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Page 11

by Andre Pisco

  "I’m going,” Lucian said, ignoring the stares and positioning himself to descend.

  Gradually he went down, informing colleagues that it was safe but they should be careful because a simple slip could mean their end.

  "Thank you. I feel a lot safer that way," Neil commented sarcastically.

  James, Lucy, and Neil followed him. Neil complained about the lack of light and not having an electricity mage in the team, someone who could generate enough light to see what was in front of them. James was already yawning, sick of hearing him, when he told him to shut up. Neil spluttered, but kept his lips against each other, leaving only enough opening for a few strands of air to intrude.

  "Now you," Alec said to Max.

  "Me? I better not go. I'm just going to be a burden for you guys," he said, gripping his notebook tightly and placing it next to his chest.

  "Don’t be stupid. We are a team, we go together. I'm right behind you."


  "If you don’t go, I will not either," Alec said, preparing to close the door.

  Max looked down, his chin touching his chest. One of the books at his feet was stained with the tears that were running down his face. His cheeks were pink and the nose was snotty, even after cleaning it using the t-shirt’ sleeve.

  "Let's go," he said, still with his legs shaking and his notebook in his hand.

  He looked at the room one last time, sighing, "I'm so sorry. I wish I could take some of these books. They're going to destroy them.” He set his notebook against his belly, fastened his belt, and then began to descend.

  The door was growing weaker, the sounds growing louder as different voices outside mingled as they attacked the door. A stream of air escaped through a small opening, making a few pages flutter and the strong smell of incense dissipate. Alec swallowed hard before going down the stairs. The iron bars were rough and had a pointed texture.

  "I'll close the trapdoor. Hold on," he warned before closing it and being swallowed by the darkness.

  They were halfway down the slope when they heard the door explode and burst into several pieces. Dozens of footsteps burst into the room, picking up books and tossing them around, tapping all the walls in search of a secret passage. The young people continued to descend, making every effort not to make the slightest noise. Even Max pulled the snot up and stopped crying.

  The aroma of incense was replaced by the sweet smell of wet grass. Whispers of a slight wind caressed their faces and danced among the loose spaces of their hair. An enviable freshness aired their clothes, a healthy air was taken in by their nostrils, and a light in the background as they descended and approached the ground served as a beacon of hope. Smiles rose in the corner of each person's mouth, though there was still doubt as to what awaited them outside.

  The rays of light increased and the eyes reacted, blinking constantly, trying to make sense of where they were. Lucian's feet landed on the floor, dust rising around him.

  "You okay?" Alec asked after hearing him coughing, “The trapdoor must have disappeared. I think we are safe.”

  "Yes," he said, adjusting his pants, "The floor is solid, and I can see an exit."

  As they heard his words, hope strengthened the rest, who, with a bit of extra strength and effort, descended the stairs in less than two minutes. With the strings of light entering the cave, it was possible to notice the purple and blue crystals on the flat earth walls. They had the appearance of something that had been done minutely and accurately, but that with the passage of time their existence had been forgotten. The weather had not been kind to the walls, there were marks of violent winds that wouldn’t be forgotten there.

  Not knowing what laid ahead, the young people gathered at the foot of the stairs and decided to follow the previous tactics. Lucy ahead, this time following Lucian, Alec, and James, with Max and Neil at the back. A green shield, thin to the point of being almost transparent, and a few meters, separated them from whatever was on the outside. They could still hear some frustration coming from above - explosions and even the table being thrown to the other side of the room.

  "We better hurry up," Neil said, gently touching Alec's shoulder so he could walk.

  "You're right," Lucy replied, looking up at him and smiling in response to his gaping grin.

  The closer they were to the exit the more the light struck their faces, making it impossible for them to see the way forward clearly. The scent of moisture and berries was a welcome refreshment and as they breathed in the soft scent, James and Neil's tummy’s growled. They had not eaten for hours now and had spent too much energy, in addition to the constant running and stress.

