Rumors: Justine & Devon

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Rumors: Justine & Devon Page 11

by Rachael Brownell

  “Nice outfit,” I remark as he stands.

  A businessman above the belt but that’s where his outfit stops. In nothing but a pair of boxer briefs, Devon slowly approaches as he removes his tie in one swift motion, tossing it over his shoulder for flair.

  “I wasn’t supposed to be working today, and I feel like that’s all I’ve done. One call turned into two which turned into a conference call and then suddenly you’re here, wearing far too much clothing,” he says as he begins unbuttoning his shirt, slowly popping each button.

  “Well, as much as I like where your mind is headed right now, I have to change and head to a meeting myself,” I say, unfolding my dress from my arm and shaking it.

  “What? Since when?”

  “Since we have a client that insists I’m at the meeting so there’s a female perspective present.”

  “Damn,” he says, popping his last button and letting his shirt fall to the floor. “Can I at least help you change?”

  “I think that can be arranged.” Pushing myself onto my tiptoes, I kiss him gently on the lips, careful not to press my body to his. I don’t want to start something we can’t finish.

  That doesn’t stop him from pulling me to him, grabbing my ass, and lifting me in the air. Wrapping my legs around his waist, Devon presses my body against the wall, eliciting a moan from deep down, and deepens our kiss.

  For the second time today, I’m rushing to get ready to head to work. Only this time, I don’t want to leave. Devon is watching me fix my hair, pouting next to me.

  “I can always call Tyler and tell him you’re not feeling well.”

  “I won’t be gone that long,” I explain. “And when I get back, I’ll let you help me take this dress off, as fast or slow as you want,” I reply, making eye contact with him in the mirror.

  “I’m going to hold you to that,” he says with a smirk.

  I hope he does. I’m not sure how much more I can take before I rip his clothes off and have my way with him. If the look on his face twenty minutes ago was any indication, he can’t wait much longer either.

  Practically shooing me out the door so I can get my meeting over with, Devon promises to be awake and waiting for me when I return.

  “Dixon, party of three,” I tell the hostess.

  “Your party’s already here, Ms. Dixon,” she replies.

  Laughing to myself at her comment, I contemplate correcting her, but I know there’s no point.

  My laughter comes to an abrupt halt when I find out that JP is the only member of the group that’s arrived. Taking the seat across from him, he eyes me suspiciously before poring me a glass of wine.

  “Where’s your boss?” he asks, checking his watch.

  “We had a busy today at the office today. I’m sure he’ll be here any minute,” I say, glancing around the restaurant, my focus on the entrance.

  “Before he arrives, why don’t we talk about why you’re not wearing the necklace I sent you.”

  The necklace. I need to give that back to him.

  Reaching into my purse, I pull out the box and set it in front of him, practically slamming it on the table. That wasn’t my intention, but when his smile falls, one spreads across my face.

  “Thank you, but no thank you. It would be inappropriate for me to accept such an expensive gift from a client.”

  “I didn’t send it to you as your client.” His signature grin slowly appears, making me uneasy. It’s the same grin I fell for once. I used to find it attractive on him, accenting his long lashes and penetrating stare.

  Not anymore. I know what kind of person lies beneath the surface.

  “As far as I can see, there’s no other reason you would be sending it to me. I have no reason to accept it.”

  Before JP can reply, I catch sight of Tyler headed our direction. He’s still wearing the same suit from this afternoon, making me wonder if he ever left the office.

  “Sorry for being late. I had a few things to finish up and lost track of time,” he says as he takes the chair next to me.

  Watching as JP pours him a glass of wine, I notice the absence of the jewelry box. That’s not the only thing missing. JP’s grin has turned into a smile, his posture is a little straighter, and his mannerisms are professional.

  For the next two hours, we talk business, finalizing plans for his media campaign. When the guys order an after-dinner drink and the conversation begins to take on a personal note, I take the opportunity to excuse myself for the night.

