Book Read Free

Be My Baby

Page 2

by June Bowen

“Try to set me up with one of your buddies?”

  “Hell, no.”

  “‘Hell, no’? What do you mean, ‘Hell, no’? Aren’t I good enough for your friends?”

  “No. I mean, yes.” She could see the moment it hit him that he’d been had.

  “Ha, ha.”

  “How does it feel to be on the other side? I have to admit I like where I’m standing. Or sitting, as the case may be.” She proudly wore a smug look.

  Rafe looked sheepish. “Ouch. I guess I earned that. I’m sorry if I’ve gotten carried away. You’re normally so calm and collected, I just can’t help myself. But, you have to admit that typo was pretty damn funny.”

  “I’ll admit to nothing.” Kelly stuck her nose in the air, trying to strike a self-righteous pose. Her lips ruined the affect by twitching into a smile.

  “Let me make it up to you. As luck would have it, I play basketball with a group of doctors. One of them happens to be a reproductive endocrinologist.”

  “A what?”

  “A fertility doctor. He sucks at basketball, but according to the other doctors, he’s actually one of the best in his field. I’ll arrange for a call. It’ll give you a chance to do a little investigating before committing yourself financially. You won’t have to leave your island.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to do that. I wouldn’t want to impose on your friendship.”

  “Trust me. It’s not an imposition. He owes me.”

  “If you’re sure your friend wouldn’t mind, I’d like the chance to talk to him.”

  “I’ll set it up.”

  * * *

  Tampa, FL

  Rafe watched the image of Kelly fade from his screen. Smiling, he leaned back in his chair. That went pretty damn well.

  For a moment he felt a twinge of guilt that he hadn’t told Kelly his full plan. He hadn’t exactly lied to her. It was more a sin of omission. The part he didn’t share was that her desire to have a baby fit right into his plans for an heir. He no longer needed to look for a surrogate mother.

  He’d already found one.

  The only problem was that she didn’t know it yet.

  Rafe smiled again. It was a brilliant solution. She needed a father for her baby. He really wanted an heir but didn’t plan to start a marriage that would almost assuredly end in divorce. He’d been through too many already, thanks to his father’s string of wives after his mother’s death. No, he wouldn’t wish that on his worst enemy, much less an innocent child. Just when he would start to grow attached, his latest mother would leave after having her heart broken. He wouldn’t want a child of his, son or daughter, to go through that. Women always left if you didn’t leave them first.

  Not liking his turn of thoughts, Rafe went back to Kelly. When he read her note, the wheels had started turning and hadn’t stopped since. He couldn’t have picked a better mother for his children or a woman he’d rather raise a child with. She was compassionate and caring. They had similar values, plus she wasn’t afraid of calling him down when needed. As a child, he’d learned that pouring on the Martinez charm worked wonders for getting what he wanted. She seemed to have a way of seeing through him.

  Maybe too much. He at one time considered asking her out. He always felt some chemistry when he was with her. She was much too fun to tease. It was like creating a stack of fireworks and then experimenting to see how many sparks it would take to make her blow. Fun he just couldn’t resist. However, he’d overheard her comment that a woman would have to be crazy to fall in love with him.

  Realizing he’d forgotten one important detail in his plan, Rafe picked up the phone and dialed the number of his basketball buddy’s office. After going through a receptionist, a nurse, and a five-minute wait, the worst basketball player in Tampa Bay was finally on the phone.

  “How the hell are you?” Rafe greeted his friend.

  “Up to my elbows in eggs. How are you? I didn’t forget a game did I?” He might not be good, but Dr. Greg Price was conscientious. Unfortunately, he would have helped his team more if he missed a game or two. Still, the guy was fun to have around.

  “No. The next game’s not until Thursday. I’m actually calling to fulfill your greatest fantasy.”

  Greg laughed. “I’m not that kind of guy. You do know that the butt slapping is just team camaraderie, don’t you?”

