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Worth the Challenge

Page 14

by Erickson, Karen

  Ella’s jaw dropped, shocked at his harsh words, his even harsher expression. “I’m just as guilty as you.”

  “Not even close. I took advantage of you. I do that, you know. And you were ripe for plucking.” He smiled, but it was more a grimace. “Hunter knew I would do this. Hell, so did Alex. They all think I’m a complete idiot who can only think with his dick. I’m just proving them all right.”

  She watched in stunned silence as he marched out of the room without another word, slamming the door behind him. Her knees collapsing, she fell onto the edge of the bed, staring at the floor.

  Well. That conversation had gone nothing like she anticipated. She’d never seen him so angry, so down on himself. He was usually so carefree, so easygoing. She knew his brothers thought he was a bit of a screwup, but that was a part of his past. He’d worked hard to prove he’d changed his ways.

  Didn’t his family realize it?

  Tears filled her eyes and she tried her best to blink them away. But they came anyway, blurring her vision before they slid slowly down her cheeks. She didn’t want him to go back to New York defeated, thinking he’d more than met his brothers’ low expectations. She wanted him to prove them wrong. She wanted him to succeed.

  Sniffing loudly and wiping the tears from her heated cheeks, she stood and grabbed her notebook, flipping it open to yet again look over one of the handful of formulas she’d concocted.

  If she had her way, Rhett would succeed. Nothing would stand in his way.

  Not even her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  He’d stormed out of the villa like a pouting baby. Went and sat at one of the resort bars for almost two hours, nursing a beer and staring morosely at the majestic ocean view. More than one beautiful woman had sidled up to him while he sat there. Clad in scant bikinis that showcased perfectly toned bodies, trying to catch his attention with blatant attempts at flirtation.

  He ignored them all. None of them interested him. He only wanted Gabriella.

  And she thought he was a grade-A screwup that she couldn’t trust.

  Sighing, he grabbed the bottle in front of him, slinging back the last of the now-warm beer. He slammed it down with a grimace, shaking his head no when the bartender asked if he wanted another.

  He needed to keep his wits about him. Didn’t want to get so drunk out of his mind he’d stumble back to the villa and make an ass of himself. He’d done enough of that to leave a more-than-lasting impression on Gabriella.

  If she was smart, she’d keep him at arm’s distance for the rest of their short stay on the island. If he was smart, he’d apologize and beg her forgiveness.

  Never in his life had he been accused of being particularly smart.

  “Is this seat taken?” a sweetly sultry voice suddenly asked from behind.

  Turning, he was about to say he was leaving but the words stuck in his throat. Gabriella stood in front of him, wearing a pale yellow strappy sundress that showed off her sun-kissed skin, her eyes full of worry though her smile was bright.

  He’d done that to her, put the unease in her gaze. And he hated that.

  “Hey. I was, uh, just headed back,” he said lamely.

  She settled onto the barstool next to his, ordering a drink when the bartender approached. Rhett studied her, marveled for about the thousandth time over her beauty, her serene composure, her ability to both calm his soul and send a riot of nerves racing through his belly simultaneously.

  The effect she had on him was like nothing he’d ever experienced before.

  “I worried about you,” she murmured, settling her elbows on the edge of the counter before she turned to face him. “You didn’t answer your phone.”

  “I didn’t realize you called.” He’d turned down the volume on his phone, not wanting to deal with any of his problems, like his life. Acting the coward and running away from his troubles as he was prone to do.

  Yet here she was, in his face and reminding him that he needed to do the right thing.

  Like face his problems and apologize for being a jerk.

  “Are you still angry?” she asked.

  “You want the truth?” She deserved it.

  “Of course I do.” Reaching out, she settled her hand over his, so small and fragile compared to his. “I always want you to be honest with me, Rhett.”

  Sighing, he turned his hand palm up, interlacing their fingers together for the briefest moment before he let go. He needed that connection, had found himself growing more dependent on it as each day passed.

