Rumors: Justine & Devon

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Rumors: Justine & Devon Page 10

by Rachael Brownell

  “Rumors?” My greatest fear. Being center stage of the office gossip. I should have known my turn would come. I was stupid enough to participate in it. Karma.

  “Drinks after work?” she asks, looking around to make sure no one is paying attention to us.

  Nodding, Ally powerwalks back to her desk and puts her head down, pretending to focus on work. My phone chimes a few seconds later. Assuming it’s her, I flip it over and unlock my screen.

  JP: Do you like your gifts?

  How the hell did he get my new number?

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Seriously!” I shout, my anger rising with each passing second. “Who in the hell would believe that?”

  “I don’t know who started it, but Helen was telling me what she heard the other day and then what she saw in the conference room. She asked about him and so I told her a little, but not enough to feed the rumor mill. I swear.”

  Ally’s defensive. I know she wouldn’t share personal details with anyone she thought would spread more rumors. Helen is the sweetest old lady I’ve ever met. She’s like a grandmother to all of us. I doubt she would say anything, even if she knew everything.

  “So everyone thinks I’m sleeping with a client?”



  “Well, someone might have said they thought you may have hooked up in the conference room.” Allison’s face cringes as she cautiously says each word.

  “I’m going to fucking kill whoever started this rumor. This is bullshit.”

  “Yes, but all the more reason to tell Devon this weekend when you see him so he doesn’t hear about it later on.”

  Ally’s been trying to convince me all night to tell Devon about JP. She doesn’t understand that I don’t want to tell him if I don't have to. Right now, there’s no reason for me to tell him. If things change, then I’ll fill him in on what I think he needs to know. But not until then.

  “No way! If I tell him, he’ll think I’m trying to cover it up or something. Plus, how would he even hear about it? Like you said, Ryder doesn’t listen to that shit.”

  Placing her hand on top of mine, Ally looks me in the eye for a moment before speaking her mind. “It’s not worth the risk, Justine. Even if there’s the slightest chance that he could hear about it later on, you need to be the one to tell him first. This weekend. Before the rumors get worse.”

  Promising her I’ll think about it, we both order another drink and the conversation shifts to her lack of a love life. I listen as she goes on and on about a date she had last night that felt like it would never end. As invested in the conversation as I am, my mind drifts to the box in my purse. I want to tell Ally about it, but I don’t want to talk about JP anymore.

  I’m sick of talking about him. I’m sick of hearing about him. The sound of his voice is like nails on a chalkboard. I can hear it now. Calling my name, using that sickly sweet tone that I hate so much.

  “Justine!” Ally hollers, tapping the table in front of me.

  “Sorry, I must have spaced out.”

  Using only her eyes, Ally motions for me to look over my shoulder. I don't have to look to know who’s standing there. I can feel his presence, my skin crawling with uneasiness.

  “What do you want, JP?” I ask as he pulls out the chair next to me and takes a seat without being invited.

  “Nothing. I just happen to notice you sitting over here and I thought I would say hello. Is there anything wrong with that?”

  His voice is confident and calm. It grates on my nerves how relaxed he is. This isn’t a coincidence. There’s no chance.

  “Really? That’s interesting. What’s the name of the bar we’re sitting in right now?”

  My suspicion is that he somehow tracked me down. It’s not a secret that the girls and I frequent only one place. All he would have to do is look at my social media account to know where we hang out.

  “Why does that matter?” There’s a flirtation in his voice that somehow surprises me.

  “Because I doubt you’ve ever been here before, which means that either you’re dangerously close to stalking me or this is a strange coincidence. You know I don’t believe in coincidences.”

  “Why not call it fate?” he suggests, leaning closer.

  “Calling it fate would imply that neither of us had a hand in bumping into each other.”

  Smiling at me, JP stands and walks away without another word. Watching him as he goes, I smile to myself. If he wants to play games, fine. I can play games too. Only I plan to win.

  Point, Justine.

  “Anything you want to tell me?” Ally asks as soon as JP disappears among the sea of people.

  “No, why?”

  “The smile on your face tells me you enjoyed bantering back and forth with him. I hope he doesn’t think that too.”

  Ally’s words run through my mind over and over again as I make my way to the hotel. Devon should be arriving within the hour and as much as I was hoping to spend the night wrapped in his arms, I feel like we need to have a talk first. One that’s going to be uncomfortable. Telling him about JP and our past is at the bottom of the list of things I’d love to discuss with Devon, but it’s at the top of the list of things I need to discuss with him.

  Ally has a valid point. As much as it might appear that I’m covering something up by telling him, it’s better to be up-front and honest with him in case the rumors reach him. Hearing them angered me, but they would hurt him.

  Waving the key card in front of the lock, the light changes to green at the same moment my phone chimes in my purse. Dropping my bags inside the door, I dig through my purse until I find it.

  DEVON: At valet waiting for them to take my car. Be up soon. What room?

  ME: 1702 I just walked in.

  DEVON: See you in a sec.

  Flipping the light switch, the room illuminates in a soft glow, and my jaw drops open a few inches. I was expecting a modest room with a bed and television. Somewhere for us to hang out at night, sleep, and enjoy each other’s company.

