Betting Jessica

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Betting Jessica Page 7

by Deanne Wilsted

  Trying not to laugh aloud again, Katie spotted Erik walk into the room and stand quietly watching Jess. As if in slow motion, she saw Jessica turn suddenly and bump straight into him. It felt, literally, as if all the air in the room had disappeared while Jessica and Erik tried to move through the thick energy between them. Katie waited for the fireworks to start.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “What are you doing?” Jessica accused, apparently recovering her breath and balance at the same time.

  Erik had seen Jessica when he entered the room, and had been lulled into letting down his guard by the fun music and the focused way she was placing items on the table. He had watched her lose herself in a sort of trance once the table was set and had walked over to figure out what she was staring at so intently. As he had stepped closer he had noticed that her scent, slight as it was, carried over the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen. Strangely, it was just as enticing as the food.

  Caught off guard by her sudden turn and annoyed by her harsh tone, Erik retreated back into himself. When would he ever remember that this was Jessica he was dealing with and learn to maintain his distance?

  “I would have thought you would serve fresh ground pepper,” he said and leaned over to grab the pepper shaker from the table. “I’ll show you where I keep my grinder.”

  Erik turned and headed toward the kitchen.

  “I’ll show you what you can do with your pepper shaker,” Jessica said under her breath storming into the kitchen after him. “I realize you think you always know how to do things better than everyone else Erik, but if you took a moment to ask, you might find there is a reason we put the shakers on the table.”

  She grabbed the pepper shaker out of his hand and practically crashed into Katie in her haste to exit the kitchen.

  Erik gave Katie a confused look who simply shrugged as if to say you asked for that.

  “We always offer fresh ground pepper when we serve. But, I’ve also found that some people like to control what they put on their food.”

  “Oh,” Erik said. “I thought… you know.”

  Erik looked chagrined but Katie laughed.

  “Don’t worry about it. Jessica yelled at me ages ago about it too. She said her mother taught her that a nice set of salt and pepper shakers finish off a well set table. And you know she always listens to what her parents say!”

  A timer went off and Katie hurried over to the oven to remove some little dish things floating in water.

  “Hey Erik, hand me that ramekin of cinnamon, would you?” Katie said.

  Erik looked around confused. A what?

  “That little white bowl,” Jessica said having returned to the kitchen to help.

  Erik continued to look around blankly. “What bowl?”

  “Oh for God’s sake,” Jessica muttered, squeezing by him to get to the ramekin.

  Katie watched the interaction with a weird smile on her face and Erik felt like he was about five years old.

  “I’m outta here,” he said. “This is clearly why I’m paying you guys the big bucks.”

  “I’ll remember you said that at the end of the night,” Katie said with another laugh.

  Erik walked past the table and over to the stairs of the roof deck. Obviously, the best place for him was far away from the kitchen and even farther from Jessica. He climbed out onto the roof and watched as the setting sun glowed on the windows of the nearby office buildings.

  Why had he ever imagined that having Jessica back in his kitchen would be a good thing? Oh well, he thought, if nothing else maybe having to deal with her haughty personality would finally purge his previous dreamy image of her standing there. But even after their most recent scuffle, all he could think about now was the soft look she’d had staring at his table.

  I guess I just like Jessica best when she is silent. As if she had read his mind, he heard her voice behind him.

  “Here,” she said. “Katie told me to have you try this wine and see if it is okay.” Grudgingly she handed him a wineglass and then quickly turned to leave.


  Jessica slowly turned back and arched her brow in a silent question. Since Erik wasn’t really sure what he had wanted to say he fumbled around for a minute.

  “Umm, well, did you like the wine?” he finally asked, taking a sip.

  “I didn’t try it. I never drink when I am helping Katie.”

  Erik swirled the red wine in his glass and stuck his nose in to inhale its’ scent. He took a sip and slurped it as he breathed through his mouth.

  “Hmmm, actually, that’s fantastic! Really; you should try it. I’m sure a sip won’t hurt,” he said offering it to her again.

