Worth the Challenge
Page 7
She was hopeless. Rubbing at the black dots beneath her eye, she then tossed the tissue into the trash and slicked on some lip balm. Smudged mascara and Chapstick, that was her lackluster makeup regimen.
The surely impeccable Tessa Worth would take one look at her and declare she needed a makeover. Ella could hear it now. Yes, she enjoyed the thought of new clothes, but she didn’t know what was in style and probably couldn’t pull it off anyway. Plus, she didn’t want anything flashy or expensive.
She was a simple girl with simple needs—and she’d become that way out of necessity, nothing more.
The concierge called exactly twenty-eight minutes later, announcing the car was waiting for her in front of the hotel. Nerves eating at her insides, she slipped on her black flats and headed down to the lobby, feeling as if she were facing a firing squad, she was so scared.
What if Tessa hated her? What if she saw her boring dress and shoes and started laughing? Ella would die. Wouldn’t be surprised in the least if Tessa whipped out her cell to call Rhett and ask why in the world did he hire this mouse of a girl.
God, she hadn’t felt this inadequate since…forever.
The driver greeted her when she stepped outside, the sticky warmth of the late-afternoon air, the buzz of activity and noise of the bustling city streets making her head swim. The friendly man led her over to the car, opening the door so she could slip inside.
A woman waited for her within the confines of the car.
Tessa Worth.
“Hi.” She smiled warmly and held out a slender hand once Ella settled herself in her seat. “I’m Tessa.”
“Ella.” She took her hand, gave it a firm shake.
“Cute nickname.” Her dark brown eyes were friendly. “I take it you don’t like to shop?”
“I loathe it,” Ella said vehemently.
Tessa laughed and shook her head, the giant gold hoops in her ears swinging with the movement. “I promise I won’t torture you. There’s one store in particular I want to take you to. I think you’ll love it.”
“I hope it’s nothing too crazy. My style is fairly—basic.” Understatement of the year. She was a drab nothing compared to the glamorous—and deceptively simple—outfit Tessa wore. Chic blue-and-white-striped top and expensive-looking jeans, a variety of gold bracelets dangling from her wrists and a giant diamond twinkling on her ring finger, she was the epitome of the young, rich society wife.
“I agree,” Tessa said, her gaze narrowed as she contemplated Ella. “Simple is a good look on you. Too much would overwhelm your delicate features.”
Ella’s mouth popped open at the unexpected compliment. “Um, thank you?”
Tessa cocked her head, her gaze assessing but definitely not judgmental. “You’re not used to this sort of scrutiny, are you?”
“Not at all.” Ella shook her head. “I still don’t understand why you’re taking me shopping. I’m sure you have better things to do.”
“Trust me. I need this as much as you do.” Tessa leaned in close. “Do you want to know why I’m doing this?”
“I think so. Maybe?” Dread swept down her spine as she waited for Tessa’s explanation.
“Rhett called me this morning asking for advice. He was worried about you. Afraid you were lonely, cooped up in your hotel room all weekend. So he thought you might enjoy going out for a bit.”
“W-why should Rhett Worth care if I’m lonely or not?” The realization startled her. That he actually called his sister-in-law seeking advice, voicing his concerns about her? When she was just a woman he hired, a woman who had minimal experience and a lot to prove?
It stunned her.
Okay fine, there was also that kiss but it had been so brief, he probably forgot all about it. Just like she had.
Or so she tried to convince herself.
“He can be very thoughtful when he puts his mind to it.” The secretive smile that curled Tessa’s lips intrigued Ella, but she decided not to question it. “He knew if he called you and made the same request as I did, you’d turn him down flat.”
“He’d be right,” Ella said without thought.
Tessa’s smile grew. “He seems to know you pretty well then.”
Ella shrugged. She didn’t want to elaborate. The dinner meeting was like a blur now, her memory hindered by the over-consumption of wine. It was better that way. Helped her forget the flirtatious banter, the looks, how she tried to throw herself at him in the back of the cab…
Best if she forgot all about that.
“You’re leaving in the morning and I’m sure there are things you’re in need of. Beachwear, a swimsuit, shorts and tank tops.” Tessa rattled off each item like a shopping list. “Do you need some personal products as well?”
Ella’s cheeks heated. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, I meant stocking up on toiletries. I’m going to assume you packed for only a few days, right?”
Ella nodded silently.
“I’ll take you to Duane Reade. You can pick up whatever you need there. They have it all,” Tessa said, referring to the drugstore chain.
“Are you sure you don’t mind doing this for me?” Ella asked, her voice small, hating that she sounded so worried, so damn needy.
It was embarrassing.
“Listen.” Tessa rested her hand on Ella’s arm, giving it a light squeeze. “I used to be you. Not so long ago either. They may be intimidating with that aura of power and wealth that emanates from all three of them, but they’re truly the kindest, most thoughtful men I know.”
A dreamy smile drifted across Tessa’s face. She spoke of her husband and his brothers so sweetly but of course, they were her family. And she was madly in love with Alex. Their story still fueled the media, what with how in love with each other they still seemed.
