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My Secretary, My Mistress

Page 4

by Eve Langlais

  “Grant, my boy. Have you got those specs I asked for?”

  "Huh?" Still befuddled by what had just happened with Isabelle, Grant hesitated. The blood from his brain still circulated inside his lower parts rather than his head. Isabelle thankfully came to his rescue.

  “They're right here, daddy,” she said, reaching over to a pile of papers on his desk and pulling out the right one.

  He smiled. “Thanks, Issy. Are you having lunch with me today? How's my boy here treating you?”

  Grant almost choked wondering if her father knew about them.

  “Oh, daddy. Grant’s a great boss. And he’s smart, too. He knows when he should listen to his secretary. Don’t you, Grant?” she said, turning her baby blue eyes on him and smiling impishly.

  “Yes, um… she’s very efficient,” Grant managed to reply.

  “Excellent. All right, I’ll leave you two to work. One o’clock for lunch, then Issy?”

  "Okay, daddy." Isabelle turned back to her father. “See you then.”

  As her father-his boss-left, he shouted over his shoulder, “Bring Grant along too, if you want.”

  "Maybe I will." Isabelle went to follow her father out, but turned back to Grant at the last moment. “I’ll be back for my panty check. You be good, now.”

  It took Grant a few moments to recover from that statement. Good thing he was competent enough at his job that he could do it without thinking.

  * * * * *

  Isabelle squirmed in her chair often during the morning, enjoying the feeling of the dildo inside her, even as her panties grew damper and damper. If he father hadn’t invited her to lunch, she would have probably closeted herself in the office with Grant and enjoyed a different kind of meal.

  Perhaps she still would.

  Quickly catching up on overnight emails and other items, she kept an eye on the clock. A half hour before lunch, she entered Grant’s office and caught him talking on the phone.

  He quickly hung up and watched her expectantly.

  Locking his door so they wouldn’t be accidentally interrupted, she sauntered over to him and hiked one leg, resting her foot on his desk.

  “Time for my panty check,” she told him, enjoying the way his cheeks flushed and his eyes grew bright. Eagerly he lifted her skirt and palmed the crotch of her panties, curling one finger under their edge and inserting it into her to check that the dildo was still in place.

  “It’s intact,” he choked out. And remembering her instructions from earlier, he withdrew his hand with a pained look.

  She brought her leg back down. “Have you been a good boy?”

  Grant nodded.

  Isabelle looked at him sharply.

  “Yes, mistress,” he said.

  “Good. Now, we’re going to lunch with my father,” she said, casually dropping to her knees and unzipping his pants. “I’m going to need you to control yourself and try not to think of the dildo in my pussy. Oh, and one last thing-no coming in your pants.”

  Freeing his cock, she dipped her head and took its swollen head into her mouth. He released a strangled moan. She slid her lips up and down the length of his shaft, pleased at its rigid thickness, and sucked him expertly. Her cheeks hollowed as she worked him faster and faster.

  He panted and said, “Oh, God. Stop. Please.”

  She knew, however, that it was already too late. With a strangled yell, he came in her mouth, his cock pulsing as he found his release and shot a creamy load down her throat.

  Swallowing, she let go of his cock and looked up into his horrified face.

  “I didn’t mean to,” he stammered. The powerful man had been reduced to putty in her hands. "I'm sorry."

  “You’ll be punished for that later,” she promised. “Now, clean yourself up. We have a luncheon, and we don’t want to be late.”

  Leaving him, she went to the ladies room to freshen up.

  The moment had gone exactly as she had planned, giving her the perfect excuse for punishing him later. Isabelle almost came herself at the thought, her body shuddering and her pussy clenching around the hidden dildo.

  This evening, she would brand Grant as hers forever.

  * * * * *

  Grant couldn’t believe that he’d lost control again. Shooting his load like some inexperienced boy. He deserved any punishment Isabelle meted out. A good solid spanking. His breathing came faster. Maybe she’d tie him up again and sexually torture him before forcing him to please her.

