Betting Jessica

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Betting Jessica Page 8

by Deanne Wilsted

  “Oh yeah Jess.” Becky sounded all dreamy. “I can’t wait for you to see the rooftop garden. It is unbelievable. It feels like a different world.”

  “Did you eat on the roof deck?”

  “No, inside actually. But I was late getting there so I went into the garden to look for him.”

  Jessica heard Becky sigh dreamily. “Sooooo….” she prompted.

  “I wish I was already a good enough artist to paint it,” Becky said. “There were lanterns hanging from a pergola with lilacs cascading down like bunches of purple cotton candy.”

  “Mmmmm, it sounds beautiful.”

  “It was!” Becky continued. “Anyway, I got a drink at this bar they had set up next to a gurgling fountain and then I sort of wandered around the pathways listening to Harry Connick Jr. playing through hidden speakers.”

  “Wow. What a perfect atmosphere,” Jessica said wistfully. “I wonder if I could inspire Katie to join so I could help her cater parties there.”

  “It would be worth it,” Becky said. “The garden is so lush you can’t even see downtown. It’s almost like being in a park. It would be a magical place to have a party.”

  “Isn’t it on Beacon Hill?” Jessica asked.

  “Yep. And walking around the perimeter you can see parts of the Charles River and the lights of Cambridge.”

  “I’m so jealous. And to think I had to spend my night at Erik’s,” Jessica said. “So, how was the food? I assume you finally found Blaise and then had a perfect meal, right?”

  “After wandering through most of the garden I finally spotted him through some huge, floor to ceiling windows.”

  Becky laughed self-consciously. “It’s funny you should use the word perfect though.”

  “Why?” Jess asked.

  “I don’t know… I guess because that’s what I thought at the time. The table was candlelit and Blaise had his hand on his chin like he was thinking of something important.”

  “You maybe?” Jessica joked.

  “Well, I know, it seems crazy. But it all seemed a little too perfect. Is that totally silly?”

  “Not really,” Jessica reassured her. “I think I know what you mean. It almost sounds like a movie set or something.”

  “Yes, exactly,” Becky answered. “And he was like an actor; not real you know? So anyway, I saw him sitting there staring all dreamily out the window with a glass of wine in his free hand and I knew he hadn’t seen me because when he did our eyes met, and with a slight smile and a nod he raised his glass in a toast.”

  Becky and Jessica were both silent for a moment and then burst out laughing.

  “I know, huh,” Becky said. “I mean, at least if he’d been outside his hair would have been messed up or something.”

  “Right. So let me get this straight; you were basically the leading lady in a romantic movie and this is what you were thinking about?”

  “I know… I’m lucky, right. It’s just….” Becky let the wistfulness in her voice finish what she couldn’t say out loud.

  “Well, all I know is it’s the last time I want to hear you say I’m the one that needs help with guys.” Jessica laughed again. “My kiss with Erik might not have been perfect, but for God’s sake, at least I wasn’t worrying about his hair while he was kissing me.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Becky hung up the phone and thought about everything Jessica hadn’t said during their conversation. On the surface her explanation was logical, but Becky had an odd feeling there was more to it. Clearly it had something to do with the bet and she thought she should probably figure it out before they all got to Tahoe.

  Thinking of this reminded her of the trip and her distressing conversation with Blaise the previous night. The bottom line was that he didn’t want them to go. He was all excited about some art deco festival in Miami and wanted her to use her vacation time to go down there with him instead. But Becky couldn’t care less about art deco. No matter how hard she tried, she always ended up with the feeling that it belonged in her grandmother’s house.

  Some artist I am, she thought to herself. You would think she would appreciate art in any form. But for her it was the softness of art; the way you could meld beautiful colors to create different moods, like romance or anger that inspired her. None of that really mattered though, because even if she was the biggest Art Deco fan in the country she still wouldn’t think of abandoning Jessica.

  She had tried to explain this to Blaise but he had been notably unimpressed by Jessica’s entire endeavor.

  “Becky, you must admit this bet is more than a little ridiculous and really doesn’t show Jessica in a very good light.”

  “Well, I know it seems a little odd,” Becky had answered carefully. “But for her it’s a way of overhauling her whole outlook.”

  “Which clearly needed an overhaul,” Blaise interrupted, “if what Cynthia has told me about her is even half way accurate.”

  Becky had been horrified that Cynthia had been gossiping about Jessica, especially so meanly. Talk about needing an overhaul. Blaise was terribly judgmental and Cynthia acted like she was still in high-school sometimes.

  “But, if you really need me to go,” Blaise had finally huffed, “well then… of course I will.”

  Now Becky wondered if she should have invited him at all. Not only was she clearly going to owe him, she wasn’t sure how helpful his pessimistic attitude would be when they got there.

  On the other hand, thinking about how confusing things were getting between Erik and Jessica, it was probably good that they would have one more person along to diffuse things. Because, not that anyone had dared tell Jessica, Erik had gotten wind of the trip and had been making noises about coming along.

  Up until this morning, Becky would have said that was an incredibly bad idea. Sure Peter was his best friend, but that didn’t mean they had to do everything together. Her only explanation for Erik’s wanting to join in was to be surly.