  My presence wasn’t needed any longer, if at all to begin with. JP never once asked for my opinion. Neither of them did, and I didn’t offer it. I quietly sat in my chair, sipping wine and eating my chicken.

  My anger grows the closer I get to the hotel. JP wanted me there because he wanted to prove that he was still in control. He was calling the shots. He knew that threatening my job would get me to cave to his demands.

  Slamming my palm against the steering wheel, I scream in frustration.

  Not again. I won’t let him manipulate me like he did before. He can manipulate Tyler into seeing only what he wants him to see, but I won’t fall for it. I’ve been down that road before and the potholes are large enough to swallow a person whole.

  Taking a deep breath before entering the hotel room, I let it all go. The meetings, the threats, and inappropriate gifts. His stupid grins and smirks. The way he looks at me like we’re playing a game he writes the rules to.

  I made it through the first week, I can make it through one more. Once this week is over, I can cut him from my life and never have to hear or speak his name again. I don’t want to even think about him or our past if I can avoid it. I hope he understands that. If he doesn’t, he’s in for a rude awakening.

  Opening the door, I’m about to holler for Devon when all the air leaves my lungs.

  The entire room is lit with candles. The curtains are drawn, the lights of the city sparkling below. The furniture has been pushed into one corner and all that’s left in the living room area is the rug. On it, a bucket of ice with a bottle of champagne chilling and a plate of chocolate covered strawberries.

  The door clicks closed behind me as Devon appears from the bedroom.

  “Remember that time I told you I was planning on holding you captive for an entire weekend and having my way with you? Well, the time has come, Justine. I hope you don’t have any plans for the next forty-eight hours.”

  Smiling, I drop my purse at my feet and walk to where Devon is standing, my feet picking up the pace the closer I get. Jumping into his arms, I wrap my arms around his neck and capture his lips.

  Sliding down his body, I turn so Devon can unzip my dress. Slowly pulling my zipper down, Devon’s fingers graze my spine, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

  “I’m going to go slow. So slow you’re going to beg and scream but I promise, by the end of the weekend, you’ll be so happy you’ll want me to do it all over again, slower than the first time.”

  “Promises, promises,” I tease. “Less talk and more action and I might believe you.”

  “Oh, baby. We haven’t even started yet.”

  His words couldn’t have been more accurate. Devon took his time with me, exploring every inch of my body while I begged him for more. Every time I thought he was going to give me what I wanted, he’d bring me to the brink of ecstasy and wait for me to calm down before starting all over again.

  It wasn’t until Saturday afternoon that I started screaming at him. I needed more. I needed him. Begging and pleading had done nothing to coerce him. He was a man on a mission and his mission was to drive me insane.

  Waiting for the perfect moment was worth it in the end.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Come to Chicago next weekend,” Devon suggests for the third time this morning. Only, it’s not really a suggestion anymore.

  It’s not that I don’t want to. The thought of seeing him in his element, where he lives and works, is exciting. What’s not exciting is meeting his mother. He
’s close with her, that much is obvious. If she doesn’t like me…

  “Please,” he pleads with me as I pack my things. We should have checked out an hour ago, but time got away from us this morning.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Is that your way of blowing me off?” he asks, flinging my panties at me from the other side of the bed. I’ve been looking for those all morning.

  “Not at all.”

  “Then what is it?”

  How do I tell him that I’m scared to meet his mother? That I think it’s too soon for me to meet her? That I feel like meeting her would be my demise?

  I don’t.

  I suck it up and go to Chicago. I pray she likes me, hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. That’s all I can do. Next weekend will be the ultimate test of our relationship.

  Yes, a relationship.

  We’re not just having fun. I’m not a passing fling. Devon made that perfectly clear multiple times since Friday night. He’s claimed me mind, body, and soul, and as great as that is, it’s also scary as fuck.

