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Date in Disguise

Page 6

by Laura Westbrook

  His lips returned to mine, hungrier this time, desiring and wanting more. I indulged him, drawing out his efforts further and yielding more and more to his advances. I added more tongue to my kisses, feeling his against mine in such a delicious way. Usually, I wasn’t so much into French kissing, as they called it, but with Gavin, it felt different. I stopped caring about things quite as much around him.

  Suddenly, my feet lifted off the ground. My butt landed on the countertop as he released his grip under my arms. Everything looked different this high up, an entire head taller than usual. Now I could see him on his level, eye-to-eye, and his bright, blue eyes looked even more piercing.

  One thing he likely appreciated at this angle were my breasts, much closer to everything he could enjoy them with, hands and lips. He immediately took advantage of them by brushing his lips against the top edges of my dress. It was low cut to begin with, one of the most revealing things in my closet, really, but he tugged it down with two fingers, and with that pressure, it practically opened the entire present.

  Once I felt his warm mouth over my right nipple, it was my turn to close my eyes. I rested my hands back behind me, not only stabilizing me but offering more of my body for his enjoyment. He started with a nimble tongue dragging across the surface of my nipple and ended with the entirety of his warm mouth over me.

  He’d been close to me before, but I encouraged him further by spreading my legs and ushering him inside. He didn’t need more of an invitation than that and filled the space. Feeling him against me brought my hips to a roll against his as if allowing my body to beg him to take more. Moving my legs like that made my dress hike up my leg. He looked down.

  “Here, allow me to help you,” he said.

  Without breaking eye contact, he slowly and deliberately lifted the hem of my dress up past my knees. His eyes were on fire, a steel blue flame burning with lust. I felt a rare moment of power and control over a man, stirring his desires enough to be putty in my hands, if putty wasn’t soft but instead a hard and incredibly toned piece of man. That bit of guilt I’d been feeling was evaporating quickly and replaced with something else I didn’t recognize.

  This was all so new that my brain was going into overdrive to process it all. He was rapidly approaching the point of no return, the furthest “base” I’d been with a man before. I thought I’d be more nervous about it, but the way his lips climbed up my thighs, from the base of my knees to the increasingly sensitive skin the higher he got, made all that melt away. By the time he reached midway up my thigh, he started adding a little bit of tongue that drove me crazy.

  Once he reached my panties, skillfully chosen that morning, he kissed over the top of them a few times, as if testing my resolve. I was in too deep to turn back now. The only way out was to feel his lips on me. I was new at this, but I wasn’t that naive. I knew what came next. Or at least, what I hoped would.

  Right when I couldn’t take the teasing any longer, he somehow knew and dipped two fingers underneath the right side of my panties and pulled them to the side. This opened up a new world of feeling exposed to a man. My first instinct was to cover up out of modesty, but I kept reminding my brain that the whole point was to be exposed. At least with Gavin, it was something I could get used to, feeling vulnerable and wide open for him.

  “Do you like what you—” I started to say, but feeling his tongue…down there…stopped me completely, shutting me up as effectively as anything else I could imagine. As his warm tongue massaged up and over that sensitive, little spot, my words devolved into nothing, mere gibberish dribbling from my lips. It was all I could manage with the way he made me feel, like he’d completely taken over, leaving me paralyzed to his talents.

  “You’ve…you’ve done this before,” I managed to get out.

  He lifted his head up just enough to say, “I’ll never tell.”

  Keeping those cards close to his chest. I glanced at my purse. Looks like that angle won’t work for me. Then he brought his tongue in a slow circle and made even that thought dissipate too. My fingernails clawed at the marble, instinctively searching for something to hold onto. I had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time I needed something to grip while he did things to me.

  “Does that feel good?” he asked from somewhere between my legs.

  I lifted my head from the tilted back position and murmured, “Yes, baby, it does.” I didn’t expect the pet name to slip out. I tangled my fingers in his short hair, and at times, I squeezed. I couldn’t help it. He seemed to like it when I tugged his head closer to my hips, closer to where his lips touched me, and it thrilled me to have that kind of direction over such a powerful man.

  He pulled back abruptly and, at the same time, tugged my legs so that my hips scooted toward him. While I watched, he undid his belt and unbuttoned the top button. His pants slid down to the floor. I tried not to stare, especially since I must have looked pretty obvious about it. If he noticed, he didn’t say anything.

  His boxer-briefs soon joined his pants on the floor, and he casually flicked them off to the side. My eyes followed them until they skidded to a stop in front of the fridge. Now I had a chance to glimpse his hardware properly. I’d at least seen pictures of manly bits before—what woman hadn’t these days, but I’d never seen any quite like his before.

  He needed no convincing at all to stand at attention. I’d heard some guys needed to be touched to arrive at that state, but clearly Gavin didn’t. He pointed straight up at an angle toward the ceiling as if to raise its hand to say it wanted to participate. I had no idea the actual size of it, but it looked over half the length of my forearm and as thick as my wrist.


  He stopped and looked up. “Yes? Are you okay?”