  It was exhilarating, his need for her. And also terrifying.

  “I’m sorry I yelled at you.” He kept his apology direct and to the point.

  Ella shrugged. “You were mad,” she said simply.

  “More at myself than you—and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

  “I’m still standing, right?” She offered him a quick smile.

  The bartender reappeared, drink in hand. He set it in front of Ella with a little flourish and a flirty smile. Rhett glared at him for a long, silent moment before the guy got the hint and left.

  “That was rude,” she chastised once the bartender was out of earshot.

  “He was looking at you.”

  “Is that such a crime?” She was oblivious.

  “He was trying to flirt with you.” And it offended the hell out of Rhett, since clearly they were sitting together and everyone should assume they were a couple.

  Though they weren’t, not really. She could flirt with whoever she wanted. He didn’t own her.

  Jealousy set his skin on fire. The mere thought of her flirting with someone, of being touched, kissed by another man…

  Possessiveness overwhelmed him so completely he was near compelled to grab hold of her and tell her she belonged to no other.

  Just him.

  She rolled her eyes before grabbing her drink and taking a sip. “He was so not flirting with me.”

  Hell yes, he was. She had no idea how much she’d blossomed since arriving on the island. Her vibrancy, her beauty, her vivacious personality, all of it had been lying dormant, waiting to burst out in all of its potent glory.

  He liked to think he helped contribute to her blossoming. At least a little bit.

  “I don’t like fighting with you,” he said, earning a surprised glance his way. “I’m sorry, Gabriella.”

  She smiled tentatively before she sipped from her drink again. “You’re forgiven.”

  That easy. It was simply that easy for Gabriella to say all was well, to move on from the petty argument they’d had only two hours prior. His brothers would’ve given him endless shit. Any of the women he’d been with—and none of them had been serious so they didn’t count—would’ve pouted and guilt-tripped him into doing something stupid. Like buy an expensive gift to appease them.

  Not Gabriella. She merely shrugged her shoulders and said she forgave him.

  “I’m also starving,” he finally said, his stomach growling for emphasis.

  Her smile grew. “Same.”

  “And yet you’re drinking on an empty stomach,” he pointed out.

  Ella shrugged. “I’m thirsty.”

  Moving in closer, he set his mouth to her ear, earning a shiver for his efforts. “You should be careful. There are men at this bar who might try and get you drunk so they can take advantage of you.”

  Leaning into him, she emitted a soft little sigh when he kissed her ear. “Hopefully you’re the only one who has that idea in mind.”

  Probably not, but if she wanted to believe so, he’d go with it. “Finish your drink, sweetheart. So we can go back to the villa and I can have my wicked way with you.”

  “What if I want to have my wicked way with you instead?” The innocent expression accompanied by the smoldering heat in her eyes set his blood to boiling.

  “I won’t stop you.” He grinned and reached for her drink, taking a swig. It was strong, the alcohol burning as it slid down his throat, and she giggled. “Drink up,
” he encouraged.

  She downed half the drink with a few swallows, her gaze meeting his when she set the glass onto the counter. “Rhett, I want you to know I’m not going to disappoint you.”

  He jokingly leered. “Baby, you never disappoint me.”

  “No.” Reaching out, she touched him, resting her hand on his forearm, her fingers lightly caressing his skin. “I’m serious. It’s going to all come together. I know it.”

  “Gabriella…” She was referring to the project, to the scent, he knew this. Yet he’d already written it off, having gone over it in his head again and again. What he might say to his brothers, how he might put them off.

  There was no way they’d let him put them off. Yet he’d pondered it anyway.

  “I’ve come up with an idea. But I need to take you to the villa and show you what it is.”

  Brows furrowed, he studied her. “What do you mean?”

  A mysterious smile played at the corners of her lips. “Let’s head back and I’ll explain everything.”

