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Interconnected Hearts

Page 11

by Bethany Daniel

  Chapter 24

  After a long day of entertaining my in laws and fielding phone calls from various media outlets, I decide to call up Kate for a much needed vent session.

  "I was wondering when I would hear from you." She answers in way of hello.

  "Yeah well, things have been a little bit insane around here."

  "Only a little?"

  "Ok, a lot insane." I sigh and throw myself onto my bed. "Those dang vultures have stirred up extra trouble, sticking their noses where they don't belong."

  "I think that's part of their job description, Kris. What did they do now?"

  "They called both of our parents looking for some kind of inside scoop, and we hadn't exactly told them what was going on just yet."

  "Uh oh."

  "Big uh oh. Scott's parents showed up on our door step this morning."

  "How did that go?"

  "Not too bad, actually. They got to hear the details of his sordid past with Brenna."

  "Oh...does that mean you did too?"


  "I'm sorry, Krista." I can hear the frown in her voice. "I'll tell you what, how about we make that girls weekend this weekend? I think we could use it."

  "I think that is a fabulous idea! I could definitely go for some fun and pampering right about now, and I really need some baby snuggle time, don't forget to bring my adorable nephew with you."

  "I wouldn't dream of it." She laughs and I smile. "Do you think Zoie would wanna come with?"

  "I'll drag her along, she doesn't get out much. She does however seem to be talking to or texting with Braden a lot."

  "Oh I know. He's walking around the house with his phone in hand and a big smile on his face."

  "Oh Lord, I have a bad feeling she's gonna break that boy's heart."

  "We'll see. They're just 16. I think he'll bounce back fast from one heart break."

  I shrug even though she can't see me when I hear a knock at my bedroom door. "I'll have to call you back, Kate. Someone's at the door."

  "Ok, text me what you wanna do this weekend."

  "I will, talk to you later." I hang up and make my way to the door and open it to see Zoie standing there with her phone in hand.

  "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

  "Sure, come on in." I motion for her to come sit on the bed. "What's up?"

  "Scott got me the info for an emancipation lawyer." She holds up her phone. "I made an appointment for next week."

  "Are you ok?" I ask as I put my hand on her shoulder.

  She bites her lip and shakes her head causing her curls to bounce around her face.

  "I know I should feel a sense of relief in moving forward with this, I mean she showed up drunk on set for crying out loud! But I can't help but feel guilty."

  "You have nothing to feel guilty about, Zoie. Your parents have made choices that weren't in your best interest and they have allowed their grief for Trevor to overshadow your life. You deserve more."

  "Do I?" She whispers looking up at me. "I haven't exactly been the best daughter."

  "Sweetie, I wasn't always the best daughter either. I'm pretty sure I gave my mama and daddy many grey hairs during my teen years because I wanted to be part of the cool crowd and do things I shouldn't. No one person is made perfect, you just have to pick the path that leads you where you wanna go, not to the place that will break you."

  She smiles softly and nods before standing and making her way to the door and then I remember about mine and Kate's plan for a girl's weekend.

  "Oh hey wait!"


  "By any chance would you be interested in coming along for some fun and pampering with Kate and I this weekend?"

  "Uh, could I take a rain check? I'm gonna go see a movie with Braden this weekend."

  I smile at that. "How very normal."

  "Exactly." She giggles and I see that normal girl again. It's amazing how something as simple as talking to or going somewhere with a boy you like can make you turn into a pile of mush.

  "Alright, just let me or Scott know where ya'll will be going, the media is hounding us right now so we might need to send some security with you guys."

  "We will." She waves and disappears out the door leaving me shaking my head.

  Spring Break is just about over and I'll be returning to my regular job again, but I'm nowhere near done with Zoie, she's etched herself into my heart whether I like it or not, and I don't think this will ever really end. She's become more than just another case to take care of, if I'm being honest with myself, it's like she's my daughter and I feel just as much worry for her as if she were.