  What I wasn’t expecting was an apartment bigger than mine with a view of the entire city.

  Walking down the hall, I pass an open door on my right. Taking a peek inside, I find a standard hotel bathroom. Nothing fancy considering what’s in front of me. Continuing farther into the hotel room, or what I’ve now gathered is a suite, I enter a large open living area. A white couch is situated in the center of the room, accented by a charcoal-gray chair on either side. Both have red decorative pillows that match the large rug encompassing the entire area and the curtains that lie open providing me with a view that leaves me breathless.

  The room has an open-concept with a full kitchen to my left. Sparkling granite counter-top. Stainless steel appliances. Dark mahogany wood cabinets.

  Straight ahead are a set of french doors. Pushing them open, I find an enormous king-sized bed situated in the center of the room. White linens with red accent pillows. There’s a wall of windows to the left with matching red curtains draped on either side of the windows. Walking through the door to the right, I’m standing in another bathroom, this one the size of my bedroom. A stand-up shower at one end, Jacuzzi tub at the other.

  Running my fingers over the handle of the tub, I contemplate hopping in when there’s a knock at the door.

  Devon’s here.

  Running through the suite, I open the door without looking and run straight into Devon’s chest. Wrapping his arms around me, I let out a sigh as he kisses the top of my head.

  “You realize I’m never going to want to leave this place, right?”

  “That was the plan. Me. You. Alone. All weekend. I made you a promise and I plan to keep it.” The devious tone in his voice matches the grin on his face when I pull back and look up at him.

  “I like your plan,” I state, reaching for his hand and pulling him inside.

  I watch Devon’s grin spread, his eye lighting up as I lead us into the bedroom. Dropping his bag in
side the door, he reaches for my empty hand and pulls me to him, tilting my chin up so he can capture my lips.

  An entire weekend.


  Only the two of us.

  Walking our bodies backward, my knees buckle when they hit the edge of the bed. Laughing as I fall onto the soft duvet covering the mattress, Devon follows me, his body covering mine.

  A rush of air leaves my lungs as he lands on me, my laugh sounding like a cough. Devon scrambles to push himself off me, apologizing profusely for hurting me.

  “Its fine,” I laugh. “You would have found out eventually how ungraceful I really am.”

  Before he can answer, his phone is ringing in his pocket and mine is ringing from the other room. Sharing a questionable look, I rush to answer my phone while Devon answers his.



  “Is Devon with you?” she asks, her words rushed.

  “Yeah. Why? What’s wrong?”

  Sighing into the phone, Emerson explains about the accident on the highway. There was a vehicle crushed under a tractor-trailer and it’s the same make and model as Devon’s. Apparently, it worried Emerson and Ryder when they saw it on the news knowing he was headed up here tonight.

  “Thanks for checking on us,” I say, my heart pounding in my chest at the thought that Devon could have been hurt.

  “No problem. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  After hanging up, I head back into the bedroom in search of Devon. He’s lying across the bed, his phone still in his hand, snoring lightly. Shaking my head, the reality of our situation smacks me in the face.

  We can’t keep doing this. He’s been working ten to twelve hours days so he can come up here on Thursday nights. Not to mention all the driving he’s been doing. Almost four hours each way, twice a week.

  The snow will start to fall soon and that will add at least an hour to his drive on a good day. What if he crashes? What if the next time Emerson calls in a panic, the car is his? I can’t have that on my conscience.

  And for what?

  A fling?

  Even if he likes me as much as I like him, is this really worth it? To be exhausted to the point that you pass out as soon as you stop moving for a few minutes. What kind of life is that?

  It’s something to think about, something we need to discuss this weekend. It’ll be better to discuss this now before things get serious. Before feelings get hurt.

  Do I want to end things with Devon? Hell no. But I’d rather have him alive and not part of my life than dead and weeping over his grave, feeling as if I’m the cause of his death.

  Shaking my head, I head back into the living room in search of my phone charger. Digging through my purse, the little blue box catches my eye and reminds me I have another issue I need to deal with as well.

  My resolve to tell him everything has weakened. One big discussion at a time. First, we need to figure out what the hell we’re doing. If we plan to continue to see each other, I’ll talk to him about JP. If not, there’s no reason to mention him.

  Wait, that’s not going to work. I have to have dinner with Tyler and JP tomorrow night. He may be a client, but when I mention him to Devon, I want to be honest with him. I don’t want him to think I’m hiding anything.

  My options are to mention him tomorrow before dinner. Explain the entire story and make sure he knows that damn rumor is just that… a rumor. There’s not an ounce of truth to it and never will be. I don’t plan on going back down that dark road.

  Or I can keep my past relationship with JP a secret. I’ll explain he’s a client and leave it at that. I won’t mention the rumor.

