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Protecting Hope: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Bloodmoon Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Briana Alisandra

  Lexie suddenly pulled up a chair and sat down across from us. I was shocked, and judging by the looks on Hayden, Aria, and Tegan’s faces so were they. She smiled at us. “What’s up.”

  “Umm, do you know where you’re sitting,” Jade said bluntly.

  “I don’t have to sit with them everyday. I have other friends.”

  Jade and her looked into each other’s eyes for a bit too long for it to just be a look between friends. I really wished those two would get together already. It was obvious how much they liked each other.

  I wondered what was going on with Tegan? Were they still on?

  The loud speaker dinged, signifying there was about to be an announcement. “Attention students. Will Hope Sinclair please report to the principal’s office? Again, will Hope Sinclair please report to the principal’s office?”

  I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. “What’d you do?” Jade asked.

  “Nothing that I can think of.”

  “Maybe my dad just wants to see how you’re doing with the new school,” Lexie suggested.

  “Yeah, that’s probably it.” I finished up the last few bites of my pizza and picked it up to throw it out. I grabbed my bag and said bye to the girls.

  “Good luck,” Jade joked.


  * * *

  When I got to the office, Ms. Newman wasn’t alone. She was sitting in her chair at her desk staring straight ahead at a man that was almost double her size. The man narrowed his eyes on me. “Hope.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Jackie and I were just having a pleasant conversation about you.” He bent down and smelled her like he was smelling a piece of meat. I knew right away, even without the creepy sniffing of the office secretary, that this man was a vampire. I could sense it somehow.

  “What do you want?”

  He looked mad at me for interrupting whatever that was. He stood up straight. “I want you to come with me Hope."

  “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  He grinned. He had such white teeth. Vampires must be obsessed with their teeth. So far all of them had such perfect teeth. “Dixon said you were going to be trouble. Count yourself lucky that it’s me this time that’s here to retrieve you. Dixon doesn’t know how to be gentle.”

  Something told me his idea of gentle and my idea of gentle were very different definitions of gentle.


  “I think you are. See, Dixon is at Salem Point Medical Center. Auntie Gemma is in the midst of seeing a patient, but the second she leaves that room if I give the go ahead, she becomes his next meal. Now, I did say he’s not very gentle. He will torture her, I can assure you. She’ll pray for death.”

  Gemma. No.

  This was all my fault. I brought danger into her home. I know she was a vampire hunter, but she hadn’t hunted in a long time. What if this Dixon guy was too strong for her?

  I had no choice. I had to go with him.

  “What say you Hope? Is Gemma going to be Dixon’s next meal? Or are you going to cooperate?”

  I glared at the man. “I’ll go with you.”

  Chapter 44: Christian

  I went to Jade to see if she’d seen Hope. After lunch she never went to her next class and I couldn’t find her anywhere. I found Jade at her locker.

  “Hey, have you seen Hope?”

  She nodded her head. “Not since she got called to the office. But I don’t have any classes with her after lunch.”

  I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I knew I should have followed her to the office. Something was wrong.


  I went looking for the werewolf. I knew he might know where she was. Afterall, he was practically obsessed with her.

  I found Knight coming into the junior hallway. He glared at me. I ignored it. I didn’t have time for teenage attitudes. Hope didn’t have time. “Have you seen Hope?”

  At the mention of her name his look of anger became one of concern. “No. She’s missing?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to figure out. She hadn’t been to the rest of her classes. I think something is wrong.”

  Knight looked at me stoically before starting to walk away.

  I followed after him. “It’s usually customary to say where you’re going before you just walk off.”

  Knight walked up to Hayden, Tegan, and Aria. “Have you guys seen Hope?” he asked.

  “No,” Tegan said. “Lexie was with her earlier. Apparently they’re friends now.”

  “Where’s Lexie?” Knight demanded. He was being a bit aggressive. I understand he was worried, but flying off the handle wasn’t going to get us closer to finding Hope. We needed to be decisive and act quickly. Her life depended on it.

  “Here she is now,” Hayden said. She had an attitude too. No doubt because her precious Knight was worried about another girl rather than her.

  Lexie looked puzzled at seeing all of us gathered around Hayden’s locker. “What are all you guys doing together?”

  “Have you seen Hope?” we both said. We glared at each other and then back at Lexie.

  “No, not since lunch. Why?”

  “She’s not here,” Knight said. “We need to go find her.”

  “We’ll help,” Tegan said.

  “We will?” Hayden said.

  “Yes, she’s a fellow witch. Come on.”

  I wasn’t going to protest. We needed all the help we could get.

  I pulled my phone out and texted the last person I ever thought I would in a crisis. Wyatt.

  Chapter 45: Knight

  Christian went to search for Hope. I went to Hope’s house with the girls. Hayden was getting on my last nerve.

  Not knowing if Hope was alright had me on edge.

  When we got to Gemma’s, I knocked on the door. Gemma’s car was in the driveway so she should be home. I wasn’t big on praying, but in that moment I prayed that Hope was home; safe and sound in her room. That we were freaking out for nothing. I knew that wasn’t going to be the case. Hope was good about answering her phone and all of us had been trying to call her. She didn’t respond to any texts. It was like she just vanished into thin air.

