The Heritage of Dedlow Marsh and Other Tales
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other as that woman hassaid. Only," she waited till she had gained the secure vantage of thethreshold, "I never knew a gentleman to OBJECT to it before!"
With this Parthian arrow from her blue eyes she slipped into thepassage and vanished through the door of the opposite parlor. For aninstant Don Jose remained motionless and reflecting. Then, recoveringhimself with grave precision, he deliberately picked up his narrowblack gloves from the table, drew them on, took his hat in his hand,and solemnly striding across the passage, entered the door that hadjust closed behind her.
[1] Hexagonal gold pieces valued at $50 each, issued by a private firmas coin in the early days.
It must not be supposed that in the meantime the flight of Don Jose andhis follower was unattended by any commotion at the rancho of theBlessed Innocents. At the end of three hours' deliberation, in whichthe retainers were severally examined, the corral searched, and thewell in the courtyard sounded, scouts were dispatched in differentdirections, who returned with the surprising information that thefugitives were not in the vicinity. A trustworthy messenger was sentto Monterey for "custom-house paper," on which to draw up a formaldeclaration of the affair. The archbishop was summoned from San Luis,and Don Victor and Don Vincente Sepulvida, with the Donas Carmen andInez Alvarado, and a former alcalde, gathered at a family council thenext day. In this serious conclave the good Father Felipe once moreexpounded the alienated condition and the dangerous reading of theabsent man. In the midst of which the ordinary post brought a letterfrom Don Jose, calmly inviting the family to dine with him and Robertoat San Mateo on the following Wednesday. The document was passedgravely from hand to hand. Was it a fresh evidence of mentalaberration--an audacity of frenzy--or a trick of the vaquero? Thearchbishop and alcalde shook their heads--it was without doubt alawless, even a sacrilegious and blasphemous fete. But a certaincuriosity of the ladies and of Father Felipe carried the day. Withoutformally accepting the invitation it was decided that the family shouldexamine the afflicted man, with a view of taking active measureshereafter. On the day appointed, the traveling carriage of theSepulvidas, an equipage coeval with the beginning of the century, drawnby two white mules gaudily caparisoned, halted before the hotel at SanMateo and disgorged Father Felipe, the Donas Carmen and Inez Alvaradoand Maria Sepulvida, while Don Victor and Don Vincente Sepulvida, theirattendant cavaliers on fiery mustangs, like outriders, drew rein at thesame time. A slight thrill of excitement, as of the advent of apossible circus, had preceded them through the little town; a faintblending of cigarette smoke and garlic announced their presence on theveranda.
Ushered into the parlor of the hotel, apparently set apart for theirreception, they were embarrassed at not finding their host present.But they were still more disconcerted when a tall full-beardedstranger, with a shrewd amused-looking face, rose from a chair by thewindow, and stepping forward, saluted them in fluent Spanish with aslight American accent.
"I have to ask you, gentlemen and ladies," he began, with a certaininsinuating ease and frankness that alternately aroused and lulledtheir suspicions, "to pardon the absence of our friend Don JoseSepulvida at this preliminary greeting. For to be perfectly frank withyou, although the ultimate aim and object of our gathering is a socialone, you are doubtless aware that certain infelicities andmisunderstandings--common to most families--have occurred, and a free,dispassionate, unprejudiced discussion and disposal of them at thebeginning will only tend to augment the goodwill of our gathering."
"The Senor without doubt is"--suggested the padre, with a politeinterrogative pause.
"Pardon me! I forgot to introduce myself. Colonel Parker--entirely atyour service and that of these charming ladies."
The ladies referred to allowed their eyes to rest with evidentprepossession on the insinuating stranger. "Ah, a soldier," said DonVincente.
"Formerly," said the American lightly; "at present a lawyer, thecounsel of Don Jose."
A sudden rigor of suspicion stiffened the company; the ladies withdrewtheir eyes; the priest and the Sepulvidas exchanged glances.
"Come," said Colonel Parker, with apparent unconsciousness of theeffect of his disclosure, "let us begin frankly. You have, I believe,some anxiety in regard to the mental condition of Don Jose."
"We believe him to be mad," said Padre Felipe promptly, "irresponsible,possessed!"
"That is your opinion; good," said the lawyer quietly.
"And ours too," clamored the party, "without doubt."
