Book Read Free


Page 6

by Cassie Verano

  I sat down at my laptop and began drawing, while Bishop lost himself on his laptop on the other side of my desk. He had hired me to customize his BMW R nineT Scrambler. His bike was already beautiful, but he wanted to kick it up a few notches.

  He was probably working on his fitness business. Bishop owned a chain of fitness facilities across the country, and I knew he had been in talks with some vendors about launching a line of fitness products. Something along the line of beverages and snack bars.

  We both worked in silence for the next hour; I’m sure as productive as possible.

  “So, this is what I was envisioning for your bike, man,” I said, enlarging an image on my laptop.

  Bishop got up and walked around to my side of the desk to lean in and check out the concept I had drawn. He was silent, but that was just Bishop’s way. That didn’t mean that he didn’t like my idea, but he was visualizing.

  Grabbing his chair, he pulled it around to my side of the desk and plopped into it. Slowly, he pulled his dreads into a ponytail and then propped one elbow on top of his other arm. Eyes closed; he tilted his head to the side.

  Bishop always took time to imagine something in his mind’s eye. He had to imagine what the bike looked like in reality, how he looked on the bike, and how he felt on the bike.

  I pushed my chair back and walked away to give him the time that he needed. Heading into the kitchen, I grabbed a couple of bottles of water and then headed back to my office.

  Peering out the window again, I checked on the progress that Greg was making. Everything was coming along pretty well.

  I dropped back into my seat and glanced at Bishop once more. He raised an eyebrow and glanced at me. Slowly a smile crept over his features.

  “Dude! You know you’re the shit, right?”

  “Of course, I am.”

  “This is it. I swear I don’t know how you get in people’s brains, but you do it.”

  “Any modifications?”

  “Just the color. Instead of all red with black, let’s go for a gunmetal grey, chrome, and a tan leather seat.”

  “All right. You’re giving up your favorite color, Bishop. That is nice.”

  I clicked a few icons on the screen and made the modifications he requested.

  Bishop held out his fist to me, and I gave him a fist bump.

  “So, what are we looking at?” he asked.

  “Twelve weeks and she’ll be yours,” I said.


  “Ten k for you,” I replied.

  “All right. Let’s do it,” Bishop said with a smile as big as the Atlantic Ocean.

  We went over a few more details and discussed some things before our conversation turned to a more personal note.

  “So, what’s up?”

  “What are you talking about, Bishop?”

  “You’re taking care of your neighbor’s property now? The last time I was around, I recall an older woman living across the street. An attractively, fine older woman, but still an older woman. One that I can recall you describing as a snob who—”

  “I did not say ‘snob,’” I interjected.

  “Okay, not snob, but your description of her meant the same thing. And you said she couldn’t even be bothered to wave, let alone speak,” my best friend pointed out.

  I regretted being so quick to speak out about matters that had not concerned me at the time.

  “So, what is your point?”

  “My point is...if the same lady is still living there, how did you get to this place so quickly where you’re getting housework done for her? And if she isn’t living there, then I’m curious to know who’s moved in.”

  “My friend, I think it’s time for you to get back to your facility. Don’t you have some important work to get to?” I asked, scooting my chair back as I stood.

  “Not really. I’m more interested in learning why my best friend is taking care of repair work on the lady’s house across the street. I mean, what have I missed in the last few months?” he asked with a sly grin.

  “Nothing at all. I’m just neighborly. That is all.”

  “I’m neighborly. I mean, I send my neighbors' mail to them if it’s delivered to my address incorrectly. I say hello and wave. I remind them of association meetings that we have coming up. Things of that nature, but getting their housework done for them. That sounds more like being someone’s man than being their neighbor,” Bishop said.

  I knew I had gone a bit too far, but I was determined to do whatever it took to break down that mean ass energy she had.

  “You live inside of an exclusive country club in a great big mansion. You and your neighbors have workers who routinely come to check for such problems. My neighbors? Me? We do not do such things,” I said.

  “Yes, but you could. It’s not like you can’t afford it.”

  “Why do I need a great big house when there’s only me?”

  “Because there might be more than just you someday, Zymir. And it seems like you’re already working on that possibility,” he said, glancing over my shoulder.

  I saw a frown cross his features as his eyes narrowed.


  “Looks like that neighbor’s on her way over here now. And if I’m not mistaken, she doesn’t look too neighborly. Matter of fact, I think she might’ve given Greg a piece of her mind because he and his men aren’t doing anything right now except for watching her,” Bishop informed me.

  I stepped closer to the window, where he stood and looked out. He was right. Karina looked pissed, and I don’t think I recall ever seeing her this heated.

  “Merda!” I whispered underneath my breath.

  “There’s no reason to be crying ‘shit,’ now. You should’ve thought about that before you did whatever you went and did. But I think this is my cue to leave,” Bishop said, turning and walking to his laptop.

  “You can’t leave me now.”

  “No, brother. You got yourself into this one,” he said, packing up his laptop. “I want no parts of it. There’s nothing like an angry black woman. You might not be too familiar with that, but I know all about it. And I want none of it,” he said.