  “You suck at comedy, too, just in case someone hasn’t told you yet. You should be nicer to the man who is going to allow you to watch the Florida Pirates play from a luxurious box seat instead of that small thing you call a TV.”

  At the mention of the hottest football game in the Tampa Bay area, his friend grew serious.

  “You’re not teasing are you?”

  “Now I’m not that kind of guy.”

  “What’s the catch?”

  “One of my associates is thinking of having a baby by herself. She’s just missing one of the key ingredients.”

  “For a seat at the game, I’d impregnate her myself.”

  Although his friend was joking, Rafe didn’t find it funny. Not one damn bit.

  “Hands off, asshole. I just want to make sure she knows all the pitfalls of using a sperm donor.”

  “Now hold on. We happen to be very selective about our donors. They go through extensive health exams and fill out medical histories. Your associate will know much more about the father of her baby than most women know about the men they marry.”

  Realizing that he’d insulted his friend, Rafe hastened to explain. “I didn’t mean to insult your practice. It’s because you’re the best that I want her to talk to you before she makes any final decisions. I just want her to be aware that you can only be as careful as your donors are truthful.”

  Only slightly mollified, his friend agreed to call Kelly next Saturday.

  After a few more insults, Rafe hung up. Yep. Things were going pretty damn well.

  His vice president and right-hand man Ben Wheeler picked that time to stop in his doorway.

  “I’ve seen that look before. What small country did you just take over?”

  “Take over? Not yet, but I’m drawing up plans for the coup d’état.”

  “What’s the target?”

  “More like a who.”

  “Anyone I know?”

  “Too early in the plans to share.”

  “Just as long as it isn’t Carol, I wish you well.” Rafe was amazed that Ben still had feelings for Carol even after she left him almost at the altar. He kept out of it. As long as the two didn’t let it interfere with their jobs, it wasn’t any of his business.

  “Who said it was a woman?”

  “The predatory gleam in your eye gave it away. I find it interesting that you’re having to give chase to this one. You’re usually the hunted instead of the hunter. This should be interesting. Getting back to Carol,” Ben’s look turned serious, “I told her that her team’s number one priority was to discover how that virus got in our system and ensure that it doesn’t happen again. The last thing we need is for it to seem like we have poor controls in our own environment just at the time we are putting in a bid for our biggest contract yet.”

  “Yeah. The timing is certainly less than ideal. Let me know what you find out.”

  After waving off his business associate and friend, Rafe considered Ben’s earlier comment about having to give chase. He did tend to use his skill to artfully dodge anything more than he was willing to give rather than catching the prey. Being the pursuer was much more fun. Not that he was pursing Kelly in that manner. Although it might be fun to get past the prickly exterior. Usually such a protective coating covered something soft, warm, and delectably sweet. But Kelly was someone who would play for keeps. She had commitment written all over her. That was exactly what Rafe avoided.

  At all cost.

  * * *

  Rafe’s gaze was fixed at the end of the sleek, modern conference room to the video conferencing monitor where Kelly was sharing her plan to bring in contract employees to staff th
e Wellington project that Martinez Consulting was trying to land. But he was having a hard time paying attention. It wasn’t caused by the job Kelly was doing. She was turning in another stellar performance. Nor was it because she was giving it remotely.

  Now that he was planning for her to be the mother of his child, he couldn’t help but wonder what their child would be like. Intelligence was not in question. Rafe had always been confident in his intellectual abilities. He saw evidence of Kelly’s every day.

  Hair color. Hmmm. A blond child was probably out of the picture. They both had dark hair. His was darker than hers was. Even though she tried to keep it pulled back, a strand always seemed to escape by the end of the day, like a silk top sheet sliding off a bottom one.

  They were both tall. Then he noticed the silence in the room and on the screen. Everyone, including Kelly on the monitor, was looking at him.

  Ben saved him. “Do you have any concerns about Kelly’s plan?”