  Taking a deep breath, I walk out of my room and down the stairs to see her sprawled out on the couch talking away with a big grin on her face. That's a smile I would like to help keep on her face, no kid deserves to be put through the emotional ringer for her parents pleasure. Smiling, I walk on by and settle into my window seat to stare out at the lingering media I can spot just outside of the gate.

  I really hope some other story catches their attention soon, it's so much more fun to read about celebrity gossip than to be the focus of it.

  Chapter 25

  By the time the weekend rolls around, I'm emotionally drained and really wishing I could take Scotty, Zoie and even Brenna and Cason and go hide out back home in Georgia. At least there we aren't right on the paparazzi radar and being hounded for a statement 24-7.

  "So, what's first on our agenda?" Kate asks as she juggles baby Will and his diaper bag.

  "Well, I thought we could go to some of the local boutiques and get some truly one of a kind outfits and accessories. I'm so not in the mood for Rodeo Drive today."

  "Perfect. I have to get an outfit for a press junket thing Liam has going on. I really want to avoid the embarrassment of another fitting with Elize. If I could get by with wearing some of my comfy mom pants in my closet, I would!"

  I gasp and put my hand to my chest. "Please tell me you do not really have mom jeans in your closet?"

  "Krista, I had a baby a little less than a year ago, of course I have mom jeans!"

  Shaking my head, I grab the wrist of her non-baby filled hand and start tugging her down the road. "We are so going to fix that, right now."

  "Oh God, what are you gonna do to me?"

  The lady smiles and motions for us to follow her through a set of French doors to the back.

  We walk along behind her and find racks of leather jackets, leather dresses, halter tops and just about any other item of clothing, in leather.

  "Um Kris, I think this stuff might be a little too eye catching." Kate looks around with a frown on her face.

  "I don't know, Liam might like some of these."

  She crosses her arms and gives me a look. "Kris."

  I sigh. "Fine. Thank you ma'am, but we're gonna look around at some other places."

  "Of course...Hey, aren't you Scott Adams' wife?" The sales lady asks with a twinkle in her eyes.

  Kate takes Will back from me when she sees my body tighten up and I raise my chin to look the lady in the eye. "Yes ma'am, I am."

  " everything the media is saying about him true? Does he really have a kid with some ho?" She asks eyes wide with wonder. "Didn't that piss you off? I mean if I was in your shoes, I would have had a fit!"

  I take a deep breath to calm myself down from the raging anger that is now coursing through me. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was going to be badgered here." I stop and look at her name tag. "Linda, you can expect for me to put a call in to your manager, you have a good day."

  I turn on my heel and march towards the door ignoring her pleas and apologies. So much for this being my carefree fun day.

  I storm down the road a ways until I come to a bench under a shade tree and park myself there. A moment later Kate sits beside me and holds Will in her lap quietly.

  "Are you ok?" She asks quietly.

  I nod my head but I don't know if that's the truth. People take what's printed in a m
agazine or shown on gossip show for word and I should know, I used to follow blindly just like everyone else. It's really a whole different story when the life they are speculating about is your own.


  I shake myself out of my trance and angle myself towards her. "I just hate that all my personal business is aired for everyone to see. I know it basically comes with the territory but God, we haven't even fully processed this whole situation yet and everyone out there has an opinion on it now."

  "I'm sorry, it's not easy being the wife of a celebrity, and even more so that they have a story to run with right now. But it'll get better or at least blow over soon enough. Today, we are going to pretend that we aren't a part of the celebrity world, ok? Today, if anyone else says anything, we're going to pretend we don't have a clue what they are talking about if they say we look familiar and want an inside scoop. We are going to enjoy our girl’s day if it kills us, end of story."

  I raise an eyebrow at my best friend but a smile comes to my face. "You totally used your mom voice on me."

  She grins as she stands and adjusts Will. "M-hmm, did it work?"

  I laugh letting the anger and frustration wash away as I do and hook my arm with hers. " let's go shopping!"