  Jessica cautiously walked over and took the glass he handed her. She sniffed the wine and quickly sipped. Her eyes closed while she took in the flavor. Bemused, Erik watched her for a moment until tearing his eyes away to look out at the apartments across the way.

  “Yes; you’re right,” he heard her say behind him. “It’s good. I’m sure your clients will love it.”

  She handed the glass back to him and glanced over his shoulder to see what he was staring at.

  Erik laughed and pointed.

  “Those people,” he said. “They always sit their dog on the table and feed him from a salad bowl.”

  He pointed in a different direction and Jessica couldn’t help but laugh with him. “And that woman has to have twenty pairs of those gloves that she uses to wash the dishes.”

  They watched as the woman with red, apparently fur lined rubber gloves held up a dish to dry it.

  “What was she wearing last time you saw her?” Jessica asked.

  “They were green and it looked like they had a frog face on them.”

  “Like her frog prince,” Jessica joked.

  “Something like that,” Erik said and then thought for a minute. “Where on earth do you think she gets them all?”

  “How about the Funny Rubber Store?” she laughed.

  “Or the Rubber Puppet Store,” Erik parried.

  “Maybe she goes to Diva Dish Washers,” Jessica was saying at the same time as someone from another nearby rooftop yelled over to them.

  “Hi Erik.”

  Erik smiled and returned the blonde’s wave.

  “Hey Samantha.”

  He turned to introduce Jessica, but she was already heading for the stairs.

  “See you downstairs,” she mumbled.

  Erik watched Jessica’s golden hair, lit like a halo by the last of the setting sun, disappear down the roof deck stairs.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jessica made her way back down into the apartment, flustered by her encounter with Erik on the deck. Why was she here? She asked herself for the millionth time. Oh, she could tell Erik was enjoying every minute of her being in his apartment as a drudge. And, she fully expected to have to deal with quite a few moments of humiliation whenever Erik needed some entertainment. Still, she found it unlikely that Erik had spent so much time and energy planning this whole dinner to find ways to torment her.

  It was just that something about the whole thing seemed really odd. Minimally, she was sure it had been an added perk to find out she would have to be subservient to him. Fine, she thought. She would let Erik act out his little fantasy of being lord of the manor. She would try to ignore him and hang onto her composure whatever the cost.

  She couldn’t admit, even to herself, the passing sense of excitement she felt at the thought of having to obey whatever Erik commanded her to do. She tried to shake off the erotic thoughts and went into the kitchen to check on how Katie was doing.

  “Hey Katie,” Jessica said, “I was wondering if we should switch to Pavarotti while the guests are mingling to sort of let them know it is almost time for dinner?”

  “Hmmm?” Katie tasted the stew to check on its seasoning. “Sounds good to me. Make it so,” she said in her best Kirk imitation.

  Jessica rolled her eyes and was about to comment on her ge
ekiness when Erik came in.

  “Who knew you were a closet Trekkie,” he said smiling at Katie.

  “Nope, just good at famous movie lines,” Katie replied. “So, did you like the wine?”

  “Mmmmm, perfect.” He held up his empty wine glass. “Since it was only a taste, can I beg a little more off you before the guests arrive?”

  “Sure. But my hands are full. Help yourself.”

  Erik walked over to pour more wine and Jessica watched him move over to stand near Katie.

  “So, how is the stew coming? It smells great.”

  Jessica watched the way Erik interacted with Katie and realized it was in direct contrast to the way he typically treated her. And not only that, but the whole point of the bizarre dinner party became crystal clear. Obviously his target had been Katie all along. For some reason this bothered Jessica more than she was prepared to admit.

  “Don’t let me interrupt,” she mumbled and rushed out of the kitchen as Katie held a spoon up to Erik’s lips to give him a taste of the stew. Please, just let me get through this horrible night, she thought to herself.

