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Worth the Wait (Crimson Romance)

Page 11

by Synithia Williams

  Angie snorted. “I bet.”

  Tasha glared at her sister before turning to her dad. “What were you asking?”

  Her dad leaned back in his chair. “I asked what you thought of my sermon today. Some people think it’s old fashioned when I preach about saving yourself until marriage, but you’ve been able to keep yourself pure for thirty years. I almost used you for an example.” He laughed.

  Tasha’s eyes widened. “Please don’t do that. I really don’t want that type of attention.”

  “Why not, Tasha? It’s something to be proud of,” Angie said with a twisted smile and raised eyebrow.

  She hadn’t told her sister about her weekend with Jared, although Angie had probably figured it out. She hadn’t talked to anyone about it, including Shayla. It was hard enough to not think about Jared, no need to purposefully talk about him.

  “I don’t want to talk about my personal life any more than you do. It’s not the congregation’s business,” she said to her sister.

  Angie shook her head and took a bite of the meatloaf.

  Her dad waved his hand to get their attention. “I wouldn’t do you like that, but I am proud of you. So many women out there get caught up in temptation. That’s why we have so many diseases and babies out of wedlock. Whenever people tell me I’m being old-fashioned, I want to say, ‘Hold up. Look at my two girls.’ One gave herself only to her husband and the other is still waiting. You girls are a true blessing.”

  “Amen,” her mom agreed with a smile.

  Angie caught Tasha’s gaze and both of them nodded frozenly. What would her dad say if he knew that at this moment she wanted to leave their house and run straight to Jared’s? He promised to be ready when she called, and God help her she wanted to call him every day. Pride stopped her. Pride, and the fact he hadn’t called her.

  Memories of the way he’d kissed her from head to toe were her constant companion. She squirmed in her seat and her breathing became shallow. Every time he’d slid inside of her, it had felt so right, so wonderful.

  “Tasha, are you okay? You look flushed.” Her mom’s voice broke into her thoughts.

  She looked up with a start, her cheeks flaming. Here her dad was talking about how proud he was of his virgin daughter and she was fantasizing about her only sexual partner.

  “I’m not feeling too good. I think I’m going to go home early,” she said as she slid her chair from the table.

  “You can always stay here if you’re feeling bad,” her dad offered, concern in his eyes.

  “No, I just think I’m tired.” She grabbed her plate from the table and hurried into the kitchen. She dropped her plate in the sink and rested her forehead in her hand. She would not call him.

  She hurried from the kitchen before her sister could follow and question her mood, quickly kissed her parents goodbye, and left, avoiding Angie’s gaze the entire time.

  When she got home she cleaned the house from top to bottom, but it didn’t distract her. All it did was make it easier for memories of her weekend in Charleston to hijack her exhausted brain when she finally lay down to go to sleep. Her breasts and the wet spot between her legs ached for more. With a groan, she hit the pillow and rolled over, willing herself to go to sleep.

  The next day work was a typical Monday. Although summer camp at the center wouldn’t start for another two months, they had to arrange the schedules and confirm locations for traveling field trips. The water park they always took the kids to was under new management and wanted to raise the price for the field trip. After a frustrating call where she negotiated the new price, she then had to get with the various counselors about the after school schedule. Standardized testing was starting and they tried to supplement the student’s studies with information that would help them on the tests. After lunch, she got with the head of the local League of Women’s voters to arrange the group’s rental of the facility for a fundraiser later that month. By the time three o’clock hit, Tasha had a screaming headache.

  Latiffa came when she got out of school at three to work the front desk. The teenager poked her head in after knocking. “Ms. Tasha, you have a call on line one. You want me to send it over?”

  She didn’t want to talk with anyone, but was expecting a call from one of the councilmen about funding for the center. The city was in the middle of budget talks and now was the time to press the case for continued funding.

  “Sure, Latiffa.”

  The girl nodded and went back to the desk. A few seconds later, her phone rang. “Central Midlands Rec Commission, Tasha speaking.”