  Truthfully, I hadn’t thought my actions out very well. I’d just acted on an impulse that wasn’t like me at all. But if it was time to face the music, I had no problem with that either.

  I followed Bishop to the door and opened it just as Karina wound up on my doorstep.

  “Miss Karina! What a surprise,” I said.

  “I don’t think it is, Jamir!” she said with her hands planted on her hips.

  She wore a pair of yellow denim capri pants and a white halter top. The sun seemed to have been made just to kiss her gorgeous skin this day. Karina’s hair was pulled back by a yellow cotton headband, and her hair fell in curls around her shoulders.

  “Jamir?” Bishop mouthed to me with wide eyes.

  I shook my head slightly.

  “Miss Karina, this is my best friend, Bishop,” I said, introducing the two of them.

  She turned a furious gaze his way. “Did you have anything to do with that, Bishop?” she asked, pointing her finger over her shoulder without turning around.

  “No, ma’am. Um, it was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Karina. But I was just on my way out to an urgent appointment. Zymir, it was nice knowing you, dude,” he said, moving quickly down the steps.

  If I weren’t mistaken, I could have sworn I heard him chuckling under his breath.

  “Some friend!” I called out after him.

  Slowly I turned my gaze back to Karina and squared my shoulders for whatever she was ready to bring. Lips puckered in anger; her eyes radiated fury. She swiped at her forehead, and I swear I saw steam come off of her.

  I wasn’t sure if it was from the sun or her anger. Maybe the air conditioning inside might cool her temper just a bit.

  “Miss Karina, do you mind if we step inside for just a moment? I think it’s ninety-five out today,” I said, looking up at the sun.

; Without waiting for her response, I turned around and stepped inside the house, leaving the front door open for her to follow.

  When she did, she closed it behind herself and turned to glare at me again.

  “What the hell is it that you think you’re doing?”

  “I happened to notice that your roof needs some minor repairs. So, I decided to do the neighborly thing and call someone in to take care of it,” I said with a shrug as if it were that simple.

  “Did I ask you to do that?” she huffed.

  “No, but it is what neighbors do for one another.”

  “Maybe where you come from, but not around here. Neighbors mind their business!” she snapped angrily, her nostrils flaring slightly.

  “Why are you so angry? This is a kind thing that I’ve done for you, Miss Karina.”

  “Damnit, I didn’t ask you to do shit for me, Jamir!”

  “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. You’re right; you didn’t ask. I took the liberty of doing it on my own, and I was wrong. Greg and his men are good at what they do. They are consummate professionals, and I can get references if you require them.”

  “Jamir! They’re already ripping shit off my house! Who the hell gave you the right to just move in this neighborhood and start doing...” she breathed for a moment, and placed a hand to her forehead, closing her eyes.

  “Start doing what, Miss Karina?”

  I took a step closer to her when she seemed a bit unstable on her feet.

  “You can’t start coming around here, changing things. Who the hell made you the end-all, know all, and be all of shit, Jamir!”

  “It’s Zymir. For the last time. Can you please just call me by my name?”

  She was starting to get under my skin.

  I mean, yes, I had overstepped my boundaries. But now this woman stood in my house, cursing at me, and she refused even to have the decency to call me by my name.

  Yes, I had known she would be angry with me. And I couldn’t deny she had every right to, but why couldn’t she just accept a token of generosity? What was so wrong about what I was doing?

  “I will call you whatever the hell I want to call you! Now get those damned men off my property before I call the police and have you all arrested!”

  “Arrested?” I laughed.


  “For what?”

  “For trespassing!”

  “Okay, go right ahead,” I said with a shrug.

  “I can’t stand your arrogant ass! You’re so fucking full of yourself.”

  “Hey, that’s not called for.”

  “What’s the matter. The little boy can’t take it when someone calls his ass on his bullshit!” she snapped.

  “No, what I can’t take is that foul mouth of yours.”

  “What the hell are you going to do about it? Huh, Jamir?”

  She continued to snap at me, and all I wanted was for her to shut up.

  “Woman, would you please...just for once...shut up with that foul mouth!” I growled.

  She placed her hands on those curvy hips and took a step closer to me, looking up at me with those angry brown eyes. “Make me!” she dared.

  I couldn’t think straight with her in my ear. Because that was the only thing that could explain my actions.


  “Woman, would you please...just for once...shut up with that foul mouth!” he growled.

  I glared up at him with my hands on my hips. “Make me,” I challenged. He was pissing me off and needed to be put back in his place.

  Before I could react, Zymir grabbed my face with his large hands and was kissing me. I mean, really kissing me. His full lips pressed against mine one moment, and the next, he’d begun to suckle at mine with his mouth.

  My hands had come off my hips, and my arms extended at my sides. My eyes were closed as I stood on tiptoe. I was helpless to say or do anything, except to see where this would lead next.

  When Zymir released me, my arms hung weightlessly at my sides, and my eyes flew open. It was difficult to catch my breath, but once I did, I tore into him.

  “What the hell was that, and what the hell did you think you were doing?”