  Option two is a risk. If the rumor gets blown out of proportion and reaches Devon in Chicago…

  I can’t imagine that will happen. Why would it? Who does Devon talk to aside from Ryder and Tyler? Both of them hate the rumors. They realize how petty they are and how little truth is in each one. Ryder was the victim of the last rumor that spread like wildfire around the office. He laughed it off because he wasn’t actually sleeping with Emerson… yet. They weren’t even an item until after the rumor mill lost interest. If Ryder hadn’t been in the middle of his divorce and Emerson hadn’t been shiny and new, there never would have been a rumor to begin with. It makes me wonder if they would have gotten together if there had been no rumor.

  That’s not the case with my rumor. No one knows about my past with JP. They think he’s a new client and nothing more. Except, they think I’m sleeping with him. As angry as it makes me, it also makes me laugh because if they only knew the truth, there wouldn’t even be speculation as to if the rumor were true or not. There is no way in hell JP and I will ever get back together. People can spread all the rumors they want. It’s never going to happen.

  I need to make sure he understands that tomorrow when I return his necklace.

  Shoving the box in the bottom of my bag for safe keeping, I change into lounge pants and a t-shirt. Making my way back into the bedroom, I stare at Devon for a few minutes, admiring how sexy he can be when he’s sound asleep. Removing his shoes, I turn him as much as I can and crawl in next to him. His hand reaches out, pulling me to his chest out of instinct. I welcome his embrace, enjoying the warmth while it lasts.

  This may be our last weekend together. Our last night wrapped in each other’s arms. If that’s going to be the case, I’m going to do everything I can to enjoy each moment. I have three days before he leaves. Days full of fun and excitement. Nights spent snuggled in front of the television or rolling around beneath the sheets.

  Come Sunday, we’ll have to talk about the future. Our future.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Friday is a clusterfuck.

  For starters, Tyler’s flight was delayed because of weather. He didn’t get in the office until close to noon, coming straight from the airport after spending the night at his gate.

  The first two meetings he had scheduled for the day were with previous clients, both of whom I had worked with previously. Because of that, I was able to lead both meetings with minimal help from Ryder.

  His afternoon meetings were another story.

  Three new clients, back to back. With Tyler gone all week I was able to complete their files. Unfortunately, Tyler didn’t have time to familiarize himself with the files before jumping back in.

  For the first time ever, I saw panic on his face. He’s normally a laid back, go with the flow type of person. He’s great at what he does and makes it look effortless. Doing everything I can to lower his stress level, I sit in on all three meetings and chime in when necessary.

  At the end of the day, after all the clients have come and gone, Tyler calls me into his office to thank me for all my help. We both know things would not have gone as smoothly as they did had I not made my presence known at the meetings.

  “Before you go, I need one last thing from you,” Tyler says as I hand him all my notes.

  “Sure. Which file do you need?” I ask, reaching for the stack on the table to my right.

  “Crafted with Care Home Furnishings.”

  JP’s file.

  “It’s on my desk,” I reply, standing to gather it for him.

  “How about you fill me in instead. For starters, what time are we meeting tonight?”

  “I made you a reservation at seven o’clock.”

  “That works. I need to run home and shower first. And are you planning on joining us?”

  Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, I nod my head. “Yeah, I’ll be there.”

  “Are you sure because I get the feeling that you don’t want to go, and you don’t have to. Plus, I heard Devon was in town this weekend.”

  “No, as much as I detest that man, he has a valid point. A large portion of their advertising strategy is to target women. If I can be of help, you know I want to in any way I can.”

  The thought of sitting at the same table makes me nauseated, but I can do this. It can’t be any worse than being alone with
him in the conference room.

  “Okay, I’ll see you at seven, then. Are you bringing Devon with you?”

  Hell no!

  “Um, no. It’s a work meeting, so I thought I’d catch up with him after,” I explain. The truth is, I haven’t mentioned it to Devon yet. He was still asleep when I snuck out of the room this morning and rushed to work.

  In fact, aside from texting him when I got to the office his morning to apologize, I haven’t spoken to him at all today. I’ll call him on my way home and fill him in. I’m sure he’s expecting me to come back to the hotel when I get out, and I will after I stop home to pick up my dress. I left it hanging in my room by accident.

  Was it an accident, though? Or was my subconscious telling me to avoid this meeting? Either way, I have to go back for it.

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you in a little bit,” Tyler states, dismissing me.

  After dropping JP’s file on his desk, I snag my purse and head out for the night. Looking around for Ally and Emerson to say goodbye, I find both of them are missing. Maybe they left early.

  With my dress hung over my arm, I let myself in the hotel room and call out for Devon. I sent him a message when he didn’t answer my call. He hasn't replied, and it’s been almost an hour. I’m not normally the worrying type, but this is the first time he hasn’t responded.

  “In here!” he shouts.

  Walking into the bedroom, I find Devon under the covers with his laptop on his lap. He smiles at me when I lean against the door frame.

  He’s wearing a button-down shirt and a tie, the same one he had on when he arrived last night. Beneath the covers I guarantee he has less clothing on. Maybe nothing.

  “That sounds great. If there’s nothing else, I’ll put everything together on Monday when I’m back in the office and have it to you by noon. Great. Have a nice weekend.”

  Closing his laptop, Devon slides it off his lap, throwing back the covers and confirms my suspicions.


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