  His cock swelled in his pants at the mental image.

  Lunch was almost unbearable. Isabelle’s father asked him questions about business deals while Isabelle distracted him. Then her father left the table to take a call, and she dragged his hand under the table to rub her swollen clit, an act that made him harder than a rock. He wondered what she would have done to torment him had they not been seated in a booth with a draping tablecloth.

  Back at the office, she came in sporadically and had him check the dildo in her cunt. The last time, she made him bring his face right up to the soaking cloth of her panties and smell her intoxicating, musky scent, which aroused him more than any aphrodisiac.

  Grant couldn’t wait for the workday to end. She had him in such a state, he was tempted to risk her heavenly wrath, bend her over his desk, and fuck her until she came around his cock. But would an act like that get him punished or banished?

  He couldn’t take the chance, so he put up with the erotic torture, eagerly watching the time. By five o’clock, he was more than ready to go.

  Isabelle laughed at him. “Are you so eager to be punished?”

  “Anything that pleases you, mistress.”

  She let him drive her home instead of taking a cab, and he thanked God he drove an automatic when she pressed his hand to her damp crotch the whole way to her place.

  As soon as they walked through the door, Isabelle turned to him. “Strip and go lie on the bed on your back. Do not touch yourself.”

  "Yes, mistress." Grant had to control himself so he wouldn’t run, so eager was he for whatever new delight she had in store.

  And he only had a moment of fear when, dressed in nothing but a smile, she tied his arms and legs to the four corner of her bed.

  Grant was completely at Isabelle's mercy. It was a heady feeling for her. After attaching the last restraint, she straightened and raked her gaze over him.

  His muscled body looked anything but tame, yet he’d let her tie him up without protest or a struggle. His cock jutted from his hips like a mast-tall and straight, without a hint of a curve-while his heavy balls rested on the bed ready for play.

  Excitement gripped her. She knew what would happen tonight. And poor Grant wouldn’t like it one bit-at least, not at first. But if he let her indulge in her most erotic desire, then he would belong to her forever. He wouldn’t be able to resist. But first she had to make him come, so he would last for what she had planned. He was already close to the edge.

  Kneeling between his legs, she pushed her tits together and massaged them, tweaking her nipples into points, then lifted her breasts high so she could flick her own tongue against them. Riveted, Grant watched her. Isabelle leaned forward and slid his swollen shaft between her plump tits, flicking her tongue against the head of his cock when it peeked through.

  He liked that a lot, judging by the way he trembled and his breathing grew faster. But Isabelle had already given him a treat today when she’d sucked him off, so this time she needed to make him come via a bit of pain.

  “Time for your punishment for losing control today, my pet,” she announced. Pulling away from his shaft, she grasped its tip with two fingers, pinching it, then pulled a small latex flog from the folds of her comforter at the side of the bed.

  Grant’s eyes widened, but to his credit he didn't say a word-although his cock did blush a becoming mauve. With a wicked smile, Isabelle applied the flog lightly to his manhood, the smooth snick of it hitting his flesh interspersed with his grunts and moans of pleasure. Faster and

faster she whipped him, alternating with strikes on his balls, which grew heavy and tight under her onslaught. Releasing the tip of his rod, she grasped him by the root and applied the flog to its mushroomed head. When it bloomed a becoming dark red, she wrapped her lips around it and gave it a wet suck.

  With a bellow and a buck of his hips, he came, his hot semen scalding the inside of her mouth. Swallowing, Isabelle licked him clean.

  “Thank you, mistress,” Grant whispered in a faint voice.

  Isabelle left the bed and sat in her low slung chair, angled so Grant could watch every motion. She drew her knees apart, exposing herself to him. Then, reaching down, she grasped the edge of the dildo still buried deep inside her and slid it partly out, then jabbed it back in. She gasped as she unerringly hit her g-spot with its tip. Isabelle knew her body well. Slowly and methodically, she pumped and primed herself in front of Grant until his cock rose from his body again, ready for another round.