  "Are you listening to this?" Lucian asked, his nose wrinkled and his ear listening.

  "Listening to what?" Neil asked, confused by the question.

  They all nodded, but Lucian didn’t budge.

  "It's water, dripping. It doesn’t seem like rain. It's too quiet for that," he explained, pointing to the exit "Come on."

  "How can you hear that when neither of us can?" James asked, approaching him.

  "It must be the hearing of the wolf who lives inside him," Max replied, not immediately realizing that Lucian was still recovering from the disorder within himself, "Oh, sorry." He said in a worried tone as he noticed that Lucian had not answered and was looking at the floor.

  "It doesn’t matter. You're right."

  They continued the walk. They were near the exit and still didn’t know what awaited them on the other side. Abstract shapes gave an idea of what happened there, but they still had no idea where they were, or who had built that cave. Their eyes were half closed, they sweated from every pore of their bodies, and they felt pain in their feet and knees with every step they took. Despite training in the fighting classes, their bodies were still not used to situations of high pressure and succumbed to the adversities of the moment. Still, no one stopped.

  After a few minutes, which seemed like a lifetime, they reached the exit. It had the shape of an arch, semi-oval, and the walls had cleaner air, without sturdy marks. Some drawings on the walls, red and shallow, were evidence of human hands. Someone had been there. However, it was impossible to tell if the drawings were recent or of a time when they were not even alive. They ignored them.

  "We need to find somewhere to sleep, and food. As soon as possible," Max said, also with his belly muttering.

  They left the cave and stood staring. They were struck by the beauty of the place. It appeared to have been cut and pasted from images of places to travel before dying. None of them said anything. The open mouths and the prolonged "OHs" of astonishment that came out joined the delicate sound of the drops of water falling into a lake of crystalline water that was a few meters ahead of them. The trees and shrubs that surrounded the lake conveyed a sense of peace, thanks to its light green color, the golden leaves that fell from the trunks and the whistles that a gentle wind caused when walking among the fine branches. Small fruits, mostly apples, and pears hung in them, glistening with the reflection of the threads of light. A bird, with black wings and an egg-shaped gray head, hovered over Max's shoulder. It stung his arm but didn’t move. It seemed to want to convey something to him, even though it didn’t know how to do it. It called his attention as best it could, and at last, flew to the right, and hovered in the air, exchanging a look with him.

  "This may sound strange, but I'm pretty sure the bird wants us to follow him," he said shyly, afraid he would be judged.

  "Did you say… the bird?" Lucy questioned him, glancing at the creature.

  It was still hovering in the air, his wings fluttering slightly, his eyes on the group. There was a black beak in the center of his face, and his big eyes narrowed at them.

  "Well, we better follow him," Alec said, looking one last time at the cave. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and sighed.

  "What if they follow us?" Neil asked, his hands still shaking and sweat running down his forehead.

  "I doubt it. If they had discover
ed the trapdoor, we would have heard them. They must have given up. They probably thought we ran somewhere else," Alec replied.

  "That ... It means they're going to destroy the academy in their search ... the people who are still there ... Our colleagues ... teachers ... What will become of them?" Max asked, raising his voice, and suffocating in agony.

  Words stuck in their throats. Nobody answered. They let the silence take control of the moment, interrupted only when Lucian decided to follow the bird. There was a dirt road, made by someone, among the verdant flora that surrounded the place. The bird flew a few feet ahead of them, taking little breaks while waiting for them. The herbs came up to their knees, brushing against them as they followed. The path led them to the lake, where the bird laid down on the banks and whistled as if it to ask for their attention. It drank, showing them that the water was drinkable and that they could enjoy it.

  Neil threw himself on the floor, making the surroundings tremble, and putting his hands together, in the form of a bowl to drink the water. Finally, he used it to refresh his face and remove the layer of dust that had stuck to his face and caused him some irritation. The others followed him, repeating his movements. Their faces had gained a glow that they had not had for quite some time.

