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Rumors: Justine & Devon

Page 4

by Rachael Brownell

  Returning my attention to the fridge, I pretend to browse for something to eat.

  “Because it’s obvious that you haven’t moved on.”

  “Moved on? It’s been almost two years. I’ve moved on, and so has he, I’m sure. Why can’t I get my nails done without you getting ideas in your head?” I remark, grabbing my drink and slamming the door.

  “Because I know you, Justine. You’re only concerned with your appearance when it benefits you. When there’s someone else who cares about what you look like.”

  “Well, guess what? Even if there was someone, it would be none of your business.” I can feel my anger rising. I want to scream at her, tell her I don’t live by her rules and I don’t have to. I’m not a bad person just because I have different beliefs than her. I don’t, of course. Instead, I walk past her, into my room, and slam my door.

  She’s so infuriating.

  An hour later, she’s knocking, asking if she can come in. Not wanting to fight with her and make things tense, I let her in.

  “So, are you planning on going on that double date with me next week,” she starts, barely stepping inside the room. I watch as she looks around, inspecting my personal space. Does she think I’m hiding a guy in here or something?

  “No thanks. I’m not interested in spending time with your boyfriend or anyone like him.” My choice of words is blunt, especially for me.

  “Like him?” she protests.

  “Yes, like him. A man who only sees things one way, and if you don’t happen to live your life like he lives his, he rules you as worthless or less than him. Your boyfriend hates me, Audra. I’m sure you see it and if not, you must be blind. I know you love him and hope to spend the rest of your life with him, and I’m sorry we don’t get along, but I’m not the type of person he wants to date his friends. This is his way of trying to change me. You live with me and if he has to deal with me, he wants me to be on his side of the great divide.

  “Well, I’m not. I’m not a virgin. I’m not as religious as he is. I’m not saving myself for marriage. I don't believe what he believes. The only people he allows in his life are those that see and think like he does. The big difference between me and him is that I don’t judge people for seeing things differently than I do. In fact, I respect the hell out of it because that means they’re being true to themselves. Keegan is one of the most judgmental people I know. Not only do I not want to double date with you, but I don’t want to hang out with him. Ever. Especially not by choice.”

  It wasn’t my intention to go off on her. I never planned to share my real feelings for her boyfriend with her. Not today and not ever. This could be what breaks our relationship. And if it is, I’ll take responsibility.

  Chapter Five

  After fighting with Audra, I didn’t sleep well. I replayed our conversation over and over again. I was mean, but I was honest. She hasn’t spoken a word to me since then.

  Normally, I see her in the mornings as she heads out. I’m getting up about the time she leaves. As a high school math teacher, she’s out the door by six o’clock to make the thirty-minute drive across town.

  Not today.

  After school, she’ll come home, cook, and grades papers before meeting up with Keegan. Some nights he comes over, others she goes there.

  As I walked through the door tonight, I’m expecting to be met with the smell of something tasty followed by glares of hatred. I’m met with neither. In fact, there’s no sign that Audra even came home from work. Her bag isn’t where she normally leaves it. The kitchen appears as I left it this morning, my used coffee cup the only thing in the sink, hers already washed and in the strainer.

  After changing into something more comfortable, I search the cabinets for something to make for dinner. Nothing sounds good. Maybe it’s the exhaustion or my nerves, but I haven’t eaten much today. I skipped breakfast, aside from my standard three cups of coffee, and picked at a salad for lunch.

  ME: Wanna grab food?

  ALLISON: Can’t. Sorry.

  ME: Don’t have too much fun.

  Ally has a date tonight. I forgot. She was telling me all about him over lunch, but I was zoned out, thinking about Devon and Audra. My dread of coming home after work followed by my excitement to see Devon tomorrow.

  ME: Wanna grab dinner and catch up?

  MEGAN: I have Amara this week, I can’t. Raincheck?

  ME: Of course. Girl’s night soon?

  MEGAN: Hell yes!