  Gemma answered the door and looked at all of us. “What’s going on?”

  “Is Hope home?” I asked.

  “Not yet.”

  “We think she might be missing.”

  She opened the door wider. “Come in and tell me what’s going on.”

  We walked inside and I explained to Gemma what was happening. She went right to a cupboard in her dining room and grabbed a map and a few candles. She set them up on the dining room table.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “She’s going to try a locator spell,” Lexie said. “I can help if you need it.”

  Gemma smiled at Lexie. “Thank you, but I should be able to handle it.” She waved her hand over all of the candles and lit them up all at once.

  Nope. She didn’t need help at all.

  I paced the room while Gemma got everything ready for the spell she was performing.

  I should have been looking after her. I thought she would be safe at school. I should have known better.

  I couldn’t stand the idea of someone hurting Hope. She was out there with a monster.

  “Can you chill,” Hayden said. “You’re making me dizzy with the walking in circles.”

  “For once in your life would you just shut up Hayden,” I said.

  She raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. Hope is out there right now going through who knows what and you’re still being a bitch.”

  Aria stood up. “What did you just call her?”

  “Guys this isn’t helping,” Lexie said.

  “I don’t know what your deal is with Hope, but I think you need a reminder of who I am. I’m your mate Knight. I think you need to show me some respect.”

  “Respect? Like you respect ever
yone else around you? Newsflash Hayden. If you want respect you probably shouldn’t treat the entire world like shit.”

  She looked taken back by my words. For once in my life I saw a look in her eyes that I never thought I would see. Hurt. I hurt her. Of all the people to be sensitive I never expected it from her. She treated everyone like shit. What did she expect from me? That I’d be completely okay with it because she’s supposed to be my one true love? I was done holding my tongue.

  “I might not be the nicest person, but I won’t be called a bitch to my face Knight. I already know how you feel about me. I don’t need you to say it in front of everyone.”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but stopped myself. I was angry and worried about Hope and I was taking that out on Hayden. She wasn’t a nice person, but she was right. I didn’t have to put her down in front of her friends and Gemma.

  “I need quiet,” Gemma said. “I’m going to try to locate her.”

  I stood by and watched Gemma start the spell.

  I had to make a decision after tonight. This wasn’t fair to anyone involved. Myself, Hope, even Hayden. I had to decide.

  The truth was a decision was already made. My heart did that for me. Right now I was going crazy because I didn’t know where Hope was.

  There was no way I could lose her. I needed Hope in my life.

  Chapter 46: Hope

  I was so screwed. I don’t know where this vampire was taking me, but I knew if I didn’t do something fast I was going to end up a prisoner or dead.

  The vampire didn’t say much. He was driving along a backroad. Smart.

  “What’s your name?”

  He stared straight ahead at the road and didn’t respond.

  “Not much of a talker?”

  Still, not a word.

  I looked outside. It was dark now and I had no idea how far we’d gotten from Salem Point. He was driving pretty fast and I didn’t know the area well.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “You talk too much.”

  “Finally. You speak.”

  He looked over at me for a brief moment and then back at the road. “We’re going to New Orleans.”

  “What’s in New Orleans?”

  He laughed. “You really don’t know anything about this world.”

  Nope. Unfortunately I was a newie and now I wasn’t going to get the chance to reach my full potential of anything. “I don’t see how that’s funny.”

  “New Orleans is the supernatural capital of the world. You’re going to love it. Well, you won’t be seeing too much of it, but you’ll love the dungeon you’ll be kept in.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “That’s a stupid question.”

  “There are no stupid questions.”

  “That one was. I work for Rex. I don’t need a reason to do anything. I do as he asks and I get rewarded. It’s nothing personal sweetheart.”

  I didn’t like being called sweetheart. Especially not by some vampire that was taking me to live in a dungeon. He was taking me away from my family. He was taking me away from my new life. A life I was starting to love.

  I had to stop being this defenseless victim. I had to fight back. What did I have to lose? I was already his prisoner.

  I closed my eyes and tried to focus. I heard Lexie’s voice in my head. Breathe in, breathe out. Slowly. Picture the air filling your lungs. Block out everything else in your mind and focus on releasing all of your energy.

  Picture his body. Picture his body igniting in flames. Focus all of your energy on the flames. Harness that energy and focus it onto his body.

  “Hey, what are you doing?”

  I ignored him. I focused all of my energy on creating flames. This was my only hope. I was going to die in some dungeon. Focus all of that onto him.

  “Hey, you sick or something?”

  I could hear my mom’s voice now. I could see her beautiful smile. I had to fight. I had to survive.

  The vampire screamed in rage. I opened my eyes. His chest was on fire. He started beating at his chest, trying to put the fire out.

  He lost control of the car. He kept beating at his chest as I tried to grab hold of the steering wheel. His body was in the way. The car was accelerating faster and faster as he put more pressure on the gas pedal.