"Good," returned the lawyer with perfect cheerfulness. "As hisrelations, you have no doubt had superior opportunities for observinghis condition. I understand also that you may think it necessary tohave him legally declared non compos, a proceeding which, you areaware, might result in the incarceration of our distinguished friend ina mad-house."
"Pardon, Senor," interrupted Dona Maria proudly, "you do not comprehendthe family. When a Sepulvida is visited of God we do not ask theGovernment to confine him like a criminal. We protect him in his ownhouse from the consequences of his frenzy."
"From the machinations of the worldly and heretical," broke in thepriest, "and from the waste and dispersion of inherited possessions."
"Very true," continued Colonel Parker, with unalterable good-humor;"but I was only about to say that there might be conflicting evidenceof his condition. For instance, our friend has been here three days.In that time he has had three interviews with three individuals undersingular circumstances." Colonel Parker then briefly recounted theepisodes of the landlord, the gambler, Miss Jenkinson and the poetess,as they had been related to him. "Yet," he continued, "all but one ofthese individuals are willing to swear that they not only believe DonJose perfectly sane, but endowed with a singularly sound judgment. Infact, the testimony of Mr. Hamlin and Miss Jenkinson is remarkablyclear on that subject."
The company exchanged a supercilious smile. "Do you not see, O SenorAdvocate," said Don Vincente compassionately, "that this is but aconspiracy to avail themselves of our relative's weakness. Of anecessity they find him sane who benefits them."
"I have thought of that, and am glad to hear you say so," returned thelawyer still more cheerfully, "for your prompt opinion emboldens me tobe at once perfectly frank with you. Briefly then, Don Jose hassummoned me here to make a final disposition of his property. In thecarrying out of certain theories of his, which it is not my province toquestion, he has resolved upon comparative poverty for himself as bestfitted for his purpose, and to employ his wealth solely for others. Infact, of all his vast possessions he retains for himself only an incomesufficient for the bare necessaries of life."
"And you have done this?" they asked in one voice.
"Not yet," said the lawyer.
"Blessed San Antonio, we have come in time!" ejaculated Dona Carmen."Another day and it would have been too late; it was an inspiration ofthe Blessed Innocents themselves," said Dona Maria, crossing herself."Can you longer doubt that this is the wildest madness?" said FatherFelipe with flashing eyes.
"Yet," returned the lawyer, caressing his heavy beard with a meditativesmile, "the ingenious fellow actually instanced the vows of YOUR OWNORDER, reverend sir, as an example in support of his theory. But to bebrief. Conceiving, then, that his holding of property was a mereaccident of heritage, not admitted by him, unworthy his acceptance, anda relic of superstitious ignorance"--
"This is the very sacrilege of Satanic prepossession," broke in thepriest indignantly.
"He therefore," continued the lawyer composedly, "makes over andreverts the whole of his possessions, with the exceptions I havestated, to his family and the Church."
A breathless and stupefying silence fell upon the company. In the deadhush the sound of Polly Jenkinson's piano, played in a distant room,could be distinctly heard. With their vacant eyes staring at him thespeaker continued:
"That deed of gift I have drawn up as he dictated it. I don't mindsaying that in the opinion of some he might be declared non compos uponthe evidence
of that alone. I need not say how relieved I am to findthat your opinion coincides with my own."
"But," gasped Father Felipe hurriedly, with a quick glance at theothers, "it does not follow that it will be necessary to resort tothese legal measures. Care, counsel, persuasion--"
"The general ministering of kinship--nursing, a woman's care--theinstincts of affection," piped Dona Maria in breathless eagerness.
"Any light social distraction--a harmless flirtation--a possibleattachment," suggested Dona Carmen shyly.
"Change of scene--active exercise--experiences--even as those you haverelated," broke in Don Vincente.
"I for one have ever been opposed to LEGAL measures," said Don Victor."A mere consultation of friends--in fact, a fete like this issufficient."
"Good friends," said Father Felipe, who had by this time recoveredhimself, taking out his snuff-box portentously, "it would seem truly,from the document which this discreet caballero has spoken of, that theerrors of our dear Don Jose are rather of method than intent, and thatwhile we may freely accept the one"--
"Pardon," interrupted Colonel Parker with bland persistence, "but Imust point out to you that what we call in law 'a consideration' isnecessary to the legality of a conveyance, even though thatconsideration be frivolous and calculated to impair the validity of thedocument."