  Excitement bubbled up within her as she opened the door and entered the villa, Rhett right behind her, so close she could feel his body heat, smell his deliciously masculine scent. He reached for her the moment the door clicked shut behind him, one strong arm wrapped around her middle as he pulled her close.

  Ella melted into him, leaning her head against his firm chest. His skin was warm, his arms strong, his heartbeat steady and true. He’d grabbed her much the same way that first night. The first time they’d made love. He probably didn’t realize how much he reassured her, how much she’d grown to need that reassurance in such a short time.

  If only he would let her in, let her get closer. She could show him exactly how well they complemented each other. They were well matched, yet he’d probably run and hide if she attempted to show him just how good they could be together. He wasn’t one for commitment. Wasn’t one to stick around and make something work. He’d so much as told her that the first night they were together.

  She was a fool to think she could convince him otherwise…

  “What’s this grand idea you were talking about earlier?” He pressed his face against her neck, kissing her there. His mouth was damp and full, lingering as he delivered another, then another kiss along the column of her throat.

  Closing her eyes, she savored the feel of his lips on her skin, his hand moving up to cup her breast, his burgeoning erection brushing against her backside. She was completely surrounded by him and it felt like heaven. “It’s about the scent. I know exactly what I want it to be.”

  He paused in his ministrations, long fingers curled around one breast, his lips moving against her neck as he spoke, tickling her sensitive skin. “Exactly?”

  Ella nodded, resting her arms over his, caressing his forearms with her fingertips. “It came to me while you were sulking in the bar.”

  “Hey.” He bit the side of her neck, immediately soothing the sting with his tongue.

  “I’m calling it like I saw it.” She bit back the gasp that threatened to escape when he tugged on the elastic top of her dress. It came down with ease, exposing her bare breasts, and he growled with satisfaction.

  “Coming into that bar with no bra on, no wonder the bartender stared at you.”

  Her cheeks heated and she arched her back, filling his seeking hands with her breasts. “I was trying to get your attention.”

  “You already have it.” His fingers stroked, ratcheting her pleasure higher and higher. “Tell me about your epiphany.”

  “How about I show you instead?” She turned in his embrace, extracting herself only to arm’s length so she could grab his hands and lead him to the bedroom.

  The smile on his face told her how pleased he was with her answer. He let her walk him into his bedroom, his gaze locked on her bared breasts. Typical lust-filled man. She stopped when they were at the foot of the bed and let go of him, gathering the skirt of her dress in her hands so she could yank it over her head and toss it onto the floor.

  Revealing she wore nothing at all beneath the sunny-colored dress.

  His eyes widened as he drank her in, his lips parting on a faint sigh. Slowly he shook his head, his gaze gleaming with approval. “Is this what you wanted to show me?”

  The sound of his hoarse voice sent a flash of satisfaction through her. She loved that she could affect him so. “I’m only part of the equation.”

  “I’m really hoping I’m the other part,” he said eagerly.

  She laughed and approached him, wrapping her body around his, clinging as if she’d never let him go. He grabbed hold of her hips, his fingers pressing into her skin, holding her flush to him. “You’re definitely the other part,” she whispered against his mouth before she kissed him.

  The kiss turned instantly deep, hot. Wet and wild within seconds. She whimpered when his grip tightened on her hips, exhaled in relief when he tossed her onto the bed as if she didn’t weigh a thing. He took complete and total control, tearing his clothes off with ruthless efficiency before joining her on the bed. Covering her completely with his body, his erection nudged against her stomach, the tip of it damp, leaving sticky residue on her belly.

  She reached for him, wrapped her fingers around his length and stroked the flared head with her thumb. He groaned and took her mouth again, the kiss brutal. Beautiful.

  “I want to wait,” he panted in her ear when they broke apart. “I want to make it good for you. But I never can.”

  His eagerness, his loss of complete control thrilled her. She’d rather have him in the throes of passion, unable to hold back versus calm and calculated. The out-of-control Rhett seemed more real, rawer.