  A few hours later, we have shopped til we dropped, well until Will let us know that he was so done shopping for the day anyways. And I successfully have made Kate the owner of some to die for outfits that are a far cry from awful mom clothes.

  "I think my arms are gonna fall off from carrying him and my feet are gonna fall off from walking all over the place." Kate grumbles as she collapses on the couch in her living room after getting the baby down for a nap.

  "Psh, that was nothing! You just weren't wearing the right kind of shoes." I tell her matter of factly and squeak when a pillow comes flying at my head.

  "You know I hate shopping, Kris."

  "Ugh, I know. How did you survive all those years before you met me?"

  She laughs and shakes her head. "Oh my wardrobe suffered for many years."

  I smile and grab the pillow she threw at me to cuddle up with. "We did forget one important part though."

  "What?" She frowns.

  "Accessories! We have to get you something to accent your outfits, especially for that press junket."

  "I really don't want to spend a bunch of money on something I will probably only wear once or twice."

  "You don't have to." I smile and put my hand under the hearts on my necklace. "Do you see this?"

  "Oh that's beautiful, where did you get it?"

  "You know Ms. Rosalie at the grocery store close by my house? Her daughter makes all kinds of amazing jewelry like this with all different types of stones. I bet she would make something up for you and her stuff isn't expensive at all."

  "Now that is something I wouldn't mind raving about when those interviewer people ask what I'm wearing. Do you think you could introduce me?"

  "Of course!" I smile down at the artwork that is my necklace and look across at her. "When is this junket?"

  "In two weeks, think that's enough time for her to make me something?"

  "I don't know for sure, but she has a bunch of already made up stuff you could browse through. She has a booth set up at the store, maybe you could come up with me one day this week to see if something catches your eye?"

  "It's a date."

  We hear a door open behind us, and giggling, and the next moment Braden and Zoie come in hand in hand.

  "Well hello." I smile at the pair. "How was the movie?"

  "Um great." Braden shrugs as he pulls Zoie closer. "It was really good."

  "What did you see?" I ask raising an eyebrow to his response.

  "It was an action movie." Zoie smiles. "Lots of explosions and stuff."

  "Why do I get the feeling they didn't actually watch the movie?" Kate asks.

  Zoie's face turns cherry red and Braden suddenly becomes very interested in pictures hanging on the wall, all but confirming mine and Kate's thoughts of how little attention was actually paid to the screen in that movie theatre.

  "So...Zoie, are you ready to head home?" I ask to change the subject.

  "Aw does she have to?" Braden frowns and I laugh at how much he really looks like his brother.

  "Can't we stay a little while longer?" Zoie pleads.

  I stand and come to stand beside her. "No, we really should get going. Will is napping and I don't think his mama is very far behind him. I promise, it's not the end of the world."

  She pouts but turns her attention back to Braden. "I had a lot of fun."

  "Me too, wanna do it again sometime?" He asks with that Warren grin.

  "I'd love to. Call me?"

  "You bet." Braden grins and steps closer to her going in for a kiss before I grab her shoulders and steer her towards the door. "Ok, time to go! Bye Kate!"

  I quickly open the door and push Zoie out onto the porch ignoring Braden's protests.

  "What did you do that for?" Zoie glares crossing her arms over her chest.

  "You have gone on one date with him, Zoie. ONE! You are so not gonna stand there and make out with him!"

  "I like him, and it’s not like I didn't kiss him already." She smirks and I shoot her a glare.

  "You're not helping. Get in the car."

  "Oh come on! Let me just get a good night kiss." She moves to go back inside and I grab her arm and direct her back towards my car.

  "In the car, now."



  She stomps past me and I cringe when I hear the door slam behind her. Lord help me.

  Chapter 26

  The ride home is a quiet one while Zoie is stewing in her anger. I know she'll likely get over it by the time Braden is texting her or blowing up her phone but it still bugs me that she's acting this way and that I actually had to be tough with her.

