he pushed the thought away quickly. He was not about to start feeling sorry for Apollo.

  “Apollo, you do understand that I am the only reason Ares hasn’t killed you?” Zeus said.


  “What do you have to say?”

  “I’ll accept the challenge. I can’t defend my actions.”

  “You can answer some questions, and we all know you have to tell the truth,” Artemis said. She turned back to him. “You knew Alala loved Ares? That’s why you appeared as him?”


  “Did you know she was a virgin?”


  “What did Alala do when she found out?”

  Apollo hesitated.

  “Tell us. Now,” Zeus said.

  “She punched me in the stomach, then she started punching the garden wall. She knocked it down.”

  Ares had been ready to laugh when he heard she’d punched him, but he had no desire to laugh now. He had no idea she was capable of such strength. He’d have been very aroused if he hadn’t recognized that the display showed her displeasure with him as much as with Apollo.

  Apollo continued, looking at Ares. “She said she figured it might be as close as she ever got.”

  “Then what?” Artemis asked.

  Apollo didn’t say anything.

  Zeus stepped forward. “I’m not ready for my judgment yet. What happened next? Did you part and see each other again later? Eris said your affair continued off and on for years. How did you two part that day? She doesn’t blame you now, but so much time has passed we can’t accept that as the absolute truth.”

  Ares didn’t see how anything could be worse than her initial reaction. What was Apollo hiding?

  “She stayed with me that night. We made love again.”

  Ares grabbed Apollo by the throat. “You’re lying!”

  Apollo didn’t fight him, but Zeus parted them.

  “He can’t lie, Ares. I think we’ve heard enough.”

  Ares backed away, but he didn’t take his eyes off Apollo. He had to be lying.

  “She was upset and confused, Ares.”

  “So you just kept taking advantage of her?” His hands itched for his sword. He hadn’t felt such a bloodlust in decades.

  “She can take care of herself. You know that. She wanted comfort and didn’t want to be alone.”

  “Because of what you did!”

  “Because of what you didn’t do!”

  Ares punched Apollo, knocking him right off his feet. Artemis calmly stepped between them.

  “Ares, my brother did something very wrong, and he’ll answer for it in the right place and at the right time. You’ll have satisfaction then. Show a god’s dignity and control yourself.”

  He couldn’t believe she wasn’t on his side. “I’m not to blame for his deceit and perversion.”

  “Seduction and trickery aren’t foreign words to any of us. It’s no excuse,” Artemis said. “However, judgment needs to be balanced. Mercy must have its place.”

  Apollo got to his feet. “I wasn’t trying to shift the blame to you. I was trying to say that, the second time, she seduced me because she felt unwanted. A man desiring her was very appealing. She never loved me and never would have. She only cares for me because there is no room for hatred in her heart. She can see good in anyone.”

  “Her forgiving nature is no excuse,” Ares spat.

  “I’m not saying I didn’t do something that was very wrong!” Apollo retorted.

  A thunderclap silenced them both.

  “This is fruitless,” Zeus said. “Apollo will answer for his actions. Ares, you need to show a little more control.”

  Artemis stepped forward and touched Ares on the arm. “You’ve been through a lot physically and emotionally. Go home. That’s what you need right now.”

  “Don’t tell me what I need.”

  “Please, Ares.”

  He shook her hand off, but he nodded. “Fine. This isn’t over though.”

  Apollo nodded. “I know.”

  Ares glanced at his father. This discussion was closed, for now. His thoughts turned to Alala. He hoped she’d be waiting for him when he got home. He needed to see her even more than he’d ever needed anything. The sooner they set things straight, the sooner he’d have her back in his arms. Where she belonged.

  * * * *

  Alala ran her hand over Shadow’s back. He purred and nuzzled closer to her side. Ares hadn’t been gone very long at all, but she couldn’t help wondering what might be going on. What had Zeus’ judgment been? Would the challenge go forward? What had Artemis said? She didn’t even want to think about what Apollo might’ve said. He couldn’t lie, and that might be a bad thing for her if Ares made him angry enough. She’d never said anything that bad about Ares, but at times she had been rather bitter and had said things she didn’t mean. What would Ares think about how long their affair went on? Would he question her love for him because of it? He seemed very determined to see Apollo as a villain. Looking back after so long, she found it hard to think about it objectively. The start of their affair had been very strange and confusing, yet thrilling at the same time. After feeling unwanted so long, a man making any effort seemed very attractive. She understood why mortals got married to avoid being alone. She’d been with Apollo because she was lonely, and they both knew it, even if Ares never understood that. If things had been different, she might’ve made different choices in the end. Were things going to be any better now? Would a few weeks or months or years as Ares’ lover be enough to
sustain her forever? What would she do when he found someone else?