  Now, however, Becky wasn’t so sure. She supposed it was possible that Erik actually liked Katie. Who wouldn’t? But it didn’t seem like him to be so roundabout in his approach if he did.

  On the other hand she couldn’t remember the last time Jess and Erik had been stuck spending so much time around each other and she was looking forward to seeing the two of them in Tahoe. Of course, if he really was interested in Katie then she was all wrong in her hypothesis.

  But there was one person who would know for sure. And if instead she was right, then he would also be the best person to help her encourage Erik to go to Tahoe. Decision made, she jumped up and grabbed the phone.

  “Okay, so what’s going on with Erik and Jess?” Becky launched right in when Peter answered. “I mean, I know the bet thing is weirding them both out a little, but have you noticed how Erik is acting even stranger than normal?”

  Peter chuckled softly as he listened to Becky’s animated monologue.

  “How can they be enemies,” she continued “and then kissing at the same time?”

  “What?” Peter shouted, finally interrupting her. “What do you mean they were kissing?”

  “Oh,” Becky said stopping. “So I guess you haven’t talked to Erik yet.”

  “Uh, nooooo!”

  “Well, it is all a little confusing,” Becky said. “But I guess what happened is that she was catering at his apartment and she thought he was trying to pick up Katie.”

  “But then why would he kiss Jess?” Peter asked. “Are you sure he wasn’t kissing Katie? That would make more sense.”

  “I know,” Becky said. “It seems crazy. But Jess thinks it was because she was taunting him about liking Katie. She told him he wasn’t good enough for her.”

  “Ha! Now that sounds like something Jessica would do.”

  “Anyway, so apparently he kissed Jessica to prove he was, um, good enough at some things,” Becky finally finished.

  Peter was obviously struggling to imagine any situation in which Erik would kiss his sister.
/>   “Something just doesn’t seem right about the whole thing,” Becky said. “And when I started thinking more about it I realized that the two of them have been acting even weirder than normal lately.”

  “I don’t know,” Peter said. “They seem to be the same to me; fighting all the time, antagonizing each other. They’ve been acting that way since they met in fact.”

  “Well, I know, but the bet thing. I mean, how did it even come about?”

  “Becky, you’ve been around them. The last time they gave each other the silent treatment was because they both bought me the same birthday present.”

  Becky sighed. “I guess so. But…. I’ve started wondering. I mean is it at all possible, maybe they like each other. Well, not like each other, obviously since they always fight, but you know, like each other?”

  “Oh, God! I hope not,” Peter said sounding sort of sick. “Do you think that really happens? Do people actually fight when they like each other?”

  “Well, it’s the only reason I can come up with for the way they’ve been acting, especially lately. But,” Becky asked hesitantly, “do you think I’m crazy.”

  “Oh, no,” Peter reassured her, “I would never think that. I mean, it could happen I suppose. But anyway, given how they are with each other, I can’t imagine anything ever coming of it.”

  Becky got the impression Peter was mostly saying that to reassure himself.

  “I’m sure you hope not; although, maybe then they would stop fighting.”

  “Really?” Peter asked wryly.

  “Maybe,” Becky laughed. “So I was thinking that with the trip looming perhaps we could team up and sort of watch them to see if we can figure it out.”

  “I’m in,” Peter said. “So, what do you want me to do?”

  Becky found herself smiling as she and Peter exchanged ideas about how to get Jessica and Erik to open up. Yesterday after talking with Blaise she had been really bummed about Tahoe, but now the thought of teaming up with Peter made her think it might turn out to be fun after all.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Sitting at his favorite sports bar watching tennis with Peter would normally have been Erik’s idea of the perfect Friday night. Instead though, all that kept running through his head was his stupidity the previous night.

  The whole dinner party idea had been a total disaster. He refused to allow himself any leeway on that. It had been an incredibly bad concept, with no possibility of a good outcome from the moment it was conceived. In fact, the only positive result to come out of it was the accolades he had received from his boss who had been trying hard to woo that client for a long time.

  The personal, yet professional atmosphere had worked its magic. They had had fantastic meetings today; with everyone working together like a team, rather than the vendor versus supplier feeling that had previously sabotaged their work. In fact, the only person whose head hadn’t been in the game was Erik. Fortunately, he had been excused under the assumption that he had had a long night hosting and then helping to clean up after the party. Little did his boss know that the closest Erik had gotten to the word help was when he had kissed it.

  As he tried to swallow a bite of food he stewed over how to talk to Peter about the whole thing. He knew he had to, but he couldn’t figure out where to begin. The main problem being that he couldn’t even explain to himself what had happened.

  God, what was he going to do? He didn’t even like Jessica. Or at least, mostly he didn’t like her. He certainly didn’t like the way she was so flighty all the time. She couldn’t hold down a job. She was constantly searching for something to make her happy. He paused. But then there were those rare moments when she was happy.

  He thought back to the night before when he had watched Jess setting the table, and then again she was washing the dishes. How could something so simple, so menial even, make her happy when apparently nothing else did? It was shocking the transformation when she was unaware of observation and was enjoying herself. Erik could plainly see that those moments were at the root of the attraction.