  “You always make it good,” she whispered. “I need you inside me, Rhett. Please.”

  Groaning, he reared up on his knees, reached toward the bedside table where a lone condom lay in wait. She’d not seen it, watched in silent fascination as he tore open the wrapper. Slipping the condom on over his engorged cock, he stroked himself. Once. Twice, as he was prone to do.

  It drove her wild. What would it be like, watching him bring himself to climax? It might teach her a lesson or two. Show her exactly how he liked to be handled…

  “God, the way you’re looking at me.” He sprawled on top of her, propping himself on his elbows so he could stare into her eyes. “I’m almost afraid to ask what you were thinking.”

  Smiling, she slipped her arms around his neck and clasped the back of his head, bringing him closer. “Don’t be afraid. I’m thinking all good things.” She kissed him, briefly. Sweetly. “Wicked, naughty things.”

  “Hmm, sounds promising.” His kisses were definitely promising. So full of passion, caring, tenderness, yet edged with scorching heat. He cupped her breasts, tore away from her mouth so he could press kisses to her flesh, draw his tongue around her nipples. She held him close, wanting more, wanting all of him.

  “Rhett.” She whimpered his name when he bit her nipple, just hard enough to send pleasurable pain shooting through her. He continued his attention on her breasts and she soon grew restless, bucking her hips, sliding her legs against his. She wanted him inside her. Wanted him to fill her completely, pound deep, wanted to hear his murmur of pleasure just before he came…

  Grabbing her by the back of the knee, he pulled her leg up, hooking it around his hip. Opening her to him, she could feel how wet she was, how much she was ready for him. His cock brushed against her entry and she strained her hips, wanting him inside her. Filling her…

  “Jesus, you drive me insane,” he whispered as he moved up so they were facing each other, chest to chest. He wound her hair around his fist, tugging gently so her head tilted back. She parted her lips, sighing when he traced first her bottom lip, then the top with his tongue. All the while his other hand pulled her hair tighter, and she exhaled in a hiss when he took her mouth, took her very breath.

  Letting go of her, he reared up on his knees, grabbing her by the hips and pulling her in. Slowly, he en
tered her, inch by hard inch, his gaze locked with hers, his hands pressing into her tender flesh. She closed her eyes against the pleasure, moaning when he withdrew and thrust back inside. Again and again, he pumped within her, his pace increasing with every stroke, his hands holding her firm.

  She wound her legs around him, sending him deeper. He groaned her name, moving faster and she reveled in it. Reveled in the way he held her possessively, used her so deliciously.

  “Open your eyes,” he urged and she did, found him watching her. The primal expression on his face, the smoldering heat in his gaze set her skin aflame, made her belly clench. “God, you’re so beautiful.”

  His voice was hoarse, his grip tight, his words said with such sincerity. She arched into him, lifting her lower body, and he held her closer, pummeling inside her body, the both of them breathing so hard she swore they steamed up the room.

  She was close. Tingles swept over her skin, scattered within her, and she clamped her legs tighter around his hips. “Oh God.”

  “You’re close, aren’t you?” He was so perceptive. Reaching between them, his thumb played with her clit. “Come with me, Ella.”

  The orgasm washed over her and she cried out, her entire body trembling from the force of it. She closed her eyes, heard his raspy shout as he spilled within her. He collapsed on top of her seconds later, his body heavy and hot, damp with sweat. She wound her arms around him, skimmed her fingers down the smooth length of his back, stroked over his firm buttocks.

  “I’m crushing you,” he murmured into her hair.

  She tightened her hold on him when he tried to move. “Stay.”

  Chuckling, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You make me sound like a dog.”

  “Mmm, never.” She squeezed him close, savoring the feel of him surrounding her. He felt so good, so…right.

  And that didn’t scare her. If only she could convince him to feel the same…

  “You smell good,” he whispered, his lips lingering on her temple.


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