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Billionaire: Billionaire Boss Romance: What the Boss Wants, He Gets (Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Boss Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Older Man Romance)

Page 88

by Tia Siren

  At dinner, they talked about Marcus's childhood. She was amazed to hear he'd lived with five different foster families. Four for a very short time and one for longer. The family where he'd stayed the longest consisted of a man and wife with three of their own children. They were both doctors and wanted to do good, so they'd fostered Marcus. It had been their influence that had steered him in the direction of medicine. They'd supported him through med-school, but he'd paid them back when the money started coming in. He also told Tonya that he'd been engaged, but it hadn't worked out. Apparently his fiancée had decided he wasn't the one, three days before the wedding. He called it a lucky escape. She was impressed when he told her he liked animals and ran a home for misused dogs and cats.

  Tonya told him about her idyllic childhood and then about the death of her father and how that had devastated her mother. She was certain the shock had led to all the illnesses she now had. She told him that she was studying part time for a degree in management, but she was finding it very difficult to concentrate because of her mother's cancer. She told him she had a best friend called Lucy, and that Lucy had persuaded her to say yes to his offer.

  ''She's a very perceptive woman,'' he said.

  ''I don't know why you think that. She's put me in danger.''

  ''In danger of what?''

  ''Becoming involved with a dirty rotten schemer.''

  The restaurant was full, and Marcus hoped nobody had heard her. ''I'm not that,'' he lied.

  ''We'll see,'' she said.

  After dinner, they hit the tables. Marcus gave Tonya five hundred dollars. She was tempted to put it in her pocket and use it for food, but he told her to spend it on the casino or give it back to him. She put it in her purse and decided to watch Marcus to see what he did. He played blackjack and lost, then he went to the roulette wheel and lost again.

  All the time they kept looking at each other. They were like two boxers, eyeing one another up, neither wanting to make a mistake that would lead to the knockout blow.

  Tonya decided that if she split her five hundred into smaller amounts, she could play for longer. When she put one hundred on black at the roulette wheel and won, she jumped in the air and looked at Marcus.

  ''Easy this game isn't it,'' she said. He smiled and put his arms around her as they leaned against the table.

  It was the first time he'd touched her. They were supposed to touch as girlfriend and boyfriend, and she decided to reciprocate. She held his hand as she put her next one hundred on black again. She won again. She turned and put her arms around his neck in excitement. The scent of her young virile body made his manhood twitch and begin to get hard. He pushed himself up against the table to hide what was happening between his legs.

  ''Well done. Now increase your bet,'' he said. ''You've got seven hundred now.''

  ''F… it,'' she said. ''She put seven hundred on black and walked away. It wasn't her money anyway. She got five meters away from the table when she heard Marcus laughing.

  ''Come back, you're rich. You've just doubled your money.

  She took the chips he handed her, and looked at him. It was a very strange feeling to have won in a few minutes what it took a week to earn at the surgery.

  ''I want to cash in now. I need the money.''


  She swapped her chips for cash and handed Marcus his five hundred back. She proudly put nine hundred dollars in her purse.

  They left the casino and headed for the elevator. When they reached the third floor, they walked towards their rooms. At her door, Marcus looked longingly at her. Her body was teasing him. All evening he'd been mesmerized by her beauty, and now he wanted to explore her, discover her secrets and deflower her in the most energetic way possible.

  ''Good night Marcus,'' she said.

  ''I don't suppose you've changed your mind?'' he said nodding in the direction of her room.

  ''No. It was a lovely evening, but I haven't.''

  When Marcus got to his room, he was sexually charged. He thought about watching a porno, but it wasn't the sight of any old female flesh he wanted. He wanted to see Tonya's beautiful body. The only option left open to him was a lonely masturbation session in the shower. He imagined Tonya in a number of sex positions, coming time after time as he thrust his massive penis into her. His orgasm came quickly but didn't satisfy his desire in any meaningful way.

