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Billionaire: Billionaire Boss Romance: What the Boss Wants, He Gets (Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Boss Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Older Man Romance)

Page 7

by Tia Siren

  Dima reversed the car out of the driveway and drove away from the house where Michael had been held.

  ''You know we're going to have to finish what we started don't you?'' Dima said. ''We're going to have to go after Hyka. When he finds out we've done this, he'll come for us.''

  ''Don't worry. We can handle that little prick,'' Igor said

  Michael began to scream. It was high pitched and very loud. ''It's okay.'' Igor put his arm around Michael. ''Michael we're taking you home. To Cassy.'' Michael was silent again.

  Dima drove slowly across the city. The last thing he wanted to do was get pulled by the cops for speeding with Michael in the back of the car. When they arrived at Pearlington Avenue, Michael began to recognize the houses.

  ''Home,'' he said in the manner of a small child.

  ''Yes. Home,'' Igor said. ''Pull up here, any closer to the house and they may see us.'' Dima pulled up on the quiet road three hundred yards away from the Solomon residence. ''Okay Michael. Go home.'' Igor opened the car door and watched as Michael began to walk as fast as he could towards the house he shared with Cassy.

  When Michael reached the security guard at the gate, Igor and Dima gave a sigh of relief as the guard put his arm around Michael and took him through the gate.

  Cassy was sitting at her desk in front of the window of what used to be her father's study. As she read emails of sympathy about Michael's kidnapping, something outside caught her eye. She glanced up and screamed. She rushed out of the room, down a corridor and through the hallway. The front door almost came off its hinges; such was the force with which she threw it open.

  ''Michael,'' she cried. ''Oh my God Michael.'' She almost knocked him from his feet in her enthusiasm to hug him. She noticed both his ears were intact. ''How did you get here?'' she asked.

  ''Nice men,'' Michael said.

  The police officer who was at the house to monitor phone calls came out and scratched his head. ''In all my years I've never seen anything like this before,'' he said.

  That evening after the doctor had checked Michael's health and declared him well, Cassy rang the number.

  ''Was it you?'' she asked after Igor had answered.

  ''Yes. But no cops. Just be glad you've got Michael back.''

  ''Thank you. I don't know what to......''

  ''Listen to me. We had to be heavy handed to get Michael out. In all probability, Hyka will turn violent and seek revenge. You need to take Michael to a safe place.''


  ''I have a house in London. I'll send a car at seven in the morning.''


  ''Is this yours?'' Cassy asked as she looked across from the limousine to the private jet. Igor nodded.

  ''We'll be in London before you know it. Is Michael okay with planes?''

  ''He's flown before. I don't think it will be a problem.''

  ''Found me,'' Michael said as he looked at Igor.

  ''Yes. We found you,'' Igor said with a grin on his face.

  In London, Cassy couldn't believe how large the house was. It was just outside the city in a leafy suburb. Because of the time difference, they'd arrived in the evening, and it was just getting dark, but Cassy could see enough of the property to know that Igor was a very wealthy man.

  ''He's fast asleep,'' Cassy said when she came back downstairs. ''You've given Michael a lovely room.''

  ''The best in the house. In the morning, he'll be able to see the horses running around in the fields if he looks out of his window.''

  Cassy sat on a huge sofa in the middle of the sitting room and looked at Igor. What had brought him to be so kind to them? He didn't seem to want anything, but that could change, she thought. The police had asked a thousand questions about how Michael had suddenly arrived home, but she'd told them she didn't know how. Maybe the kidnappers had gotten cold feet she'd suggested. She'd told the cops she was going to London for a few days to rest.

  ''Why? Why did you do this for us?''

  ''Do you honestly want to know?'' he asked as he handed her a glass of wine.


  ''Because I'm a sucker for a beautiful woman. I saw you on TV and saw how fucking upset you were. And I thought maybe I could get inside your panties.''

  ''You are really strange, do you know that?'' she said. ''Why go to all that trouble just to get me into bed.''

  ''Well, put it this way. If I just turned up on your doorstep and demanded to fuck you, what would you have said?''