  “I’m doing fine.” More than fine, actually. “I just…I haven’t exactly done this before.”

  “On the countertop, you mean? Don’t worry, I’m not planning on serving food on it tonight.”

  “No, I mean I haven’t done…this before.” I couldn’t bring myself to say it, but glancing down at the absence of space between us got the message along fine.

  “Oh, this. Have you not had sex before?”

  I simply nodded, reverting back to my quiet self.

  He cupped my cheek. “I had no idea, especially with how confident you were going in.”

  “I’m not trying to tap the brakes. I just thought you should know.” Honestly, I didn’t know why I was telling him at all. All this had been a front, even meeting him initially, a way to get on the inside. If I hadn’t said anything, he probably wouldn’t have known or found out. And yet I felt compelled to tell him for some strange reason. Maybe because he was sharing so much, I only thought it was fair.

  “Do you want to stop?”

  I would’ve thought his tone would be pressuring, asking something like that, like the stereotypical moving his lips yet really hoping the girl doesn’t say yes, but the way he asked told me he’d be perfectly fine stopping if I needed it. He seemed genuinely concerned, which helped my answer.

  “No, I don’t.” I gripped one of his hands and led it between my legs. “I want to keep going.”

  He gently tilted my face up to his with his finger under my chin. God, his eyes are so blue. “If you need me to stop or slow down, just tell me.”

  “I will.”

  He dipped his fingers into the waistline of my panties and dragged them down to my knees and eventually the floor, which was starting to create quite the pile. I lifted my hands and leaned forward, instead wrapping them around his neck, bringing my face right up to his.

  “Are you ready for this?” he asked, and I could feel him shifting below the waist.

  I nodded. I was so close, I could feel his breath on my lips. “I’m ready.”

  I felt nothing until, all of a sudden, I felt everything. His rubbed himself up and down against me until I’d soaked him. From him going down on me to this…it had left me incredibly wet, much more than I’d ever felt before,
even when self-induced. He took his time, enjoying how he felt against me, likely warm and wet just for him.

  “Take a deep breath in,” he said, and I followed.

  He took that final step and slipped inside me, and all the air in my lungs came out in a rush. I must have made a noise, because he asked, “How does that feel?”

  When he’d first entered me, admittedly I felt a pinch. His large size took me by surprise. Even with my toys at home, I never quite knew how it would go until I tried it out. The logic made sense to me, anyway. But within moments and a few thrusts, that pinch dissipated and was replaced by a much stronger sensation.

  My fingers along the back of his neck dug into his skin, and a moan escaped my throat. “Damn,” I whispered. This felt amazing. Everything below my waist felt alive, warm, and exploding in one small chain reaction after another.

  “Realizing how you’ve been missing out?” he asked, softly, as his lips were right by my ear.


  He pulled back to peek at my expression. “Oh?”

  “If I hadn’t been missing out, then I wouldn’t be experiencing this for the first time with you.”

  He smiled and chose to respond by increasing his rhythm. He wrapped his large, right hand over the top of my shoulder, and he held me in place as he used leverage to push harder, enter me farther. At first, it was all I could do to hang onto his neck and not tilt over or fall off the countertop completely until he held onto my hips with his other hand to stabilize me.

  He changed his direction slightly and somehow moved inside me at a new angle. Honestly, I had no idea that was possible. To me, it was one direction in and out. It wasn’t like he had movable parts down there. I lifted my legs up a bit and that changed it yet again. I was in heaven.

  “Wait,” I said, reaching across the counter for my purse. “Want to get a little kinky?”

  “Uh, what did you have in mind?”

  “You’ll see.”

  I pulled out my phone and pointed it toward him. “Say cheese.”

  “Pictures? Right now?”

  “Why not? Don’t you think it’s edgy?” I held it up and at an angle so I could get all of him in the shot, from the top of his head down to our hips joined together. “Keep going and I’ll take a few more.”

  “And what are these for?” he asked. He hadn’t stopped his motions entirely, but he’d certainly slowed down.

  “For my private collection, of course. I can’t wait to glance at these later tonight, and if you’re lucky, I might touch myself to them.”

  Before he had a chance to respond, I leaned forward and kissed him, drawing deeply upon his lips, and just like clockwork, his hips started up again just like they had before. I reached up and took a few more pictures from different angles. He had his head down, like a driven and focused man, so I wasn’t quite sure if he noticed or not.

  I set the phone down on the counter and leaned back to enjoy myself. Now that I had a hang of the balance, I pushed back against him every time he moved forward, making every thrust that much more impactful. I couldn’t get enough of his powerful motions.

  “Yes, more. Please, more, Gavin.”

  He gripped both sides of my hips and added that to the mix, digging his fingers in and practically lifting me up in an effort to slam into me. He worked himself into a frenzy, movements completely in a blur as he came closer and closer. His moans were escalating, and in my rare lucid moments during all this, I noticed mine were too.

  That wasn’t all I noticed. A tingling sensation deep inside me grew, and it threatened to take over the entirety of my hips, starting from the base of my spine and completely taking over. It felt like a wave in the ocean, far off at first, but coming closer, gaining in speed. With every thrust, he brought that wave closer to me.