  Tonya dreamed about winning enough money in the casino for her to pay off her debts. Just before she woke up, however, her dream turned to Marcus. When she woke, she was devastated to realize she was out of breath and that her womanhood was aroused. No, she wasn't falling for him, it was just the excitement of wining money that had turned her on, she told herself.

  The next day, they played in the casino and went for a walk along the strip. As they walked, they held hands.

  ''What do you feel?'' he asked as he handed her an ice cream.

  ''In what way?''

  ''About me. We've been holding hands for a while now.''

  She thought for a minute. ''I like you. But you're still a blackmailer.''

  ''I like you too. I'm sorry. I regret what I did to you. It wasn't gentlemanly of me at all. You don't have to be my girlfriend anymore. I'll give you the money as a gift.'' It was a tactic that he hoped would work. If he politely rejected her, she would want him more, and before they had to go home open her legs for him.

  ''Oh.'' She didn't know what to say. When she thought about it, she was a little disappointed. She wanted to ask him if he didn't find her attractive or if she'd done something wrong. Why had he suddenly decided to tell her she didn't have to be his girlfriend? ''I'd prefer to carry on as we agreed,'' she said.

  ''Well, I'm really sorry I've changed my mind. I'll write you a check when we get to Sandpoint. I'm so sorry to mess you around. I won't do it again.''

  He handed her an ice cream which she didn't want now. He'd rejected her just as she was warming to him. Didn't he know it sometimes took a girl a while to develop her feelings?

  They walked further along the street. Tonya's mind was working overtime. Why had he stopped? Was she so bad? Was she falling for him? Then she heard her say something that shocked her to the core.

  ''Sex for all the money.''

  He stopped. ''What?''

  ''I will fuck you if you pay off all the debt.''

  She was a clever minx, he, though. She'd fallen for his withdrawal technique, but she had, at least, put her own conditions to it.

  ''Okay. When?''


  ''No, I want to fly home. I want you in your own bed, in your house.''

  ''Marcus, that's impossible. My mom.''

  ''We'll find a way. But I want you in your bed, not in some seedy hotel bed.''

  ''What about your place?''

  ''No, your bed.''

  Another twist, she thought. Why did he want her in her bed? Was it some kind of weird fetish or did he think she would be more comfortable at home?


  Marcus had told Tonya to tell him when her mother went to the hospital. Hospital appointments were usually lengthy affairs, and it would give them more time together.

  All Tonya could think about was eighty thousand dollars. She'd invent some story or other for her mother to believe when she found out they weren't poor any more.

  ''She's got an appointment next week Wednesday. She'll be out all day,'' Tonya whispered as Marcus was leaving the reception area.

  ''Another week? It's driving me wild,'' he said.

  ''You'll just have to wait.''

  Tonya knew that she'd reversed all her principles. Now she was going to be the best-paid hooker in the world, but just for one day. And it wasn't really prostitution. It was a friend giving her a present in exchange for a favor. Tonya didn't manage to convince herself, though.

  Wednesday came, and Tonya waved her mom off in the taxi. She went upstairs and changed into her best lingerie. She put on a gown and went downstairs to wait for Marcus.
br />   Funnily enough, she wasn't nervous. The more she'd though about it, the more she'd wanted to do it. He was very handsome, and he was going to pay her a vast amount.

  As she expected, he wasn't late. When she heard his car pull up, she got up and watched him walking towards the door. Before he had time to knock, she opened the door. What he saw, took his breath away. She was perfectly made up, and the gown she had on was open, showing him all the treats she had waiting for him.

  ''Wow. You look fantastic,'' he said.

  ''Come in. Let's do it,'' she said enthusiastically.

  As she led him upstairs, he watched her behind sway to and fro. At the door, she turned around and pulled him to her.

  ''When we are finished, please respect me. Don't go telling anyone at work.''

  ''I have a confession to make to you,'' he said. ''I haven't been fair with you. '' Tonya was listening intently. ''All this has been a game to me. Its' not the first time I've done this, I'm ashamed to say. I have paid debts off for other women in the past in return for sexual pleasure.'' He looked at Tonya for a reaction, but there was none. ''But I didn't reckon on falling for you. Tonya, I'm really not playing around now. Here's a check for the money. I'm going to go.'' He handed her a check for eighty thousand dollars.