  ''I would have called the cops.''

  ''Jesus Cassy. You're going to have to learn that the cops are ass-holes. They are all on the take.''

  ''In Russia maybe. But not in America.''

  ''You are so naive. Anyway. What about you and me now? Will you fuck me or not?''

  Cassy sipped her wine and looked at him. She was sorely tempted. The mix of danger and kindness which oozed from him was proving to be a very powerful aphrodisiac. What harm could it do? He was hot, and it had been a long time since she'd had sex. Michael was safe, and Igor seemed to be protecting her. Maybe she owed him, she thought. What harm could it do?

  ''So what did you like about me when you saw me on TV?'' she asked.

  ''All of you.''

  ''Come here,'' she said.

  He got up and walked to the sofa. When he stood in front of her, she could see his penis inside his pants. It was growing as she looked at it. She stood up and looked up into his eyes.

  ''Okay. Take me to bed,'' she said

  Igor picked her up as if she was a feather, and carried her upstairs to a large bedroom. She gasped when he threw her onto the bed. Her skirt rode up her legs, and he looked at the shape of them.

  ''You are one fucking beautiful woman. I'm gonna really enjoy screwing you.''

  ''I suppose you'll have me begging for more,'' Cassy said humorously.

  ''Yes,'' Igor said seriously. ''You will be begging me to fuck you more often.''

  When he took off his shirt, Cassy was impressed by his hard muscles and the six pack stomach. ''I train a lot,'' he said when he noticed her gaze. ''Come on, get you clothes off.''

  ''Er.....can I have a little time in the bathroom? I need to shower,'' she asked.

  He reached down and picked her up again. The bathroom was en-suite. The walls were covered in gray granite and the floor heated. He put her down and kissed her again. This time his tongue probed into her, deep and demanding. She hooked her arms around his neck, stood on her tiptoes and kissed him more passionately than she had kissed a man before. He smelled of a mix of expensive aftershave and his natural manly scent.

  ''Give me a few minutes and I'll come back to the bedroom,'' she said.

  ''No I'm gonna strip you, wash you and take you, all here in the shower. Then I'm gonna fuck you all night in bed.''

  He put his hands on the top button of her blouse and unfastened it. She put her hands on his to stop him. ''Sorry I'm a bit.....'' she said

  He kissed her again. ''Don't talk, just relax' Let yourself go.''

  She remained still as he unbuttoned the soft material and pushed it off her. Her bra was of the highest quality and the silk felt soft under his touch, as he ran his hands over her breasts.

  When he dropped to his knees, she tried to pull him up. She knew what he wanted. She wanted it too, but it was much too soon. He ignored her, pushed her skirt up and pulled her panties down to her knees. When he put his face to her private part, she closed her eyes and turned her head to the side. His strong hands gripped her buttocks and pulled her onto his mouth.

  Cassy cried out when his tongue darted between her legs and lightly touched her clitoris. She stroked his head and opened her legs wider as his tongue probed and played, gently at first, then more firmly.

  ''Oh God,'' she said. ''That's so intimate.'' He reached up and pulled her skirt and panties down. She was suddenly aware how naked and vulnerable she was. ''Take off your clothes,'' she said.

  He stood up, opened his pants and slid them down over his bronzed
legs. She saw his penis spring up; it flipped against her thigh. He took her hand and led her to the shower. The water was warm and gushed over her body, making her relax. Again he knelt and began to use his tongue on her. She leaned against the wall and pushed her hips forward. He held her thighs and lapped greedily at her. The water cascaded down over her body, over her pubic hair and on onto his face. He stroked her belly and felt the muscles, hard and tense under her soft skin. Soon she was panting, and her legs were trembling. She needed his support. She pulled him up to his feet, put her arms around his neck and whispered to him.

  ''Fuck me.''

  He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around his torso. She buried her face in his shoulder. In one swift motion, he was inside her. She gasped and moaned and threw her head up as his hard thrusts shook her whole body. He penis was long and thick and the feeling of him filling her was wonderful. She wondered how long his strength would last, but she was light, and he had no trouble holding her.