A stab of jealousy pierced her. To have someone love her so much, so unconditionally, she had no idea what that was like. Not even her father was that devoted to her. He preferred his garden to her though he would never admit it.
“Well, this is certainly very kind of him. Of all of them, but especially you,” Ella finally said. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Tessa patted her arm. “I have a feeling I’ll be seeing more of you anyway. Think of this as a way for us to get to know each other.”
Ella was left to ponder that mysterious statement for the rest of the car ride.
“You’re monopolizing my wife on a Sunday evening.” His big brother did not sound pleased. “Her daughter misses her mommy.”
“More like her husband misses having Mommy around to take care of their daughter,” Rhett muttered as he glanced out the window yet again. He’d been waiting at the restaurant for the last twenty minutes, nursing his now watered-down drink. Where the hell were they? “Come on down here, old man, and meet us for dinner. They haven’t shown up yet. You still have time.”
“The nanny is off for the evening.” Rhett knew they rarely used a nanny at all, Tessa preferring to take care of Charlotte’s every need. “And just so you know, they’re running late.” Oh, now Alex sounded pleased that he knew something Rhett didn’t. “It took longer than they originally planned.”
“Is Tessa enjoying herself?” Is Gabriella? He wished he could ask, but he was uncomfortable with it so avoided the unspoken question altogether.
He didn’t want Alex to make any assumptions. It was bad enough he’d put this shopping trip together. Tessa hadn’t missed a beat after he made his request earlier this morning when he called her, agreeing to take Gabriella out despite her husband’s weak protests in the background.
“She said she’s having fun, but feels bad for putting Ella through so much torture. I guess she doesn’t enjoy shopping.” Alex snorted his disbelief.
“Huh.” That was unheard of amongst the women he knew. Any one of them would’ve jumped at the chance to spend Worth money on whatever they desired.
Well, he told Tessa to phrase it so Ella would think the money came from Worth Luxury. Bu
t he was funding everything himself.
Why, he still wasn’t sure.
Because you like her, asshole.
“If Hunter catches wind of this, he’ll question you like a dogged detective with new evidence on a cold case,” Alex said.
“Rather vivid imagination you have now, don’t you?” Rhett chuckled. He sat at a table in the bar of a small trendy restaurant downtown. Tessa had a preference for the Asian fusion place, though it really wasn’t his style. The décor was minimalist, the seating scant and the menu was more on the experimental side.
Which translated to extremely small portions that cost way too much money. He usually left restaurants like this still hungry. Considering his past habits, he’d probably grab a slice of pizza before he headed home.
“Don’t keep my wife long,” Alex growled into the phone, making Rhett smile. He enjoyed riling Alex up when it came to Tessa. He loved that woman with his heart and soul and had no problem showing it. “You owe me.”
“I’ll ship you home a pineapple from Hawaii,” Rhett joked, earning a loud click for his sarcastic offer.
His brother had hung up on him, though he knew not to take offense. Just some good old-fashioned ribbing, he was thankful they could joke and feel easy with each other once more.
He wished he could get that back with Hunter. Not that he every really had it…
“There you are!”
Tessa’s familiar voice rang out and he turned to see her gliding toward him, a giant smile lighting her face, her eyes sparkling with pleasure. She wrapped him up in a bear hug the moment he stood and he had no choice but to embrace her briefly before she settled in the seat across from him.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” She took a sip from the glass of water that sat in front of her on the table. “I’m starving.”
Good luck with that at this restaurant. “Where’s Gabriella?”
Tessa smiled mischievously. “In the bathroom. She said she wanted to wash up.” She paused for a moment, her gaze direct. “I think she’s afraid to see you.”
Rhett frowned. “Why do you say that?”
“What’s really going on with you two?” Tessa cut right to the chase. “You don’t ask me to take just anyone shopping. You’ve never made any sort of request like this, ever. Is she special to you?”
“She works for us, Tessa. That’s it.” He said each word slowly, as if trying to convince her there was nothing more to it.
More like trying to convince himself.
“Mmm-hmm, well. She seemed awfully worried about what you might think of her purchases.”
Rhett frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that we bought her a ton of stuff, but don’t worry. We didn’t spend a lot of money. I think she needed it though, the poor thing. I thought her father was some famous, renowned perfumer.”
“He is. But he hasn’t worked regularly in years.” Didn’t sound like Michel Durand managed his money well either. “And she shouldn’t worry about how much anything costs.”
“Well, I don’t think she likes a lot of attention, so don’t make much of a fuss when you see her, okay? It’ll make her uncomfortable. And she’s such a sweet thing, very shy, though. I really like her, Rhett. Too bad you don’t feel anything for her beyond the work relationship.”
He nearly choked on his drink. “What the hell are you talking about?” It was as if Tessa was purposely trying to provoke him, shock him, whatever. Every single thing she said, he couldn’t help but answer with a question.
Realization dawned. He was being defensive, like he had something to hide.
And he didn’t like it.
“I could see myself spending more time with her, like she could really be my friend. I adore Gracie, but she’s so busy with work and the baby and Hunter. I never get to see her.” Tessa mock pouted. “You need a girlfriend, Rhett. So I can have someone in the family to hang out with. Gracie’s been complaining too.”