  Strike two. Why does it feel like I have no friends right now? I get that they both have their own lives, obligations, and responsibilities, but what happened to the three of us? It’s like we’re moving in different directions.

  ME: Dinner?

  EMERSON: Um, maybe. What time?

  ME: Soon. I’m hungry.

  EMERSON: Okay. The bar in 30? Can I bring Angela?

  ME: Sure. See you then.

  This is perfect. We can figure out what we want to do this weekend. I’m sure Angela will want to hang out with us. Tyler and Ryder don’t get to see Devon often. It’ll be like a mini-reunion. Again. Plus, everyone had so much fun last weekend, why wouldn’t they want to hang out?

  “Hey!” I holler over the music as Angela and Emerson take a seat.

  “It’s loud in here tonight,” Angela hollers back.

  “It must be the drink specials,” I say, nodding in the direction of the large chalkboard hanging behind the bar. The list of specials is long tonight. Everything from beer to mixed drinks is on sale.

  Standing and picking up my drink, I motion for the girls to follow and I make a path through the crowd to a table in the corner, hoping it’s quieter.

  “Much better,” Emerson says, the noise level low enough that she doesn’t have to holler.

  “Right. Thanks for coming out with me.”

  “Sure. It’s almost like girls’ night out,” Angela says.

  “Almost. Megan and I were actually talking about getting together next week and having girls’ night. You guys wanna come?”

  Emerson and Angela share a look, one I can’t interpret, before shaking their heads in unison.

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea,” Emerson says. “You know, the whole ‘I’m dating her ex-husband’ thing.”

  “Good point. What about you, Ang?”

  “Honestly, she annoys me a little. I think she needs to get laid. Plus, I prefer her in small doses and since I saw her last weekend, I think I’ll pass.”

  There it is. The reason I like Angela more every time we talk. She makes me laugh. The conversation flows, as do the drinks and food. We’re laughing the night away when I notice the little green light on my phone flashing. Sliding my finger across the screen, I have three text messages waiting for me.

  AUDRA: We need to talk. When will you be home?

  TYLER: I’m going to stay with Hunter. Can you please cancel the hotel reservation when you get in tomorrow?

  DEVON: Almost there. Want to have a drink when I get in? I need to unwind.

  “Earth to Justine!”

  Angela and Emerson are both staring at me with a concerned look on their faces. “What?”

  “You went from looking horrified to happy in a matter of seconds. What’s going on?”

  “It’s my stupid roommate. She’s being a bitch,” I state, rolling my eyes in the process.

  “Why?” Angela asks.

  “Let’s just say she’s uber religious and takes issue with the way I live my life.”

  “What’s wrong with your life?” Emerson’s voice is defensive.

  “I’m not a virgin, and she seems to think that since I’m not married, I should be. It’s her boyfriend’s influence,” I explain, shaking my head.

  “Screw her!” Angela yells, causing a few people to turn their heads in our direction. “You’re twenty-seven years old. Who gives a shit if you’re not a virgin? I would be more concerned if you were. She sounds like a piece of work. Why don’t you move out?”

Angela makes it sounds easier than it is. Pack up and go. I wish!

  “I’ve thought about it.”

  “And the giant smile that crossed your lips?” Emerson prods, leaning closer.

  “Devon is almost here and wants to meet up. Care if I invite him down here?” Both of them are staring at me, suppressing their smiles. “What?”

  “Nothing. I just didn’t realize he was coming into town this weekend, that’s all. What about your roommate? Won’t she have a problem with him sleeping over?”

  Emerson’s words strike me as odd at first. Why would she assume he’s sleeping at my house unless…

  “Didn’t he ask Ryder if he could stay at his place?”

  “Um, no.” She sits back in her chair and eyes me suspiciously.

  “Well, that’s his plan as far as I know.”

  “Seriously?” Emerson’s voice rises a few octaves, and Angela starts laughing. One look from Emerson and Angela clears her throat, swallowing her laughter.

  “What am I missing?” I ask.