  My pet has wicked stamina. Something she appreciated, given her own sexual insatiability.

  Crawling up onto the bed, her heavy breasts dangling enticingly, she straddled his chest with her back toward his face. Bending forward, she blew on his turgid cock while shifting her bottom until her pussy hovered above his mouth. His shaft jerked in response, and she smiled as she wiggled her ass over his face and squeezed her pelvic muscles to make her nether lips quiver.

  “Listen, my pet,” she said with a purr. “I am going to lower my pussy onto your face. You will withdraw my toy using your lips and teeth. Do not drop it.”

  “Yes, mistress.”

  Isabelle crouched lower, until his warm breath was upon her. Then she edged down a bit more, sighing in pleasure when his tongue found her damp hole and delved inside. Using her lower muscles to expel the dildo rather than hold it in, she aided him in easing it out, mourning the loss of its titillating presence.

  She raised herself back up, then reached back to take the dildo. Placing the bottom edge of it between her teeth, she smelled her own musky arousal. To Grant's moan of protest, she slid her pussy away from his face.

  His moan cut off when she poised her wetness over his cock and slowly sank down onto his jutting staff, his hard thick length filling her nicely.

  She resumed playing with balls while gently rocking on his cock, not enough to get him too riled up, but enough to distract him from her fingers, which slipped past his sack to his anus. When she slipped one damp finger inside him, he tensed. But she tilted her pelvis hard on his cock, and with a gasp he loosened up again. Breathing faster now as she got closer to her goal, she worked a second finger into his tight orifice. He only gave a quick flex this time. He was too far gone to protest, meaning he was as ready as he’d ever be.

  Isabelle took the slick dildo from her mouth, where she’d been holding it like a cigar, and rocked faster on his cock. Then she slid her fingers out of his anus and probed it instead with the small phallus, pushing part of it into him before he tensed up.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he asked, shock in his voice. "I don't-"

  “Fucking you,” she said her voice thick with passion. She was so close to claiming him.

  He jerked. “Take it out. I’m not into that.”

  “Are you sure?” She craned back to look at him.

  He peered at her with a furrowed brow. “My ass if off limits.”

  “Pity,” she said, removing the dildo from his butthole and herself from his cock and the bed.

  Grant’s indignation lasted only as long as Isabelle was on his cock. As soon as she hopped off, he knew he'd fucked up. “Where are you going?”

  “You said you didn’t want to play anymore." She shrugged. "So I’m going to untie you so you can go home.”

  What? He didn’t want to stop. He just didn’t like the idea of her fucking him, as she’d so crudely put it. He didn't let anyone play with his ass. Well, that finger thing she’d done was okay, but inserting objects went over the line. Didn’t it? He frowned. “Please, mistress. Come back.”

  Isabelle ignored him and sat on her low slung chair with one foot propped up, exposing herself and rubbing the dildo she’d tried to insert in him against her moist lower lips.

  “Will you let me play my way?” she asked, sliding the plastic toy inside her moist cunt. "Will you surrender your body to me and allow me to do with it as I please? "

  “Can’t we skip the ass part?” He wasn’t above begging, not when he knew the delights that could be had. "I’ll let you spank me again."

  “Either you let me fuck you, or go home and don’t bother coming back. If you want to be with me, you will play by my rules. And my rules state that I can do with you whatever I wish. Just count yourself lucky I’m willing to start small. I could have used a much bigger toy.”

  Grant swallowed hard, and his sphincter muscles tightened. Only it wasn’t entirely because of fear. Could he let go enough to let her do what she asked? He’d enjoyed everything else she’d introduced him to, so perhaps what she proposed would be just as pleasurable. He needed to let go of the belief that this was somehow taboo. He was still a man-and powerful in the business world, to boot. He’d already abased himself for her pleasure, and his. So the question remained, could he unwind enough to let her do it? Or did he prefer going home blue balled, without tasting her immeasurable delights?

  His rigid cock, which hadn’t caved to the fear as his mind had, made the decision for him. “I will do as you wish, mistress.”