"Truly," returned the good padre insinuatingly; "but if a discreetadvocate were to suggest the substitution of some more pious andreasonable consideration"--
"But that would be making it a perfectly sane and gratuitous document,not only glaringly inconsistent with your charges, my good friends,with Don Jose's attitude towards you and his flight from home, but opento the gravest suspicion in law. In fact, its apparent propriety inthe face of these facts would imply improper influence."
The countenances of the company fell. The lawyer's face, however,became still more good-humored and sympathizing. "The case is simplythis. If in the opinion of judge and jury Don Jose is declared insane,the document is worthless except as a proof of that fact or a possibleindication of the undue influence of his relations, which might compelthe court to select his guardians and trustees elsewhere than amongthem."
"Friend Abogado," said Father Felipe with extraordinary deliberation,"the document thou hast just described so eloquently convinces mebeyond all doubt that Don Jose is not only perfectly sane but endowedwith a singular discretion. I consider it as a delicate andhigh-spirited intimation to us, his friends and kinsmen, of hisunalterable and logically just devotion to his family and religion,whatever may seem to be his poetical and imaginative manner ofdeclaring it. I think there is not one here," continued the padre,looking around him impressively, "who is not entirely satisfied of DonJose's reason and competency to arrange his own affairs."
"Entirely," "truly," "perfectly," eagerly responded the others withaffecting spontaneity.
"Nay, more. To prevent any misconception, we shall deem it our duty totake every opportunity of making our belief publicly known," addedFather Felipe.
The padre and Colonel Parker gazed long and gravely into each other'seyes. It may have been an innocent touch of the sunlight through thewindow, but a faint gleam seemed to steal into the pupil of the affablelawyer at the same moment that, probably from the like cause, there wasa slight nervous contraction of the left eyelid of the pious father.But it passed, and the next instant the door opened to admit Don JoseSepulvida.
He was at once seized and effusively embraced by the entire companywith every protest of affection and respect. Not only Mr. Hamlin andMr. Jenkinson, who accompanied him as invited guests, but Roberto, in anew suit of clothes and guiltless of stain or trace of dissipation,shared in the pronounced friendliness of the kinsmen. Padre Felipetook snuff, Colonel Parker blew his nose gently.
Nor were they less demonstrative of their new convictions later at thebanquet. Don Jose, with Jenkinson and the padre on his right and left,preserved his gentle and half-melancholy dignity in the midst of thenoisy fraternization. Even Padre Felipe, in a brief speech orexhortation proposing the health of their host, lent himself in his owntongue to this polite congeniality. "We have had also, my friends andbrothers," he said in peroration, "a pleasing example of the complimentof imitation shown by our beloved Don Jose. No one who has known himduring his friendly sojourn in this community but will be struck withthe conviction that he has acquired that most marvelous faculty of yourgreat American nation, the exhibition of humor and of the practicaljoke."
Every eye was turned upon the imperturbable face of Don Jose as heslowly rose to reply. "In bidding you to this fete, my friends andkinsmen," he began calmly, "it was with the intention of formallyembracing the habits, customs, and spirit of American institutions bycertain methods of renunciation of the past, as became a caballero ofhonor and resolution. Those methods may possibly be known to some ofyou." He paused for a moment as if to allow the members of his familyto look unconscious. "Since then, in the wisdom of God, it hasoccurred to me that my purpose may be as honorably effected by adiscreet blending of the past and the present--in a word, by thejudicious combination of the interests of my native people and theAmerican nation. In consideration of that purpose, friends andkinsmen, I ask you to join me in drinking the good health of my hostSenor Jenkinson, my future father-in-law, from whom I have to-day hadthe honor to demand the hand of the peerless Polly, his daughter, asthe future mistress of the Rancho of the Blessed Innocents."
The marriage took place shortly after. Nor was the free will andindependence of Don Jose Sepulvida in the least opposed by hisrelations. Whether they felt they had already committed themselves, orhad hopes in the future, did not transpire. Enough that the escapadeof a week was tacitly forgotten. The only allusion ever made to thebridegroom's peculiarities was drawn from the demure lips of the brideherself on her installation at the "Blessed Innocents."
"And what, little one, didst thou find in me to admire?" Don Jose hadasked tenderly.
"Oh, you seemed to be so much like that dear old Don Quixote, youknow," she answered demurely.
"Don Quixote," repeated Don Jose with gentle gravity. "But, my child,that was only a mere fiction--a romance, of one Cervantes. Believe me,of a truth there never was any such person!"