  She pushed the thoughts away. Nothing was certain. He hadn’t told her he loved her, but she knew how much he cared. Perhaps the Fates would come through for her in the end. She’d been the one to jump to conclusions, and he’d been calm and gentle when he said they needed to talk, so they’d have no trouble making up. She smiled and thought of all the things he’d do to her as they were making up. He didn’t apologize often, but she knew that he was very good at making a woman forget any disagreement, no matter who was to blame. She felt a twinge of jealousy, but tonight he was going to be making love to her, no one else. She intended to do all she could to keep his interest.

  She jumped when a hand touched her shoulder.

  “What were you thinking about?” Ares asked. His voice was low and husky.

  She looked up into his eyes and wondered if he’d been watching her while she thought about him. “You. And all the things I want to do to you tonight.”

  He smiled. “So you don’t think I’m an insensitive pig anymore, dismissing the most beautiful gift I’ve ever been given?”

  She felt a rush of heat at his words. “I never really thought that. I know you too well.”

  He made a face. “I’m not sure that works in my favor.”

  “It does,” she said softly. She reached for his hand. “I’m glad you’re back. I was worried.”

  He kissed her palm. “Well, Apollo and I didn’t have a go at each other yet.”

  “I don’t want you to challenge him. One of you could be killed.”

  “You’d care if he died?”

  He tried to hide it, but she could tell he was jealous. She didn’t know what to say. How could he think she still cared for Apollo that way? In a way, she never had in the first place. He’d been a way for her to forget Ares. Could she explain that without causing him more pain or making him feel guilty?

  “I would care if anyone died.” She poked him, deciding that teasing him might be her best option. “I’m sure you can come up with something to make me think of no one but you.”

  He touched her face, and then tangled his fingers in her hair. He pulled her head back slowly and began kissing her neck. “Your sweet cries of pleasure will put the war cries of the Greeks to shame.”

  She sighed as his hot lips moved over her skin. She couldn’t wait to feel him inside of her again. “I miss it sometimes, thousands of men crying my name in the heat of battle.”

  He bit her neck playfully and then threw her over his shoulder as she giggled. “You might not want to make me jealous.” He headed for his bedroom. “No telling what I’ll do in my efforts to conquer you.”

  She ran her hands down his back. “I might like making you jealous then.”

  He threw her down onto the bed, pinning her against the mattress with his body. “I might not let you go then.”

  “I’d like that. There’s never been anyone but you.”

  He looked deep into her eyes, and she wondered if she’d said too much. He sometimes responded to strong emotions by retreating behind his mask again and pretending he was as cold and emotionless as some thought he was.

  “And Arion?”

  She shook her head. “A sweet boy with a crush. Nothing happened. We kissed a few times.” She ran her fingers over his chest. “You were jealous?”

  He let out a long sigh, but then he smiled down at her. “You’ll never let me live it down if I say I was?”

  She laughed. “It’s very amusing. And very flattering.”

  He unbuttoned her blouse and exposed her breasts, running his hands over the swells slowly. “Hearing you laugh makes me long to hear you gasping with pleasure.”

  She took a deep breath as he reached into her bra and pinched her nipple gently. “You won’t have long to wait.”

  He pulled her closer and kissed her deeply.

  She sighed and ran her hands through his hair. She wanted to feel him as much as possible. She sent their clothes away with a thought, and she gasped as she felt his cock pressing against her thigh. With Apollo, she’d always focused on coming, but with Ares, she longed just to be taken by him. She wanted to feel him inside of her and listen to him as he enjoyed the feel of her. The difference struck her so suddenly. With Apollo, she’d been chasing release, but with Ares she was making love.

  She pulled him closer as his lips teased her breasts. He knew exactly when to use his tongue and when to use his teeth. Every touch made her wetter.


  He looked up and smiled. “You’re amazing. I can’t believe I never felt all this passion when you were so close to me.”

  She pulled him up to her for a kiss, but he pulled away after a moment, which puzzled her.

  “You’ll forgive me, dearest, but I do have a plan of attack I’d like to stick to.” He kissed his way back down her body.

  She giggled as he kissed her thighs. His finger stroked her clit, and then moved inside her.

  “You’re very wet, my dear.” He met her eyes. “What caused that? Tell me.”