  “Em was hoping to get some, that’s all,” Angela replies, pressing her lips together to keep from smiling.

  “It’s not like he’s staying in the room with you,” I defend, trying to make the situation sound more appealing.

  “Yeah, but things have been so great. I’m finally to a point where I’m ready to take it to the next level, and I was going to surprise Ryder this weekend. If someone else is around, I won’t be comfortable. When is he leaving? Not that I don’t enjoy Devon’s company, but I have a whole game plan.”

  “Haven’t you been staying at his house this entire week?” I ask.

  “Yes, but we haven’t, you know…”

  “Really?” I don’t mean to sound surprised, but I am.

  “Really. After my last relationship, I wanted to be sure this is what I want. It is, and I knew that, but now I’ve made him wait, so I want to make it special.”

  “I’m sorry. If he could stay with me, I would let him.”

  “It’s fine. Let me text Ryder and let him know.”

  While Emerson fills Ryder in, I text Devon, sending him directions to where we are.

  DEVON: I’m about twenty minutes away.

  ME: See you soon.

  AUDRA: Are you ignoring me? We really need to talk.

  ME: Yes, I am. I don’t want to talk to you right now. I’m out with FRIENDS.

  That wasn’t necessary, but I couldn’t help myself. I’m still angry with her. For judging me. For pushing her beliefs on me. Mostly, for choosing her boyfriend over me, over our friendship. She’s changed because of him. I don’t have an issue with her new beliefs, but I do have an issue with the way she treats people who don’t believe the same as she does.

  “So what are your plans for this weekend, then?” Angela asks as Emerson taps gently on her phone.

  “I was hoping the six of us could get together.”

  “I don’t see why not. With Tyler leaving on Monday morning, we were planning to spend the weekend together anyway. What about the two of you, though? Any big plans alone?”

  Angela’s question is about as direct as you can get. She sounds a lot like Allison at the moment. I won’t mention that to her, though. I feel like it might offend her.

  “Not what you’re thinking. At least, that’s not my plan. I hope it’s not his. Do you think that’s why he’s coming into town? For a booty call?”

  “I doubt it, but I’m sure he’s hoping.”

  As I reach for my wine glass, our conversations from this week play through my mind. He didn’t infer that was why he was coming to town. He didn’t lead me to believe that sex was the only thing he was interested in. In fact, everything he said and suggested was the contrary.

  I got the distinct impression he wants to get to know each other better. To be able to spend time together. He asked me to show him around the city. We didn’t make plans exactly, but there were ideas tossed around. Tons of them.

  “Hey guys, I have to get going. Ryder isn’t exactly happy with Devon at the moment, and I’m going to head over there and try to calm him down a bit before he arrives.”

  “Are you planning on coming home tonight?” Angela asks, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

  “Um, probably not. Is that okay?”

  “Of course. Just wondering. It’s almost like I live alone again.”

  Emerson flips Angela off, waves to me, and then disappears into the crowd. I like her. She’s sassy and funny and seems to be good for Ryder. He used to be uptight and demanding. Since meeting Emerson, he’s relaxed. He smiles. He’s happy. I knew things between him and Megan weren’t great, but I didn’t realize how bad they were for him. Megan has a feisty personality. It’s going to take a special person to tame her one day. Ryder was not that person. Or he didn’t want to be.

  “So, when Devon gets here, I’m going to split too.” Angela’s announcement causes my stomach to turn.

  “No, stay with us. Have a drink.”

  “And be in the middle of whatever you have going on? No thanks,” she replies, shaking her head back and forth.

  “You don’t have to leave. Really. He knows you’re here.”

  “And I will be until he gets here. I’m not going to leave you in this bar with drunk guys around staring in your direction. They would pounce before I was out the door.”

  “Well, thanks for that at least.”

  “What are friends for,” she jokes. “Seriously though, you like him, don’t you?”

  “I do. He seems very sweet and he’s funny. I could talk to him for hours if I didn’t need to sleep at some point. I’m also scared I’ll screw this up somehow. I always do.”