  “It’s been two weeks.” Jared’s voice came through the phone. A deep tremor ran through her body. Her heart vibrated and her thighs clenched.

  She took a deep breath before answering. “Jared. It’s nice to hear from you.”

  He chuckled. “Nice to hear from me? Okay, so you want to keep up the fight.”

  “There is no fight. I told you it was only for that weekend.”

  “I’ve thought about kissing you every night since we got back. And I’m not talking about just your mouth.”

  Tasha swallowed hard. “Jared, I need to find a husband.”

  “Is there anyone in the running right now?”


  “Have you met someone in the past two weeks that you’re even thinking about dating?”

  “No, but — ”

  “But nothing. Why deny both of us what we want when there’s no need to. You’re an adult and so am I. We can do this for a while. When you meet someone else, I’ll walk away, no problem.”

  It was tempting, but she couldn’t do it. She got too wrapped up in Jared and that was scary. “No. I can’t open myself to another man if I’m fooling around with you.”

  “Just tell me one thing. Do you think about that weekend?”

  She wanted to deny it, but what was the point? He knew how good it had been. “Every day. That’s why I can’t do it anymore.”

  She heard him sigh. “I’ll be ready when you come around.” He ended the call.

  She wanted to scream. Now she had a headache and she was horny. Damn him and his good sex. She snatched up her phone to call Shayla, but didn’t make the call. She didn’t need Shayla to push her into something she already wanted to do. She’d wished for his call since they’d returned. Truthfully, she’d waited on him to call and prove he wanted her just as much as she wanted him.

  What he’d said was true. She wasn’t seeing anyone right now. Would it really hurt to sleep with him one or two more times? Just to get it out of her system. And if she felt herself getting tied up in knots, she would stop. She could stop anytime she wanted. You sound like a junkie!

  She jumped up from her desk and grabbed her purse from the coat rack. There was no time to think about this. The longer she thought, the longer she’d say no.

  “Oh, Ms. Tasha, can you help me?” Latiffa called as soon as she exited her office. “This man wants to sign up for the men’s basketball league, and I can’t find the paperwork.” She pointed to a guy across the counter.

  Not paying attention to the man, Shayla walked over to Latiffa. “Craig had copies made this morning. He probably has them in his office.” She pointed to the office of the director of intramural sports.

  Latiffa nodded and jumped up from the desk to go to Craig’s office. Not wanting to leave the man standing there, Tasha finally looked up and smiled. She paused when she met warm black eyes set in a handsome brown face. His wide shoulders strained the seams of the hospital scrubs he wore. His hair was styled in a small afro that was tapered at the sides. When he smiled back at her, his full lips revealed even white teeth.

  “You’re Tasha Smith,” he said in a smooth baritone voice.

  “I am. Do I know you?”

  He shook his head. “No, a friend of mine works out in your gym and mentioned you. He was right, you are a very attractive woman.”

  Tasha blushed and fought the urge to straighten her hair. “What’s your friend’s na
me? I’ll have to thank him for such a wonderful compliment.”

  “Charles Worthington.”

  The smile left Tasha’s face. Charles Worthington, the asshole her sister had hooked her up with.

  The man’s eyes widened when she frowned. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, it’s just that Charles and I aren’t friends.”

  He held up a hand, regret in his eyes. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I guess I goofed up my introduction with a beautiful woman.” He reached out his hand. “I’m Dr. Kevis Flynn. No relation to Charles Worthington, and I only play ball with him occasionally. Please don’t hold it against me.”

  Tasha accepted the handshake. His large warm hand squeezed hers firmly, but not tightly. She quickly removed her hand from his and smoothed her hair back. “Doctor?”

  “Yes, I’m an ER doctor at Palmetto Health Baptist. Just started a few weeks ago.”

  As handsome as Dr. Flynn was, his friendship with Charles’s dampened her attraction. Too bad, he may have been worth getting to know better.

  “Well, Dr. Flynn, I really need to go.”