  Thank goodness he’d read it before the meeting. “I’m good. Anyone else?” He looked around the room. Ben and the directors and managers seemed to have been satisfied with the information she provided. “Excellent job, Kelly. I think we’re done here. Kelly, if you’ll stay on, there’s something I want to discuss after everyone leaves.”

  The others quickly gathered their materials and left the room. Ben shut the door on his way out.

  “So, how did the call from Greg go?”

  “Doctor Price? He was great. Thanks again for making it possible.”

  “So, how does this work?”

  “It’s kind of like catalog shopping for Christmas. First I’ll have a thorough examination to ensure I’m healthy enough for pregnancy and to rule out any obvious fertility problems.”

  “You’re okay, right?” Concern for Kelly tightened his chest.

  “Oh, yeah, as far as I know. That’s just standard.”

  Rafe relaxed.

  “Next, I’ll look through a catalog to find a donor. They are categorized by ethnicity, then other physical characteristics. Once I pick one, they’ll assign me his number. When the timing is right, I’ll have the procedure done.”

  “How many attempts does it usually take?”

  “Just like the real deal, it varies. He said he’s had patients get pregnant on the first try, then others that never became pregnant. On average, though, he said to expect two or three attempts. That usually does it, unless there’s an underlying issue I don’t know about.”

  He could practically see the frilly dresses and booties dancing in Kelly’s eyes. He was sure she’d already made up her mind to go forward with it. “Couldn’t that get expensive?”

  “Anything medical usually is, but I think it’s worth it.”

  “So what are your next steps?”

  “Umm, think it over some more and talk to my sister about it. But don’t worry, we should be staffed up for the project before I need to take any kind of leave.”

  She thought he was worried about work. He was going to bring up his proposal but he could tell the vibe wasn’t right. He got to where he was today by knowing when to press someone and when to back off. He couldn’t do this remotely. This deal he needed to close in person. “That makes sense. I’m glad the call from Greg helped. Look, the reason I wanted to talk was I’m looking for a place to hang out and work on the Wellington bid. Isn’t there a resort on the island you live on?”

  “You mean Casa Blanca?”

  “That’s it. What type of amenities does it have?”

  “Well, anything you would need. They have rooms and suites in the main building and private villas but—”

  “It sounds perfect.” Only Kelly didn’t look too pleased. He’d deal with that once he was there.

  “I’ll get Betty on it. Think you can spare a few minutes to show me around the island?”

  “Uh, sure. But Barefoot Bay and Casa Blanca are the highlights in my opinion.”

  “I’d like to see where you grew up and what drew you back. I’ll give you a call when I get there. And Kelly?”

  “Yes?” The furrow in Kelly’s brow deepened.

  “Great job today.” With that he severed the connection. He needed to get to work. He wasn’t just competing with another man. He had to deal with an entire catalog full of them. He texted Betty to book him at Casa Blanca ASAP.

  After getting stopped a couple of times on the way back to his office, he finally made it.

  “Why in the name of sweet Jesus are you bothering that girl?” Displeasure was written all over Betty’s face. He was used to his assistant speaking her mind, but not quite like this.

  “What girl?”

  “Kelly. Florida has beaches and resorts all over but you have to pick the one she’s on. If she wanted to see you every day, she’d have stayed here.”

  What did Kelly moving have to do with him? He wasn’t going there. “Did you book me at the resort?”

  “Well, today’s your lucky day, even if it isn’t Kelly’s. They had a cancellation. They were booked up because of a fundraiser for No Kidding.”

  “Are you not kidding about the cancellation or the fundraiser?”

  “No, the fundraiser is for No Kidding.”

  “So there really isn’t an opening?”

  “There is.”

  Rafe rubbed his right temple where it was now throbbing. “Why do I feel like I’m part of a cheesy stand-up routine?”

  “No Kidding is an organization that raises money to buy goats for people in third-world countries. That’s what the fundraiser is for.”