  "We should wash our clothes, too," Max said.

  They all looked down at their dirty clothes, covered in dust and blood, some were also torn and sweaty. The first to remove his t-shirt was Lucian, whose semi-muscled body and back consumed the attention of all. Red and scarred lines that ran in different directions appeared there as if it were a mere canvas. He didn’t even blink or notice the looks of horror that everyone except Alec sent him. James tried to break the silence, removing his shirt and telling Max, who was shy and already with his notebook in his hand, to do the same. Neil had stepped back and pretended not to hear what was said.

  "Neil, won’t you come?" Alec asked.

  Before he could even respond, James removed his pants and threw himself into the lake. The water sloshed, wetting Lucian's body and Max's back, which took seconds to turn around and protect the notebook.

  "To the lake? I’m going" he said, swallowing and smiling nervously. He had dimples on his cheeks and a double chin when he smiled like that. Alec tugged his t-shirt lightly, trying to hide the purple marks on his body and scorched wounds.

  "Oh," Lucy murmured behind him. As soon as she said it, she covered her mouth.

  "It’s okay Lucy. It's not the first time someone’s had that reaction." Alec replied, smiling at her and calming her, "You should come too."

  For the first time, Lucy blushed. Her rosy cheeks flushed red as her words stuttered out, meaningless and incoherent. Lucian looked at Alec and somehow saw him as an equal, someone who knew the pain of living and who carried the marks of survival.

  "He got his whole body bruised, too," Max said softly, speaking to his cousin.

  "I noticed," James replied, his tone of disdain. It was hard to decipher, but he was slightly annoyed. He bit his lip, and took a dip, ignoring the fact that Alec walked toward the lake.

  He had been struggling to be the strongest, not having the notion that he didn’t know what they had already gone through. He mocked Alec and envied Lucian, but now he regretted both. They had strengthened themselves with the terrors they had lived while he had had a life of luxury, in which the only concern was to frighten colleagues, including his cousin.

  Neil followed, and took off his clothes behind Lucy, taking advantage of the fact that no one was watching. His belly covered his navel and made his shadow look like he had a ball in his hand. He hoped James would ignore him. He entered the lake, getting no taunts from the others. He walked in calmly, not wanting to disturb his colleagues with a bomb.

  At last Lucy removed her clothes, and entered the water with her arms covering her bra. She let her long pink hair fall over her body, plunging and squeezing the moisture from her hair as she rose to her feet. Her eyes were closed, ignorant of the fact that Neil and James were mesmerized with her beauty. Their jaws would have fallen off if it had not been attached to their bodies. Max struggled not to look, but sometimes he couldn’t help glancing at her.

  Alec and Lucian were leaning against the shores of the lake, Alec laughed and Lucian shook his head in disagreement as it was so characteristic. The water was on Max's chest, which was the smallest of them. For a moment, the whirlwind of emotions that disturbed the mind of each one disappeared. The transparent lake was a playground, a moment of peace that the young people needed to prepare for the journey ahead.

  “I’ve been thinking this. If you could have any other power what would it be?” Neil asked as they rested on the water.

  “Invisibility. I heard that someone has it and works for one of the wealthiest cities in this continent.” Max replied.

  “That’s for the weak. I wish my hands were made of steel. Imagine how powerful I could be!” James asked as he laughed. Suddenly, he stopped. His laugh reminded him of the crazy witch who he had fought earlier.

  No one said anything for a few minutes. They were all thinking the same. All the laughter, the smiles when people were dead – a few to give them a chance to be there. They weren’t kids anymore, it was time to grow up.

  "I think we have a problem," Max asked, with water dripping from his hair and body.

  "What is it now? Don't we have enough?" James replied, aggressiveness at the tip of his tongue.

  "Any of you know where Relics is?"