  When we pull up to our gated community, we're swarmed by paparazzi trying to get a picture or trying to lure me out of Matilda to give them some sort of statement. What I wouldn't give to give them a statement of what I really think of them.

  "Krista, come on give us a break. What do you really think about that kid? Are you leaving Scott now?"

  "Has Scott gotten a DNA test?

  "Does Brenna want a big pay day?"

  "What is gonna happen to your marriage, now?"

  I hear everything they are yelling at me but I close my eyes and count to ten trying to block them out as I wait for the security guard to be able to safely open the gate and let us inside.

  "They won't just disappear you know." Zoie says from beside me.

  "But I sure wish they would." I sigh and wave at the guard when we're finally able to get inside the security of our little community.

  Several actors, working and retired, live with in miles of us here. Oddly enough there have been block parties where they all come together and it’s still so weird that old crushes and actors I've adored over the years are really friends.

  "Do you think they've gotten to Brenna and Cason yet?"

  "Most likely." I frown as I drive down the road. I hope that Scotty has a good security firm protecting them.

  When I drive up our long driveway, I spot Scott pacing the front porch and I hurry to park Matilda and get out to go to him.

  "What's going on?" I ask as soon as I reach him.

  "For starters all that mess." He points towards the swarming photographers there. "And Brenna called about an hour ago, she and Cason are going to visit some relatives in Colorado for a few days to get away from the madness. She kept apologizing over and over again but I feel like I should be apologizing for even being his father, if I wasn't he wouldn't have to leave his home because of people with a camera."

  "Don't think like that Scotty. This is what those people live for, you know. I bet there will be something bigger or newsworthy soon to grab their attention."

  Scott sighs and pulls me into his embrace as we hear the sound of bells go
ing off and I raise an eyebrow at Zoie who has her phone in her hand and a wide smile on her face as she texts.

  "If you'll excuse me, I have a boy to talk to." She holds up her phone and shoots me a smug look as she marches past us and into the house without another word.

  "What was that about?"

  "Teenage hormones." I grumble before grabbing his hand and tugging him inside. "Come on, how about I make you some hot chocolate and give you one of my famous neck massages?"

  "Hmm that does sound good." He smiles. "But aren't you worn out from shopping?"

  "Sweety, I never get worn out from shopping. It's my favorite thing to do."

  He smiles as I pull him to the couch and begin rubbing the tension out of his shoulders and neck. This whole mess is really taking a toll on him.

  "So, what are we gonna do now?" I ask and absently run my hands through his hair.

  "About Cason? I don't know right now to be honest. I want to make this work. And I know somehow, someday it will and this will all just be a memory. But right now I really wish life had a fast forward button."

  "Ah, but then we would miss all the little things that make life what it is. Sometimes it's good to just take things a day or a moment at a time. We don't get a redo like when you're filming your movies. We just gotta take what's thrown at us, good or bad."

  "It's a good thing you're a counselor, you're really good at the whole talking someone out of a funk thing."

  I laugh as I walk around the couch to join him. "Well someone has to do it. You would be surprised what comes into my office sometimes. Some of those kids’ situations are heartbreaking and others have a bad case of affluenza."

  "Of what?"

  "Too much handed to them pretty much. They walk around feeling entitled and act like it, they don't realize the world doesn't actually revolve around them."

  Shaking his head, he links his hand with mine. "God, I hope our kids don't ever end up like that."

  "They won't. Have you met my Daddy? He would so not put up with a grandbaby of his acting like that. He'd probably put them through boot camp."

  He laughs and I smile seeing some of the tension drain from his face. Scotty is the light of my life and I hate seeing some of that light drained from him. One day this will all be behind us, and we'll be old and gray sitting on a porch telling 'Remember When' stories to our grandchildren, and laughing about how crazy the media is, but right now it's a lot to process. I just hope that when everything is said and done, Cason will happily be immersed in our family and be right there on that front porch of our future listening and adding to the stories of our life.


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