  When JP and I first started dating, things were hot and heavy. We moved too fast in my opinion, moving in together after only a few months. We didn’t take the time to get to know each other. That ultimately led to what I walked in on and the end of our relationship.

  My relationship with JP also makes me overly cautious when it comes to men, dating, and anything involving my heart. I’m not sure it can withstand being shattered again.

  So, I’m playing it safe. I already feel like I know more about Devon than I ever did about JP. He’s been open and honest with me from the beginning. It feels like we’ve been seeing each other for months instead of weeks. Spending time with him feels like a privilege and not an obligation. There’s no pressure to be someone I’m not, and that is a big part of why I’m attracted to him.

  I’m me when I’m with him. Imperfect, clumsy, sometimes ditsy, me.

  Zipping up my bag, I let out a sigh and summon the courage to look up at Devon. He’s still standing on the other side of the bed, waiting patiently for me to answer him.

  Honesty is a big thing for me, and if this is going to work, we need to keep things honest.

  “I’m afraid, that’s all,” I finally say.

  “Of what?”

  “Everything. Nothing. This fizzling out. Your mother not liking me. Spending too much time together and yet not enough. You finding out that I’m not the person you want or figuring out that I am.”

  Tilting his head to the side, Devon grins at me before replying. “So basically you’re scared I’ll either like you too much or not enough.”

  “Something like that.”

  “What if I like you just the right amount?”

  “Is there such a thing?” I ask, laughing at his comment.

  “I’d like to think so. Right now, I like you enough to introduce you to my mother. That’s not something I take lightly, just so you know. I like you enough to invite you into my home and show you my world. Also not something I share with everyone.”

  “And how is that balanced?” I challenge.

  “Well, I don’t like you enough to marry you. Yet. I don’t like you enough to ask you to move in with me. Yet. And as much as I want to love you, and I’m sure I will someday, I don’t. Yet.”

  Every time he said the word yet, my heart jumped. If felt like it was attempting to leap out of my chest and into his hands.

  As much as his words were meant to reassure me, to calm me, they’ve excited me. The possibilities are endless, and those possibilities also include my heart breaking if things don’t work out.

  Mainly because I’ve already started to fall in love with him. A detail I don’t plan to share until I’m certain he feels the same.

  “To girls’ night!” Angela hollers over the band.

  We all raise our shot glasses, clinking them together, before tipping our heads back and downing the tequila. A shiver runs up my spine as the liquid hits the back of my tongue. I should have salted my hand.

  In celebration of Emerson’s promotion, Angela organized a surprise girls’ night out. Megan dropped Amara off with Ryder and picked up Emerson in the process. To see them walking in together was interesting.

  Megan had a wicked grin on her face while Emerson looked scared as hell. You would think she had been kidnapped and held hostage.

  Ally, Angela, and I were waiting for them to arrive. When Emerson saw the three of us sitting at the table, she immediately relaxed, but not before shooting Angela a look that spoke volumes. If looks could kill, Angela would be dead right now instead of ordering us another round of tequila shots.

  “So tell me again what you’re going to be doing,” I ask Emerson.

  She explains the concept to me, going into more detail. It sounds like the equivalent of party planning, but I’m sure there’s more to it. More that I don’t understand but I want to. It doesn’t sound like work, it sounds like fun.

  “I was thinking we could start with clients that are wrapping up their campaigns soon.”

  Her words slap me in the face. All I can think about is JP, having to spend more time with him and that’s the moment I remember I never told Devon about him. We never had that talk. Not that I wanted to, but I knew I needed to. He found a way to erase JP from my mind all weekend.

  “What?” Emerson asks, a worried expression on her face.

  “Nothing,” I lie, shaking my head.

  “No, really. You looked like you saw a ghost or some shit. What did I say?”

  “Can you do me a favor?” I ask. When she nods, I continue. “Make sure you don’t offer anything to my ex. He’d jump at the opportunity to find a way to continue working with me and I need him to disappear.”