  He smiled. “Please, call me Kevis. I hope you’ll come watch me play ball sometime. I’ll score twenty points just for you.”

  Tasha laughed. “Are you always such a flirt?”

  He shrugged. “Only when I see someone worth flirting with.”

  Latiffa came back with the paperwork and passed it to Kevis. Tasha smiled at him. “Have a nice day, Kevis.”

  “You too, Tasha.”

  His voice could give Barry White a run for his money. She felt his eyes on her as she walked out, but didn’t turn around. His relationship with Charles was enough to rule him out, and her mind quickly turned back to Jared.

  • • •

  Tasha didn’t give herself time to think about what she was doing on her way to Jared’s. Showing up unannounced was a bold move, but she had to be bold or else she’d chicken out. A part of her hoped he wasn’t at home or was in the middle of a training session. It would give her the out she knew she didn’t have the guts to make.

  She pulled into his driveway and was thankful there were no other cars there. It was a good sign that he was either alone, or not at home. She took a deep breath and smoothed her hair back into the ponytail before getting out of the car and ringing his doorbell.

  Just two or three more times to get him out of your system, she said to herself.

  The door swung open and Tasha froze. Her sister’s best friend, and Jared’s soon to be sister-in-law, stood on the other side.

  Surprise was obvious in Kenyatta’s face, but she smiled openly. “Hey, Tasha, what are you doing here?”

  Tasha gaped for a second before catching herself. “Um, Jared forgot to … um … turn in the mentor forms.” She coughed. “I came over to … get them. Because, you know, we’ve got to make sure we report that with budget hearings coming up.” Good Lord, she was rambling. She cleared her throat. “What are you doing here?”

  Kenyatta smiled and her brown eyes sparkled. It was not surprising Kenyatta had attracted the attention of one of the Patterson brothers. She was smart, beautiful, and curvaceous. “I’m helping Malcolm and Jared plan their mother’s birthday party. I got off work early and Malcolm is meeting me over here.” She winked at Tasha. “Plus, I want to get Jared’s help on a picking a location for our honeymoon. Malcolm mentioned this fishing trip he took to Canada with Jared a few years ago. So I’m picking his brain before Malcolm gets here.”

  Relief and disappointment warred within Tasha. She had her way out, but now she wasn’t sure she wanted it. “I can come back later.”

  Kenyatta waved a hand and ushered her in. “Don’t be silly. Knowing Jared, your forms are on the seat of his car or something. If you want, stick around. I haven’t seen you in a while. We can catch up.”

  “I wouldn’t want to intrude. I’ll grab them and go.”

  Kenyatta closed the door behind Tasha at the same time as Jared rounded the corner into the entryway. He froze when he saw her. Desire filled his eyes as he looked her over from head to toe. His gaze was like a caress. Her heartbeat speed up, and her breathing became shallow.

  “Tasha,” he said.

  “Jared,” she answered.

  Kenyatta looked between them. She raised an eyebrow then smiled. “Jared, I’m going to use your office computer to look up that place in Canada.”

  He nodded. Kenyatta shook her head before walking away.

  The heat in Jared’s gaze set Tasha’s body on fire. Blood rushed in her ears. How quickly could he get out of those clothes? It shouldn’t take long; he was in his standard attire: basketball shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. But it was still too many clothes.

  She closed her eyes to regain composure. Two or three times, Tasha. That’s it.

  She opened her eyes and met his gaze. “I thought … ”

  He didn’t let her finish. He quickly eliminated the distance between them and picked her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist as their mouths met in a passionate kiss. He pressed her against the door as his tongue danced with hers. She moaned and brought her hands up to his face as she met his kiss head on.

  Jared moved one arm to run his hand up her thigh. She loved it when he held her as if she weighed nothing. When his hand went up her khaki skirt, he didn’t pause before sliding a finger in the side of her underwear.

  He groaned when his finger slid through her slick heat. “Damn, you’re wet already.”