  Still, Jessica had once again managed to push his buttons last night with her accusations of his hitting on Katie. For one thing, if he had wanted to get a date with Katie he would have been more forthright about it; subtle flirting wasn’t his style. For another thing, the fact that last night she had tried to push he and Katie together meant that Jess was very obviously not into him.

  He wasn’t even aware of sighing out loud as he accepted that this was probably what had made him most angry the night before. He had wanted to make Jessica as aware of him as he was of her. Instead, he realized his pride had once again ensured that Jessica would continue to look at him as nothing more than an adversary.

  With a gulp of beer Erik looked up at Peter and said, “I’ve got something rather stupid to tell you about, and I’d rather you didn’t say anything until I’m finished. Okay?”

  “Okay,” Peter answered. “But if it has to do with your kissing Jessica last night I’d rather hear about why you think it was stupid than any of the details of the kiss. She is my sister after all.”

  “Shit! How did you already hear about it?” Erik asked.

  Peter laughed. “Well, don’t worry too much. I can’t imagine Jessica would have told anyone but Becky. And, since Becky’s the one who told me, you hopefully won’t have to explain it to the rest of the group.”

  “Oh my God! I hadn’t even thought of that.” Erik hid his face in his hands. “Aargh. If everyone finds out I’ll never live it down. I mean, it was Jessica for God’s sake.”

  “Hey, you don’t have to sound quite so disgusted. I can’t believe I’m even saying this, but even if she is my sister she’s not as bad as some girls you’ve kissed.”

  “That wasn’t what I meant. It wasn’t horrible, exactly.”

  “Uh hello? Did I not just ask you to edit?” Peter said and took a gulp of beer. “The main question though is… how drunk were you?”

  Erik sighed inwardly. Something had gone totally awry the previous night and he knew it had nothing to do with drinking. He still couldn’t even figure out how he felt about their fight and then kiss. He had been stewing over it all morning, something that was totally unlike him.

  My God, he’d only spent a few hours around Jessica and he was already acting like her. Trying to relax he told himself to let go of it already. It really wasn’t a big deal and he knew it would eventually work itself out. But he still had this damn bet to worry about, and that was the crux of the problem. He was still furious over the reason the bet had come about to begin with.

  All kinds of girls liked him. Jess should have felt lucky to have been asked out. Why on earth had he made such a fool of himself by asking her out to begin with? Since he had never told Peter what had instigated the bet, though, he couldn’t really go back now and talk with him about that.

  So no, the kiss hadn’t been awful. That was the biggest part of his problem.

  “Peter, how long have I known Jessica?” he finally asked.

  “At least 10 years,” Peter said, ignoring that Erik had never answered his own question about being drunk. “Let’s see, it was our freshman year in high school after you moved to town. So I guess that would actually make it closer to twelve years now.”

  “Exactly. Twelve years and Jessica and I still can’t go more than ten minutes without fighting. I have no idea why I kissed her… and no, it wasn’t horrible, but the aftermath is like waiting for an 8 point 0 earthquake to hit.”

  Erik’s depressed look stifled any other questions Peter may have had.

  “It’s funny you should be the one upset by it all though,” Peter finally said. “I assumed you’d had too much to drink and would laugh off the whole thing this morning.”

  Peter paused and had Erik been paying attention he would have seen a sly look cross Peter’s face. But Erik was too busy feeling embarrassed to notice Peter preparing to wind him up.

  “From what I heard,” Peter said, �
�Jess thought it was a riot that you would try to kiss her.”

  “Oh really?” Erik replied suddenly angry once again. “She thought kissing me was a riot? Well, she wasn’t laughing at the time. In fact, she was too busy kissing me back.”

  Peter covered his ears and tried to interrupt him, but Erik kept going.

  “…And you can be sure it was a real kiss, not just me putting the moves on her. In fact, she probably would have fallen down if she hadn’t been leaning on the counter.”

  “Again, more info than I needed to know,” Peter finally interrupted, holding up his hand to stop Erik. He took another huge gulp of beer and let Erik calm down.

  “All I’m saying is it seems a little strange that you’re so worried about it when she’s acting like it was no big deal.”

  “Yeah? Well that’s not how she acted last night,” Erik huffed. “Last night she looked like she was ready to throw the plates she was holding at me.”

  The image made Peter laugh. Finally Erik let go a little and started laughing too.

  “What I still can’t figure out is why on earth she would have thought I was coming on to Katie. Give me a break. I mean, Katie’s nice and all, but she’s a little cold, don’t you think?”

  Rather than answer his question, though, Peter posed one of his own.

  “Erik, do you remember when you first met Jess and you guys started arguing right away. What was that anyway?”

  “Oh, right Peter…” he laughed. “Didn’t we just say it was like 12 years ago? And anyway, I never know what I am fighting about with her. She comes out with the craziest things simply to piss me off I think.”

  They both racked their brains trying to remember what the very first argument could have been about.

  “It seems like back then she was always hanging around us when we wanted to do something on our own. Remember, she wanted to play tennis with us even though she didn’t know how and we were playing singles?”


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