Jesus, now his sisters-in-law were going to gang up on him and get him to fall into the same hopeless trap his brothers had? Maybe meeting the women for dinner hadn’t been such a good idea after all.
But he couldn’t squash the curiosity that had consumed him since the moment he knew Tessa and Gabriella were together shopping. He had to see Gabriella one more time, before they left in the morning for Maui.
“Uh-oh. Don’t look now, but here she comes.” Tessa sent him a beseeching look. “Don’t make a big deal about her, okay? She might freak.”
“You make her sound like some skittish wild animal that’ll bolt and run the first time someone lays eyes on her.” He stood, following Tessa’s lead, watched as she moved away from the table to greet Gabriella personally.
Turning, he saw Tessa stop in front of Gabriella and grasp her by the shoulders, giving her a little shake. The two women laughed, the sound warming his insides, warming his soul, and he waited expectantly to see her.
And when Tessa finally stepped away from Gabriella, giving him a clear view, he nearly swallowed his tongue whole.
Chapter Seven
Ella’s entire body trembled as she walked toward Rhett. Having Tessa by her side was little reassurance, especially when she caught sight of Rhett’s face.
He looked like he was at a complete loss for words—and she doubted that had ever happened. Mouth slightly agape, blue eyes wide, his big body still as stone, he didn’t so much as blink as she moved closer.
“Well? What do you think? I meant to only take her shopping, but it turned into a mini makeover instead.” Tessa snuck her arm through Ella’s and gave her a little squeeze.
She didn’t even feel it. Too enthralled with the look in Rhett’s eyes, the way he drank her in as if there was no one else in the room.
Only her.
“You look, uh, different,” he finally said, his voice soft, his gaze drifting the length of her discreetly. But not too discreet, considering she noticed. “Not that you didn’t look good before…”
“Don’t put your foot in your mouth,” Tessa interrupted. “Be polite. And a compliment wouldn’t hurt either.”
“You look pretty,” he said automatically, a sexy smile curling his lips. Her knees wobbled and without another word she fell in behind Tessa, collapsing in a chair thankfully.
If her knees would’ve kept up the noodle bit, she might’ve fallen to the floor.
She was ravenous. Not eating lunch and trying on lots of clothes did that to a girl. Picking up the menu, she held her breath when Rhett slipped into the chair beside her, his shoulder brushing against hers. She turned her head, met his gaze.
“I was already sitting here.” He nodded toward the near-empty glass on the table in front of him.
“Oh.” For whatever reason, she assumed he’d sit next to Tessa.
“The food is good, but the servings are small. Just thought I’d warn you,” Tessa said, glancing up from her menu.
Rhett groaned. “You warn her, but you never had the decency to tell me when you took us here the first time.”
Ella frowned at her menu. Took us? Maybe a date? Oh God, maybe a girlfriend? Was she so stupid that she made a move on a guy who was already attached?
She was panicking over nothing.
“I thought you liked this place,” Tessa said.
He slowly shook his head. “I only chose it tonight because I knew you liked it. And it’s close to Gabriella’s hotel.”
Her skin warmed and she kept her eyes glued on the open menu before her. She really liked how he said her full name. Could imagine him whispering it in her ear just before he took her mouth in a heady kiss…
“Oh, by the way, I had the driver take everything over to the hotel and have it delivered to your room,” Tessa told her. “Including the new suitcase.”
It was embarrassing to remember everything Tessa insisted she get for this trip. Deeming it all necessary when clearly so much of it was absolutely not, Ella had watched helplessly while Tessa asked the various sales associates
to gather up all sorts of things. Some items Ella had never even thought of. Some of it, she’d never even heard of.
For traveling so much during her youth, she felt like a naïve twit compared to Tessa. And though she certainly knew how to corral an entire team of sales associates at a department store, drugstore…wherever she happened to be, Tessa was also so nice about it. Everyone seemed to adore her.
Including Ella herself.
And when Tessa had spotted the salon in the department store, she’d dragged Ella inside. One haircut and makeup lesson later, she was a new woman. Not an overly made-up, unrecognizable woman, but different just the same.
She liked it. Most importantly, she believed she could duplicate the look, both the hairstyle and the makeup application. She felt more professional, chic in the city, so to speak.
Silly but true.
They ordered dinner, Ella letting them choose for her since she had no idea what was good or not, and her mind was awhirl anyway. She couldn’t concentrate on food no matter how hungry she was.
And it didn’t help, having the delicious-smelling Rhett Worth sitting next to her. The deep, sexy rumble of his voice sent her nerves on high alert. His very nearness, the heat that radiated from him made her hyper aware of every little shift and move he made. The sound of his laughter, the gentle tone his voice took when he teased Tessa, there was affection there. An ease between them she couldn’t help but be envious of.
No siblings, no family, just her father as the one constant person in her life, made for a lonely childhood. And that loneliness had bled into adulthood as well.
The realization made her sad. She longed to change those past mistakes, no matter how ridiculous the wish. So if she couldn’t rectify the past, she certainly could allow more people into her life in the future. In the present.
Tessa seemed to genuinely like her. So did Rhett…but in a different way.