  The heat in his eyes made her pussy tighten, and she saw him smile when he felt that response.

  “You. I was thinking of you inside me. I was thinking of your mouth pleasuring me.” She arched up to move his finger deeper into her. “Of how much I love coming for you.”

  His eyes burned brighter, and she half expected him to take her then and there, but instead he moved his finger in and out of her slowly. He leaned down and ran his tongue gently over her clit. She gasped.

  “You taste so sweet,” he murmured. He removed his finger and moved on top of her, running his finger over her lips so she could taste herself.

  She licked his finger, and she felt his cock become even harder.

  “You like that?” she teased before she took his finger completely into her mouth.

  When she was done he kissed her roughly, pressing her into the bed and biting her lips teasingly.

  She giggled and squirmed beneath him. “Only you can satisfy me, Ares.”

  He held her gaze as he moved back down her body. He threw her legs over his shoulders and locked his mouth onto her pussy.

  She bucked off the bed when his tongue met her clit. She was so sensitive, so ready to come. He found several very sensitive spots, making her cry out and squirm. As soon as he found a spot that made her react, he moved on. His teasing drove her wild.

  “Don’t come until I tell you to.”

  She almost came when he said that, but she held back. She tried to focus her pleasure deeper, but it was very hard not to fall apart then and there. She moaned and gasped as he pushed her forward then pulled her back.

  “You’ll drive a woman mad,” she managed to say. A jolt of pleasure shot through her, but still she held back.

  His mouth left her and he climbed on top of her. His fingers found her again, and he rubbed her clit vigorously. “Come for me, Alala.” He held her head firmly with his other hand so she couldn’t look away. “I want you to come.”

  The pressure of his fingers was far more than she needed to fall over the edge. She looked into his eyes as her tremors began, sending pleasure all over her body in waves. She found his hand and pushed two of his fingers into her. He pulled her hair gently and moved his lips teasingly close to hers as she rode out her orgasm. He rubbed his palm over her clit, and she moaned as the sweet warmth of release spread over her. She could feel the pulse of pleasure lingering inside her, making her want more. He looked as satisfied as she felt. Her explosion had been even better than before. She knew it would only get better with him.

  “That’s my girl,” he whispered. He kissed her gently, still looking into her eyes.

  She kissed him back, enjoying his gentleness as much as she’d enjoyed his force. She pushed him back and reversed their positions. He smiled as she climbed on top of him.

  “Oh yes, that’s my girl,” he said as she rubbed her wet pussy over his cock.

  She felt bolder be
cause she knew how much he’d love it. “So tell me about these fantasies you’ve had.”

  He rubbed her thighs. “This is one of them. You riding me.” He ran his hands over her buttocks. “Really giving it to me.”

  She lowered herself down onto his cock, taking all of him in and settling onto him. She wanted to start moving against him immediately, but she enjoyed watching him. “What else?”

  He thrust upwards, but she stayed put, holding him tight inside of her. “Mmmm. You sucking my cock, letting me come in your mouth.” He ran his hands over her stomach and up to her breasts. “Taking you from behind. Tasting you.” He tried to thrust, but she didn’t move. “Please, Alala.”

  “Me teasing you?”

  He smiled. “There is a certain sweetness to it.”

  She bent forward a little and put her hands on each side of his head, moving slowly. The look of delight on his face made her wetter. He moaned as she moved faster. She repositioned so that his cock reached a very sensitive spot deep inside her. He held her hips and thrust high, making her gasp.

  She smiled and leaned closer. “You like fucking me?”

  He thrust slowly and ran his hands up her back before moving them into her hair. “I like making love with you.” He kissed her and began to thrust harder. “I love making you come, seeing you let go.”

  Another orgasm built very quickly. “I love the way you make me come.” She looked into his eyes. “No one is like you. No one.”

  He held her close as he pushed deeper and deeper. “I know, Alala. I promise I do.”

  She cried out as she started to come. “Oh, Ares.”

  He sat up and drove into her. “Come for me, sweet girl. Come for me.” He pressed his cheek against hers and held her close.

  She clung to him as her orgasm exploded, making her grind down onto him. She wanted so much of him. Her skin felt electric as she pressed against him, rising and falling with the rhythm of her release. Her pussy was so sensitive she could feel his cock with every inch of herself. He was throbbing and completely engorged, only waiting for her.

  She moved up and down slowly. “Give me what I want, Ares.”

  He thrust a few times as she dug her nails into his back. He cried her name over and over again as he came. His release was hot and strong inside her, and she felt his power like a clap of thunder.


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