  “I think I’m going to come,” I said in a cross between a whimper and a shout.

  “Me too.”

  “Don’t stop, Gavin, please.”

  That only made him go faster. I was coming undone. My hands gave out and I dropped to my elbows on the countertop. Every muscle in my hips and thighs clenched together at once…and I came. God, did I come. I opened my mouth and made a noise I thought might break all the glass around me. I must have moaned for minutes as I clamped down around him.

  That clearly did it for him too, as he arched his back and roared, pummeling me with a final, hard thrust and relaxed, leaning against the counter with his open palms. His chest rose and fell as he caught his breath, his long, corded muscles expanding and contracting.

  I ran my fingertips along the top of his back and shoulder blades. “How do you feel?”

  He lifted his head. “Never better. Between that and tennis, I might be set for my work out for the week.”

  Indeed, he’d worked himself out pretty hard, especially toward the end there. A thin sheen covered the small amount of his chest poking out of the top of his shirt. He reached for his lemonade not far away and downed half the glass. Once done, he set it down and returned back to me, leaning over for a kiss on my cheek.

  “You make me feel better than anyone else has before,” he said. “I want you to know that.”

  “I feel the same way.”

  “I hope I made your first time enjoyable.”

  I reached up and touched his cheek. “That’s sweet. You did. Thank you. I had fun today with you.”

  His lips drew up into a smirk. “You say that like you have to go.”

  Just then, I remembered Audric sitting out in the car still. I hopped off the countertop and reached for my purse. “Actually, I do. I didn’t realize how late it was getting.”

  He looked around. “How do you know what time it is?”

  “Oh, just a hunch. I have a good biological clock. Maybe the angle of the sun too. Have you seen my panties?”

  “Over here.” He picked them up and held them out to me.

  “Thanks. I’m so sorry to rush off like this. I should’ve given myself more time before my next…appointment.”

  He leaned against the wall, already with his boxer briefs back on. “No problem. It happens. I’d like to call you sometime to see you again, Charity. Maybe dinner?”

  At that angle, I could see the front door. I could only guess that Audric was already feeling impatient, having no way to contact me. At this rate, I knew I’d hear all about it on the way home before he dropped me off.

  “Um, okay. I’ll give it to you quick.” Anything to get out the door faster. So what if he had my number? It didn’t change anything.

  He pulled off a tiny sliver of the fridge, which somehow had been connected before, and he poised with the tip over the front of it, which didn’t look any different from the rest. “Go ahead.”

  I rattled off my number, and he wrote it directly onto the appliance, which took down what he wrote and made the letters glow. It must be some kind of fancy digital surface. No time to ask, though.

  I rushed to the foyer and slung my jacket over my arm. I normally wouldn’t bring it on a warm day like this, but this morning had been unusually chilly. I tapped all my pockets to make sure I had everything, as well as my purse, and I grasped the door handle.

  “Bye,” he said. “I hope you have a safe drive home.”

  “Thank you. I will. I appreciate your lovely home. Sorry again I had to rush.”

  As soon as the door closed behind me, I mouthed those last words. Appreciate his lovely home? Apparently, whenever I felt flustered, I reverted back to my awkward self.

  I hoped nobody noticed how far I walked to reach the car. I snuck a glance behind me as soon as I passed the hedges, unsure whether I hoped Gavin still stood there watching out the window or not.

  Chapter Ten


  I pulled my pants back on and redid my belt. This was the second time she’d left in a rush like that. I was starting to wonder if this was an everytime thing for her. I walked back to the foyer and crossed my arms. She was long gone by then, but standing there helped m
e think. Such a mystery she was. One of these days, I’d figure her out.

  Before I realized it, I was leaning against the wall staring up at the corner where it met the vaulted ceiling. I spotted a small spider web inside. I followed each strand from one end to the other as a way of clearing my thoughts. It still didn’t rattle anything loose for me, though. I should’ve peeked out the front window when she left to see if there was a pumpkin carriage waiting.

  “Gone so soon?” Albert asked behind me.

  I turned around and was thankful I’d put on my pants when I did. “It seems so. She had to leave all of a sudden. I guess she didn’t realize the time.”

  “It has been a good hour or two since she arrived.”

  “Has it been that long? It felt a lot shorter.”

  He offered a knowing smile. “Ah, young love.”

  I coughed. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly young anymore.”

  “Indeed, sir, but she is closer to it.”

  “That she is…and beautiful too. Almost too much. I have a hard time concentrating when she’s around.”

  My toe kicked something, and it skidded across the floor.

  “Dropped something, sir?”

  I bent over and picked it up. “No, I didn’t, but someone else must have.”

  Ink had smeared on the inside, causing streaks, but it left some words readable.

  Gain his trust. Pretend… Make up the questions as you go along. Try to make them… Ask him about his…and see if he bites. Take some…if you can. Whatever you do, remember you’re helping…

  I handed it over. “What do you make of this?”

  He raised his bushy eyebrows. “I don’t know exactly, sir. She might not be what she seems.”


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