  “Put it out!”

  The fire got bigger and spread to his arms and face. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to put him on fire in a moving car with me in the passenger seat.

  I tried to focus on the car. Maybe I could stop it before it crashed.

  I looked forward and saw a tree coming right at us. Maybe not.

  We slammed into the tree and everything went black.

  * * *

  My head was pounding. The ringing in my ears was deafening. I felt blood trickling down my forehead. I think I had a nosebleed too.

  But hey, I was alive.

  I looked to my left and the vampire was gone. I tried to move. Nothing appeared to be broken, which was pretty miraculous.

  The door on my side wasn’t opening, but the window had been shattered. I managed to crawl through, a few stray pieces of glass scratching me.

  I cried at the pain. My head was screaming.

  When I got out of the car, I fell to the ground and took a deep breath. I didn’t have time to rest, but I was afraid I was going to pass out if I didn’t take a second to catch my breath.

  I closed my eyes for a second, but opened them at the sound of someone walking. I looked up and screamed. The vampire was standing before me. He wasn’t on fire anymore. The only sign he had been on fire was the little bit of charred clothing that remained stuck to his body.

  “Now you’re going to die.”

  “Please, just leave me alone.”

  His fangs protruded from his teeth. The white of his eyes disappeared. He was a monster.

  He lunged for me. I closed my eyes and put my hands over my face, bracing for death.

  When it didn’t come, I opened my eyes.

  What I saw sent relief shooting through my body. Wyatt was standing behind the vampire, his arm pushed through his chest and his arm in the palm of his hands. He pulled his arm back and out of the man. The vampire fell to the ground and burst into flames until he was all but a pile of ashes.

  Wyatt dropped the heart onto the ground and looked down at me.

  I looked into his eyes. I didn’t know what to say or what to do. He didn’t seem to either.

  “I don’t like people that kick others while they’re down. Not really a fair fight.”

  “You can say that again.”

  I started trying to get up. I hissed at the pain that radiated through my body. Wyatt was at my side in a flash. He gently grabbed my arm and helped me stand. He looked me over. “You should take it easy.”

  “I just want to go home.”

  “And I’ll take you home, but first I need to be sure that you’re alright.”

  He was being so kind to me. He just saved my life, but I still wasn’t sure if he could be trusted entirely. I looked into his eyes. They were so full of concern. And something else, but I couldn’t tell what.

  “You’re in pain, Hope. Tell me, what hurts. I need to make sure you don’t have any life threatening injuries.”

  I cried. The pain was so excruciating and now that I wasn’t in imminent danger, it seemed to feel worse. “Everything hurts, but my head feels like it’s going to explode.”

  He sighed. “You could have a hemorrhage or it could just be a headache.” He looked troubled.


  “I can heal you.”

  “You can? How?”

  “Vampire venom. It’s our way of covering our tracks. Vampire venom heals injuries. But, I’d have to bite you.”

  I furrowed my eyebrows. That wasn’t at all what I was expecting. It sounded painful. I was in enough pain as it was. Wyatt biting me didn’t sound like it was going to help much.

  “Hope, I’ll be gentle. It doesn’t nee
d to be a big bite. Just enough to get the venom into your bloodstream.”

  I eyed him cautiously. I felt like this was exactly what he wanted and I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea.

  “Hope, you can trust me. I would never do anything to hurt you, I promise.”

  I took a steadying breath and did the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I held out my arm for him to bite me.

  He held my hand in his. He looked into my eyes before sinking his teeth into the flesh of my wrist. I expected pain, but it didn’t hurt. It was actually calming somehow. It felt so warm.

  When he released my skin from his mouth, I felt a strange yearning feeling. I know it sounds crazy as shit, but I wanted Wyatt to bite me again.

  “It should take a few minutes, but you should be good as new soon.” He smiled at me and for the first time, it wasn’t creepy.

  He took his jacket off and put it over my shoulders. I was so cold, I didn’t mind.

  “Come on. Let’s get you home.”

  Chapter 47: Hope

  The second I walked into the house Gemma threw her arms around me. I hugged her back. I think I was squeezing her even harder than she was squeezing me. I was alive and I was home.

  When we pulled away from each other she glared at me. “We need to talk later, but I’m glad you’re okay.” She looked at Wyatt. “Thank you for finding her.”

  Wyatt waved it off. “Just make sure you keep this one on a shorter leash going forward.”

  I shook my head. He was back to being the same old Wyatt. Only now I knew it was just an act. I saw another side of Wyatt tonight. The Wyatt that saved my life.

  Wyatt looked around at everyone in the foyer. I was surprised to see Hayden, Tegan, and Aria here. “Who invited the dogs to the party?” he said.

  Hayden glared at him, which got a smirk from Wyatt in return.

  “Are you okay?” Christian asked.

  “I’m fine now.” I shared a look with Wyatt. I thought it was best I didn’t share what happened tonight. At least not the part about me letting Wyatt bite me. Especially not the part about me liking it. No one could know that.


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