  “It was called a kiss. And I was shutting that foul mouth of yours,” Zymir said in a low, sultry tone.

  “You don’t just take advantage of a lady and kiss her without her permission,” I chastised.

  “If a lady were here, I would not take advantage of her. Ladies don’t talk the way you were just talking.”

  My eyes widened at his insult. “How dare you!” I snarled.

  “You’ve already done that. Would you like me to take you up on that challenge again?”

  He said it confidently as though he would do just that if given a chance.

  My heart thudded in my chest, and I had no plans to stand idly by, allowing him, or maybe tempting him to do it again. The feelings that were roaring through me scared the hell out of me. I turned abruptly on my heels and headed for the door.

  “So, is that all you’ve got, Karina? Now that you’re facing a challenge, you tuck tail and run? Where’s all of that courage and bravado now? Where’s all of that mouth, and lip you gave me, Karina?”

  My fists balled at my sides as I stared at the closed door with my back to him. I refused to turn around and look at him. I couldn’t.

  “I am not running. But obviously, you have lost your goddamned mind kissing me and speaking to me like that!”

  Before I knew it, I felt the heat of his presence shadowing me, making a cocoon around my body. My chest heaved up and down as I tried to control my breathing. This encounter was a little too much for me because my body was responding in ways that my mind wasn’t in agreement with.

  “I think you are running. Do you want to know why I think you are running, Karina?”

  “I don’t give a damn what you think!” I seethed.

  “I think you are running because you’re scared,” he said.

  Spinning around, I said, “Scared?”

  “Yes, scared,” he repeated, taking a step that brought him toe-to-toe with me.

  “Of what?”

  “Of this,” he said, lowering his head and kissing me again.

  Once more, I froze in place. Rooted to the spot. Wondering what was this happening as a tingle floated to my belly and nestled right between my thighs. When was the last time I had felt like this? I couldn’t even recall.

  At the moment, I couldn’t think of anything. My mind was a blank canvas, and no cohesive thought would paint the surface.

  The first time, Zymir had brushed his lips across mine and suckled at my bottom lip. But this time, his tongue had made itself into my mouth. And I didn’t deny him entrance; instead, I basked in the feel of his tongue suckling mine, reveled in the way his tongue felt sweeping around my mouth, sampling it. The heat of his mouth was a welcome reprieve from the desire I had carried around to be kissed for some time.

  When he finally released me this time, my mood was softer, but I was still on the defense.

  “I think you’re scared of what I make you feel. I’ve been thinking for quite some time, and it does not make sense to me why you treat me the way that you do. I think you’re attracted to me.”

  I scoffed. “I’m not attracted to you, Jamir.”

  “I think you are. And I also think that you like the way you feel when I kiss you, Karina.”

  “Yes, you have definitely lost your mind!” I hissed.

  “No, I haven’t. There is a mutual attraction between us. And there is nothing wrong with that. You’re a beautiful woman, and I’m a sexy, young man. Sparks are bound to fly.”

  “And you’re arrogant as hell. For the record, I don’t find you attractive at all,” I argued.

  “Oh, but I think you do. You would not have kissed me back the way that you did if you did not find me attractive,” he countered.

  “Kiss you back? Kiss you back? I didn’t kiss you back! You took advantage of me!”

“Oh, poor little Karina. Trapped in my house and she was so defenseless she couldn’t escape my kisses.”

  “I can handle being kissed when a man that I want to be kissed by kisses me. But what I don’t like is some young thug taking advantage of me.”

  Shaking my head, I lowered my gaze to the floor and back to her. “So, we’re back to that now?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “We never left that.”

  “Oh, I seem to recall that when you realized I own a multimillion-dollar business, you had a change of heart about what you thought of me,” he said.

  “No, your skills. Not you,” I corrected.

  He bit his bottom lip, and a slow sexy smile crawled upon them. Damn, that smile!

  “I’ve got some skills, Karina.”

  My mouth dropped open, and my eyes widened.

  “Um, I think I’d better be heading back across the street now,” I said, quickly turning and jerking the door open.

  I could hear him chuckle behind me.

  “And tell your men to leave my property!” I said when I reached the bottom of the steps.

  “If they do, your house will be in shambles!”

  Touché, I thought.

  “OKAY, WE’RE ALL ON the line now. What the hell is going on?” Rhonda asked.

  I had spent two hours pacing my living room, trying to make sense of what was going on between Zymir and myself. Coming to a logical conclusion didn’t seem to be on the agenda tonight. So, I had resorted to seeking out my sister and cousin for their insight.

  “Yeah, what’s so urgent that I had to get on a call right now? I was about to jump Jordan’s ass,” Lori said.

  “Ewww, we didn’t need to know that,” Rhonda said.

  “I’m just saying,” Lori said.

  “Don’t say. Hell, that’s how your ass got into that position in the first place? Never getting enough sex,” Rhonda concluded.

  “I know, but I’m always horny now. I guess it’s these pregnancy hormones,” Lori whined.

  “Honey, you’re barely pregnant,” I said. “Now, can we get to the reason for my call?”

  “Tea with a little sugar, please?” Rhonda purred.


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