  His mouth moved to kiss her throat and Tasha gasped when he slid a finger inside her. He moved in and out slowly, making her whimper in pleasure.

  “Jared, you’re going to make me come,” she panted.

  “Not yet. I want to be inside you.” He reached for the waistband of his shorts and pushed them down. His erection bounced against her. She bit her lip to keep from crying out. He rubbed himself against her underwear and cursed. “No condom.”

  “In my purse. I stopped to buy some.”

  He looked up, and she pulled the purse off her shoulder. Jared continued to press against her as she dug out the protection.

  “We can’t do it here. Kenyatta,” she said.

  “Is downstairs in my office.” He took the condom from her and ripped open the package with his teeth. He shifted her weight as he slipped it on while still holding her.

  “You’ve done this before,” she teased.

  “Not with you.” He reached between them to push aside her underwear and slid inside of her with one smooth stoke.

  “Oh God!”


  They gasped in union. Tasha tightened her legs around him and buried her face in his neck. He pumped his hips and she smiled decadently as he rubbed within her.

  “Hold your head up,” he told her.

  She lifted her head and put it against the door.

  “Grab my shoulders.” When she did, he took a step back and grabbed her waist. He tilted her pelvis forward and increased his speed.

  Tasha’s shoulders pressed into the door, but she didn’t care. She looked down at where they were joined and her arousal grew with every slide of his body within hers. Her climax came suddenly and strongly. Still mindful someone was in the house she bit her lip to keep from yelling out.

  Jared came a second after she did. Keeping her legs wrapped tight, he moved forward until they were pressed against each other. Their gazes locked as their breathing slowly came back to normal.


  Jared handed Tasha a glass of wine before leaning on the bar and eyeing her over his own glass. Thankfully, Kenyatta left a few minutes after he and Tasha had finished in the entryway. She’d said Malcolm couldn’t get off work, and he hoped that was the truth. He didn’t need her running to tell Malcolm which virgin he’d deflowered.

  It was unlike him to jump Tasha when she was only two feet in his home. But no other woman ever drove him crazy with just a look. He did have the common sense to take her to bed after Kenyatta left.
The door had barely closed behind Kenyatta before he picked Tasha up and sprinted to his bedroom. But once there, he’d taken his time reacquainting himself with every inch of her body. He’d been rewarded with soft sighs and cries of pleasure that he couldn’t get enough of.

  She’d snuggled against him afterwards. As if she was supposed to be there. Even scarier, he liked it. Needless to say he’d panicked. Jared Patterson didn’t snuggle. He’d jumped out of bed and offered her a glass of wine.

  The disappointment in her eyes was quickly replaced with gratitude. He knew his withdrawal was callous, but surprisingly she didn’t ask what was wrong or pout like other women tended to do. She’d agreed to the wine and ignored the awkward moment. He could’ve kissed her for that while also wondering why she didn’t seem to care.

  He looked at her now. She’d put on his bathrobe and he lost his train of thought ever time the soft swell of her breasts was revealed by the gaping fabric. And savored the smell of her clean scent mingled with the smell of their lovemaking. Why did this former virgin turn him on more than any other woman he knew?

  “You’re looking at me like I’m a puzzle you can’t figure out,” she said with a smile.

  He lowered his glass. “Because I can’t figure you out. It wasn’t an hour ago you said you wouldn’t sleep with me again, yet you show up and sex me at my front door.”

  She laughed. “Don’t blame that on me. I was about to tell you I came over for the mentor reports and you cut me off mid-sentence.”

  He grinned and leaned forward. “I don’t mentor on Mondays. So what gives? Why did you show up and let me cut you off mid-sentence?”

  Tasha’s eyes lowered, but the smile remained on her face. “You made a good point. I’m not seeing anyone right now. It won’t hurt to sleep with you once or twice. Just to get it out of my system.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Once or twice? If that’s the case, then it should be out of your system.”

  She looked back at him. Her honey eyes and flushed cheeks were adorable. Adorable? Where had that come from?

  “I want to do this. Just for a few weeks.”


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