  She watched him turn around and take the stairs. When he was half way down, she shouted after him. ''And what about me? What about my feelings?''

  ''You've got the money,'' he replied.

  ''What if I have fallen for you as well? I was looking forward to today and not only because of the money.''

  He looked back up at her. She let the gown slip to the floor and took the pose of a model in a lingerie shoot. He smiled and began to climb the stairs again.

  ''Then we're on the same wavelength at last,'' he said.

  ''Yes. It has taken me a while. But I still don't like your blackmail tricks.''

  ''I'm sorry. It as bachelors game for rich men. I'm sorry. I want you Tonya, and I won't fool around any more.''

  ''Then here is my bedroom,'' she said opening the door.

  He looked inside and smiled. ''Cute, so girly.''

  There was a double bed with a pink duvet and several bears on the dressing table. On the walls, pictures of boys that he guessed had been there for a few years.

  ''Kiss me,'' she said. He stood close to her and put his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her face to his. She caught the same scent that so turned her on when she'd visited his consulting room. A mix of him and some expensive shower gel. When his lips crushed onto hers, she closed her eyes and felt his tongue looking for her. She ran a hand over his face and loved the coarseness of his chin.

  ''I can feel you want me,'' she whispered. ''Shall I help you a little?'' He groaned at the thought and watched as she lowered the zipper on his pants. As she did, her breasts wobbled in her half bra. When she put her hand inside his pants, she loved the warmth and the scent that escaped from them. His masculinity played in her nostrils, encouraging her to pull his penis out and look at it. Before she began to stroke him, she felt how long and smooth he was. She marveled at the pre-come on his tip, and the tightness of his balls as she massaged them. When she took him in her mouth, she felt a gush between her legs as her excitement raised to a higher plane.

  As she sucked his penis, he massaged her shoulders and felt the weight of her breasts. She loved the feel of him in her mouth and the power she now had over him. His pleasure was in her hands, and it made her as horny as hell. When she felt his penis jerk, she cupped his balls encouraging him, but he wanted more than a blowjob. He wanted to screw her and screw her until she came multiple times. He pushed her away and pulled her to her feet.

  ''God that was nice, you're so soft. I love it,'' he whispered as he placed tiny kisses on her neck. She threw her head back allowing him to kiss her more, then moaned as she felt his hands rubbing over her panties.

  ''I want to taste you,' he whispered. He pushed her onto the bed and opened her legs. He soon removed her panties and looked down at the blonde hairs above her vulva, and the tiny droplets of her excitement. When she felt his coarse tongue on her narrow opening, her body jerked. He held her hips steady and began to lick her with such precision she soon began to shake and moan. She reached out and stroked his hair as her legs splayed wider for him. Soon she closed her fists in his hair and bellowed a few obscenities as a surge erupted from her womanhood and took her breath away.

  He stood up and took his clothes off. She watched. His body was long and slender and his muscles well defined. His penis stood erect making a contrast to the angular nature of his appearance.

  ''You are so hot Tonya. Do you know that?''

  She shrugged her shoulders and pulled her breasts from her bra. ''Suck on these when you screw me. I love having my nipples sucked.

  When he entered her, he lowered his head and did as she asked. As soon as his mouth touched her, her hips began to buck, and her breathing became labored.

  His body felt marvelous on her. Hard and hairy, he was coarse and smooth at the same time. The feeling of his shaft parting her was overbearing, and she soon cried out another orgasm.

  When she came back down, he flipped her on her belly and entered her from behind. He reached under her and began to play with her clit. For Tonya, there was no better feeling than being taken from behind. She came again, this time, less noisily but more deeply.