  They exchanged confused looks, hoping one of them would say he knew. However, no one said anything. They looked down, watching hope sink to the bottom of the lake. James stepped out of the water, head down, heading for one of the trees. He picked up one of the apples and started consuming it, the freshness and the flavor lifted his mouth, removing his hunger and appeasing his belly. Then he lay down on the grass, where he stood looking at the clear, cloudless sky, the light blue of which gave him a momentary sense of calm. The others left the water, one by one, following in his footsteps until they were lying down, each thinking of a solution.

  The silence was broken, after some time, by Neil, who drew attention to the sun that disappeared on the horizon. The shadows ceased to exist, and the water lost its transparency, darkened.

  "It's likely to be cold. We better build a fire. We should rest here today and decide what to do tomorrow." Max said, blaming himself for not knowing where Relics is.

  "Sounds like a decent plan to me," Alec said, following the confirmation of Lucy and Lucian.

  They split into two teams. James, Lucy, and Alec were left with the task of getting enough firewood and a place where they could have an active flame through the night without having to worry about setting fire to the paradise around them. Meanwhile, Max, Neil, and Lucian cleaned their clothes, using the lake water, which cooled down as the temperature dropped.

  "We should have thought about cleaning the clothes earlier," Max commented.

  "Yes," Lucian said, rubbing his official robe several times, never satisfied with the result.

  James's punches collected enough wood for more than two fires. He undid the trees, making it appear that autumn had arrived earlier, but not entirely destroyed. Lucy's lianas served to secure and transport the firewood to Alec, who was trying to control the right amount of fire to use. To finish the job, James used one of his gleaming fists to create a small crater on the floor where they could set the fire without second thoughts. They warmed their clothes until the moisture evaporated, and ended the night around the fire, sharing fruit, stories and moments of silence.

  "Do you think we can do it?" Neil asked, rubbing his hands on his leg and then wrapping them around his arms.

  "We won’t know until we try, right?" Alec said, smiling, even though inside he had his doubts.

  "Shut up. Let's do it. Let's save everyone, "James shouted. His scream echoed through the trees, swaying the leaves with the force of it. He got up and walked away from the group, lying a few meters ahead,
"I'm going to rest. Make a little less noise," he said and turned to the other side.

  He clenched his fists and placed them close to his chest. The few tears that ran down his face stopped at the curve of his thick lips, because of the effort he was making to not grind his teeth.

  "We better rest, too," Lucy said, pausing to yawn, "we need to regain life and energy."

  "I agree," said Neil, grinning at her.

  "Alec, are you coming?" Max asked, standing up and stretching his hand.

  "Thank you, but I'll stay here a bit longer. I want to discuss some things with Lucian. It won’t be long. Sleep well."

  They said goodbye, wishing them good night and waving as they walked away. Lucian, unlike the others, just raised his hand. A fleeting silence fell over the trees and the lake interrupted only by the roar of wind that rose through the night.

  "You want to ask me about the marks on my body, don’t you?" Lucian asked seriously.

  "Yes. I've seen similar ones in someone I met a few years ago. They did experiments on you," Alec confirmed, stepping slowly, not wanting Lucian to finish the conversation and walk away.

  "I don’t remember much of those times," he replied, sighing in the fire, letting his eyes shine with the reflection.

  "I've had a few hard years, too." Alec began, "My parents needed money. My mom's business, perfumes, was not going well, and my dad never cared much about anything but the bottom of the bottles. I ended up working for a man... let's just say he didn’t have a good character. He had fun marking the bodies of those who worked for him with shock waves that he could send from a long distance." Alec said, looking at the lake, which now reflected the moon in a diminished size, "I just wanted to help my parents, even if it would harm me. Maybe if I had been stronger everything would be different." He said. A sense of relief flooded his body. It was the first time he'd shared something so intimate with anyone other than his friends in his town, many of them with similar stories, some who even worked for the same man.


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