  Eventually, he put her down, twisted her around and entered her from behind. As he did so, he hit her G-spot. He hit it time after time as he thrust, taking her breath away, driving her forward.

  ''Harder,'' she pleaded.

  He held her hips, bent her forward until she was almost touching her toes, and rammed her as hard as he was able. Cassy turned into a shaking heap of feminine flesh as her orgasm reached her. She almost collapsed, but he held her. As her breathing returned to normal, he began to soap her body. She leaned against him, feeling his hard body against her, exhausted by his onslaught. His touch was tender as his fingers soaped all of her. When he'd rinsed her, he led her from the shower and wrapped her in a warm bath towel. All the time he was caring for her, his penis remained erect. His desire for her was great, and his body wasn't going to rest until he'd finished deep in her.

  On the bed, he opened her legs and entered her as she was lying on her back. He was gentler now, kissing her, stroking her face.

  ''You are quite some man,' she said.

  ''And you've got the hottest body I've ever seen,' he said. He bent down and bit her nipple playfully.

  ''Ow. Stop messing around and fuck me like you mean it,'' she said.

  ''Be careful what you wish for,'' he said.

  ''I don't care. Give it to me.''

  A few minutes later she was beginning to regret her bravado. He took her missionary and doggy, and in at least five positions she didn't know the name of. When he stood up on the bed and fucked her wheelbarrow, he touched all the right places, and she came again.

  ''Stop, Igor, stop. I'm exhausted,'' she pleased.

  ''But I'm not finished yet.''

  ''I have no more strength.''

  He took pity on her, rolled her on her back and made love to her more slowly. ''This better?''

  She nodded, closed her eyes and concentrated on his length as it parted her. Although gentler it was no less sensual and soon she felt another orgasm coming.

  ''Give me your sperm,'' she gasped when she was almost there.

  At her words, he increased the pace and took them both over the edge. She smiled as he clung to her, sweaty and spent. He was a real tough guy, but now in her arms he was soft and satisfied, and she liked it.


  The next day, Igor took them all to see some of the London sights. When they were just past Buckingham Palace on the way to the Houses of Parliament, Igor's phone rang.

  Cassy didn't understand what he was saying in Russian. But she knew he was talking to his brother.

  ''Shit. Fucking asshole Albania's,'' he said as he screwed the car round and drove back from where they had come.

  ''What's the matter?'' Cassy asked.

  ''That fucker Hyka. He knows who set Michael free. Dima has fled to the Rockies. We've got a cabin there. Shit. I fucking knew it. I'm gonna have to kill the little shit.''

  ''Igor, please be careful with your language in front of Michael.'' She looked at him and saw that he looked like a different person. The previous evening when they'd had sex he was handsome, caring and a fantastic lover. Now he looked distant, and she was afraid to admit it, murderous.

  ''I'm going back to the States,'' he said. ''You stay here. It's too dangerous for you to go home. Stay here with Michael. I'll ask a couple of my friends to make sure you have all you need.''

  ''But what if you don't come back?'' Cassy asked.

  ''That won't happen.

  When Igor was gone, Cassy sat up until late in the night and thought about her situation.

  She'd repaid her debt to Igor. She liked him; he was different. But he was involved in things that frightened her. She decided she would return to the US as soon as she could get a flight.


  ''Where the hell were you,'' Judy asked when Cassy and Michael called.

  ''In London. A few really strange things happened. We had to go away for a few days.''

  ''What's going on Cassy? First, Michael is kidnapped, then he's freed without paying any ransom, and then you disappear off the face of the earth. It's all a bit weird.''

  ''It is weird, I agree, but I can't tell you what happened. Let's just say I've had a guardian angel.''

  ''What are you going to do now?'' Judy asked as she handed Cassy a mug of tea.

  ''Run my business. Eventually, find a nice man and have a family. Just normal things.''

  ''Great, dad's here,'' Judy said. ''I've been asking him to come round and fix the yard fence for weeks.''

  ''Cassy, just the person,'' he said when he arrived in the kitchen. ''You know you were asking me about some Russian guy?''