  Emerson promises. Moments later, her phone starts ringing. Excusing herself to take the call, I’m left with only my thoughts while Ally, Angela, and Megan discuss the two handsome men sitting at the bar.

  Emerson and Angela are the first to leave. Ryder called and asked Em to pick up some medicine for Amara who’s struck a fever. Megan’s right behind them, worried about her baby.

  “So,” Ally begins as soon as the table is empty. “How was your weekend?”

  “Amazing,” I reply, stretching out the word. I promised her I would tell her all the details weeks ago, before we slept together. I’m hoping she’ll settle for minimal information because the thought of sharing doesn’t sit well with me right now.

  “I figured. He looks like he’d be good in bed.”

  Smacking Ally on the arm, she barely flinches. Instead, she begins peppering me with questions. I answer the ones I’m comfortable with, but not all of them.

  “So when is he coming back?”

  “I’m actually going to Chicago this weekend, I think.”

  “You’ll need a little R&R after this week,” she comments, taking a sip of her drink. “How was your ‘meeting’ with JP Friday night, by the way?”

  “Lovely,” I reply, my voice laced with sarcasm.

  “I bet. Was he on his best behavior in front of Tyler at least?”

  “Of course. But before Tyler arrived he made his intentions clear. He’s either messing with my head or he’s trying to get me back. I gave him the damn necklace back, and I think I offended him.”

  “Necklace? What necklace?” Ally’s confusion is evident on her face.

  For a moment I forgot I never told her about the extravagant gift JP sent me. Giving her all the details, Ally laughs at his over-the-top antics. I don’t find them as amusing as she does, but I laugh along with her anyway.

  “At least you only have to deal with him for one more week,” she states as the waitress sets down two fresh cocktails in front of us.

  “We didn’t order these,” I explain before she can walk away.

  “The two gentlemen at the bar did. Enjoy.”

  Looking past the waitress, I’m met with two sets of eyes. The two men Megan and Ally had been ogling earlier are long go
ne, and in their place are JP and another man. Both are staring in our direction. Both have sinister smiles on their faces.

  “Are you fucking kidding me!” I say as Ally tips her drink in their direction as a thank you.

  “Drink up, Justine. It’s going to be a long week.”

  “Hell no. I’m not drinking anything he sent over here. I wouldn’t put it past him to dose it with something.”

  Spitting her drink back in the glass, Ally reaches for her purse and flags down the waitress in the same motion.

  “Let’s get out of here. We have an early day tomorrow anyway,” she suggests.

  “Don’t I know it. He’s Tyler’s first meeting of the morning. Bright and early at eight o’clock.”

  My goal for this week is to make myself scarce anytime JP is scheduled to be in the office. I managed to avoid him Monday and Tuesday, but my luck ran out Wednesday afternoon when he showed up, unannounced, for a meeting with Tyler that wasn’t scheduled.

  Tyler is standing behind me, reading over my shoulder. We’re discussing another client’s project when I suddenly feel his presence. Looking up, JP is standing in front of my desk with a bouquet of fruit. Each piece is cut into the shape of a flower and some are dipped in chocolate.

  Our eyes meet, and a smile breaks out across his face.

  Bold, considering the fact that Tyler is standing behind me.

  “Mr. Shuran. I didn’t realize we were meeting today,” Tyler says, walking around my desk to shake his hand.

  “We don’t. My partners asked me to bring this to you as a thank you for all your hard work. We appreciate all the time you’ve been putting in the last two weeks to make things happen on time.”

  There’s a hint of sincerity in his voice that I’ve never heard before. It’s almost as if he’s genuinely grateful.

  “Of course. It’s our pleasure.” Tyler takes the bouquet from JP and sets in on my desk. “I’m assuming we’re still on for three o’clock tomorrow. Will your partners be joining us for the final run through?”

  “Yes, everyone is planning on being there for your presentation. It’s important we’re all on the same page,” he replies, glancing in my direction.


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