  “No, you don’t. You’ve just been looking in all the wrong places. You need someone who appreciates you for who you are. Someone who can see how special you are. You need someone who looks at you like Tyler looks at me, like Ryder looks at Em. It’s not easy to find. Even if Devon’s not the one, keep your chin up. He’s out there, somewhere. But—”

  Clearing my throat, Angela stops talking.

  When Devon’s eyes lock on mine, it’s as if time stands still. No one else is around. The bar is empty. It’s just the two of us. Alone.

  Well, with Angela sitting across from me.

  As he makes his way over, I take him in. He’s still wearing a suit. His tie has been loosened at the neck and the top button of his baby-blue shirt is popped. He walks with confidence, a smile on his face.

  Two girls stare at him as he walks past, openly gawking.

  Devon is the kind of man who will draw your attention. Whether he’s wearing jeans and a t-shirt or a suit and tie, he’s downright sexy.

  “Hey,” he says, leaning down and kissing me on the cheek before sliding into the chair next to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as the girls roll their eyes and turn away. “Angela, how are you?”

  “Just leaving actually, but I have a feeling I’ll be seeing you this weekend.” Standing, Angela sends me a pointed look. “Have fun you two.”

  “Bye. Thanks again,” I holler after her.

  “She didn’t have to leave.” Devon lifts his arm and places it on my shoulder, pulling me closer.

  “I tried to tell her that.”

  “What did she mean about seeing me this weekend? Does that mean you actually made plans for us?” he teases.

  I’ve been avoiding making plans all week. I didn’t want to set anything in stone in case he wasn’t able to make it. Even yesterday I skirted around the subject. We’d talk about things we could do, but nothing was decided upon.

  “Not especially, but I mentioned to Emerson and Angela that we should all get together. I was thinking maybe a cookout at Ryder’s. Speaking of Ryder…” I say, letting my voice trail off. The moment he catches on to why I didn’t finish my sentence he cringes.

  “Shit. I forgot to call him this week.” His brows pinch together as he cringes.

  “Yeah. Emerson is over there right now putting out
the fire. I guess you’re kind of crashing their party by staying there.”

  “Wanna help me out, then?”

  “Um, maybe.” I’m hesitant to agree to anything when it comes to one of my bosses being pissed off. I can deal with that during the work week, but weekends are my time.

  “Stay with me. He won’t be a dick to me in front of you, and hopefully by the end of the weekend, he’ll be over it.”

  Stay with him? At Ryder's? For the weekend?

  As much as the idea of staying with him for three nights scares me, it’s also intriguing. Not to mention… No Audra. No drama. I could put off talking to her until Devon leaves.


  Chapter Six

  After feeding a very hungry Devon, he follows me to my apartment and waits outside while I quickly pack a bag. It’s close to midnight when I close the door behind me, leaving my sleeping roommate a note that says I’m leaving town for the weekend. My hope is that she’ll leave me alone for a few days so I can enjoy my time with Devon.

  Ryder’s house is pitch black when we enter. I’ve never had to navigate through the house in the dark before so I grab Devon’s hand and allow him to guide me. I’m fairly certain he’s lost when he finally flips a light on and I realize we’re in the garage.

  “Um, I thought you knew where you were going.”

  “I do,” he says, pulling me up a set of stairs. “We’re staying out here this time.”

  Opening the door at the top of the stairs, Devon pulls me inside and kicks the door closed behind us, the sound echoing off the walls and causing me to jump. I can’t see anything in here either, only a sliver of light is coming from the corner. I hear him running his hand up and down the wall, searching for a light switch. When he finally finds it and illuminates the room, I’m surprised to be standing in the middle of a giant bedroom.

  “I never knew this was here,” I say, scanning the room and taking in every detail.

  “Ryder added it when shit started to get bad with Megan. This was his room until she moved out. That way he was still living here with Amara but able to avoid Megan as much as possible.”


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