  Five hours later Jessica scrubbed furiously at a pot while trying to hang onto the little patience she had left after her night of hell. If she had to see Erik smile at Katie one more time she thought she would probably throw up.

  Oohhh, Katie, you’re such a good cook. What a fantastic meal. And the Tuscan menu was so creative. Jessica was waiting until the last guests left to hear the rest of his flagrant attempts to flirt. My don’t you look sweet in that apron, she could hear him say. You can cook for me any time, wink wink.

  Fine! Whatever! At least I’m not desperate enough to listen to any of his compliments, she thought; not that he had actually ever given her any. But, much as she wanted to be annoyed by the idea of Erik and Katie, it made too much sense. She knew Cynthia would have been a mistake for Erik. But sadly, Katie and Erik looked kind of cute together; he being so tall and she being so petite. Their dark hair matched perfectly. They seemed to get along so well. In fact, they would probably make a perfect couple, both of them being so competent and confident.

  Katie came into the kitchen as Jessica was looking at the clock.

  “Jessica, do you mind very much finishing up here? You know I wouldn’t ask except my grandmother is in the hospital and I want to try to call her before she goes to sleep.”

  “No problem Katie,” Jessica sighed. “How could I say no to that? You can add it to the list of things you owe me for tonight.”

  “I’m glad you showed up at all,” Katie chuckled and then launched herself out the door before Jessica figured out she’d been left alone with Erik.

  Jessica was drying off the last of the dishes though before Erik came to find her. In the quiet kitchen she’d been able to hear the soft final strains of Rachmaninoff’s Prelude in G Minor playing on the stereo in the living room. It had brought her the peace that had eluded her all evening and she was contentedly drying and neatly stacking the dishes, pots and pans. This was always her favorite part of the evening. With a wonderful sense of success for the event behind her she would enjoy the physical labor of cleaning everything up.

  “So, Katie took off and left you with the dishes, huh?”

  Jessica spun around at Erik’s voice and grabbed the plate she was drying to her chest. Her sense of peace fled and her guard went up as it always did when Erik was around.

  “Yep, I guess you’ll have to plan the rest of your conquest for some other night.”

  “What on earth are you talking about?” Erik asked confused.

  “Oh come off it. It was obvious from the start that there was some ulterior motive for this little dinner party.”

  Jessica turned away again to finish drying. “Don’t worry though,” she continued over her shoulder. “I’m sure Katie will cater again if you ask her.”

  Erik’s face turned red as anger suffused him.

  “Obviously the wine is making me slow tonight Jess. Why don’t you tell me why you think I want Katie to come back?”

  Jessica snorted. “Whatever Erik. I’m not dumb, you know.” She paused as if thinking. “Of course you must be pretty thick to imagine Katie would even consider going out with you.”

  She threw her dishtowel on the counter, finished with more than simply the dishes.

  “Ouch, Jessica,” Erik laughed sarcastically. “If I didn’t know better I would say you’re not one of my bigger fans.”

  Jessica glared at him. Was he laughing at her? She couldn’t believe it. “Fine, laugh all you want Erik, but I am a friend of hers and she’ll listen when I say you don’t have even one redeeming quality.”

  Jessica could see in his eyes that she had pushed him too far. She glanced away as her words hung in the air, and then reached over his shoulder to get her purse so she could escape. Suddenly, she felt herself tip off balance as Erik grabbed her shoulders and made her look back up at him.

  “Oh really? Well, I can think of at least one reason she might be interested.”

  Erik let all of his frustration out as he crushed his lips down onto hers in a kiss that was both hard and enticing all at the same time.

  Jessica felt the kiss deepen and she struggled to maintain her sense of reality. What on earth was going on? She thought just before he pushed away from her. They looked at each other, stunned.

  “Be sure to include everything when you tell Katie what my quote unquote qualities are Jess,” she heard him say through the thick fog in her head.

  Silently Jessica watched Erik storm out of the kitchen. Ridiculously, she stood for what seemed like ages waiting to see if he would return. When it was clear he was long gone she shifted her purse onto her shoulder and grabbed the box of supplies.