  "Good." Isabelle beamed at him in triumph, pulled out the dildo, and rose from her seat, her voluptuous body swaying temptingly as she crawled back onto the bed and hovered over his body.

  Instead of seating herself on his cock, however, she dangled herself over his mouth. Straining his head up, he tongued her. With a sigh of pleasure, she lowered herself and sat herself on his face, smothering him delightfully.

  Intent on his prize, he barely noticed her toying with balls, her sharp nails grazing them as she worked them in her hand.

  A quick wet dart of her tongue followed, then a sensuous lick from the base of his cock, over his heavy sac, and then under them to the tender skin between his buttocks. He gasped against her sex when her wet tongue probed him. It felt strange, yet nice. Actually, more than nice as she laved him.

  Grant found himself moaning against her, his body trembling with need.

  He didn’t even flinch this time when the head of her dildo pushed at his anus. Keeping just the tip inserted, she took away his decadent feast and poised herself over his cock again. Throwing a glazed look of passion over her shoulder, she sat down hard on him and pushed the slick toy into him all the way.

  Grant shouted in surprise-and pleasure.

  Isabelle squirmed on top of him. His long, thick cock penetrated deep inside her as she slid the length of the dildo into him. If only it were bigger.

  Bouncing up and down on his shaft, she worked the phallus in and out of his anus. What a power rush and an erotic thrill. Her breathing grew fast and ragged as she rammed her bottom against his cock in time with the slide of the dildo into his ass.

  Grant moaned harshly behind her, until he came with a bellow and another tremendous shudder. Isabelle soon followed suit, her vaginal muscles clamping tightly around him and then convulsing as her orgasm rolled over her, leaving her weak, but sated.

  A smile of triumph hovered on her lips. Grant now belonged to her, body and soul. My new pet pleases me. Such delights I have to show him still.

  Isabelle quivered, that movement making Grant mewl. He was spent for the moment, but not for long. She had ways of getting him aroused again.

  She thought longingly of her closet, filled with gadgets and toys, all of an erotic nature depending on how one wielded them. He’d need to be eased into some activities, but she’d overcome his initial prejudices and open up a world of pleasure to him-and to herself.

  The possibilities were endless.


  Isabelle bent over, flashin
g Grant to prove she wore no panties and that her pussy was freshly shaven as well as glistening wet. The edge of the dildo, of which he was well acquainted, peeked out from between her nether lips.

  He stuttered on the phone, and she smiled triumphantly. While they always maintained a professional attitude at work, it never hurt to remind him periodically who was truly the boss in their relationship.

  Grant’s training had been enjoyable, and now that she had him right where she wanted him, it was time to up the ante-not to mention, the erotic fun. Her plan of seducing and claiming Grant had been successful, and she now had her very first pet. The training she’d gone through herself not too long ago had paid off, and she wanted to share that success.

  Exiting Grant’s office, she grabbed a thick file folder from her desk and headed to the elevators and the third floor. She touched up her lip gloss on the short ride and when the doors opened, stepped out and headed right for the closed door at the back of the accounting department.

  Knocking lightly, she adopted a subservient mien that would have shocked her slave before opening the door and entering. The powerfully built man behind the desk didn’t speak to her until she quietly locked the door and dropped to her knees with her head bowed.

  “I take it things went well while I was gone?” The deep timbre of his voice made her tummy flip and her nipples harden beneath her silk blouse. She’d missed his masterful presence while he’d been away on business.

  She nodded. “He didn’t react as planned initially, but in the end, he came around. He’s now mine to do with as I please, master.”

  Isabelle always experienced a thrill saying that word. To know someone had claimed her and now could do with her as he pleased.

  “You did well, my perfect angel. Are you ready to take things to the next level?” Andrew asked. He had initiated her to the pleasure to be found in many BDSM and fetish activities.

  Isabelle knew what he wanted. Was Grant ready for a threesome? At the thought of being with her master and her slave at the same time, Isabelle shivered deliciously, a rush of moisture pooling in her crotch.


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