  She felt the hair on his legs rubbing against her hips as he straddled her, thrusting his length between her buttocks into her womanhood. The sight of her hips and long slender back was too much for him, and he pumped faster. He held her buttocks and pressed her down as he showed her no mercy. She was screaming at the force of his trusts, his thighs slapping against her buttocks sending vibrations to her clit.

  Tonya buried her head in the pillow and screamed more. When she felt his penis twitch, she reached between her legs and stoked her fingernails gently over his balls. He groaned her name as he stayed still and emptied himself into her.

  Afterward, they lay entwined in each other, basking in the warmth of the sex they had just so wonderfully shared.

  ''I like you so much Tonya. Will you be my proper girlfriend now?

  ''If you don't blackmail me any more, yes. And I'll be watching you, so no more bullshit.''


  Tonya and Marcus got married on the day Tonya's mom got the all clear. Never again did they want for money. Tonya completed her management course and ran Marcus’ business enterprise. Tonya had trouble conceiving but after IVF, she and Marcus became proud parents of a little boy called Jake.



  ALPHA BILLIONAIRE Romance - Bad Boy Billionaire


  Dana loved her business. That was an odd thing to admit to herself since she had never even used a sex toy in her life. She pleasured herself of course, but she had never felt the need to use something like one of the latex dildo’s she rang up and placed into discrete black plastic bags for her customers.

  Dana was three years out of business school, and she had known exactly the kind of business she wanted to be in. After all, sex sells. She opened The Treasure Box a month after graduating, and it hadn’t taken long for the little shop to take off. It was a squat square building with dim windows and a parking lot in the rear. Everyone liked to buy sex toys, but no one liked to be seen doing it.

  The shop started off doing well, and Dana had hired Jeff, a thirty-something stoner to help out, and so she could actually have a day or two off here and there. Lately, though, the business had been down. The internet was cutting into her profits more and more, and she had let Jeff go. He had been more disappointed that he had never managed to get her into bed, more than he was bummed about losing his job.

  Dana was attractive, and she knew it. She was lithe but curvy, with large breasts and a bubble butt. She had a flat tummy and long brown hair which she always pulled back into a simple ponytail. She didn’t put much effort into looking go
od, but she didn’t have to. Her lips were full and pouty, her eyes smoky and a grayish blue. She had white teeth and a perfect smile, and her voice was husky. Jeff had always said she looked like she could have been a famous actress in the forties.

  She wasn’t quite twenty-five, and she had had a string of boyfriends since highschool, but none ever amounted to much of anything. Just a bit of fun, and then they wanted something more serious, and she freaked out and ended it.

  Most guys expected her to be a sexual creature, owning a sex shop and everything, but Dana had always tended to be a little bit vanilla in bed. She had grown up in an ultra conservative household, and it had affected her. Her mother had almost fainted when she told her she was opening a shop which sold dildos and fake vaginas, and her father hadn’t talked to her for over a year. Things were better now, but her parents never asked about her business.

  It was a Thursday when she met him. Gregory Jones, tall dark and handsome. He entered The Treasure Chest alone. It was ten in the morning; Dana had just opened. No one else was there yet, and the young woman had been stocking a new shipment of cock rings near the back of the store. She had heard the bell ring, a little silver chime which hung over the doorway, and was rocked when the door opened and hit it.

  She called out to her new customer. “I’m back here, yell when you’re ready to check out.”

  There wasn’t an answer for a moment, and it made Dana nervous. She stood up and turned, just in time to see the sexiest looking man she had ever seen step around the final aisle and smile at her. He was tanned and tall, with broad shoulders and a strong jaw that made it seem as though he had missed his calling as a superhero. His hair was fair, blonde and wavy though he kept it trimmed quite short. He was wearing a suit which looked expensive to even Dana’s eye, untrained as it was in such matters.

  “Hey there,” the man said. “I could use your help.”

  “What can I do for you?” Dana asked, and she realized she was holding a cock ring package. She put it down quickly, her cheeks burning. The man seemed to take note of her sudden flash of embarrassment, his brow rising on his forehead, but he was too much of a gentleman to say anything about it.


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