  “Why didn’t you say so? Send them a sizable donation for me but ask if they could please consider changing the name.” He opened the door to his office. “Forward my calls and take the rest of the day off on me. I think we could both use the break.”

  Chapter Three

  Kelly walked to her front door still a little dazed, searching for her key and balancing a bag of groceries on her hip. Who would have guessed how much a “nuisance” computer virus would totally destroy the calm in her life? She was walking through the door when her neighbor called from across the way.

  “Kelly, your sister just called me. She said to tell you if she doesn’t hear from you by 9:00 tonight she’s taking the next flight out.”

  Kelly groaned. She’d been dodging her sister’s calls, trying to avoid the inquisition on her plans for having a baby.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Gibbs,” Kelly called back.

  * * *

  “So, what are you going to do?” asked Janie after Kelly brought her up to date.

  “Show him around town, I guess.”

  “Something seems rather odd. He’s never really taken any interest in your personal life and now he wants updates on your talk with his friend and he’s coming to visit.”

  “Well, until the computer virus came about, he really didn’t know that much about my personal life.”

  “True.” Still Janie didn’t sound mollified. “Sometimes you can be too trusting. Now, back to the need for a sperm bank, don’t you think you’re rushing into this? I mean, what have you really done to put yourself out there to meet a potential mate? I love the kids, don’t get me wrong, but it is most definitely a two-person job. If I didn’t have Jake, I wouldn’t even get the chance to pee by myself.”

  “Many women raise children by themselves. Most not having the financial resources and a flexible job like I have.”

  “Still I don’t understand where you get the idea that you aren’t attractive to the male population. I’m your sister, remember. I’ve seen you naked. You’ve got the right equipment to catch the male eye.”

  “Well, all the male eyes around me must be blind. Let’s face it. I’m just not you. You ooze sexuality. I reek of best friend and shoulder-to-cry-on material. I can’t believe I moved back to Mimosa Key to get away from him and now he’s coming here. I can’t leave because of the charity event. I promised I would be there.”



  “I didn’t mean not being able to leave while Rafe’s there. I shipped a package to you. It will be perfect to use at your event this weekend.”

  “What is it?”

  “You’ll just have to wait to find out. Just promise me that you won’t go forward on any of your plans until we talk more.”

  * * *

  “Janie’s the real beauty. A Miss Florida, don’t you know. If it hadn’t been that girl from Texas, she would’ve taken the national title, too.”

  Rafe’s smile tightened. Oh, he knew it all right. He’d heard this comment over and over as Kelly was showing him around her hometown. Of course the townspeople greeted Kelly warmly and told her how happy they were that she was back. They’d ask about her sister, then fill him in about the woman’s great looks. She was the beauty. Didn’t they realize the subtle dig to Kelly’s looks? To her credit, she just beamed with pride at the mention of her sister’s accomplishments. He, however, wasn’t taking it as well. Someone needed to stand up for her. By God, it was going to be him.

  “If she’s half as good looking as Kelly, I’m sure she’s stunning.”

  Speaking of stunning, both Kelly and the woman whose name he’d forgotten looked like they’d been shocked. Good. “So nice to meet you, but I promised Kelly lunch and I’m starving. What was the place you were talking about?”


  “Oh, you have to get the enchiladas.” Ms. No Name piped in. “Tell Janie I said hi.”

  Rafe didn’t give Kelly a chance to respond, firmly guiding her to the car.

  “What was that about?” Kelly asked.

  “What?” Rafe played innocent.

  He could see Kelly wanted to push the issue, then must have thought better of it because she let it drop. “Is Mexican okay with you?” she asked.

  “That’s fine, but is the name a reflection on the parentage of the owner or a comment on the patrons?”

  Kelly laughed. “It stands for South of the Border. It’s a little hole in the wall. They have a few tables. No sign. Only the locals know about it. No menus, but amazing food.”

  “Do they do takeout?” The last thing he wanted to hear was more about how beautiful Janie was.


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