  “I guess I’ll let myself out,” she eventually mumbled to the empty room, not even stopping to take one last look at her dream kitchen.

  Chapter Twenty

  “He did what?” Becky cried.

  Jessica juggled the phone as she carried her coffee to her bedroom. She wondered how many other girls around the world were having this exact same conversation with their best friend; a fact which pointed out that unlikely kisses happened all the time, though usually not to her. Still, the idea calmed her a bit as she realized how innocuous the entire situation probably was.

  “Not that I am excusing it,” Jessica answered, blowing on her coffee to cool it, “but I will say I was acting a bit over the top. It seemed like all night he had been after Katie, and it got me riled up to be so overlooked. I mean, even if it was Erik doing the overlooking.”

  “That’s one way to phrase it,” Becky laughed wryly. “What exactly was he looking over… anyway? I mean maybe you were too sexy to be ignored.”

  Jessica laughed sourly. “Hardly! Katie gave me about two hours’ notice of where we were going. All I had to wear were my comfy pants and a sweater. And obviously, anything classified as comfy in my wardrobe wouldn’t get me noticed anywhere, let alone at a fancy dinner party.”

  Becky, who had seen the outfits that Jessica considered comfy, shuddered.

  “You know, Jess, it might be time for a bit of a makeover in your wardrobe. But before we talk about that, how was it?”

  “Actually, it turned out ok. I mean, I was a little miffed with Katie about making me cater for Erik, but other than his obvious flirtation with her, the rest of the party went well.”

  “Not the party, you idiot, the kiss. How was the kiss?”

  “Oh…” Jessica thought back to the evening.

  At the time she had been so mortified that she had focused all her attention on getting everything packed up and down to her car. Now, looking back, it felt like perhaps she had simply imagined it all.

  For one thing, none of it made any sense. Erik had obviously been mad at her, but then he had kissed her. And well, after the initial angst had rubbed off the surface the kiss had been kinda nice. But then he was obviously mad at her again. She hadn’t done anything but stand there,
so it all seemed slightly unreal.

  Ultimately, though, the nice part of the kiss kept coming back to her like one of those really luxurious dreams of a gorgeous, totally out of your league guy flirting with you. A key point being, Jessica reminded herself, that technically Erik had been flirting with Katie. In fact, he’d pretty much admitted he was going to call Katie. So Jessica was left feeling annoyed and a little guilty; even though none of it was her fault.

  “What guy in his right mind kisses someone just to prove he’s good at it?” Jessica finally muttered.

  “Well, for one thing, maybe someone who was provoked into it by being called a worthless…”

  “Yeah, yeah……I know,” Jessica interrupted and sighed.

  She was annoyed with herself for being so unusually mean the night before and didn’t want to be reminded of it.

  Becky must have figured that out since she dropped it and went back to hounding Jessica about the kiss. “Soooooo, I repeat... What about the kiss?”

  Jessica, who at this point was re-thinking the wisdom of telling Becky anything, and who couldn’t even understand her own feelings about it let alone explain them to someone else decided to keep it simple.

  “It was over too quickly to have any thoughts about it Beck. If it was anything I guess I would say it was cold.”

  Cringing at her bald faced lie Jessica waited for lightening to hit her or for Becky to start singing ‘Liar liar, pants on fire’.

  Perhaps realizing that she had pushed Jessica far enough, though, Becky backed off and began distracting her with stories from her date with Blaise.

  “Well, while you were having your cold kiss, Blaise and I were on another great date.”

  “Oh, that’s right! So, did he finally take you to that new club he’s been bragging about?” Jessica asked excitedly.

  She and Becky had been dying to check out this very cool supper club that had recently opened. Non-members were only allowed in on Sunday evenings though, so Jessica and Becky had been waiting to try it out. Fortunately for Becky, however, Blaise had been a member since it had opened. His reservation had been taken immediately.


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