  Cassy's heart rate rose. ''Yes.''

  ''He's in intensive care at St Margaret's. Apparently some mafia squabble.''

  Cassy hadn't expected her reaction. She began to shake and felt the blood draining from her face. ''Is it bad?'' she asked anxiously.

  ''Very bad. They don't know whether he will live or not.''

  ''Cassy are you okay, you look terrible?'' Judy asked.

  ''I'm okay. What happened?'' Cassy asked.

  ''He was found in a garbage container. He was lucky. The guy was about to tip it into his truck. I don't know any more than that.''

  ''Judy, can you do me an enormous favor. Can you look after Michael for a few hours?''

  ''Sure. No problem,'' she said.

  ''Stay here with Judy,'' Michael repeated after Cassy had told him to.


  Igor was wired up to so many machines Cassy could hardly get close to him. She looked around for a nurse or a doctor. A large man in blue uniform arrived with a packet of rubber gloves.

  ''Can you tell me how he is?'' Cassy asked.

  ''Are you family?''

  ''Yes,'' she lied.

  ''He's in an induced coma. His brain is swollen. The next twenty-four hours will be critical to his survival.''


  ''Yes, he's fighting for his life.''

  Cassy held onto the chair the nurse brought for her to stop herself from fainting. Why she suddenly cared so much about what happened to him, she didn't know. Okay, they'd had sex, but that wasn't enough to make her feel the way she did. He'd rescued Michael, and she'd given him sex in return. That was it. What more was there to say? Only her body was telling her something completely different. She wanted to lie next to him, cuddle him, and tell him he would be fine.

  He was a mess. Both his eyes were swollen, his upper lip was swollen, and it appeared as if his nose was broken. God knows what wrong with him inside, she thought. If he could rescue Michael, the least she could do was sit with him, until he gave some reaction.

  Cassy called Judy and asked her to look after Michael over night. Then, she sat in the chair next to his bed and closed her eyes. She catnapped through the night and when it began to get light outside she went to freshen up.

  When she came back, a man was standing next to Igor's bed. ''Who are you?'' she asked.

  ''Dima, his brother.'' When she looked more closely, she c
ould see a resemblance. ''Are you Cassy?''

  ''How do you know?''

  ''I saw you on TV. That's the reason he wanted to help free your son. Because he took a fancy to you. Now, it may have cost him his life.''

  ''What happened to him?''

  ''I fled New York after Hyka came for us. But Igor is crazy sometimes. He thinks he can take on the world. He went to Hyka's residence and tried to kill him. Needless to say, it was he who was almost killed.''


  ''Cassy, you are in grave danger. You should go back to London and hide out until we've finished the job.''

  ''What do you mean, finish the job?''

  Dima waited until a passing nurse was out of earshot. ''Nothing will stop Hyka until we have killed him. Nothing. When he knows Igor is alive, he'll send someone. And he may well come after Michael again. You really aren't safe. Go back to London and let us finish the job.''

  ''But what makes you think you can? Look at you. You had to flee, and Igor's half dead.''

  ''We're Russians. We've got a lot of friends to call on, and that's what I'm going to do. Very soon Hyka will be floating face down in the Hudson River.''

  ''But what about Igor? Who will look after him?''

  ''Go back to London. Igor will contact you when he gets better. If he does.''

  Cassy thought about what he'd just said. ''If he does.'' There was a chance Igor would be a vegetable, but if Michael were in danger, she would go back to London.


  Jesus what wrong with me Cassy thought as she leaned over the flower border and threw up? She'd taken Michael for a walk in the garden of Igor's London home and suddenly felt ill.

  ''Sick?'' Michael asked.

  “Yes. I feel a bit sick. Shall we go inside?''

  Michael nodded. ''Inside. Yes inside.''

  Cassy went to the bathroom and threw up again. ''Shit,'' she muttered. She took off her top and felt her breasts. She hadn't noticed, but they were a little sensitive to the touch. I'm in a foreign country with the responsibility of an autistic brother, and I'm more than likely pregnant, she thought.


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